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Is lack of housing an actual problem?

The term ’’immigration’’ represents a widely-known concept which occurs frequently nowadays
because of numerous reasons such as social conflicts within one’s country and the need of work
force. This tends to underline the idea that there is not enough space for these people to live in,
an issue that I have observed to be mentioned in the panel discussion also.
As a possible solution, there are several empty properties among all the crowded cities which
hold immense potential for solving this problem. For instance, my city center is full of ancient
blocks of flats which could be renovated into brand-new apartments. Despite representing a
marvellous idea, a recent survey proved that there is not much interest in doing so because there
are people for whom demolishing an old building represents an oppressive solution regarding the
town’s history and culture.
As an alternative solution, I strongly feel that building high-rise blocks could eventually lead to
an ideal town infrastructure where lack of housing would no longer represent an impasse in
citizens’ lives, making it the best option out of them all. Not only will this contribute to the
modernization of many countries, but it will also make inhabitants proud of their nationality and
they will no longer feel the need of emigration.
All things considered, it is my firm belief that this issue’s solution represents a beneficial way of
considerably developing a nation, skyscrapers contributing themselves to a thrilling landscape
that would change anybody’s mind when leaving the country is taken into consideration.

History – proven facts or pure imagination?

As a matter of contention, history has always made individuals doubt whether all their
knowledge regarding humanity contains a kernel of truth or not. The massive events that have
occurred by the beginning of 2020, such as the COVID pandemic or the Ukrainian war, have
provided us truth and certainty concerning them, but does the history we know today do the
One aspect related to passing on accurate information about historical events is represented by
any individual’s habit of misinterpreting, a defect that has led to several exaggerations and an
erroneous circulation of the information throughout centuries. Although representing an
excellent hurdle in passing on factual knowledge, I am inclined to believe that the majority of
people implicated as intermediates in this process kept a considerable part of the truth and just
modified the circumstances of the event in fact.
Another aspect is highlighted by the evidence. It is generally agreed that paperwork such as
official records or signed treaties between countries contains veracious data regarding our past.
Despite this general sense of trust, it is my firm belief that all these pieces of writing have
suffered massive transformations when being transmitted from generation to generation purely
because of economic interests or even the need of a nation to seem better than another one.
For the above mentioned reasons, I consider that every territory’s politics played a crucial role in
modifying information for their own interests, making it particularly hard for humanity to know
aspects of their true history.

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