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Abebe Beso Bela

15 Dire Dawa Street

Addis Ababa, PO BOX 12345

(251) 456-7890

4th September 20XX

Dear Hiring Manager,

I am writing to express my interest in the nursing position at [Facility]. As a recent graduate of [Nursing
Program] with a strong passion for patient care, I am confident in my ability to contribute to your team
and provide exceptional care to your patients.

Throughout my clinical rotations, I have gained experience in a variety of settings, including [Clinical
Setting 1], [Clinical Setting 2], and [Clinical Setting 3]. I have had the opportunity to work with diverse
patient populations and have developed strong communication and critical thinking skills. I am also
proficient in electronic medical record systems and am comfortable working with technology.

In addition to my clinical experience, I have also been active in several nursing organizations on campus.
I have participated in numerous volunteer events, including [Volunteer Event 1] and [Volunteer Event 2],
where I was able to further develop my leadership and teamwork skills.

I am excited to bring my skills and experience to [Facility] and be a part of a team that is committed to
providing high-quality patient care. Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the
opportunity to contribute to the success of your facility.


Abebe Beso Bela

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