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 Online learning delivery approach

 Students' prior knowledge and skills in physical education

 Students' motivation and interest in physical education


 Online learning delivery of physical education subject during the COVID-19 pandemic

 Students' engagement in online learning activities

 Students' interaction with the online learning platform and peers

 Students' adaptation to the online learning environment

- Challenges faced by students in online learning delivery of physical education subject during the
COVID-19 pandemic:
- Technical difficulties (e.g., poor internet connection, limited access to technology)
- Pedagogical challenges (e.g., lack of hands-on experience, difficulty in demonstrating physical skills)
- Social and emotional challenges (e.g., lack of social support, isolation, boredom)

 Students' satisfaction with online learning delivery of physical education subject during the
COVID-19 pandemic

 Students' learning performance in physical education subject during the COVID-19 pandemic


 Students' feedback on online learning delivery of physical education subject during the COVID-
19 pandemic

 Teachers' feedback on online learning delivery of physical education subject during the COVID-
19 pandemic

 Implications for future online learning delivery of physical education subject

include the limited sample size, which includes 3 rd year Bachelor of Physical Education students in
Gensantos Foundation College Inc. The study is also limited to the challenges encountered in online
learning delivery during the pandemic and may not reflect the long-term effects of online learning in
physical education. Additionally, the study only focuses on the perspective of the students and does not
include the viewpoint of physical education educators or administrators.

Therefore, this study only thought out their insights and opinions on the challenges encountered of
online learning in physical education subject in the 3 rd year Bachelor of Physical Education students in
Gensantos Foundation College Inc. during this school year 2023-2024.

2.1 Learning content

2.2 Technology access

2.3 Internet connectivity

2.4 Learning environment

2.5 Teacher and peer communication

Descriptive qualitative research is a method of research that is focused on understanding a

phenomenon by examining its characteristics and qualities. We use this type of research when we want
to explore a topic that has not been studied in depth before, or when we want to gain a better
understanding of a previously studied topic but using a different perspective.

Descriptive qualitative research is a type of qualitative research that explores the characteristics of a
phenomenon, rather than explaining the underlying causes or mechanisms.

Descriptive Research Design:

Descriptive research design is a research method that focuses on describing the characteristics of a
population or phenomenon. It involves gathering data through observation, surveys, or other methods
of data collection, and then analyzing that data to identify patterns, trends, and other features of the
population or phenomenon being studied. (Source: Leedy, P. D., & Ormrod, J. E. (2017). Practical
research: Planning and design.)

Qualitative Research Design:

Qualitative research design is a research method that focuses on understanding and interpreting the
meaning that individuals or groups ascribe to a social or human problem. It involves collecting data
through interviews, observations, or other methods of data collection, and then analyzing that data to
uncover themes, patterns, and other aspects of the social or human problem being studied. Qualitative
research typically involves a smaller sample size than quantitative research and is more concerned with
understanding the subjective experiences of individuals or groups. (Source: Creswell, J. W. (2017).
Qualitative inquiry and research design: Choosing among five approaches.)

Based on the research design you provided, which is a descriptive qualitative research design, statistical
treatment may not be applicable. Descriptive qualitative research does not involve statistical analysis
but rather focuses on interpreting and describing data through the use of themes, patterns, and
narratives. Instead of statistical analysis, you may consider using techniques such as coding,
categorization, and content analysis to analyze the data collected from your focus group discussions and
semi-structured interviews. These techniques will allow you to identify common themes and patterns in
your data and provide a rich understanding of the experiences and perceptions of your participants.

Thematic analysis is a method of analyzing qualitative data that involves identifying patterns or themes
within the data. Here are the general steps for conducting thematic analysis on interview data:

1. Transcription: The first step is to transcribe the interviews into text.

2. Familiarization: Read and re-read the transcripts to become familiar with the data and note
initial observations.

3. Coding: Identify meaningful units in the data (words, phrases, sentences) and assign them codes
based on their content. The codes should capture the essence of the data and be mutually
exclusive and exhaustive.

4. Categorization: Group similar codes together to form categories or themes. Each theme should
represent a coherent pattern or concept that emerges from the data.

5. Review and refine: Review the coding and categorization to ensure consistency and
completeness. Refine the codes and categories as needed.

6. Analysis and interpretation: Interpret the themes in relation to the research questions and
objectives. Explore patterns and relationships among the themes and use quotes or excerpts
from the data to illustrate the themes.

7. Reporting: Report the key findings using the themes to structure the presentation. Provide rich
descriptions of the themes and their meanings, supported by quotes or excerpts from the data.

Thematic analysis is a flexible approach that allows for the exploration of different levels of analysis,
from broad overarching themes to more specific sub-themes. It is also iterative, meaning that the
analysis may involve going back and forth between the data and the themes to refine and deepen the
understanding of the data.
Thematic analysis is a method of analysing qualitative data. It is usually applied to a set of texts, such as
an interview or transcripts. The researcher closely examines the data to identify common themes,
topics, ideas and patterns of meaning that come up repeatedly.

The data gathering instrument will be use in close-ended question is a Five-Point Likert Scale, where (1)
never, (2) seldom, (3) sometimes, (4) often, and the last one (5) always and an open-ended question
which will be helpful to the ask respondents to answer without a set of constrained choices. This will
help to assist the researchers in analyzing the result of conducted data.
Focus Group Discussion Guide:

1. Introduction: Welcome the participants and explain the purpose of the focus group discussion.

2. Icebreaker: Start with an icebreaker activity to help participants feel comfortable and get to
know each other.

3. Challenges in Online Learning: Ask open-ended questions to elicit responses related to the
challenges encountered by Bachelor of Physical Education students in online learning Physical
Education during the pandemic. Examples of questions include:

 What are the biggest challenges you face in learning Physical Education online?

 How do these challenges affect your learning experience?

4. Coping Mechanisms: Ask questions to explore the coping mechanisms used by students to
overcome the challenges. Examples of questions include:

 What strategies have you developed to cope with the challenges of online learning
Physical Education?

 How effective have these coping mechanisms been in helping you learn Physical
Education online?

5. Advantages and Disadvantages: Ask questions to explore the advantages and disadvantages of
learning Physical Education online during the COVID-19 pandemic. Examples of questions

 What are the benefits of learning Physical Education online?

 What are the drawbacks of learning Physical Education online?

6. Perceptions of Online Learning: Ask questions to explore the perceptions of Bachelor of Physical
Education students regarding the online learning delivery of physical education subject during
the COVID-19 pandemic. Examples of questions include:

 How do you perceive the quality of online learning delivery of physical education

 How do you compare online learning to traditional face-to-face learning?

Semi-Structured Interview Guide:

1. Introduction: Welcome the participant and explain the purpose of the interview.

2. Challenges in Online Learning: Ask open-ended questions to elicit responses related to the
challenges encountered by the participant in online learning Physical Education during the
pandemic. Examples of questions include:

 What are the biggest challenges you face in learning Physical Education online?

 How do these challenges affect your learning experience?

3. Coping Mechanisms: Ask questions to explore the coping mechanisms used by the participant to
overcome the challenges. Examples of questions include:

 What strategies have you developed to cope with the challenges of online learning
Physical Education?

 How effective have these coping mechanisms been in helping you learn Physical
Education online?

4. Advantages and Disadvantages: Ask questions to explore the advantages and disadvantages of
learning Physical Education online during the COVID-19 pandemic. Examples of questions

 What are the benefits of learning Physical Education online?

 What are the drawbacks of learning Physical Education online?

5. Perceptions of Online Learning: Ask questions to explore the perceptions of the participant
regarding the online learning delivery of physical education subject during the COVID-19
pandemic. Examples of questions include:

 How do you perceive the quality of online learning delivery of physical education

 How do you compare online learning to traditional face-to-face learning?

6. Closing: Thank the participant for their time and participation.

I hope this helps in developing your focus group discussions and semi-structured interview guides! Let
me know if you need further assistance.

Focus Group Discussion Guide

To gather insights on the challenges faced by Bachelor of Physical Education students in Gensantos
Foundation College Inc. in online learning Physical Education and their coping strategies.


1. Invite a diverse group of 8-10 BPED students who are currently taking or have taken physical
education subject online at Gensantos Foundation College Inc. during the pandemic.

2. Schedule a date and time for the focus group discussion that is convenient for all participants.

3. Provide informed consent forms to be signed by the participants before starting the discussion.

4. Conduct the focus group discussion via a video conferencing platform or any other suitable
online platform.
5. Ask open-ended questions that will elicit responses related to the challenges encountered in
online learning delivery of physical education subject and the coping mechanisms used by

6. Take detailed notes and record the discussion to ensure accuracy in data collection.

7. End the discussion by thanking the participants for their time.

Sample questions:

1. What are the biggest challenges that you encountered in online learning delivery of physical
education subject?

2. How did you cope up with these challenges?

3. What strategies have you found effective in managing stress and maintaining motivation in
online learning?

4. In what ways do you think online learning has affected your performance in physical education

Semi-Structured Interview Guide

To explore the perceptions of Bachelor of Physical Education students in Gensantos Foundation College
Inc. with the online learning delivery in physical education subject during the COVID-19 pandemic.


1. Select a diverse group of BPED students who are currently taking or have taken physical
education subject online at Gensantos Foundation College Inc. during the pandemic.

2. Schedule a date and time for the interview that is convenient for the participants.

3. Provide informed consent forms to be signed by the participants before starting the interview.

4. Conduct the interview via video conferencing platform or any other suitable online platform.

5. Ask open-ended questions that will elicit responses related to the perceptions of students
regarding online learning delivery of physical education subject during COVID-19 pandemic.

6. Take detailed notes and record the interview to ensure accuracy in data collection.

7. End the interview by thanking the participant for their time.

Sample questions:

1. What is your overall perception of online learning delivery of physical education subject?

2. How do you think online learning has affected your learning experience compared to face-to-
face instruction?

3. What are some advantages and disadvantages of learning Physical Education online during
Covid-19 Pandemic, from your perspective?
4. In what ways do you think online learning delivery of physical education subject can be
improved in the future?

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