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Chris Rezin Altman

Name: Chris Altman
Nicknames: Rezin
Agency: Required
Agency Position: Required
Race: Human
Age: 35
Birthday: 04/07/2042
Gender/Pronouns: He
Ethnicity: European

Height: 1m84cm
Weight: Required
Body Type: Ectomorphe
Hair: layered medium blond
Eyes: Dark brown
Biotech Parts: Bionic eye
Distinguishing Features: Tibetan Mantra Tattoo
(Left arm)
Chris Rezin Altman
Temperament: Conscientious/Contemplative
Myers Brigg Result: Advocat
Ambitions: Raise population awareness about elite
corpo scandals.
Moral beliefs: Madness is not a fatality
Hobbies: Collecting vintage artifacts
Talents: Descriptive Analysis
Habits: Morning walk
Likes: Authenticity
Dislikes: Individualism
Fears: Losing his humanity/Cyberpsychosis
Strengths: Principled/Insightful/Altruistic
Secrets: Producer of Night City Lights Podcast
(#4 most viewed independent broadcasted program)
Health: Nicotine addiction

Vehicles: None
Carries always: Pack of cigarettes
Carries sometimes: Gun
Chris Rezin Altman


Chris Rezin Altman
Sexual Orientation: Straight
Sexual Role: Male
Relationship Status: Single

➤ Exotic Babes
➤ None

Other Notes: Optional

Chris Rezin Altman
Resident of :

Heaven Tower, Heywood.

Chris Rezin Altman
[Not required. Having none just means no one knows
your character exists. Please delete this
CONNECTIONS INFO guideline before submitting your sheet.]

Regina’s Legacy
Father: John Altman, former member of 6th Street
gang, killed by Maelstrom gang members. Regina : “After what happened to Max you are

Father/Mother/Parent: Lucy Altman, killed by the only one who can finish what I have
Maelstrom gang members started.”
Siblings: Sally Altman disappeared in the badlands Podcast of Despair
Other Important Relationships: Optional Venus “Chris, you will never change, do still

COMBAT INFO believe your podcast will change our

miserable lives”
Mental Skills: Persuasion
Scars of the past
Physical Skills:
Su Jin “I won’t stop until i take my revenge
Other Skills: Discretion
and find Sally”
Biotech Abilities: Constant recording
Preferred Weapon: Gun OOC INFO
Fighting Style: Boxing
Discord Tag: Siriusless#3609
Mental/Emotional Weakness: Acrophobia
DM Status: yes
Physical Weakness: Recovery from illness or severe
RP Preference: Balanced
ERP?: No
RUMORS Player Channel: Optional #name (i.e. #🥂thena)
Chris Rezin Altman
Moodboard: Optional.

Day Theme : Tangerine Dream - Love On A Real Train
(State Azure) // SLOWED //
Sunset Theme : Data Rebel - Angular

Night Theme : Oblique Occasions - retrograde

Fight/Action theme : DANGER - 6:24

Game Over Theme : Danger - 6:42

Chris Rezin Altman
[For the following sections, there is no minimum
word count to answer the listed questions. Answer “What do you want?”

in-character to these questions using dialogue, My goal is to ignite population consciousness and

and please keep it within quotations. You are free help the mass raise their voice to fight back

to add narration if you wish, but no actions, abusive and oppressive aspects of night city.

setting descriptions, or narration is required. I‘m aware of the power and responsibility I hold.

Please delete this guideline before submitting I truly believe that a person can manifest

your sheet.] whatever their true desires are because, “What we

think we become.

“Who are you?”
“What’s important to you?”
I am Chris Altman, I am an investigative
In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Nam iaculis erat
journalist that has been working in the news
vitae enim finibus gravida. Pellentesque ut sem
industry since the late 2050s.
euismod, ullamcorper elit eget, pulvinar leo.

I have been secretly working on reporting news Quisque quam ipsum, varius eu posuere sed,

scandals, exposing corporations, and uncovering condimentum vitae nunc. Ut porttitor lacus quis mi

their conspiracies for the last 5 years. congue porta. Pellentesque dictum lobortis turpis,
eget pellentesque arcu luctus in. Nam aliquam
fermentum mauris, non finibus sem volutpat id.
Chris Rezin Altman
Duis sed est in quam finibus mattis at a leo. Sed nisl et sodales. Fusce ut sapien ac nisl convallis
suscipit turpis at lectus suscipit rhoncus. consectetur. Morbi tincidunt malesuada auctor.
In sollicitudin ex vel placerat euismod. Mauris at
orci est. Sed euismod aliquet sem, ut hendrerit
[For the following section the minimum word count nunc pulvinar a. Nunc sed ex arcu. Ut ut maximus
is 250 words, with no maximum word count. Please tortor. Donec maximus porta diam, et auctor felis
delete this guideline upon submitting your sheet.] consectetur at. Donec volutpat arcu ac tincidunt
consectetur. Sed blandit dictum massa. Praesent
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing felis leo, hendrerit sit amet dictum sit amet,
elit. Proin vel nibh in lorem volutpat convallis maximus sed nibh. Integer vehicula est quis felis
eget sagittis mi. Suspendisse sollicitudin eu ex tincidunt vehicula. Mauris eleifend sapien est,
sed placerat. Integer sed nibh vel nisi mattis varius pharetra leo molestie eget. Ut eget velit
cursus. Nulla eros tellus, ullamcorper lobortis ut elit cursus interdum sed at tortor. Mauris
odio non, pellentesque consectetur lorem. Donec euismod nibh eu nisi dapibus, a imperdiet ligula
aliquet felis diam, a dictum eros auctor nec. tempus. Ut tincidunt blandit purus et pharetra.
Mauris auctor imperdiet lorem, id euismod sapien Aenean nec egestas magna. Vestibulum vel tristique
interdum semper. Morbi blandit, libero luctus odio, ut egestas lacus.
lacinia dignissim, libero lectus gravida ipsum, ut
feugiat nibh nibh et est. Nam vitae mauris Morbi eros quam, finibus vitae eros quis,
vulputate, posuere ex ac, tincidunt nunc. Maecenas elementum congue libero. Mauris elementum, tortor
ipsum nisl, fermentum sed faucibus vitae, ornare eu ultricies scelerisque, velit arcu scelerisque
non nulla. Nunc eget placerat sem. In ultricies ac
Chris Rezin Altman
tortor, sit amet porta est. Morbi blandit, libero
luctus lacinia dignissim, libero lectus gravida.
Chris Rezin Altman
OC CONTACTS Name/Moniker
Relationships and connections with other OCs Impression/Opinion:
on the server. You can extend this list by Other Notes:
clicking “insert row below”.

Relationship: Impression/Opinion:
Impression/Opinion: Other Notes:
Other Notes:

Relationship: Impression/Opinion:
Impression/Opinion: Other Notes:
Other Notes:

Other Notes:

Other Notes:
Chris Rezin Altman
NPC CONTACTS Venus Firebird
Relationship:Long term Platonic
List of NPCs that are related to your Romance.
character, including friends, family Impression/Opinion:Trustworthy
members, and other acquaintances that are Other Notes:Face of Modern Geisha
not part of the server OC roster. Magazine, VIP Customer of the
Afterlife Club
NPC Guidelines:
1. The general rule is that NPCs are minor
characters for your MCs. If they start
playing a major role, they should be
registered as MCs.

2. Recurring NPCs should be listed in the

list below.

3. NPCs should not play active roles in

pushing the scene along unless
necessary, e.g. one-time NPC for a
major scene between two characters.

4. NPCs cannot dominate scenes, e.g. have

too many lines similar to that of an
Chris Rezin Altman
Nicky Bitstorm Regina jones
Relationship: Neighbors’ daughter Relationship: Mentor/Former Boss
Impression/Opinion: Impression/Opinion:
Other Notes: Orphan with BDP known Other Notes:Once one of Night City’s
as Bitstorm one of the most most famous independent reporters
promising active Netrunners before turning into a Fixer

Su Jin
Relationship:Childhood Friend
Other Notes: 2nd in line to lead the
newly formed Shadow blade Gang

Ghu Rab
Relationship:Inside informer in RMC.
Other Notes:Daughter of immigrated
Egyptian scientist couple working
for RMC.

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