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Lesson Plan for ENGLISH 10

May 30, 2023

Content Standard Styles in Review of Related Literature, Citation, or
Standard References

Learning Target Cite related literature using APA standard style (EN10SS-IVe-2.3)

Objectives At the end of the lesson, students are expected to:

1. Identify standard styles of citation (APA);

2. Express appreciation for or recognition of people’s ownership of
borrowed ideas;
3. Write In-text citations using APA format based on the chosen
research topic

Subject Matter APA Style of Citation

References: Curriculum Guide for Practical Research I/ Kto12 MELCs

Baraceros, E.L. (2016).Practical Research I (pp. 75-76; 145-149)

Materials: laptop, powerPoint, video clip, meta cards

I. Preliminaries
Presentation Routine/Reminders/Review: (5 minutes) Indicator 1, 6
Short Recap: Recall the Ethical Standards of Research
 Honesty
 Integrity
 Trustworthiness
 Openness
 Respect for Intellectual Property

Motivation: CORRECT ME IF I’M WRONG (5 minutes) Indicator 1, 2, 6.

Let students recognize research misconducts through arranging the
scrambled letters.
 refers to fraudulent acts that entail claiming another person’s
ideas, work or publication violating intellectual property rights by
stealing and dishonesty. PAGLIARIMS (Plagiarism)
 It involves producing data without an actual experimentation or altering
data in recording with the intent to fit them to desired results.
BAFCARITION (Fabrication)
 It entails faulty gathering of data due to negligence and carelessness
which lead to errors in measurement or instrument use. TIONSIFALFICA
II. Lesson Proper
Activity: ACTIVATING PRIOR KNOWLEDGE (10 minutes) Indicator 2, 6.

1. When should you use in-text citations within your paper?

A. At the end of each page.
B. At the end of every paragraph.
C. Whenever information has come from another source.

2. For all paraphrased or summarized content, the in-text citation must

Palkan National High School Division of South Cotabato

A. The author’s last name and the page or paragraph number
B. The author’s last name and the date of publication
C. The title of the document and the author’s last name
3. For all quoted material, the in-text citation must include:
A. The author’s last name, title of the source, and page/paragraph
B. The author’s last name, year, and page/paragraph
C. The author’s last name, year, and title of the source
4. Which of the following examples includes a properly formatted in-text
citation for a summary or paraphrase?
A. Jones (2006) stated the result of study directly correlate with the
B. ABC Corporation (Jones, 2001) was operating on a significantly reduced
C. Smith implied the assumptions of the research indicated a problem…..
(Smith, 2004)
5. Which of the following examples includes a properly formatted in-text
citation for a quote?
A. Matthews said, “The research study results were inconclusive” (para.4).
B. Smith (2005) stated, “The rules and regulations clearly mandate…” (p.
C. Alex (2010) said, “After all this time, I find it hard to believe the theory
of …”.

Analysis: HOTS questions (5 minutes) Indicator 2, 6.

Based on the concepts presented, students will share their answers about:
1. What is citation or in-text Citation?
2. Why is citation important in research?
3. What are the styles of citation?
4. How do you write an in-text citation?

Abstraction: INTERACTIVE DISCUSSION (15 minutes) Indicator 1, 2, 6,


 Terms used to express appreciation for or recognition of people’s

ownership of borrowed ideas: Acknowledge, References or
Bibliography, Citation or In-text Citation
 Purposes of Citation
 Styles of Citation: Integral Citation; Non-Integral Citation
 Patterns of Citation: Summary; Paraphrase; Short Direct Quotation;
Long Direct Quotation

Conduct a lecturette and give more inputs.

Application: COLLABORATIVE WORK (10 minutes)Indicator 1, 2, 5, 6

Write a sample of In-text Citation based on the groups’ agreed
research topic. Present it creatively.
Group I- News casting
Group II- Dramatic Poetry
Group III- Singing
Group IV-Talk Show
Rubric: Content-5
Collaboration- 5

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Over-all Presentation-5

Assessment Short Quiz. (10 minutes) Indicator 2, 5, 6

1. When should you use in-text citations within your paper?

A. At the end of every paragraph.
B. Whenever information has come from another source.
C. At the end of each page.

2. For all paraphrased or summarized content, the in-text citation must

A. The author’s last name and the date of publication
B. The author’s last name and the page or paragraph number
C. The title of the document and the author’s last name

3. For all quoted material, the in-text citation must include:

A. The author’s last name, title of the source, and page/paragraph
B. The author’s last name, year, and page/paragraph
C. The author’s last name, year, and title of the source

4. Which of the following examples includes a properly formatted in-text

citation for a summary or paraphrase?
A. ABC Corporation (Jones, 2001) was operating on a significantly reduced
B. Smith implied the assumptions of the research indicated a problem…..
(Smith, 2004)
C. Jones (2006) stated the result of study directly correlate with the

5. Which of the following examples includes a properly formatted in-text

citation for a quote?
A. Matthews said, “The research study results were inconclusive” (para.4).
B. Smith (2005) stated, “The rules and regulations clearly mandate…” (p.
C. Alex (2010) said, “After all this time, I find it hard to believe the theory
of …”.

6. Which of the following examples incudes a properly formatted in-text

citation for a paraphrase?
A. Adults students are frequently motivated to return to school…. (Alex et
al., 2005)
B. After returning from war (Smith et al.), disabled veterans typically
C. In examining the philosophies of education, the challenges associated
with… (Carter & Glick)

7. Which of the following examples includes a properly formatted in-text

citation for a quote?
A. Johns stated “the placement of the photographs is not conducive…”
B. ‘After running for political office, it was deemed appropriate that we…”
(2011, pg. 128)

Palkan National High School Division of South Cotabato

C. The emphasis on philosophical discourse is related…” (Williams &
Snode, 2005, p. 45)

8. What pattern of citation is a shortened version of the original text and is

expressed in your own words?
A. Paraphrase
B. Direct Quotation
C. Summary

9. Why do you cite sources of information in research?

A. To allow your readers to find your sources for their own use.
B. To give credit of your own work.
C. To plagiarize ideas of others.

10. Which of the following in-text citations is the correct format for a
source with 3 or more authors?
A. (Smith, Jones, & Sloan, 2016)
B. (Smith et al., 2016)
C. (Smith, Jones, & Sloan, Brown, Lee, Simmons & Mort, 2016)

Assignment Write additional In-text Citations of your research Indicator 1, 6, 7


Prepared by:

Teacher II

Checked and Observed:

Master Teacher I

Palkan National High School Division of South Cotabato

Palkan National High School Division of South Cotabato

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