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Table 1: Article Outline

1. Introduction
2. Definition of Politics
3. Definition of Political Science
4. Scope of Politics
5. Scope of Political Science
6. Relationship between Politics and Political Science
7. Key Concepts in Politics
8. Key Concepts in Political Science
9. Methods and Approaches in Politics
10. Methods and Approaches in Political Science
11. Key Differences between Politics and Political Science
12. Importance of Politics
13. Importance of Political Science
14. Interdisciplinary Nature of Political Science
15. Conclusion
16. FAQs

Difference Between Politics and Political Science

Politics and political science are two terms often used interchangeably, but they hold
distinct meanings and scopes. While both fields are concerned with governance and the
study of power relations, they approach these topics from different angles. In this article,
we will explore the difference between politics and political science, their definitions,
scopes, and key concepts. We will also delve into the methods and approaches
employed in each field and highlight their significance. So, let's dive in and gain a
deeper understanding of these two domains.
The realms of politics and political science are interconnected yet distinct. Politics refers
to the activities, actions, and policies used to gain and hold power in a government or to
influence the government. On the other hand, political science is an academic discipline
that focuses on the systematic study of politics, political systems, and theories. It
analyzes the structures, processes, and behaviors within political systems to understand
the dynamics of power and governance.
Definition of Politics
Politics encompasses the activities, actions, and policies employed by individuals,
groups, or parties to attain and exercise power in a government or influence the
government's decisions. It involves the negotiation, competition, and compromise
among various actors within a political system. Politics is concerned with the distribution
of resources, the formulation of policies, the exercise of authority, and the resolution of
conflicts within a society.
Definition of Political Science
Political science is an academic discipline that explores the theory and practice of
politics. It employs scientific methods and analytical approaches to examine political
behavior, institutions, and processes. Political scientists study various aspects of political
systems, including the structures of governments, the behavior of political actors, the
formulation of public policies, and the dynamics of international relations. The aim of
political science is to generate knowledge and theories that can enhance our
understanding of political phenomena.
Scope of Politics
The scope of politics is broad and encompasses a wide range of activities and
phenomena. It includes the study of political ideologies, political parties, elections,
public administration, international relations, and public policy. Politics explores the
exercise of power, the distribution of resources, the decision-making processes, and the
dynamics of conflict and cooperation within a society or among nations.
Scope of Political Science
Political science has a comprehensive scope, covering various dimensions of politics and
governance. It investigates the theories, methods, and empirical findings related to
political behavior, political institutions, public policy, and international relations. Political
scientists delve into topics such as comparative politics, political theory, political
economy, public administration, and international relations, aiming to generate insights
into the complexities of political systems.
Relationship between Politics and Political Science
Politics and political science are closely linked but not interchangeable. Politics is the
practical domain concerned with the exercise of power, while political science is the
academic field that systematically examines political phenomena. Political science draws
upon the real-world observations and experiences of politics to develop theories,
frameworks, and methodologies. The study of politics informs political science, which, in
turn, provides a deeper understanding of political processes and structures.
Key Concepts in Politics
In the realm of politics, several key concepts help shape our understanding of power
and governance. These concepts include democracy, authoritarianism, sovereignty,
ideology, political participation, governance, public opinion, political culture, and
political legitimacy. Each concept contributes to our comprehension of the diverse
political systems and practices across the globe.
Key Concepts in Political Science
Political science explores various key concepts that aid in analyzing political phenomena.
These concepts encompass power, state, nation, civil society, political ideology, public
policy, political economy, diplomacy, international organizations, and political
development. Understanding these concepts enables political scientists to dissect the
intricate dynamics and structures within political systems.
Methods and Approaches in Politics
The study of politics employs a range of methods and approaches to examine political
phenomena. These include qualitative methods, such as interviews and case studies, as
well as quantitative methods, such as surveys and statistical analysis. Additionally,
politics adopts various theoretical approaches, including rational choice theory,
institutionalism, Marxism, feminism, and post-structuralism, among others. Each method
and approach offers unique insights into the complex nature of political interactions and
Methods and Approaches in Political Science
Political science utilizes diverse methods and approaches to investigate political
phenomena rigorously. These methods include empirical research, comparative analysis,
statistical modeling, content analysis, and game theory. Moreover, political scientists
employ theoretical frameworks, such as realism, liberalism, constructivism, and
postmodernism, to interpret and explain political dynamics. By employing these
methods and approaches, political scientists strive to generate reliable and valid
knowledge about political systems.
Key Differences between Politics and Political Science
While politics and political science are related, they possess distinct characteristics.
Politics is concerned with the practical aspects of governance, encompassing activities,
policies, and power struggles. Political science, on the other hand, takes a scholarly
approach, aiming to understand political systems and phenomena through systematic
analysis and theoretical frameworks. Politics is practical and action-oriented, while
political science is theoretical and analytical.
Importance of Politics
Politics plays a vital role in shaping societies and determining the allocation of resources
and power. It influences policymaking, decision-making, and the functioning of
governments. By participating in politics, individuals and groups can voice their
concerns, advocate for change, and shape public policies that impact their lives. A
strong political system that upholds democratic principles ensures the representation of
diverse interests and facilitates social progress.
Importance of Political Science
Political science contributes to our understanding of political systems, behaviors, and
institutions. It provides insights into the complexities of governance, policy formulation,
and international relations. Political science research informs policymakers, helps
evaluate the effectiveness of government policies, and contributes to the development
of democratic systems. By studying political science, individuals gain knowledge and
skills that can be applied to various careers in government, academia, international
organizations, and non-governmental organizations.
Interdisciplinary Nature of Political Science
Political science is an interdisciplinary field that draws upon various social science
disciplines, including sociology, economics, history, psychology, and anthropology. It
integrates insights from these disciplines to analyze political phenomena
comprehensively. This interdisciplinary approach enriches the study of politics, enabling
a more holistic understanding of political systems and behaviors.
In conclusion, politics and political science are distinct yet interconnected domains.
Politics encompasses the practical aspects of governance, while political science is an
academic discipline that examines political phenomena through systematic analysis and
theoretical frameworks. Both fields are essential for understanding power dynamics,
governance structures, and policy formulation. By exploring the difference between
politics and political science, we gain a deeper appreciation for the multifaceted nature
of politics and its scholarly study.
1. Is political science the same as politics? No, political science is the academic study
of politics, while politics refers to the practical activities and policies involved in
governing and influencing governments.
2. What is the scope of political science? The scope of political science encompasses
the study of political behavior, institutions, systems, ideologies, public policy, and
international relations.
3. How does political science contribute to society? Political science research
provides valuable insights for policymakers, helps evaluate government policies, and
contributes to the development of democratic systems.
4. What are some key concepts in politics? Key concepts in politics include
democracy, sovereignty, political participation, governance, ideology, and political
5. Why is it important to study politics? Studying politics helps individuals understand
power dynamics, participate in decision-making processes, and advocate for change in
their societies.

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