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12 Questions DATE  : 

1. Photoreceptors are found in your

A nose B mouth

C skin D eyes

E ears

2. Receptors found in your mouth are

A mechanical receptors B sound receptors

C chemical receptors D photoreceptors

3. Which type of receptor is NOT found in your skin?

A light B pain

C temperature D pressure

4. Receptors send messages to the... (pick the MOST correct option)

A control centers B brain

C organs D spinal cord

5. Nerve impulses are carried from the eye to the brain by the

A rod and cone cells B transducens nerve

C optic nerve D cornea

6. Which of the following statements about sense organs is INCORRECT?

They are responsible for detecting

A B There are five sense organs in humans.

They are responsible for producing

C D They contain sensory cells.

7. Which of the following is the cause of illusion?

A The brain is tired. B The brain fails to work.

The signals are not interpreted by the

C The brain misinterprets the signals. D

8. The cells responsible for color vision in vertebrates are called

A cupula cells B cone cells

C bipolar cells D rod cells

9. Rod cells and cone cells are located in the

A retina B organ of Corti

C cornea D iris

10. The ear contains ______.

A proprioceptors B mechanoreceptors

C chemoreceptors D photoreceptors

11. The ear functions for ___________.

A hearing B both balance and hearing

C balance
12. Which of the following senses are most closely related:

A touch and smell B taste and hearing

C hearing and smell D smell and taste

Answer Key

1.d 2.c 3.a 4.a

5.c 6.c 7.c 8.b

9.a 10.b 11.b 12.d

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