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Name: ________________________Grade & Section: __________Date: _________________

Learning Activity Sheet


I. Background Information:
In formulating the title, the researcher should avoid using words that serve no useful
purposes and can mislead indexers. The words methods, investigations, and study appear
redundant when used in the thesis title. In many cases, the general problem or even the
specific question that the researcher intends to answer, when written in a statement form, can
serve as the title. The title must have 10-15 words.
Generally, the title should include the following:
a) summarize the main idea of the paper;
b) be a concise statement of the main topic;
c) include the major variable/s;
d) show the relationship of the main variables of the study;
e) include the main task of the researcher about the major variables under the study;
f) mention participants (in a general manner) and the setting
Wrong: Grade 5 pupils of Dr. Cristobal Elementary School
Correct: Elementary Pupils in Selected Elementary Schools
Tardiness Lack of

Parental Academic
Concern Issues
y of
Allowances Transp Time
ortatio Factor

Performanc Attitudinal
e Concerns
nt Styles
Based from the above issue with identified influencing factors, this will be one
your research titles.
“Parental Concern, Difficulty of Transportation, and Academic Issues Among
High School Students”
II. Learning Competency with code
Writes a research title. (CS_RS12-Id-e-2).
1. formulate a title of a quantitative research
III. Activities
A. Enumerate possible problems (think of those that can be measured quantitatively) you
may encounter in this various setting. (3 points each)
1. Personal (family and social) Life
a. ___________________________________________________________________
b. ___________________________________________________________________
c. ___________________________________________________________________
2. School
a. ___________________________________________________________________
b. ___________________________________________________________________
c. ___________________________________________________________________
3. Community
a. ___________________________________________________________________
b. ___________________________________________________________________
c. ___________________________________________________________________
4. Government
a. ___________________________________________________________________
b. ___________________________________________________________________
c. ___________________________________________________________________

B. From the enumerated possible research problems, identify at least three (3)
researchable problems using the internal and external criteria. Explain why you have chosen
these research problems.
a. ___________________________________________________________________
b. ___________________________________________________________________
c. ___________________________________________________________________
IV. Rubric for Essay
Full Accomplishment
15 points Students were able to give all the required topics and were able to explain the
reasons for their choices in a clear and consistent manner.
Substantial Accomplishment
10 points Students were able to give two of the required topics and were able to explain
the reasons for their choices a somewhat consistent manner.
Little of Partial Accomplishment
5 points Students were able to give only one of the required topics and have difficulty in
explaining the reasons for their choices consistently.
V. Reflection
Put a checkmark on the blank, which corresponds to how well you learned the lesson.
Statement Always(5) Sometimes(4) Never(3)
1.I can easily identify topics related to my
2. I can identify topics encountered in daily living
3. I can easily write reasons in choosing research

Prepared by:

Teacher I

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