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111703024 資訊一 吳欣璉

Personal Statement
My name is Landy, currently pursuing my degree in computer science at
National Chengchi University. As a motivated and adaptable student, I really
want to embrace the challenges and make the most of this exchange

Exchange Motitation
Studying abroad will provide me with an invaluable opportunity to broaden my
cultural perspectives and gain a global outlook.Moreover, immersing myself in
the local culture and language of US is highly appealing. This experience will not
only enhance my intercultural communication skills but also deepen my
appreciation for cultural diversity.


Academic Excellence
I aim to excel in my coursework, and will actively participate in class discussions,
Short-Term seek guidance from professors, and complete assignments to the best of my
Language Proficiency
One of my primary goals is to improve my language proficiency in English.I will
dedicate time each day to practice listening, speaking, reading, and writing in
the language.

Cultural Immersion

I will experience traditional customs, festivals, and daily life practices firsthand. I
aim to gain a deeper understanding and appreciation of the US's traditions,
Mid-Term Goals values, and way of life.

Academic and Professional Development

I aspire to leverage these resources to deepen my knowledge, broaden my skill

set, and gain exposure to innovative ideas and research methodologies.
Personal Growth and Independence

Studying abroad presents an opportunity for personal growth and self-

discovery. By deeling with navigating unfamiliar situations, managing my own
Long-Term affairs, and embracing the challenges that come with living in a foreign country,
Goals enhance my confidence, resilience, and ability to thrive in diverse environments.

(After) Global Perspective

My study abroad experience will provide me with a global perspective that

extends beyond the boundaries of my home country. This expanded worldview
will enable me to navigate a globalized society with empathy, cultural sensitivity,
and respect.

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