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Global warming is defined as a gradual rise in the global temperature

of the earth's atmosphere usually accredited to the greenhouse effect
caused by augmented heights of carbon dioxide, CFCs
(Chlorofluorocarbons) and other contaminants. The effects of global
warming on humans are far reaching and contain effects on health,
environment, movement and migration, safety, culture, human
settlement, energy and transport. Climate change has caused perhaps
irreversible changes to Earth’s geological, biological and ecological
systems. These variations have led to the emergence of large-
scale ecological threats to human health, such as extreme weather,
 ozone depletion, enlarged hazards of wildfires, loss of
biodiversity, pressures on food-producing organizations and
the worldwide spread of communicable illnesses. In addition,
climatical changes were projected to reason over 150,000 deaths per
annum in 2002, with the World Health Organization
(WHO) approximating this number will upsurge to 250,000 deaths
annually between 2030 and 2050.

With the ever-growing economies and the necessity and gluttony for
more, the principle of Sustainable Development becomes the most
pertinent value in today's times. The doctrine of Sustainable
Development has most commonly been defined as development that
meets the requirements of the current, without compromising the
ability of upcoming peers to meet their own desires. There are 3
components of sustainable development – financial development
ecological stewardship and community presence. Nations are
recognizing the importance of preserving natural resources, people are
swapping to cycling in its place of driving that will improve their
well-being, farmers are practicing climate-smart cultivation and
productions are realizing about how much they can save over energy
efficacy. Understanding sustainable development and its goals is the
primary stage to learn what we can do to make it occur. There
are numerous initiatives already in place, but still there are several
obstructions to sustainable development that have to be overwhelmed.

Green alternatives are the substitutes which are used instead of those
substances which contribute to global warming like AC’s and fume
and those who are beneficial to us but very harmful for the
environment. Green alternatives care to be adopted by the people
because of the increasing global warming and unexpected climate
changes. Basically, the energy and natural resources which are
consumed while running the devices are wasted to a great extent.
They can be either reduced or can be replaced by the green
alternatives. Many people have started using green alternatives as a
replacement for substances harmful to the environment. Global
warming can lead to unexpected natural disasters which can further
lead to destruction of buildings, houses as well as the well-being of
the people. As rightly said by Mr. Desiderius Erasmus “ Prevention is
better than cure” it is better to prevent these natural calamities using
green alternatives, spreading the importance of green alternatives and
telling other people to use green alternatives to avoid much of global

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