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15-17 18-24 25 and above

What is PrEP?
PrEP (or pre-exposure prophylaxis) is when people take an
HIV medication to reduce their chance of getting infected
with HIV.
Recommended use of PrEP is daily.
How well does PrEP work?
It does not provide 100% protection, but it is highly effective and
provides great protection against HIV, by up to 99%.

It is more effective to those who take it daily. It is the

recommended and most convenient approach.
Who should consider using PrEP?
If you think you are at high risk of HIV infection.
• You are not using condoms (or doing unprotected sex)
• You have more than one sexual partner in the past six months, or has a partner with
other sexual partners
• You inject drugs and share injecting equipment
• You have been told you have an STI
• You and your sexual partner do not discuss your concerns about HIV
Who should consider using PrEP?
If you think you are at high risk of HIV infection.
• Men and transgender people who have sex with men
• Sex workers (especially if not able to use condoms with every sexual act)
• People with a sexual partner who has HIV and is not on ARV/not undetectable
• People who inject drugs
Do I have to use condoms while I am
taking PrEP?
PrEP is an empowerment tool for you to engage in safe and satisfying sex.

PrEP does not require the use of condoms to be effective. However, condoms
provide additional protection against HIV and protect you from other sexually
transmitted infections.
Should I do daily or event-driven PrEP?
Should I do daily or event-driven PrEP?
One tablet per day

Recommended for
• women (both cisgender and transgender)
• transgender men having vaginal/frontal sex
• men having vaginal or anal sex with women
• gay and bisexual men (especially if you have sex frequently)
Should I do daily or event-driven PrEP?
One tablet per day

You will need to take PrEP for 7 days before you are protected, and then
every day for as long as you want protection.
Can I take PrEP with GAHT?

You will need to take PrEP for 7 days before you are protected, and then
every day for as long as you want protection.

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