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Name : Dilla Nurul Khafidah

Class : BS 1C
NIM : 2104411071
Date : 20 December 2021
English Business

NOTE: I have four mistake. In part A there are two mistake, in part C there is one
mistake and lastly in part D there is one mistake.
Part A: Meeting Preparations
L: Lisa M: Michael

L: Michael, I need you to help me arrange our company’s annual sales meeting the
(this) year.
M: I’m happy to help. When would you like to have the meeting?
L: It usually happens in March, so let’s keep that the same.
M: OK. Which date in March would be good?
L: Any Friday should be fine.
M: What time would you like to start?
L: Anytime. Just make sure we can finish everything by 6:00 p.m.
M: All right. And who will be coming to the meeting?
L: The sales manager from every branch will come. They will each bring their top
salespeople. You’II need to contact them and find out how many they each will be
beringing (bringing)
M: I’II e-mail them right away. Where would you like to hold the meeting?
L: Last year, we rented a conference room at the Window Hotel. Let’s do that
M: Sounds good.
Part B: A Meeting Notice
Notice Of Ideal Corporation’s Annual Sales Meeting

Ideal Corporation sales team members,

This year's annual sales meeting will be held on Friday, March 21st at 11 a.m. at the
Windom Hotel 1. for the following purposes:
1. To report the sales totals accomplished by each branch
2. To share 2. sales experiences from the past year
3. To 3. name the salesperson who brought in the most new business
4. To announce changes to the current system of reporting sales
5. To discuss any other matter that needs attention,
Please note that:
The meeting will end by 6 p.m. Any business 4. not completed by that time will
be ignored.
Only the managers of the sales teams and their top salespeople 5. are allowed to
attend this meeting. If you have not received an invitation, you cannot attend the

By order of the managing officer,

Lisa Delaney
Ideal Corporation.

Part C: Making Arrangements

Michael is calling the Windom Hotel to reserve a conference room.
R: Receptionist M: Michael

R: Thank you for calling the Windom Hotel. How may I help you?
M: Hello. 1. I would like to reserve a conference room for a meeting on Friday,
March 21st at 11:00 in the morning. We need a room for 93 people.
R: OK, sir. We do have a room available on that day.
M: 2. Does the room have a projector?
R: We can set one up for you.
M: 3. Could you also provide core this microphones?
R: Sure. Where (will) you need any refreshments?
M: Yes. We'll need sandwiches, salad, and fruit to eat, and some coffee and tea to
R: All right. We can provide that for you. Your reservation is all set.
M: Would you mind repeating that back to me?
R: 4 You have reserved a conference room on March 21st at 11:00 for 93 people.
You need a projector and cordless microphones. Refreshments will be served.
M: Perfect. Thanks you.

Part D: Meeting Minutes

Ideal Corporation Meeting Minutes March 21st
I. Call to Order:
The annual sales meeting of Ideal Corporation was called to order at 11:30 a.m. on
March 21st at the Windom Hotel conference room by Lisa Delaney.
II. 1 Roll call:
Everyone invited to the meeting was in attendance.
III. 2. Approval Of Agenda:
The agenda for the meeting was passed out and approved by all.
IV. 3. Open Issues:
a. Sales totals from each branch were reported
b. Three speakers gave presentations about their sales experiences.
c. See any (Annies) Twins was named as the salesperson who brought in the
most new business.
d. Announcements were made about changes to the system the company uses
to report sales.
V. 4. New Business:
a. Irene Smith from the West Avenue branch led a discussion about good
places to take clients for meals.
b. Martin fry from the Ryan City, branch talked about problems with the way
new clients were given to salespeople.
VI. Closing
Lisa Delaney ended the meeting at 6:05 p.m.
Minutes submitted by: Michael Ross

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