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What is the bermuda ?

All of us know The Bermuda Triangle (also known as the "Devil's Triangle") is a geographical area in the
shape of an equilateral triangle. It’s an imaginary triangular area located in the Atlantic Ocean between
Bermuda, San Juan, and Miami (Florida)

and we know about some of the theories and the legends that surprised the world, and one of them is
The incident resulting in the single largest loss of life in the history of the US Navy not related to combat
occurred when the collier Cyclops, went missing without a trace with a crew of 309 sometime after
March 4, 1918, after departing the island of Barbados. Although there is no strong evidence for any
single theory, many independent theories exist, some blaming storms, some capsizing, and some
suggesting that wartime enemy activity was to blame for the loss in the first world war and there are
others thinking about the aliens who sank it.

but actually, I don't want to go to the Bermuda triangle area itself. i want to go to its vertices, there are
beautiful places to go on vacation.

let me to begin with Miami,

ladies and gentlemen

• Let me introduce myself briefly. My name is "Abdul Rahman Refaat" and I am glad to be here today to
talk to you about a place I wish to visit.

• My goal today is to cover all these topics in this agenda.....

We all know that the Bermuda Triangle (also known as the "Devil's Triangle") is a geographical area
shaped like an equilateral triangle. It is a fictional triangular region located in the Atlantic Ocean
between Bermuda, San Juan and Miami (Florida).

And we know about some theories and legends that have surprised the world, and one of them is the
accident that resulted in the largest loss of life in US Navy history unrelated to combat that occurred
when Collier Cyclops disappeared. Without a trace with a crew of 309 sometime after March 4, 1918,
after leaving the island of Barbados. Although there is no solid evidence for any one theory, there are
many independent theories, some blaming storms, others capturing, some suggesting that enemy
wartime activity is responsible for the loss in World War I and others considering aliens who drown her.

But actually, I don't want to go to the Bermuda Triangle area itself. I chose this area because I want to go
to her head, there is a wonderful island for vacation with those amazing legends.

As I might meet an alien in the area, befriend him, and play with him.

It's Bermuda, yes I know it might be your first time hearing about this island.

Bermuda is a British Overseas Territory in the North Atlantic Ocean. Although referred to in the singular,
Bermuda includes 181 islands; The largest is the Isle of Maine. The capital of Bermuda is Hamilton.

Don't be fooled by the small size of Bermuda, this Atlantic island has a long history, special character and
charm, there are pink sand beaches and historic castles. It is popular for its water sports adventures,
such as shipwreck diving, rock jumping and deep-sea fishing. On land the island is distinguished by a
select and unique culture. It's bustling neighborhoods, brightly colored shorts, and delicious fish soup.

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