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Next, college sell things that evolve from their athletes work hard.

This shows that college

take all the money with them without distribute the income with the athletes. This will also affect
the athlete’s mindset to stay on the sports section because they think it is not commensurate with
the hard work they did. This situation shows that the college athletes been used for college profits.
In my opinion, it is not fair for athletes to be used like this.

Last but not least, we agree with the author for the college students should get paid. This is
because college athletes need the side income to maintain their ability in sport and improve
themselves. Example for this issues from our college is badminton athletes need the a money to
book a court for training session to improve their ability. To book one court badminton nowadays is
not cheap as before, especially athletes who does not have time to do a part-time job because their
keep focus to maintain their body and ability.

In conclusion, these are the reasons why college athletes should get paid for being college
athletes. From our point of view, Kyle Henderson agreed for college athletes to get paid for what
have they done for the college. The argument and elaboration from the author is clear because it is
straight to the point of what she want to said. The article is well organised and the author also give
one specific organization to solve this issues which is NCAA.

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