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Contains three categories of food : According to Ayurveda ,

there are three major categories of food in India : Satvic ,
tamasic and Rajasic .

Satvic food contains all natural ingredients , including

minimally cooked vegetables , to have a purifying effect on
both mind and body .

Rajasic food is known to be oily , salty , spicy or bitter and

thus , likely to drive competition , ambition , and egoistic
pursuits .

Lastly tasmic food is overly processed and is very difficult

to digest and hence known to have harmful effects on the
body and mind .
North Indian
1. North Indian curries usually have thick ,
moderately spicy and creamy gravies .
2. Use of dried fruits and nuts is fairly common .
3. Indian bread is preferred over rice . This region is
home to the tandoori roti and naans , stuffed
paranthas with different kinds of vegetable and
non vegeterian fillings and kulchas .
4. Cooking oils that are commonly used are
sunflower and canola . Ghee is normally reserved
for special occasion cooking .
Butter chicken

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