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Name Date: ____Year & Section: __________


There are two types of eclipses. Define each term:

solar eclipse -

lunar eclipse -

draw and label the solar and lunar eclipse.

Solar Eclipse

Lunar Eclipse

List the three types of solar eclipses and describe each.

Type of Solar Eclipse Description of Each Type of Solar Eclipse

List the three types of lunar eclipse and describe each.

Type of Lunar Eclipse Description of Each Type of Lunar Eclipse


Answer each question.

1. In which phase of the moon does a solar eclipse occur?
2. What happens if you look at the sun during a solar eclipse? why?
3. In which phase of the moon does a lunar eclipse occur?

4. Which eclipse happens more often? Why? _________________________________________

5. How long does a lunar eclipse usually last? ___________________________________________________

6. How long does a solar eclipse usually last? ____________________________________________________
7. What is penumbra? ______________________________________________________________________
8. What is an umbra? _________________________________________________________________________

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