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In the heart of the dense Amazon rainforest lies an extraordinary phenomenon known as the
Whispering Trees. These majestic trees, with their towering heights and sprawling branches,
possess a peculiar ability to communicate with one another through soft, melodious whispers.
Scientists have marveled at this natural wonder, seeking to understand the intricate language of
the Whispering Trees. They have discovered that the trees transmit messages through vibrations,
using their roots as a network of communication. This allows them to share information about
potential dangers, available resources, and even to warn neighboring trees of approaching storms.
The Whispering Trees also exhibit a unique form of symbiotic relationship with the surrounding
wildlife. Birds nestle in their branches, contributing to the dispersal of seeds and benefiting from
the tree's protection. In return, the trees receive nourishment from the droppings left behind by
these feathered residents.
How do the Whispering Trees communicate with each other, according to the passage?
ANSWER: _________________________________________________________________

2. The ancient city of Atlantis has long been a subject of fascination and speculation among
historians, archaeologists, and enthusiasts alike. According to the Greek philosopher Plato, Atlantis
was a magnificent island civilization that existed thousands of years ago. Plato's dialogues describe
Atlantis as a utopian society with advanced technology and a highly sophisticated culture.
Legend has it that Atlantis was located beyond the "Pillars of Hercules," which many believe
refers to the modern-day Strait of Gibraltar. The city was said to be rich in resources, possessing a
vast army and a powerful navy. However, Atlantis's prosperity eventually led to its downfall.
Plato's account narrates a cataclysmic event that caused Atlantis to disappear beneath the waves,
sinking into the depths of the ocean in a single day and night. While there is no concrete evidence
to support the existence of Atlantis, the tale continues to captivate the imaginations of people
In Plato's dialogues, Atlantis was described as a technologically advanced civilization. What unique
innovation did the people of Atlantis possess, according to Plato's account?
ANSWER: ___________________________________________________________________

3. As the launch date of the highly anticipated space mission draws near, scientists and engineers
are filled with a sense of excitement and wonder. Years of meticulous planning, testing, and
preparation have gone into this groundbreaking endeavor. Every aspect of the mission has been
carefully considered to anticipate and address potential challenges that may arise during the
journey through the vast expanse of outer space. From ensuring the spacecraft's resilience to
extreme temperatures to anticipating the effects of microgravity on the human body, the mission
team has left no stone unturned in their quest for a successful mission.
In the context of the space mission mentioned in the text, why is it crucial for the team to
anticipate potential challenges? ___________________________________________________
4. In the world of forensic science, the ability to distinguish subtle details can make all the
difference in solving a crime. Forensic experts meticulously examine evidence, analyzing every
minute detail to distinguish significant patterns and clues. Whether it is examining fingerprints,
analyzing DNA samples, or scrutinizing trace evidence, their keen observation and attention to
detail allow them to distinguish between crucial evidence and irrelevant information. By honing
their skills to distinguish between different types of evidence and identifying key indicators,
forensic scientists play a critical role in unraveling mysteries and bringing justice to the forefront.
In the field of forensic science, why is the ability to distinguish between significant patterns and
irrelevant information crucial for solving crimes? _____________________________________

5. In medical research, the ability to contribute meaningful findings is crucial for advancing
scientific knowledge and improving healthcare outcomes. Researchers dedicate years to
conducting experiments, analyzing data, and interpreting results to provide valuable insights. Their
contributions shape medical practices, guide future research, and drive innovation in the field,
ultimately leading to a better understanding of human health.
Why is the ability to contribute meaningful findings significant in medical research? ____________

6. Over the past few decades, advancements in technology have transformed the way information
is spread. From traditional print media to online platforms, our methods of distributing knowledge
have undergone significant changes. Additionally, the ease of sharing information through social
media networks and the arrival of user-generated content have further revolutionized the
landscape of information distribution.
Based on the passage, what can be inferred about the impact of technological advancements on
the distribution of information?
a) The author suggests that technological advancements have had an overall negative impact on
the dissemination of knowledge.
b) The author implies that the distribution of information has become more efficient and
accessible due to technological advancements.
c) The author hints that the distribution of information has become more complex and difficult to
navigate as a result of technological advancements.
d) The author indicates that the distribution of information has remained relatively unchanged
despite technological advancements.

7. The rapid pace of technological advancements has transformed the way we live and interact.
From the convenience of smart devices to the vast availability of information, _____ . However, it
is crucial to remain mindful of the potential risks and consequences associated with these
What might be the best sentence for the blank space? ___________________________________

8. The invention of eyeglasses in the 12th century not only _____ visual impairments but also
_____ the belief that people could only accept the inherited or acquired damages over time.
9. In the 17th century, the invention of the microscope not only revolutionized scientific
discoveries but also opened up new possibilities for understanding the _______.
10. In the realm of literature, the rise of Romantic poetry not only challenged traditional
conventions but also gave a voice to the depths of human ________.
11. Collagen, which constitutes one-third of the proteins in our body, _____ helps us have youthful
and smooth skin.
12. ______. In other words, it is important to start writing a book, but first, you need to pluck up
the courage to write. After all, you know how to write; you have your fingers and your life. You will
make your words heard by writing and then ensure that others hear you. To do this, the only thing
you need to do is to write. People cannot read the ideas circulating in your mind. They can only
read the thoughts that you meticulously and passionately pour onto paper. Therefore, you have no
choice but to write.
What should be placed at the beginning of this passage according to the flow of thought?
A) Moving slowly while writing allows you to enjoy the passing time in the writing process.
B) When you sit at your writing desk, the first thing you need to do is to forget any technique you
have been taught.
C) When you see writing as a talent, you will no longer have concerns about how to begin.
D) When you vividly imagine the rough sketches with the colors of your imagination, you create a
work of art.
E) When you inspire from others and collect everything you have been writing, you will publish the
book that you have been waiting to write.
13. The summit of Mount Everest, the highest mountain in the world, is 8,848 meters above sea
level. Mount Everest, which was formed as a result of the collision of two tectonic plates - pieces
of the Earth's crust - has undergone changes over time in its physical characteristics.
If the following option is added to the end of this passage, the conclusion that "there have been
changes in the physical features of Mount Everest over time" can be reached:
A) It is a mountain whose height is expressed with different numbers depending on the evolving
methods of altitude determination.
B) Due to the continued collision of these two plates, Mount Everest rises approximately four
millimeters each year.
C) Depending on the changing environmental conditions and the formation of new mountains, it
may lose its status as the highest mountain in the world.
D) The temperature measured at the summit point is a geographical characteristic that varies
depending on climatic conditions.
14. Plato's Allegory of the Cave is a philosophical concept that appears in his work, "The Republic."
In this allegory, Plato presents a powerful metaphor for the human condition and the quest for
knowledge and enlightenment. The allegory describes a group of prisoners who have been
confined in a dark cave since birth. These prisoners are bound in such a way that they can only see
the wall in front of them and are unable to turn their heads. Behind them, a fire burns, and
between the prisoners and the fire, there is a raised walkway.
On this walkway, people carry various objects, casting shadows on the wall in front of the
prisoners. Since the prisoners have never seen anything beyond the wall and the shadows, they
believe that these shadows are the only reality. The echoes of the people's voices also reach the
prisoners, further reinforcing their belief that the shadows are real.
One day, one of the prisoners is freed and forced to leave the cave. As he emerges into the outside
world, he experiences extreme discomfort and confusion due to the brightness of the sunlight.
Eventually, his eyes adjust, and he starts seeing the world as it truly is. The prisoner realizes that
the shadows in the cave were mere illusions and that the objects outside the cave are the true
Overwhelmed by this newfound knowledge, the freed prisoner returns to the cave to free his
fellow prisoners and share his discoveries. However, the prisoners are initially resistant to believe
him and even hostile towards him. They are comfortable with their limited understanding of
reality and fear the unknown. They mock and ridicule the freed prisoner, dismissing his claims as
The Allegory of the Cave serves as an allegory for the journey of the philosopher. Just as the freed
prisoner seeks to enlighten his fellow prisoners, philosophers strive to awaken society from
ignorance and guide them towards a deeper understanding of truth and knowledge. It highlights
the importance of questioning the current situation, challenging one's beliefs, and seeking
14.1. What is the central idea of Plato's 14.3. What do the shadows on the wall
Allegory of the Cave? represent to the prisoners?
a) The importance of questioning the current a) True reality
b) Deceptive illusions
b) The fear of the unknown
c) Enlightenment
c) The journey of the philosopher
d) Bright sunlight
d) The deceptive nature of shadows
14.4. How does the freed prisoner feel when
14.2. Where are the prisoners confined in the he first encounters the outside world?
a) Confident and knowledgeable
a) A well-lit room
b) Uncomfortable and confused
b) A dark cave
c) Excited and curious
c) An open field
d) Satisfied and content
d) A deep pit
14.5. How do the other prisoners react to the D) is to listen to your instincts rather than
freed prisoner's claims? your mind
a) They embrace his discoveries immediately. E) is to determine the moment to jump out of
the carriage in order one side not to throw
b) They fear the shadows and the cave.
you off the cliff
c) They challenge him and mock his claims.
16. This depends on how we approach the
d) They join him in exploring the outside culture. In fact, the efforts of almost all
world. scientists working in this field to redefine it
also demonstrate this. However, when all the
14.6. What is one of the main messages
definitions put forward so far are reviewed, it
conveyed by the Allegory of the Cave?
is easy to understand what is common in all
a) Society should never question its beliefs. of them and what is meant by this term.
b) Enlightenment is unattainable for humans. Which of the followings can be the question
c) Shadows are more reliable than reality. of this answer?

d) Seeking knowledge and challenging beliefs A) What are the underlying reasons for
is crucial cultural collapse?

15. People survive and progress on the path B) What do you think about the various
of life by maintaining a balance between definitions of culture?
emotion and reason. Allowing one of them to C) Do you consider culture to be a
take complete control can lead to disaster. phenomenon that varies from society to
This truth is conveyed through the following society?
analogy: Imagine you are in a horse-drawn
D) How can we explain the differences
carriage, and your carriage is being pulled by
between cultures today?
two powerful horses. One horse represents
reason, and the other represents emotion. E) How are societies influenced by recent
Each horse is constantly trying to pull you cultural changes?
towards one side of the road or the other.
17. The first woman to cycle around the
Your task is _____.
world was the Latvian-American Annie
Which of the following should be placed at Kopchovsky who ____ financial sponsorship
the end of this paragraph according to the in return for ____ an advertised placard on
flow of thought? her bike.
A) , to progress safely, is to tighten the reins 18. An important task of childhood is learning
and keep both of them under control. how to bring emotions under reasonable
control ___ children who cannot manage
B) is to keep in mind that these two horses
their emotions are likely to experience
can bring as much harm as they offer
problems with other people
19. Several of my friends have entered the __.
C) is to choose the reliable horse when you
But none of them was expected to win.
see that the competition between them
hinders your progress. 20. I want to find true love, have kids and ___
my life to my family.

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