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Name: Huy Pichsarath

Room: M1.2

Final Draft
Advantage of studying overseas
Studying overseas offers three distinct advantages. Firstly, it provides the opportunity for cultural

exposure and the development of a global perspective. Getting into a foreign country, students encounter new

traditions, languages, and customs, broadening their understanding of the world. This exposure fosters

tolerance, adaptability, and intercultural communication skills. These are invaluable in developing social

interaction. Secondly, studying abroad enhances academic opportunities by granting access to prestigious

universities. Students can benefit from world-class faculty, cutting-edge research facilities, and diverse

educational approaches that may not be available in their home countries. This exposure to different

academic systems and perspectives fosters intellectual growth and expands the horizons of knowledge.

Lastly, studying overseas promotes personal growth and independence as it allows students to experience the

challenges of living independently away from their families. By doing this, students can get the opportunities

to develop self-reliance and become more resilient. In short, studying abroad can benefit and broaden a

student’s life for a brighter future.

Writing a paragraph was a challenging yet fulfilling task. Before I decided to choose this particular

topic, I had done a lot of brainstorming. Additionally, I analyzed the prompt and drew upon my

understanding of language structure, grammar, and vocabulary to construct the paragraph in a coherent and

meaningful way. One of the difficulties I faced was ensuring that the paragraph flowed smoothly and

conveyed the purpose of the topic. It was important to strike a balance between providing sufficient

information and avoiding unnecessary statements. To deal with these difficulties, I asked my friend to help

check my paragraph to ensure there weren’t any unrelated statements. Moreover, I continuously reviewed and

refined the paragraph to enhance its quality. From this assignment, I learned the importance of adaptability

and continuous improvement. In addition, I’ve also learned about the challenges involved in conveying

thoughts and ideas accurately. Overall, writing a paragraph provided me with an opportunity to apply my

knowledge and skills while also revealing areas for growth.

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