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Form 4 Bus/Sci

Social Studies Assignment

Read the following passage below and answer the questions that follow:

Paul previously lived at home with his parents and two sisters. His grandmother, Molly, who is
85 years old, has recently joined the family. She suffers from diabetes and high blood pressure
and uses a wheelchair. The family does not want her to live in a home for the elderly. They
have discussed with Grandmother Molly the changes that the family will make to improve the
quality of her life.
(a) (i) Name the family type to which Paul belonged. (1 mark)
1. Nuclear family
(ii) Name the family type to which Paul now belongs. (1 mark)
2. Extended family
(b) Identify TWO possible changes the family may need to make to improve the quality of
life for Grandmother Molly. (2 marks)
1. Make sure that her emotional needs are met, spending quality time with her
doing family activities.
2. Making sure that she stays healthy and active , by doing small things keep
her bones strong.
(c) Give TWO reasons why a family may NOT wish to have a family member live in a home
for the elderly. (6 marks)
1. They may think that she may not get the proper care she needs at home with so
many other elderly.
2. It may cause the grandmother to have increased stress along with her sickness
because she is not near her loved ones and cannot have that sense of ease that you get
with family.
(d) (i) Suggest, giving full details, THREE measures the government of your country
may take to improve the lives of elderly people. (6 marks)
1. They could make a medical program for elderly people who cannot afford there
hospital bills, so they can have access to good medical care without worrying about cost.
2. Make sure that they have good elderly homes with certified caregivers to take
care of them 24/7.
3. They could set up elderly programs where they can socialize with people in their
same age group and do activities they may have in common to relieve stress.
(ii) Explain fully why EACH of the measures you suggested is likely to be successful.
Old age is a very important matter, because with aging u start to get less strong, easier to
develop sickness, and mental health problems. So they need proper care and treatment
around them 24/7 in case of an emergency, that is why my second point is valid, also they
shouldn't have to worry about expenses , this is the time where we need to give back to
the older society by covering medical bills stated in my first point and lastly, in there last
couple of years on earth they shouldn't be having anxiety or anytime of stress caused by
there surroundings, that is why with a nice peaceful community center stated in my last
point they can enjoy their time left with the other elders.
(6 marks)

Total 20 Marks

Due Date: Wednesday, January 26, 2022

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