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CS 2023

Test 2
1. Metonymy is best characterised as_________.
a) naming one entity by the name of another entity connected to the
former by some regular type of relationship
b) making a rational judgment based on contiguity
c) creating images based on relations of similarity
d) referring to one object by the name of another object based on a free

Answer A is correct because metonymy is based on regular (systematic, repeated)

types of relations between entities, like concrete for abstract, producer for product,
instrument for action, etc.
Answer B is incorrect because nothing in stylistics is about rational judgement.
Answer C is incorrect because metonymy is based on contiguity (nearness), not on
similarity. Metaphor is based on similarity.
Answer D is incorrect because metonymic association is not free, it is motivated by

2. Which of the following functions is most characteristic of metonymy?

a) accentuating a particular feature of the object
b) evaluating the object
c) pointing to the relevant situation of use
d) expressing emotions

Answer A is correct because naming entities though accentuating a particular

feature (crown/throne for royalty: royalty ← people sitting on thrones and wearing
crowns) is its defining characteristic. All stylistic devices to a greater or smaller
degree evaluate, point to the relevant situation of use (you know that you cannot
use some rude expression like What an asshole! in any situation unless you really
want to insult smb) and express emotions, but accentuating a particular feature is
specific for metonymy.

3. The utterance Each face, on entering, had struggled to conceal dismay

at seeing others there (T. Capote) contains________.
a) metonymy (concrete for abstract)
b) synecdoche (part for whole)
c) synecdoche (whole for part)
d) metonymy (producer for product)

face (body part for the whole body that is each person entering)

4. The utterance The saddest words of tongue or pen (I. Shaw) instantiates
a) metonymy (object for user) and synecdoche (whole for part)
b) metonymy (controller for controlled)
c) synecdoche (part for whole)
d) metonymy (concrete for abstract) and synecdoche (part for whole)

tongue – synecdoche (body part for the person speaking→ the spoken word) + pen
– metonymy (concrete object for the written word)

5. The utterance You brought a fresh eye to the job

illustrates _________.
a) metonymy
b) periphrasis
c) synecdoche
d) metonymic symbolism
eye – body part for the person who can see very well all the details of the job

6. The utterance Through the silent sunlit solitude of the Square this
bonnet and this dress floated northwards in search of romance (A.
Bennett) instantiates _________.
a) metonymy (object for user)
b) synecdoche (part for whole)
c) metonymy (material for thing)
d) metonymy (concrete for abstract)

this bonnet and this dress – articles of clothing for the person wearing them (part of
the image for the person)
7. What type of relations does this metonymy represent: Під дзвінкії
струни гетьмани встають (Л. Боровиковський)?
a) instrument for user
b) instrument for action
c) controller for controlled
d) concrete for abstract
струни (струни = музика, яку грали музики і яка заставляла гетьманів

8. What type of relations does this metonymy represent: Він казав, що не

голодний, але з'їв дві повні тарілки?
a) container for contained
b) concrete for abstract
c) material for thing
d) instrument for action
тарілка = контейнер, що містить суп

9. What type of relations does this metonymy represent: Під вечір

виходить на вулицю він. Флоренція плаче йому навздогін (Л.
а) concrete for abstract
b) container for contained
c) place for people
d) institution for people
Флоренція = флорентійці

10. What type of relations does this metonymy represent: Ти довго

Шекспіра перекладав сьогодні (Є. Маланюк)?
a) producer for product
b) material for thing
c) instrument for action
d) concrete for abstract

Шекспір = твір Шекспіра

1 A; 2 A; 3 B; 4 D; 5 C; 6 B; 7 B; 8 A; 9 C; 10 A

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