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Luis Antonio Álvarez De La Torr

A. Read the article about The Rise and Fall of Outsourcing and answer the
questions 1-4.

1. How is outsourcing in India di erent to China

India is more focused on the service industry

2. Why were businesses attracted to India in the early part of the twenty- rst

They had a lot of highly quali ed graduates with English language skills

3. What did the pro ts from outsourcing allow India to invest in

Infrastructure and training facilitie

4. What are three reasons why outsourcing might slow down

Salaries have risen quickly, there is nothing left to outsource, their clients are
relocating back home where they feel they have more control

B. Then, match the words in bold in the article to the de nitions 1-12.

1. part of a country's economy SECTOR

2. basic systems like transport that a country needs to work properly core

3. a company's main area of work core activitie




4. companies that sell outsourcing services OUTSOURCING VENDORS

5. places where people can learn new skills TRAINING FACILITIES

7. an increase in products sold abroad EXPORTH GROWT

8. contracting a business task to an outside service provider BPO

9. knowledege or skills provided by an external supplier SKILLED WORKER

10. based in a foreign country OFFSHORE LOCATIONS

11. when you nd ways to cut your overheads COST SAVINGS

12. nearer to where you are based CLOSER TO HOME

C. Make a list of advantages and disadvantages of outsourcing based on the

article and your own ideas

PROS: It’s cost-e cient… until today

CONS: Its inmoral, most of the workers in this places work and live in inhuman
conditions, they’re basically treated like slaves in some of them.

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