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North South University

Department of Masters of Business Administration

Course Name: Computer Information Systems
Couse Code: BUS 516
Section: 01
Semester: Spring 2023

Research Topic

Utilizing and Being Faced Issues to use Technology During COVID-19


Instructor Name

Dr. Ummaha Hazra

Submitted By

Name: Samiha Zaman

ID: 2225158660

Letter of Transmittal

Date: 30.05.2023

Dr. Ummaha Hazra

Assistant Professor
North South University
Department of Masters of Business Administration

Subject: Submission of Term paper report.

Dear Maam,

I would like to thank you for supervising and helping us throughout our MBA program for the
completion of Computer Information Systems. This report is titled as “Utilizing and Being
Faced Issues to use Technology During COVID-19 Pandemic’’. The report attempts to
describe our observations and learning during the study course. I made sincere efforts to study
related materials, documents and operational systems to have a broad idea about the different
report on different Research. Due to various reasons, there may be some mistakes for which we
beg your apology.

I would be glad if you accept the report and also request to consider limitations with a soft view
and that had made due to our limitations and oblige thereby.


Samiha Zaman
ID No: 2225158660
North South University, MBA Program

The aim of this paper that I have demonstrated how people with less education are increasingly
adopting technology for a range of activities, including communication, information access, and
even their needs. The digital gap is still present, with some low-skilled people missing access to
technology or the knowledge necessary to utilize it successfully. The project is reflects their
problem and how they use technology. In this paper I describe how a driver is using the
technology with help of his low level of education. There are several type of research found in
Technology aspect. Experts are working to educated people in technological sector. In many
situations, technology might be perceived as the solution, but it is not always apparent what issue
it is intended to assist address and how it will do so.

A smart phone acts as an interface to spread knowledge to everyone, to their advantage.

Nowadays, individuals use mobile-based applications to acquire the information they need,
which is highly beneficial to them. The advent of the mobile phone changed contact with the
outside world. In Bangladesh, where more than half of the population is illiterate,
communication is mostly text-based and in the English language. It should go without saying
that in order to utilize any apps, users must have a basic comprehension of reading, writing, and
the terminology used in such programs. That is how Bangladeshi researchers are research the
findings and want to improve to technology because world become more civilized and people are
depending on technology. Bangladesh still has restricted access to the Internet for a number of
reasons, including insufficient energy infrastructure, expensive computers, poor phone lines, and
a general lack of Internet literacy.

Table of Contents
1. Introduction ................................................................................................................................. 5
2. Interviewers Information ............................................................................................................ 5
2.1 Demographic Information ..................................................................................................... 5
2.2 Problems faced during the COVID-19 pandemic ................................................................. 6
3. Findings: ..................................................................................................................................... 6
a. Using only one Technological Device before and after Covid-19: ..................................... 6
b. Using Internet on Phone: ..................................................................................................... 7
c. Using Mobile Apps: ............................................................................................................. 7
d. Found any help during Covid-19 through IT: ...................................................................... 7
e. Observing Social Media Content and applying in the Current Period: ............................... 7
f. Technology is often used for entertainment: ....................................................................... 8
4. Conclusion: ................................................................................................................................. 9
5. References ................................................................................................................................... 9

1. Introduction

Technology is affecting low educated people, and I measure the impact of using it. Here we test
the hypothesis, characteristics, and attitudes of them according to the consideration of their
speech and thoughts. I conducted applied research for this project because randomly questions
asked to individual one who works as a Driver. Here, I define how technology used in low
educated people. The social norms, perceived behavior intention, and behavior to usage of
technology are all understood as a result of this research. I conduct studies to determine why a
low level of educated person prefers to use technology. I study data, and through processing it, I
gain an understanding of behavior, intention, and societal norms through using this technology.

In Bangladesh, where more than half of the population is illiterate, communication is mostly
text-based and in the English language. It should go without saying that in order to utilize any
apps, users must have a basic comprehension of reading, writing, and the terminology used in
such programs. That is how Bangladeshi researchers are research the findings and want to
improve to technology because world become more civilized and people are depending on
technology. [3]

In this paper, I concentrate on how a typical person uses technology and what kinds of issues he
experiences. I conducted research into why individuals use their phones exclusively for internet
access and how technology has benefited people in the Covid-19 period in terms of their social,
financial, and ethical well-being.

2. Interviewers Information

2.1 Demographic Information

This is an interview based on a project named, Low-educated individuals' use of technology. I

will conduct interviews with respondent. I myself Samiha Zaman and a set of questions will be
asked, with the aim to understand their intention and observe subjective perspectives how a
lower level educated person use and faced problem to use technology. Also, a set of ground rules
are there to ensure the integrity of the interview and confidentiality of the responses.

Here I use focus group interviews and collect information. . For survey purposes I set a list of
questions and doing face to face discussion respondent provide his ideas and thoughts based on
his interest to use technology. My respondent gave 20 minutes time to complete this interview.

I collected data through verbal communication. I make an open interview and my respondent
will conduct this interview willingly. He supported with patience and he describes the intention
and giving other effective information to complete my project.

 Here I select a man and his profession is Driving

 He completed his study in Class 8
 He is 34 years old and salary is Tk18000
 He is only earning member and total family member is 5
 He has a low level of knowledge using technology

Some error is occurring during this interview session. Such as:

 His discuss his family crisis and said this technology destroy his child brain
 He said his income is low and that’s why his mental health is not good at all

He faced problem

 He will not solve problem by himself

 He shared his password with his younger brother and he will solve his problem

2.2 Problems faced during the COVID-19 pandemic

When there was no doctor or hospital bed available during Covid-19, he caused a difficulty for
his sister's spouse. He didn't know how to check a hospital's website; therefore he wasn't aware
of online appointments. From social media he would not found any help. During the epidemic,
family caregivers must make important and sensitive decisions, especially that involving end-of-
life care. Some financial insecurity arose and faced difficulties to look after family. Despite their
desire to remain private, the primary characteristics of the impacts are seen in:

 Both the prospect of losing their jobs in the coming months and a pay cut of 60% or less
during the epidemic. The car owner was deduct his salary around 50% and the owner
could not afford to drive.
 Minimized spending on food that is not strictly essential. The food hamper is getting

3. Findings:

a. Using only one Technological Device before and after Covid-19:

My interviewer mostly uses a single electronic gadget for communication. He has no
experience with computers and never utilizes them. He uses only Mobile phone to
communicate with friends, relatives and neighbor. We see that traditional literacy instruction

turned shown to be ineffective in resolving the issue. Mobile phones, which are now the
technological gadgets with the highest global growth, are incredibly utilized by individuals
with relatively low levels of literacy. Mobile phones, which are now the technological
gadgets with the highest global growth, are incredibly utilized by individuals with relatively
low levels of literacy.

Electrical devices are more expensive and costly. Although his child needs one, purchasing a
computer is rather tough, and he cannot afford it. His family thus uses a phone for this
reason. Only he uses smart phones, while his wife and parents are using regular phones.

b. Using Internet on Phone:

He communicates with each other by mobile phone and uses the internet to access Facebook.
He plans to communicate through Facebook and Whatsapp. He uses Facebook and
Whatsapp to contact with his family.

He lacks sufficient literacy to identify or resolve issues on his own. He asks his neighbor for
assistance in maintaining the Facebook and Bkash apps. He claimed that it would be
advantageous for them if social organizations ran campaigns and imparted fundamental
technological knowledge. They lack the resources to build their expertise in this field,
therefore he suggested that the government offer free educational services to impart this
technological knowledge.

He also says some misleading concepts are also shown in social platform and sometimes he
does not understand this news is fake or real.

c. Using Mobile Apps:

He had trouble transferring money via Bkash. He sends money to his family members via
Bkash.” He utilizes a mobile financial app, like Bkash, for transactional purposes. He is only
supposed to use a mobile phone.

d. Found any help during Covid-19 through IT:

He claimed that despite seeing some posts on Facebook about various organizations aiding
the underprivileged, he had not received any assistance from any social organizations. He
said that his supervisor gave him a lot of assistance. One of the young brothers from this
neighborhood made an account when he first used Facebook and taught him how to use it.
He then wrote his ID and password on a piece of paper and kept it close to him. Due to the
fact that he sent his family in, he created a Bkash account in the time of COVID-19.

e. Observing Social Media Content and applying in the Current Period:

He was aware of Covid-19 and had watched some videos using his mobile phone. To ensure
the information of health related and other financial or economical information he found
from YouTube and Facebook platform.

f. Technology is often used for entertainment:
There are also numerous educational and learning-related videos on YouTube. He said that
during lock-down, he observed his supervisor conducting meetings on a laptop and children
attending class on mobile devices and computers. Regarding his age, he replied that: "Young
people are learning how to utilize technology and engaging themselves. He never discovered
any social activities or guidelines to help him learn these things. He replied, "I have passed
the learning age and am now an old person, so I only make phone calls and use BKash." He
supports his sister financially during the Covid-19 time since his sister's spouse was ill. He
said that he had problems, and simultaneously, friends or other family members had
problems, and nobody had come to his aid in those circumstances. He said he was not getting
any help from government or any private sector. He had seen some social awareness in
Facebook platform. After lockdown people are habituating to use technology for meeting,
transaction and information gathering purpose. People want banking apps instead to
physically in banks. Corporate cultures are working remote based and they are saving their
time and scheduling many works in short time.

After Covid he used Cell phone in long and he will interest to do more phone calls because the
charging rate of internet is less then mobile network. He can do the video calls and send photos.
So he is now enjoying more to use this technology.

The majority of Bangladeshis, the majority of whom do not have bank accounts, tremendously
benefit from bKash, a safe, simple, and economical mobile payments solution. So Bkash is
useful to all level of workers.

4. Conclusion:
The research was able to document the many struggles and problems that the working middle
class community encountered. They experienced a series of emotions, including initial joy, dread
of getting the sickness, and subsequently worry about their jobs and finances. Nowadays,
everyone uses technology, and the amount of digital technology in our everyday lives has been
rising. Technology for rural areas must be focused on improving human welfare through better
housing, drinking water, sanitation, the eradication of laborious work, the promotion of non-
conventional energy, and the development of decentralized techno-economic systems, especially
for remote areas.

Everyone is having an extremely difficult time during COVID-19. All types of individuals will
benefit from the technology. He discusses his views on technology during the Covid period.

5. References


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