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Seismic Design Course

Design Example No.5

Prepared for
U.S. Department of Transportation
Federal Highway Administration
Central Federal Lands Highway Division

September 1996

Prepared by
BERGERIABAM Engineers Inc.
33301 Nintb Avenue South, Suite 300
Federal Way, Washington 98003·6395



Job No. A95013

Sellmic Dellign C.......,. D""ilfn E:umple No. G
Federal Highway Adminl..1....tlon


The Federal Highway Administration gratefully acknowledges the

contributiom to this project from the following individuals, Their efforts
greatly assisted the project to meet the objective of providing training
materials that meet the needs of the appliers of the AASHTO Bridge
Seismic Design Specification.

Steering Group Ian Buckle

John Clark
J ames Cooper
Edward Dortignac
J ames Gates
Hamid Ghasemi
Paul Grant
John Hooks
Dick Jobes
James Keeley
Gary Kasza
Antonio Nieves
Ton: Pfister
Walter PodoJny
Phil Rabb
Michael Whitney
Mark Whittemore
Philip Yen

Design E:umple Robert Griebenow

Development James Guarra
Susan Johnson
L-ee Marsh
Robert Mast
Chuck Spry
Warren Wilson

Many others contributed to this projeet by providing information and

suggestions. Their llfTorts contributed greatly, and the Federal Highway
Administration gratefully acknowledges their assistance.

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R:~l".JoI::iI[lJCfO Bf NTIS
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tl.;mnn;!ll T.t:t\~t[(I"II'rlf"[}Hrt.j!lIIOt1 ::;~r~I~~
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{eport Nos:
ritle: Seismic Design of Bridges, Design Example NO.5: Nine-Span Viaduct Steel Girder
Date: Oct 96
~uthcrs: R. Ma~L. L. Marsh. C. Spry. S. Johnson, R. Gricbenow. J. Guarrp. and W.
PerformiD9 Organization: BERGER/ABAM Engineers. Inc., Federal Way. WA.
Performing Organization Report Nos: FHWAfSA·97/010
Sponsorin~ Organization: *Federa1 Highway Administration. Denver, CO. Central Federal
Lands Alg way U1V.
Contract Nos: DTFH-6B-94-C-00005
Type of Report and Period Covered: Technical manual 1994-96.
~up~~go/ental Notes: See also Design Example No, 4, PB97-142111 and Design Example No.
, -14331/.
NTIS Field/Group Codes: SOA* (Highway Engineering)
Price: PC A09/MF A02
Ava; lability: Available from the National Technical Information Serv"ice. Springfield.
VA. 22161

~~~ber of Pages: 170p*

Keywords: *Bridge design. *Seismic design, "'Oesign analysis. Girder brid~es. Girders.
Skew brldges, Bridge abutments. Bridge foundations. Pile foundations. Brldge decKs,
Slabs. Footings. Structural components. Design criteria. Vibration damping, Earthquake
resistance. SettlementCStructural), Performance evaluation. Requirements, Reinforced
concrete. Concretes, Elastomers. Skewness. 5011- structure interactions. Geotechnical
engineering. Elastomeric bearings. AASHTO(American Association of State Highway and
Transportation Officials),
Abstract: This document describes one of seven seismic design examples that illustrate
'how to apply AASllTO's seismic analysis and design reqUirements on actual different
bridge types across the United States. Each proviaes a comp-lete set of 'designer's
notes' covering the seismic analysis, design, and details for that particular br'idge
including flow charts, references to applicable AASHTO requirements. and thorough
commentary that explains each step. In addition. each example highlights separate
issues (skew effects. wall piers. elastomeric bearings. pile foundatlons. etc.). The
fifth examRle is a 1488 reel steel plate girder bridge in the inland Pacific Northwest
with pile foundations, SPC-B &A equals 0.15g. It has nine spans and conSists of two
units: a four-span tangent (Unit 1) and a five~span with a 1300-foot radius curve
(Un: t. 2)"
Seismic Design Course. DClIlgn E..ample No. II
Fede....1Highway Administ....tion


Data. speeifications, suggested practices, and drawings presented herein

are based on the best available information. are delineated in accord witll
recognized professional engineering principles and practices. and are
provided for general information only. None oflhe procedures suggesUld or
discussed should be used without first securing competent advice regarding
their suitability for any given application.

This document was prepared with the help and ad\'ice of FHWA. State,
academic, and private engineers. The intent of this doc:ument is to aid
practicing engineers in the applicathm of the AASHTO seismic design
specification. BERGERIABAM and the United States Government assume
no liability for its contents or use theroof.
Seismic De.ign COIll"lle, Dellign Ellumple No. Ii
Federal Hilhway Administration



I Tntroouction u .. I-I

II Flowcharts , . 2-1

III Analysis and IJesign _ .. 8·1

Nine-Span, Two Unit Bridge

Design Step 1, Preliminary Desip 3.&

Design Step 2, Basic Requirements 3-26

Design Step 3. Single-Span Bridge Design (N/Al ....... 8·28

Design Step 4. Seismic Performance

Category A Design. (N/A) t., "" n........... 3·28

Design Step 5, Determine Analysis Procedure 3·29

Design Step 6, Determine Elastic Seismic Forces

and Ilisplacements 3·32

Design Step 7, Determine Design Forces 3·74

Design Step 8. Summary of Design Forces 3-83

Design Step 9, Determine Design Displacements ...... 3-84

Design Step 10, Design Structural Components ....... 3·87

Design Step 11, Design FoundatioDti , 3·114

"Design Step 12" Design Abutments "' u 3·136

Design ~tep 13, Design settlement Slabs (N/A) 3·136

Seismic Design Coune, Design Esample No. 5
Federal Highway AdminiitratioD



Design Step 14, Revise Structure ................................... 3·136

Design Step 16, Seismic Details 3-137

IV CICl8iDg Statements . 4-1

v Refet-eDces _ . 5-1

APPENDIX A Ge-oteehnical Data ~ I I , ••• A·1

B SAJI'9() VG-O Beta Input _.•.•................ B·l
MJSmlC ueSlgJ1 \j()UJ'8e. ue,ugn e.KlImp,e 1'110. 0
Federal Highway Administration

LIST OF FIGURES <continued)

FIGURE la Bridge No. 5 . Plan and Elevation 3-2

Ib Bridge No. Ii • Typical C1'Ol!i8 Section •••" ~ 3-3

Ie Bridge No. I) • Intermediate Pier Elevations ..............

Id Brid,e No. I) . Seat·Type- Abutment "............. 3-5

2 LoDgitudinal Seismic Behavior _ _....".~ ...."....._ .... u.. 8-1

3 'fransverse Seismic Behavior ...".....u,............................. 3-7

.- I.ongitudiDal Seismic Shears 8·18

5 Plan Geometry tor Calculation otvi _ , 8-20

6 Tran.sverse Seismic Shears _........................... 3·25

7 Stru.ctural M<Mlel ot Bridge 3-32

8 Details of Pier Col\UDft Elements "............................. 3·34-

9 Details at Pier No.4 Expansion Joint 11...... :)..36

10 Details at Pier Nos. 5 and 8 Sliding Bearings ............. 3·37

11 Details ot Supports for Spring

Foundation Model ", 'n "... 3..39

12 Coefficient of Variation of Subgrade Reaction 343

13 neftection Coefficient, Fa 8~

14 Pile Layout ..._................................................................... 3-47

15 Foundation Springs 3--48,

16 Details of Abutment Supports ,,~ ,...... 3·55

ii:II"'II;1 ", ~ -. . . . ---~" - - - . , - ----r- - -
Fede Hilhway Administration

LIST OF FIGURES (oontinued)

FIGURE 17 Abutment Plan •.•_••. ~ ,•••.•••••• t . 3·56

18 Section at .Abutm.ent _ . 3·57

19 Deformed Shape: for MCld.e 1 . 3-60

20 Ile'orm~d Sha)Je tor Mooe 2 _ _ .. 3-60

21 I>eformed Shape for Mode 3 _ _ . 3-61

RelatioD8hip Between Elastic Seismic

Response Coefticient and Period . 3-62

23 Earthquake Loading Directions _ _ .

Key to Fo'"Ce and Moment Directions ............................ 3-69

25 Key to Displacement DirectioDs . 3·71

Minimum Support Lengths at Pier No.4 ...

27 MinimlUD Support Lengths at Abutments .................. 3·86

28 Column Cross Section at Base _ . 3·89

29 Interaction Diagram for LCI ...............................,." . 3·90

30 Interaction Diagram. for LC2 1• • ~ 'lI 1 . 3·91

31 Nominal Moment Capacities 5 . 3-93

82 Column Reinforcement Details " " .•.•••............••• 3·101

33 Crc:JIIIiS Frame at Pier ••".......................................................... 3-103

34 Crc:Ji8.S Frame •••••.••••, "••••••._................. 3·104

35 Bearing I>e-tails , " " ••••••, 3-112

J:I'eC1e.raI ,t'tlllbway AOmlDIS'trBJ:IOn

LIST OF FIGURES (continued)

FIGURE ~6 Pile I....ayout Plan 3-118

37 Computation ot Pile lJoads 3-117

38 Pile "mal Lf.'Ilds for R = 1.5 3-122

39 Pile.Asial ~ds wJR Iii: 1.0 _ _. 3·124

40 She.- CoeMcient, Ji'v 1.1 _. 3-] 7fI

41 Moment Cooffieient,. FM •••••_ _...... 3..127

42 Pile .An.chorage Jle.tail e............. 3-194

43 Bearing ~tails , "', " 3·138

44 Column Cross -Section at Base 3-139

45 Column Reinforcement Details 3·140

4G Pile A:ta.ehorage Detail 3..141

47 Alternate Pile AJ\.chorage 3-142

LIST OF TABLES (continued)

TABLE 1 Group Effect Reduction Factors .................................. 9-42

2 Modal Periods and Frequencies ...................................

3 Mooal Participating Mass ~.,.................................... 3-65

4 Response for Transverse Direction (EQtrans) •.••••_.. 3-68

5 Displacements 3·70

6 Response for Longitudinal Direction (EQlong) •••••.•_ 3-'13

7 Dead Load Forces .. n " , "................. 3..75

8 Fun Elastic Seismic Forces 3-76

9 Orthogonal Seismic Force Combinations

LCI and LC2 3·77

10 Design Forces - Members and Connections .............. 3-80

11 Design Forces for Foundations with R =1.5 3-81

12 Design Forces for FOl·tndations with R =1.0 ............... 3-82

Section I
Introduction Design EllBmple No. Ii
Nine-Span, Two Unit Bridge

PURPOSE 'l'his is the fifth in a series of seismic design examples developed for the
OF DESIGN FHWA. A different bridge configuration is used in each example. The
EXAMPLE bridges are in either Seismic Performance Category B or C sites. Each
example emphasizes different features that must be considered in the
seismic analysis and design process. Tne matrix below is a summary ofthe
features of the first seven examples.



1 Two-Span SPC·C Tangent CIP Concret<= Tbree-u:.lwnn Sea' Spreod MonolitJnc Joint .t Pk:r
Continuous Sq....... eo> Integral stub Bue Foatinp ExpaNion BeIll'iDg
Bent at AbutJnent

2 Three.Span SPC-B Tangent Steel Girder Wall Type Tall Spread Elutomerlc
ContinuoUR Ske....ed Pier Seat Fooa- Be-aring Pade
{PieI8 and Abutmentel
~ Single-Span SPC- C Tangent Precast. (NiAl Tall Sprelld Elu:tomeric
Sq""", Concrete Se.' Foot.ings HearingPade
Gb'de19 I tei ."_T n '
Mnnolltlaic at Col Tops
4 Three-Span SPC-c Tangent ("'lP Con.crete- Two-Column Se.t Spretld Pinned Column at BaM
C"..ontinUDUB Skewed. Integral Footings; Ex.plUlJion Bearings
Bent at Abutment&
Nine-Span Villduct-
5 with Four-Span SPC-B Curved Steel Girder Single-Column Soat Steel II~Pll.e5 Olnventional Steel PinJ;
and Fivf!-811an Squ.... (Variable and
Continutlus StrucW. PTFESliw- Be ,nn ~
Sharply· Drilled Shaft
6 Three~Span SPC· G Curvt!d CIP Concrete Sing«: Column Monolithic _tpu,re. MOt1Olithie Concl"Cte Jail'
C'Amtiuuous Sq= Box SteelPilell
at Abu.......ents
7 12-Span Viaduct S}-'U· B Ttulgent PrecMt Pile BenlB So.t Concrete Piles Pinned and
with (3) Four-Span Square Concrete (Batte-red Ilnd and Expansion Bearings
StTUCtures Girders Plumb) Steel Piles

FHWA Seismic Design Course

Introduction DesillD E::rample No. 5
Nine.Span. Two Unit Bri~e

REFERENCE The examples conform to the following specifications.

SPECIFICATIONS AASHTO Division I (herein referred to 8S "Division I")

Standard Specifications for Highway Bridges, American Association of

State Highway and Transportation Officials. Inc., 15th Edition. as
amended by the IntQrim Specifications.Bridges.1993 through 1995.

AASHTO Division I-A (herein referred to us "Division I-A" or the


Standard Specifications for Highway Bridges, Division I-A, Seismic Design,

American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials, Inc.,
15th Edition, as amended by the Interim Specifications-Bridges-1995.

Introduction Design E:o:ampie No.6
Nine-Span" Two Unit Bridge

FLOWCHARTS This fifth example follows the outline @iven in detailed flowcharts
AND presented in Section II, Flowcharts. The flowcharts indude a main chart.
DESIGN STEPS which generally follows the one currently used in AASHTO Division I-A.
and several subcharts that detail the operations that occur for each Design

The purpose of Design Stops is tel present the information covered by the
example in a logical and sequential manner that allows for easy
referencing within the example itself. Each Design Step has a unique
number in the left margin ofthe calculation document. The title is located
to the right of the Design Step number. Where appropriate, a reference to
either Division I or Division I·A of the AASHTO Specification follows the

An example is shown below.

Unque sequence ~
tiM FloM:hart. Ref~

Design Step 2.4

r 1tem

Seismic p ....rfC"IIIIII1ce Category

[Division I-A, Ari.icle 3.4J

MSHTO Spulflcation

FHWA. Seismic Deeign Course 1-3

Design E:l<llmple No.5
Nine·Span, Two Unit Bridge

USE OF In the example. two primary type fonts have been used. One font, similar
DIFFERENT to the type used for textbooks, is used for aU sootioo headings and for
TYPE FONTS commentary. The other, an architectural font that appears hand printed,
is used for all primary calculations. The material in the architectural font
is the essential calculation material and essential results.

An example of the use of the font5 is shown below.

TMrook FOIlt

Design Step 2.4 SeismiC! P e I ' I _ Category

[Division I-A, Article 3.4]

The 5eie;mic Performanc~ Cateeot':i (SPC) is C. This i. t.ake

the Specfficatlon \

The SI'C is II tiw.ctiou ofthe ~eration C<r->Jlicient llIl

nIWA Seil!ilmic Design CG-UI'Be 1-4

Introduction Design E><ample No.5
Nine·Span, Two Unit Bridge

USE OF To provide consistent results and quality control, all calculations have been
MATHCAJ)® performed using the program Mathcad®.

The variables used in equations calculated by the program are defined

before the equation, and the definition of either a variable or an equation
is distinguished by a ';=' symbol. The echo of a variable or the result of a
calculation is distinguished by a '=' symbol, i.e., no colon is used.

An example is shown below.

I~ult of ClIlculatiol1
/l'ndicatoM in Deftnltlon of T
INo~·=· IJ
Note that Mathcad® carries the full precision of the variables throughout
the calculations, even though the listed result of a calculation is rounded
off. Thus, hand-calculated checks made using intermediate rounded
results may not yield the same result as the number being checked.

Also, Mathcad® does not ullow the superscript « ' " to be used in a variabll
name. Therefore, the specified compressive strength of concrete is defined
as fc in this example (not f'c).

FHWA Seismic Design COurse 101

Section II
Floweharta &lll:l1iI ...... ,.:....a.n.. .,..'C -4"'1u."
Nine·Spt<n, Two Unit Bridge


Main Flowchart - 8eilllDic Design AASBTO Division I-A

FBWA Selmaic Delli... CoUl'lle

Flo'Wohute Deelp Esample No. II
Nine-Span, Two Unit Brldp

FLOWCHARTS Key 1;0 Dr... lIfUA Flowchane


Dtl61gn Btep :.0 Pag"Z·3

DeSign Step 2.0 Page 2·4
Design Step 3.0 Not Applles!:>1e for Exampltl No.5

Design Step 4.0 Not Appllesple for Exam pie No.5

Design Step 5.0 Page 2·5

Deslgrt Step 6.0 Page 2-6
Design Step 7.0 Page 2-7
Design Step 8.0 Not Requirul for Elcampltl No.5

Design Step 9,0 Page2-e

Design Step 10.0 Page 2-9
Dtlsign Step 11.0 Page: 2·10
Design Step 12.0 Not FocuaM on In El<8mple No. BlNot InellUl~

D"6lgn Step 1~,O Not Req.ulrul for Example No, 5

Design Eaample No. II
Nine-Span, Two Unit Bridge


Chart 1 - Preliminary DeellJD

l'Iowcbarte Dcsip E_mple No. !
Nlne-Bpan, Two Unit Bl"idgc



Chart 2 - Basic Requlrementll

Flowcbarts Design Example No.5
Nine·Span. Two Unit Bridge



Chart 5 - Dew.rmine Analysis Procedure

....,..... ........ .... _._-~~ .... ~-"'- ,,_._~--

FloweltarU Design Ezample No.5
Nine·Span, Two Unit Bridge


Minimum t-Umm-- C7f~

Coml"riatiM ci 1.1"""1
F",".,;ar<! O~

Rotum to Main

Chart 6 - Determme Elastic Seismic Forces aDd Displacements

Flowcharts Design Example No.5
Nine-Span, Two Unit Bridge



Chart 7 - Determine Design Forces (SPC 0)

Flowch...-ls Design Example No.6
Nine-Spall, Two Unit Bridge


Minimum 5uF'f'O'"t l..Mgt.J1

Rlrtum to Moln

Chart 9 - Det1lrmine Desiga Dioplacementa

nwn",... c>_: __:_ ft __ I _ __

Flowcharts Design Example No.5
Nine-Span, Two Unit Bridge


__ 5tJ!"",'n";t,,,,,
CtJnr=tlon of
&tIpVl,S..! to SubEuueture

Chart 10 - Design Structural Components

FHWA SeI....I" Deel.... Coune 2·

Flow"hart8 Design E:ulmple No.ll
Nine-Span, Two Unit Bridge


Chart II-Design Foundations

Section III
Analysis and Design
Design Step 1 - Preliminary Design Detllgn E ..ample No. Ii
Nine-Span. Two Unit BrIdge


DATA The bridge is to be built acress a large river and flood plain in the inland
Pacific Northwest in a seismic zone wi~h an acceleration coefficient of
O.15g. The subsurface conditions were derived from borings drilled along
the bridge alignment. Soils consist of coarse alluvial flood deposits
overlying volcaniclastic sediments. The alluvial deposits are
approxima~ely 50 feet deep and consist of very dense sand. gravel. and
cobbles. The volcaniclastic sediments consist of very denselhard silt (very
soft. tum. Geotechnical information for the bridge site is provided in
Appendix A.

The configuration of the bridge has nine spans totaling 1488 feet and
consisting of two units: a four.span tangent (Unit 1) and a five-span with a
1300-[00t radius curve (Unit 2). The superstructure is composed of four
steel plate girders with a composite cast-in-place concrete deck. The
SUbstructure elements, seat-type abutments. and single-column
intermediate piers are all cast-in-place ClJUcrete supported on steel H-piles.
All substructure elements are oriented normal to the centerline of the
bridge. J!'igure 1 (a to d) provides details of the configuration.

Because the bridge crosses the flood plain and main channel of a si2able
river, it is assumed that the column ~b,e of the intermediate piers is not
controlled by seismic loading. Flow is~ueB and ice loading have dictated
the size requirements for the pier columns. The configuration of
intermediate piers is shown in Figure le.

REQUIRED Design the bridge for s;eismic loading using the Stand11rd Specifications for
Highway Bridges, Division I-A, Seismic Design. American Association of
State Highway and Transportation Officials, Inc., 15th Edition, as
amended by the Interim Specification-Bridges-1995.


• Preliminary Seismic Design

• Multiple Unit Behavior
• Deck Force Transfer to Piers Through Steel Cross Frame~
• SPC B Effects on Single-Column Pier Design
• Steel Pile Design
Deaip Step 1- PRliminary Design DelIIp E . .mple NO. Ii
Nine-Span, Two Unit Bdqe


~tiii8.~ ~






• I
.. O-.Zp
;, , (
< z
ii: /

0 ~
Figure 1a - Bridge No.5· Plan and Elevation

neaien Step 1 - PreliminlU"Y Design Dftltpl ElUImple No. 0
Nlne·Span, Two Unit Bridge



~ if
~; ~

... £


Figure lb - Bridge No.5· Typical Cross Section

DIlnua l::!..J. _ _ =_ T ' l _ - I _ ",,_... _ _

Deeip Step 1 - PrelimiDIII'Y Deelgn Deslp Esample NO. Ii
Nine-Span, Two Unit Bridge



~--1EE3--- ~r---·-. - '.....>,

9 .. !i '.. '" • Z ''':II d .0-. o,..' --I-"=-'o/
~ 'L " Sl:I)Jd .0-.0," _9-,9

Figure lc - Bridge No. 5 • Intermediate Pier Elevations

Design Step 1 - Prellll1inll1')' Design J>etolgn ltilUlmple NO, l>
Nine-Span, Two 1)nlt Bd"e


1 .eG
2'-$" I'_QN 1"-3"

1- _ Jt~i! SL.Ar.6

f-~~~-- __ ~ -t,
of .
r--------· -i T

~:_::_H+__+;rf+-I -l J

Figure Id - Bridge No. 5 - Seat-Type Abutment

"..n.uJl. C-I. _ _ -l_ 'I'\_.-J_ ........ _ _

Design Step 1 - Preliminary DNlgn UNlgn ....-mple NO. 0
Nine.SptUl, Two Unit Brid.",



Preliminary ae5ign 15 the flr!;t. 5tel' in reflning t.he ae5ign. It£; purpose i5 to
obtain reasonal1le sizes for elements In the 5truct.ure without spending a great
deai of effort.. The emphasis for t.hi5 example is seismic force5, though datil
presented here a65umes that similar step5 have l1een made for 5tatlc analysI5
and ae5i!ln for other forces "'n<'i effects, i.e., de"'d IOlldo, live IOlld5. temperature,
ice. scour, etc.

The preliminary seismic design of the bridge has been completed and
selected calculations are shown in this section. The following assumptions
were used for preliminary seismic design. Effects of the structure's
curvature are ignored for preliminary seismic design.

In the longitudinal direction. the pinne<l intermediate pier columns (Pier

Nos. 1, 2, and 3 in Unit I, and Pier Nos. 6 and 7 in Unit 2) are assumed to
resist the entire longitudinal seismic force. The seat-type abutments and
the expansion joint at Pier No.4 will accommodate significant motion in
the longitudinal direction and will provide restraint in the transverse
direction. The two units of the bridge are assumed to act independently for
longitudinal motion. This behavior is illustrated in Figure 2.

In the transverse direction, the structure is assumed to act as a two·rigid

link system pivoting at the abutments with maximum transverse
displacement at Pier No.4. All ofthe inte1.'1llediatc piers and abutments
are assumed to participate in resisting the transverse seismic force. This
behavior is illustrated in Figure 3.

In both the transverse and longitudinal directions, the column bases are
considered flXed against rotation at the bottom of the pile cap to account
for expected lack of foundation flexibility. The moment of inertia olthe
column was assumed to be that afthe full cross section, "Igross." This
assumed fIXed base condition using the gross cross section of the column
should provide an upper bound to the foundation stiffness. A stiffer system
will have shorter periods of vibration and higher values of Csm ' the elastic
response coefficient, as shown in Figure 22. This results in higher,
conservative levels of seismic forces for preliminary design.
Design Step 1 - PrellmiDlU')' n",,11lD .""••!'IUtI-D ~.lIIIin.I'."'" ~"L'" ••
Nine-Span, Two Unit Bridge


- -n- n
'" b.,

_J 61i<1. E'f

Piers <: 4 5

1. Unit!; "r~ IMcp<r1<Icnt.
Z. rinn", ric~ F"

Figure 2 - Longitudinal Seismic Behavior

1. All Pkre; Psrt:ioip"""
2. Simplifi"" DefI~oted Plan GeometeryShown.
3, Struoture Curvature Negleoted.

Figure 3 - Transverse Seismic Behavior

.....'Ca' .. .. u
£lA.Cll.UI'.~ ~""'I

Nine-Span, Two Unit Bridge

DESIGN STEP 1 Conventional types of pinned bearingE. are assumed at the pinned piers to
(cantinued) transfer both longitudirlal and transverse seismic forces to the substructure
through anchor bolts. At the sliding piers (Pier Nos. 5 and 8) and the
expansion lo<:ations (Pier No.4 and abutments) several types of bearings
could be used to accommodate the expected displacements. Elastomeric
bearings with provision for sliding between the bearing and the girder
under large displacements would work, such as polytetraflouralethylene
(PTFE) against a sliding surface (stainless steel). The transverse restraint
would be provided by girder stops to transfer transverse sei~mic forces to
Pier Nos. 4,5, and 8 and the abutments.

FHWA Seismic Design Course

Design lStep I - I"reuIDIDary veallP' ---"' ........ ---....-- .. -
Nine-Span. Two Unit Brid2e

Desilffi Step Determine Structure Properties

Properties of the structure are calculated in order to perfonn preliminary
seismic design and provide input to the computer model for fmal analysis.
The properties that are not computed are assumed to be taken from a
previously perfonned preliminary design for static loads.


Propertie,;; of the ,;;uper,;;tructure and it,;; elements are shown below. The
.superstructure area and moment,;; of inertia include the concrete deck. the
girder web.s. and both flan!je" with "Uel tran.sformed to concrete u,;;ing a
modular ratio. n ; 8.

Overall length of bridge

Length of Unit 1

Length of Unit 2

Ad := 60·ft; Cro.s,;;-sect.ional area of ,;;uper,;;tructure
and deck (,;;teel t-ran,,;formed to conc:rete
with modular ratio. n = WE, = 8)

Izd .-
'. 518·ft Moment of inertia of 5uperstructure
about a horizontal axis (steel
transformed to concrete with moduiar
ratio, n=B)

Moment of inertia of superst.ruct.ure

about a vertical axis (steel trane;formed
to concrete with modular ratio. n=8)

f c := 4000' psi Compre,,5ive .st.rength of concrete

kip Unit weight of concrete

'Y conc := .150'--

FHWA Sflliflm.ic Design. Course 3·

Nine-Span, Two Unit Bridge

Design Step t cleck := 9-ln Thlcknt&& of concrete deck

(continued) b deck := 42- ft; Wiclth of concrete deck

The torsional constant of the superstructure is calculated using only the

cleek. The contribution to torsional resistance offerecl !7y warping of the steel
sections has peen neglected. The torsional constantJ i& calculated a&

b dllck· t dllck

J = 5.906·ft Tor&ional constant of super"tructure

E c := 3600' (,;1 Young's Modulus of concrlltll

(based on Division I. Artlclll 8.7.1)

Wlllghts for the superstructurlls are calculated with thll following.

Wlllght of concrete deck and girder pads

W steel := 1.9·ft Wlllght of steel plate girders and
cro&5> frames

W ml&cl := 2.4' ft Weight of barriers. stay-In-place metal
forms. and future overlay

W super := W slab + IN steel + W misel

W &uper = 9.3·tt: Wllight pili' foot of &uper&tructure

nIWA Seismic Design Coune 3·10

- - - - . , - - - - - r - - - --- -.
Nine-Span, Two Unit Bridge

Design Step For each of the unit5, compute the totlll 5uperstructure weight.
(continued) W 15uper := L1'1'1' super

W15uper = 5766'kip Super5tructure weigh~ for Unit 1

W 2super :~ L 2'1'1' super

Superstructure weigh~ for Unit 2


The 6-foot 3-inch by 20-foot pier columns have momenC;;; of inertia and ero;;;s-
sectional areas at the column Pll,;;e a;;; given pelow. The column;;; have a
varying width llt the top a5 shown in Figure 1c.

The column5 are 5upported by steel H-pnes llr.d concrete pile caps that have
peen preliminary 5ized at 28 feet square by 6-foot 6-inch thick.

d long := 6.2S·ft Column pase dlmen510n in

the longitudinal direction

c:I trans := 20,O·ft Column Pll6e dimen;;;lon in the

tran5verse direction

A = 125·ft Cro5s-sectlonal area of
column pase

'he total weight for calculation of the period in the longitudinlll direction will
include the weight for the top one-half of the pinned columns that- participate
for each unit pecau5e a lumped ma55 analy5is iG uGed for the preliminary
longlt-udinal seismic analysis. From the dimension5 shown In Figure le, and
"Y cone ~ 0.150 kip/ft3

For the 50-foot pier,;; (1 and 7)

W p50 := 690' kip per pier

FHWA SMamie DlJaign Coune 3-11

--_. .,,- ---- .....- ...- .. -
Nine-Span. Two Unit Bridge

Design Step For the: 70-foot pie:rs (2.3. and 6)

(continued) per pier

MomentB of iMrtia for the column DaBe to be UBt:d in computing the

intermediate pier GtiffneGGeG.

Pier colum n baBe: moment

of inertia in the longitudinal

I tranG = 4167·ft Pier column base moment of
inertia in the transverse

FHWA Seismie Design Course 3·12

Design Step 1 -I'reltJDUlIll")' Ue81Jl11 ..,~. . . . . . . . . - -. . . . . . . . - 'O .. - . . -

Nine.Span, Two 'Unit Bridae

Design Step Preliminary Seismic Design

Simpiified approaches are used for quick hand analyses for preliminary
design in both longitudinal and transverse directious. Fundamental
periods of the strocture are obtained. and the assodated Iorces are
computed for preliminary design and sizing of the substructure elements.
For preliminary seismic design, the effects of the structure's curvature au,

Assume a SOIL PROFILE TYf'E I. The 511'e Coefficie:nt (5) i" from Divi"ion I-A.
Article 3.5.1, Tat-Ie 2 (6ee De6ign sup 2,5).

S:", 1.0

The Acceleration Coefficient (A) is provi<:le<:l in l'he it,tro<:luction to De6i(ln Step

1 (see Design Step 2.2 for further di6cuss'on).

A ,= 0.15

Calculate intermediate pier "tiffne""e,; for each <:lirection. For preliminary

design. i(lnore the stiffness of the foundation and aGsume tha. the piers are
fil(ed at the vottom of (;he pile cap. The top of the pier is free to translate
and rolOat-e. From P/lJ. for a cantilever !7eam. use k = 3'EII H3 .

For Pier Nos. 1, 7. and 8. the pier heigh<:: from the <::01' to the t-o~tom of the
footing is 50 feet + 6 feet 6 inches =56 feet 6 inches.

H 50= 56's'ft

In the longitudInal direction

. . . kip
K50long = ~50!=l'te Pier N06. 1. 7. and 8

FHWA Seismic Design Course 3·13

----e- ----.--- --- -
NiDe-SpeD, 'fwo Unit Bridge

Design St.~p
5'E c'ltrane;
K 50trans := 3
H 50

K 50trans = :55928'- Fier N06. 1, 7, an~ B

Por Pier Noe. 2, 3,4,5. al'ld 6, the pier height from the top to the pottom of
the foot-Ing Ie 70 feet + 6 feet 6 inches = 76 feer. 6 inches,

H 70 := 76.5·ft

In the loneitualnal ~Irectlon

Pier Noe.. 2 through 6

In the transverse ~lrectlon

3'E c·ltrane.
K 70tl'ans :=

3' E c·ltrane.
K70tran6 := 3
K 70trans = 14474' ft Pier Noe. 2 through 6

FHWA Seismlc Design Course 3.14

Nlne.Span,-Two Unit Bridge

Design Step Analysis and Results for Longitudinal Direction


A55ume that the u nit5 are Intlependent a5 c11~cu5~ecl prevlousl",. See Figure
2, The ,;uper~truc;t;ure i5 855umed to ac~ rigidly and all pinnetl column,; for the
unit have the ,;ame longitudinal displacement. A, Compute the total weight
and "'tlffne",,, for each unit for UtiC in Gl1llc~lation of the longitudinal period,

For the longitudinal direction, a simple SIngle Degree of Freedom (SDOF)

sys~em analysis using a single mass (W) and spring (K = stiffness of
columns) is used here, This is cClnsidered ttl be a reasonable approach for
longitUdinal response;)f straight, continuous bridges by FHWA (1987),
Seismic Design and Retrofit Manual.

For Unit 1. include half of the column top weieht for the Pllrt;icipatine plnnecl
pier,; (Pier N05, 1. 2. aM 3) to compute the total weight,

Wltot := W 15uper + W p50 + 2' W p70

Compute the totalloneltutliMI 5~iffne",s for Uni.! wlt<h .he "prtng", for Pi"'r
No,;, 1.2. and;;' acting In parallel.

K liang = 6336· ft LongltucUnal ,;tlfme,;,; for Unit 1

Compute the period from Division I-A, Equation (4-3).

T liang := 2'lt,
K 1iong'g

FHWA Seismir. Design Coune

....~ .... A:lA"'''I'I'IIl;l" .,"" U
Nine-Span, Two Unit Bridge

Design Step For Unit 2, include half of the column top weight for the participating pinMd
1.3 pier!'; (Piers 6 and 7) to compute the totsl weight,
W2tot :~ W2super + Wp50 + Wp70

Compute the total longitudinal 6tiffne6& for V,lit 2 with the &pring6 for Pier
Nos, 6 and 7 acting in parallel.

Longitudinal 6tiffne66 for Unit 2

compute the period from Division I'A, Equation (4-3),

r 210ng := 2'11'
j, W 2tot

1210ng = 1.55' sec

These preliminary periods can now be used to compute seismic she8l's for
the longituciinal direction and the columns and foundations could be
checked quickly to see if ciimensions are adequate and reinforcing within
code limits. Later in Design Step 6.3.1. the preliminary design periods are
compared with those obtained from the computer analysis as a check.

For example, the longitudinal column shear for Pier No.7 is computed BE'
shown in the following. Note that there are conveI'llion units in the
numerator of Equation (3-l) to yield the dimensionless constant. C•.

Calculste the elastic seismic response coefficient for Unit 2 In the longitudinal
direction to determine the iongltudlnal e;eh;;mic shear at Pier No, 7.

1.2'A'S "3
Cs := 2 'sec Division 1-/\ Equation (3-1)


FHWA Seismic Desism Course 3-16

Nine-Spen,-Two Unit Bridge

Design Step c;:; = 0.135 Elaetlc r~epon;:;e co~fficent.

1.8 < 2.5""" (= 0.375). okay
The value of2.5*A represents the upper limit orcs per Division I·A,
Article 3.6.1.

The total longitudinal ;:;hear force at t;he tcp of t:.he column;:; reei;:;<;.ed ~ Unit 2
dh.placed al> a rigid Dodyof lumped ma8;:; I;:; computed Zl&

F 210ng = 1293'kip

Di;:;tributing t;hi;:; force to the plnnea piers (6 <lnd 7) in rehat;ion to t;heir

re"pectlve longitudinal ;:;t;lffne;:;eee. the ;:;hear force <ilt Pier No.7 I;:;

Longi1>udln,,1 ;:;el;:;mic ;:;h~"r Ill: PI"r

No.7 from prellrnlrtary t:lee;lgn

Preliminary longitudinal seismic shear {()rces f()r other piers may be

computed similarly and are shown in Figure 4. These preliminary forces
were used to check the substructure members for size and reinforcing. Th«
results from the Multlmode Spectural Analysis are shown in Table 6 for

The longitudinal di5placement associated with the I'reviow;)y computed

prellminal)l eel;:;mic forcl! may be calculated for Unit 2.

A ._ F 210ng
u 2'- f,. 2 = 3.153 -in
K 210ng

The longitudinal displacement for Unit 1 may be computed similarly. TIli

information is useful at a preliminary design stage because it provides thE
designer with an estimate or the structure's expected seismic motion.

FHWA Seianrlc Design CoUl'fle 3-1'i

-~- .... - - -.. _,t'............._ -

Nine.Span. Two Unit Bridge

Design Step
Unit 1 ----"u~n~lt:..!2=_ 1

" " """ 11
I I-I ,nO "",
Ie 2
f'ierNo&.1 2 3 4- 5 43 7

Note:;"11 Force& ShOWll In Klp&.

'-------------- .....J

Figure 4, • Longitudinal Seismic Sheers

FHWA Seismic Design C3Ul'1'f.'l 3-18

-..---...- ----- ..
Nine-Span, Two Unit Brlda'e

Design Step Analyllis and Results tor Transverse Direction


Al>l>ume that th/lunltl> act a5 a two-rigid link ~y~tem pivotln3 at the

abutmllnt~ with 2'l maximum tran6Vert,e dl,;plac:ement at Pier No.4 as shown in
Figure 5. A Generalize':! CoordinaM Method Is use,;! bal>ed upon the l>impllfied
i1eomlltlj' shown in the figure. All piers and the al:mtmen1;s reBi5t the Beismic
force In the tran5VIlr5e direction.

Application of the Generalized Courdinate Method for transverse

displacement of a bridge structure is presented in FHWA (1981), Se~mic
Design ofHighu" 'f Bridges· Workshop Manual, A mOre complete
discussion of the C'~neTalized Coordinate Method may be found in a
structural dynamics text, such as Clough andPenzien (1993).

The reliability of this method depends on the ability to predict and define
the str-.lcture's mode shape. The effective application of this technique also
requires that one mode dominate in the dire<:tion under consideration.

The !lenerali2ed coordinate Is at the hinge vetween Units 1 and 2. which occurs
= =
at Pier No, 4. At. t;hi~ iocatlon, V, A~ 1.0.

11.... ::: 5um (I\., Wi 2)

and the eenerllllzed mass (or wei3ht) I~ given 'rJy

W.,. = Sum (Wi '1', ~)

Where '1', i~ a shlipe factor at each pier relative w the ma.lmum or !3/lMr",1
coordinate and j,;; a function of x I L as shown In figure 5. The a",;;urn"d
maximum or unit displlac/lm/lnt ('I'. = A~ " 1,0) occurs at the: hinge: at Ple:r

De811Pl Step I - t'reul11UIary UetlllPl .a1elullu Daanapl.'V .j.~v.. U'

Nine-Span, Two Unit Bridge

Design Step

"4= 1.0

I I Xi>
X2 =290
X6 - 519'
X3 = 460'
X5 = 692'

X4 = LI = 620' V:' = 865'

Plan Geometry for Calculation of "i

for Tran6veree Sei6mic Behavior

Figure 5 - Plan Geometry for Calculation of'l'i

From Figure 5

L1 := 620·ft Length of Unit 1

Xl := 105'ft;

x2 := 290·ft.
x3 := 450·ft

"'4 := 620,ft;

L Z .= 865'ft Length of Unit 2

x5 := 692·ft

FHWA Seismie IHiliD. Coun.e 3.2{\

DaillD Step I - Preununary .,esllPl .... --.- .....- ..
...,...,.~ "-' -
Nillle-Span, Two Unit Bridge

Design Step x6 := 519·ft

(continued) x7= 346·ft

x8 :=173·ft

Compute the 'If, term,,; for each interme.:liate pier location.

"t Pier No.1

810 Pier No.2

'lf3 = 0.726

at fler No.4 (maximum)

at fier No.5

at fier No.6

at; Pier No.7

'1'8 = 0.2 at Pier No, B

FHWA Sei.mie Deaign Cov..rse

Dellign Step 1- PrelimiDlU'Y Detlign Design .t;sBmple No. II
Nine-Span, Two Unit Bridge

Design Step The pier e;tiffnee;e;ee; for the trane;vere;e direction I, we <SIlre<Sldy been computed.
1.4 The K i terms for t:he gener<Sllized expressiom; are
-I kip
K1 = 3.593010 ' -

"2 ;= "70trans ~
= 1.447'10 . -

"3 = 1.447'10 -I kip


"4 = 1,447'104 .kipft-

"5 -I kip
= 1.447'10 . -

4 kip
K.r = 3.59.3010 .-

4 kip
Ke. ;= K 5Otr",nf> K8 = 3.593010 .--

The gener",lized stiffness for the sye;tem is

4 kip
K "len = 4.796'10 'ft:"

Design Step 1 - Preliminary Design Design ~xample NO. fi
Nine· Span, Two Unit Bridge

Design Step Note that this stiffuess does not include any contribution from the
1.4 superstnlcture because there is a discontinuity of the superstructure's
(continued) stiffness at Pier No.4 due to the expansion joint between the two units..

Compute ~he ge~er~lizel'l mll~~ ;or weight) term from the trit>utary
GuperGtructure weightG at each pier plus the column top weight computed

span1 := 105'fj; span4 := 170·ft

;;panZ := 180·ft :>p<3n5 :~ 173·ft sp~n Eo :~ 173·ft

~Plit13 := 160'ft spat16 := 173' ft spang := 173·ft

SPlin1 + spanZ
WI := W super' 2 + Wp50

spat12 t sPllt13
Wz := \II super' 2 + Wp70 Wz = 2484' kip

span 2> r spaln4

W3 := \II Gurer' 2 + W p70

span4 + sp at1 5
..; := W super' 2 ... Wp70

W5 =2489' kip

6pat16'" span?
We, :~ \II super' 2 ... W p70

span? ... spanG'>

W7 := \\I super' 2 ... W p50 W7 = 2299' kip
Design Step I-Preliminary Design Design EIBmple No.5
Nine.Span, Two Unit Bridge

Design Step span8 + spang

1.4 W8 = 2299-kip
(continued) WE> := w super' 2 + W p50

The generalized mass (or weight) for the system is

W gen := L
i = 1

W gen = 7298-kip Generalized mass (or weight)

Compu"te the trans'lers/: period.

T :=2.1t.rWgen_
trans "K.g T"trans = 0.43' seC
" gen

Preliminary .hsign forces for transverse seismic were computed from the
assumed shape of the structur'e deflect1('n. The maximum transverse
deflection (I1max ) is computed at Pier No.4 and used to compute the
transverse forces using the transverse pier stiffnesses and the deflections
at each pier. An example calculation for the transverse shear at Pier No.7
is shown here.

Calculate the elastic seismic response coefficient for the structure in the
transverse directicn to determine the transverse 6eismic shears acting a"t
the top of the itltermediate piers.

1.2' AS "3
'see Division I-A
Eqn (3-1)
T trans

C s = 0.315 Elastic response coefficient

< 2.5'A ( = 0.375) O.K.
Design Step 1 - Preliminary Design Design I!;"ample No.5
Nine-Span, Two Unit Bridge

Design Step At Pier No.4. comput" th" maximum tr.. n~v"rso de.fioc;tion.

A max ~ O.0479·ft;

Transvu,;e defiec;tion6 ~t the other pier locations may ve compute<! aG 6. = 'If

i 0rniIX' At Pier No.7

A 7 = O.019·ft;

The tran,;verGe force associated with thi'" deflection and t;ran",ven,e ",tiffn"",;
for Pier No.7 may ~e computed.

Tranevere:.e s-eiBmic shear at Pier No.7

from preliminary de~ign

Preliminary transverse seismic shear forces for other piers may be computed
similarlya.nd are shuwn in Figure 6. These preliminary forces were u""d to
check the substructure members for size a.nd reinforcing. The results from
the Multimode Spectral Method are shown in Table 4 for comparison.

UHit; 1 Unit 2.

. Piel" No 3 Peer t-.lo 4 rl~r No.5 Pier No,£'·
T 7

Z9Zk 3241< 50i:\k 694k
Pier No. Pier No. B

689k Z>44k

Note; Ail Foro'G Shown in Kip•.

Figure 6 - Transv".ose Seismic Shears

Design Step 2 - Basic Requirements Design Example No.5
Nine-Span, Two Unit Bridge


Design Step Applicability of Specification

2.1 [Division I-A, Article 3.1]

The configura"tion of "the b>ridge is nine spans totaling 1488 feet "nd consisting
of two units: four span,; (Unit 1) anGl five spans (Unit 2). The b>ridge feat.ures
a steel plate girGler superstructure with cas"t-in'place concrete <:leek and
reinforced concrete suus"tmcture. Thus, "the Specification applies.

Design Step Acceleration Coefficient

2.2 [Division I-A. Article 3.2]

For "this example. "the Acceleration Coefficient (A) is 0.15 (normally taken from
Figure 3 of ttJe Specificiltlon).

A = 0.15

A site investigation by a qualified geotechnical engineer or seismic hazard

assessment specialist may be used to develop accurate acceleration data.
Such an investigation is required if the structure is near an active fault, if
long-duration earthquakes are expected, or if design for a long return
period is required due to great importance of the structure. In addition,
some agencies may requhe acceleration coefficients that are different than
those given in the AASHTO Specification.

Design Step Importance Classification

2.3 [Division I-A, Article 3.3]

The Importance Classification (IC) of this b>ridge is taken "to be II. The I>ridge is
assumed not to be essential for use follOWing an earthquake.

Ie = II

Design Step Seismic Performance Category

2.4 [Division I-A, Article 3.41

The Seismic Performance Category (SPC) 15 B. This is taken from Tal>le 1of
the Specification.

D""ign Step 2 - Basic Requirements Design Exsmple No.5
Nine.Span. Two Unit Bridge

The SPC is a function ofthe Acceleration Coefficient and the Importance


Design Step Site Effects

2.5 [Division I-A. Article 3.5]

The site conditions affect the design through a coefficient hased on the soil
profile. In this case. SOIL PROFILE TYPE I is used since i. corresponds tl
stable deposits of sands and gravels less than 200 feet deep overlying rock.

The Site Coefficient (S) for thi,; 'type ,;oil ;,; 1.0 per Tallie 2 of the Speciftcation

S = 1.0

A geotechnical investigaticm may be made by qualified professionals to

establish site-specific seismic response information (e.g.• site-specific
response spectra). This is typically done on a site-hy-site basis. In some
cases. State Departments of Transportation (DOTs) have developed
representative spectra for soil types and seismic hazards in their
jurisdiction. These are then used in lieu ofthe information in Article 3.5.
Lacking such specific infcrmation. the structural engineer should decide
whether to have site-specific information generated or use the approach
given in this section.

Design Step Response Modification Factors

2.6 [Division I-A, Article 3.71

Since this hridge is classified as SPC B. appropriate Response Modificatior

Factors (R Factors) must be selected far use later in establishing
appropriate design force levels.

In this ca,;e. Tallle.3 of the Specification gives the following R Factors.

R=3.0 for the sullstructure ,;ince single-column piers are used

R =1.0 For the superstructure to intermediate pier wn~ectio'l (~earings

These factors will be used to ensure that inelastic effects are re£tricted to
clements that can be designed to provide reliable. ductile response that ca
be inspected after an earthquake to assess damage and that can be
repaired relatively easily. The foundations do not fit this canstrmnt and
thus will be d"signed not to ex:perience inelastic effects.

Design Step 2- Basic Requirements DQllign Example No.5
Nine-Spun, Two Unit Bridge


Not applicable.


Not appl1cable.

1lellign Step G- Determine Analysis Procedure Design E,.ample No.5
Nine-Span. Two Unit B ..idlle


Design Step Determine Maximum Subtended Angle

5.1 [Division I.A, Article 4.2]

The bridge is cueved i~ the horizontal plane. The 856-foot--long Unit- 2 has a
cuev" radius of 1300 filet.

Calculate the 6ut?tended a~gle.

R := 1300·ft R.adius of curvature

S := 86[)·ft Length of a rc

A :=-

Subtended lingle in plan

Design Step Determine Maximum Span Length Ratio

5.2 [Division I-A, Article 4.2]

compute the maximum splin length ratio from span-W-Bpan, i.e., for adjacent

L max''= 185' f1; Maximum Gpan leng';h (Span 2)

l min := 105·ft Minimum sf'a" length (Span 1)

Span ratio := -,~­
L min

Span ratio = 1.76 MaximLJm span length ratio, grellter

than 1.5

FHWA Seismie Desirrn Course 3·29

Design Step II - Determine Anal)'sls Procedure O.".ign E"'ample No.5
Nine·Span, Two Unit Bridge

Design Step Determine Maximwn BentlPieil" Stiffness Ratio

5.3 [Division I-A. Article 4.2]

U~ine the "tram;ver~e pier B"tiffneB~e~ computet! in De~ign Step 1, compute "the
maximum bent/pier stiffness ratio from ~pan-to-~pan. i.e., for at!jacent piers.
excluding a~utmentB.

Ma"imum pier BtiffneBB

K2trans:= 14474'- Minimum pier BtiffneB B

K 1trans
StiffnesB ratio :=

Stlffnes~ ratio = 2.4B Maximum bertt/pier stiffne~s

ratio. greater than 2

Design Step Critical Bridge

5.4 [Division I.A, Article 4.2.3]

AS.fume that the bridge is not crl"tlcal.

If the bridge is large, expensive, required to function immediately following

the design earthquake. or geometrically complex, then the Specification
recommends that Time-History Method (Procedure 4) be used to analyze
the stnl~t.ure.

Design Step Regular Bridge

1i.5 [Division I-A, Article 4.2]

Table 5 of the Specification gives the requirement" for determining if a

bridge is regular. The requirements are based on limiting values of the
parameters determined in the steps above.

The ~rldge is no"t regular Ilecause the span length ratio and ben"t/pier 5tiffne55
ratios are exceeded, and there are more than si" spans,
Design Step (; - Determine AnBIYRjs Procedure Deslp E_mple No. S
Nine-8pan. Two Unit Bridge.

Desien Step Curved Bridge

5.6 [Division I·A, Article 4.2.2)

A curved bridge may be analyzed as if it were straight provided all of the

requirements of Article 4.2.2 >U'e satisfie<l.

The: I>rid~e ha~ a ~ul>t"t'!ded lln~le It'! plan and Ii; greater "han 30": therefore.
"he vrld~e must VI: analyzed uslne the actual curved geomc:t!J'.

Design Step Analysis Procedure

5.7 [Division I-A, Article 4.2)

Beeause this bridge is not a single-span bridge and it is nct a SPC A

bridge, a detailed seismic analysis is required. Table 4 of the Specificauoo
is used to select the minimum analyois requirements.

From Taul" 4 of the SpC:Cification, the: Mul,lmode Spectral M"thod

(Proc",",ure 3) must l:1e used l>ecau5e this pridgc: is not regular anti has more
th.." 51x 5p.. ne.

This is the minimum method that can be used. The Time·History Method
(Procedure 4) could be used in lieu of Procedure 3.

For this elCElmple. Procedure:3 15 used for the analysis.

Design Step 6. - Determine ,EIIIIIUc SeismIc Forces Detlign Esarnple No. 5
Blld Displacements Nine·Span. Two Unit Bridge


Design Step Description of Mathematical Model


Design Step General

6.1.1 [Division I·A, Article 4.5.2]

The structural analysis program SAP90 Version BETA 6.00 (CSI, 1994) was
used for the linear elastio analyse... The model u..ed is ",hown in Figure 7 and
inolude.. a e;inqle line of elemmt5 for the superstructure and a !">ingle line of
vertical elemente; for each of the intermediate piers, A copy of the SAf'90
input file for the analyses i.. provided in Appendix B,

At>utment l" <t.

It Al>utment A

~ Intermedielte
\ • f'ier (Typical)

per Span (Typical)

1(' z Note!">:
1. For Span Length!>. Bee Fi(;lurG 1a.
2, For Dlltail!> of Fillr Column Element,;. See Figure 8,
3. For Sprina Detelil,; at Pier,;. See Figure 11.
4. For Detal1!> of Abutment Support,;, See Figure 16.

Figure 7 - Structural Model of Bridge

Design Step 6 - Determine Elastic Seismie FOl"Ce8 Design El[8mple No. 5
and Displacem.ents Nlne.SP8n. Two Unit Bridge

Design Step Superstructure

a) Gilometry

The superstructure has been modeled wit.h four element.s per t-~an. The noaC's
and work lines of t.he C'1C'ments arC' locatC'd along t.hC' cC'ntC'r of gravity ofthC'

As shown in Figure 7, the 5Uperstructure has been collapsed into a single

line of 3·D frame elements that follow the horizontal geometry of the
bridge centerline. As discussed in Design Step 5.6. the bridge must be
analyzed using the actual curved geometry. This "stick" model is used
solely for the determination of seismic forces for thip example. For some
structures. such as multicolumn bents, this type of model may not give the
correct forces for other loadings, such as dead loads. However.
substructure dead load forces obtained ftc>m a "stick" model f>:>r the type of
bridge in this example would generally be acceptable, though dead load
distribution to the superstructure elements would require more exact
analysis by girder line or grid. Springs are used to support the structure.
The determination of the foundation spring stiffnesses is discussed in
Design Step 6.2.

EnDugh nodes rnu~t be used along the length of the superstructure to

accurately characterize the response and forces. The mass of the structure
will be lumped by SAP90 at the nodes, which is typical of most dynamic
analyses programs. For a uniform cross section such as this one and
relatively large radius curvature (greatee than 800 feet), nodes at the
quarter points are sufficient. Momen:« of inertia and torsional stiffness of
the superstructure are based on uneracked cross-sectional properties.

b) Properties

fhe properties of the eleme"ts wC're presC'nted prC'vlously In DC'sign StC'p 1.

Preliminary Design. Since the superstructure is a composite of steel aMa
concretC', these properties are tr"msforrnec::l to C'quivalent concrete properties.
fhe dC'n5ity u5C'd for the modal anal)'5i5 has pC'en adjust,,'" to incluc::lC'
additional dead loads from "(;raffle tlarriers, wearing surfacC' overlay, and stay-
in-place metal forms. The total WC'ight of these additloMal dead loads is
2.4 kips per Iineal foot of superst.ructure.

FHWA Seismic Design Ceurse 3-33

Design Step 8 - DeteMDiDe Elastic Seismic Foree. De8ign Emlmple No. 5
and Displacements Nine-Span, Two Unit Bridge

Design Step ihe centroid of the €>uperstructure ha€> been located B feet above the top of
8.1.2 the pier to !lccount for the height of the bellrings Ilnd leveling pede€>tal. ihe
(continued) connection of the superstructure to the pier is made in the SAPElO model with
rigid link element, shown In Figure B as the top elements of the pier€>.

~--- Superstructure
~ Elements
..,j<-.-------------. Connectea Here
IS.i - - - - - - Rigid Link
in in


4XX Element6



in 1 - - - - - - - 1 - . Founaation
IS.i 2)0( Element

Founiiation Springs
Connocted Horo. 5"0 Figur<: 11.

Figure 8 - Details of Pier Column Elements

FllWA Selmrie n-tgn Course

Design StepG-Dete......ine Etasti" Seismi" Force" Design E:umple No. 5
and Displa"ementB Nine-Span. Two Unit Bridge

Design Step Substructure

The intermedii'lte pCers are modeled wi"th 3·0 frame element5 "hat represent
the individual columns. Figure 8 5hows "the relationship between the actual
pier and the "stick" model of 3· D frame element~. Three elements were used
for the column between the "top of foo"ting and the bearings. This was to
accoutlt:. for the varying cross Beetion near the top of the col';l11n since
SAP90 handles meml:>ers with varying cross sec"tion5 I:>y interpolating l7etween
the mernber end no'des, For thl!> model. the moments of inertia and torsional
propertlet> of the colurnnt> are based on an ut1cracked section. Found",tiOI1
5prings "re connected to the node (2xx) at the base of the pile cap. There are
no elements to model the at:>utmen"ts. only Stlpport nodes a" shown in Figure 7.

Design Step Connection of Superstructure to Piers

In the actual structure. internal forces are transferred between the
SUperstM1cture and the pier through the i>earings. In the seismic model.
the superstructure forces are transferred at the single point where the
superstructure and pier intersect. At pinned piers. node 6xx (in Figure 8)
transfers shears from the superstructure in all directions, and is released
for moment in the longitudinal direction, At Pier Nos. 4. 6. and 8 which
are free to move longitudinally. only transverse shears are transferred.

Figure 9 shows modoling details for the <onn<lction at th", top ofPi",r No.4,
which is the location of the expllJl.sion joint hetween Unit 1 and Unit 2. If
the ends of the a!ljacent superstructure elements are connected directly to
Node 741 and these element ends are released for longitUdinal translation
and rotation. the node (741) is still attached to the top of the rigid link and
will receive the tributary mass from each end of the attached
superstructure. (Lumped mass for spectral analysis is discussed further in
Design Step 6.3,) This will result in longitudinal shears being transmitted
to Pier No.4 though the superstructure is free to move longitudinally there
and should transfer no shear.

To model the behavior at the expansion Joint correctly, three coincident

nodes are defined at the top of the rigid link The two additional nodes
(741A and 741B) are used to define connectivity. which will result in
correct forces for Pier No.4. The end of the superstructure element from
Unit 1 is connected to one of the nodes (7411\), the cnd ofthe
superstructure from Unit 2 is connected to another of the nodes (741B),
and the third node (741) is connected to the top of the rigid link of the pier
~olumn elements. Local coordinate systems and release constraints of

FHWA SElI.we Design Caurse

Design Step S - Determine Elastic Seismic Forces Design E><ample No.5
and Displacements Nine.Span, Two Unit Bridge

Design Step each of the three nodes are defined. This prevents the column top node (741)
6.1.4 from picking up lumped mass from the acljacent superstructure elements in
(continued) the longitudinal direction, for which the structur~ is free to move. Instead of
coincident nodes, a short element could have been defined at the two ends of
the superstructure elements adjacent to Node 741. The ends of these short
elements adjacent to Node 741 would then be released for translation and
rotation longitudinally in their respective local directions to model the
superstructure ends at the expansion joint, and the lumped mass from the
short elements transmitted to Pier No.4 would be very small.

Node 741
t:' 1

/ " 0 - - - 5uper'!')Vuct.urc
Node 741A Elem"nt. Fl"Om
Unit 2

,,'C.t"'---Coincident Noae6
5u,,~r6tru-Gture ~
Etfome:n't From
1 - - - R.i~id Link
Unit #1



LOCllI 10' t-""

Column Elemel1t-6 ~~
1 (Radial)

Figure 9 - Details at Pier No.4 Expansion Joint

FHWA S.bmJe ne.ign CoU1"M'

Design Step 6 - Determine Elastic 8eismJc Forces Design EIlImple No. G
and Displacements Nine·Span, Two Unit Bridge

Design SteP Modeling details for connections at the tops of Pier Nos. 5 and 8 are shown in
6.1.4 Figure 10. These piers have sliding bearings to allow unrestrained
(continued) longitudinal motion. Since the superstructure is continuous. it is not
necessary to provide coincident nodes as with Pier No.4 in order to provide
correct modeling for longitudinal forces. Translational and rotational release,
are provided at the top end of the rigid link element. The direction for the
releases is in the local column coordinate system. and so is oriented tangentia
to the point of curvature at the center of the pier as shown in Figure 10.


SUptlnstrUGture ----.... 1 - - - Rigid Lil1k

Element. From
Unit #1 6>x

t;' 1

Figure 10 -- Details at Pier Nos. 5 and 8

Sliding Bearings
Design Step 6 - Determine Elastic Seismic Forces Design Example No.5
and Displacements Nine-Span, Two Unit Bridge

Design Step Foundation Stiffnesses


Design Step Pier Foundations

The intermediate pier foundations werB modeled with B'iu,vabJnt spring
stlffnesses for .he pile group. Figure 11 show,; details of the "pring "upports.
For this example. all of the intermediate piers use the same foundation
springs. The spring stiffnesses are deveioFed for the local pier support
coordinate geometry and are input into the SAP90 modei with the "ame
orientation as the lo~al pier' columns. Note that the local a"es for the spring
support nodes are identified differently (I.e., x, y, and z are not the same) in
Figure 11 th.m the local axes of the column elements.

For a program that can only accommodate global directions for spring
releases, the stiffnesses computed here would require some transformation
from local to global coordinate geometry for input into the model.

Establishing meaningful soil stiffnesses for bridge pile foundations is <i

complex problem that is often simplified to linear springs for static or
modal analyses, There aro several methods available for establishing
spring constants for use in a seismic analysis. Gcn<,rally, the steps aN

• Obtain the stiffness of a single pile, axially and laterally.

• Combine the stiffnesses of individual piles to obtain the group pile


• Determine if any additional stiffness contribution from the pile cap

(footing) should be included or if the flexibility of the pile cap
contributes tc redt.lCing the stiffness ofthe pile group.

• Combine any contribution of the pile cap with the pile g,'oup
stiffnesse~ to obtain the final foundation springs.

Judgment is necessary to determine the stiffness contribution of the pile

cap or footing. This largely depends on how confident the designer feels
about the assumed soil stiffnesses, strengths, and interaction with the pile
cap. If soils are weak, have liquefaction potential, or may not be ill full
contact with the pile cap due to scour or settlement, then the stiffness
contribution fr<om the pile cap interacting with the supporting soil should
be neglected. Generally, soli contribution under a pile cap is not included
Design Step 6 - Determine Elastic Seismic Forces Design El<.8mple No. Ii
lind Displaot;ements Nin...Splll1. Two Unit Bridge

Design Step

Sllrers"tructure -'\,..----"
Element,,; -If.---1XX Node

/ ".m~,"

,W Transla-CiOn8l1 Spring /zxx Node (Support)

---IN--- Rotational Spring

Coordit18te Axe5 Shown Are for Local
Pier Support Notle&.

Figure 11 - Details of Supports for Spring Foundation Model

because it is assumed that soil will settle away from the cap. Piles are
usually required in poor soil conditions where settlement or liquefaction is
expected. In the case ofliquefiable soils, downdrag on the piles may add to
the vertical load and reduce the pile capacity. Proper consirleration of the
soil effects requires close coordination between the structural (lIld
geotechnical engineers.

l<'or this example, the piers are located in the flood plain of a large river.
With the potential for scour and loss of contact of soil around and beneath
the pile cap, only the stiffness of the pile group is considered in computing
the equivalent springs to model Lhe foundation. Thus, resulting forces at

FHWA SE.ismie Design Course 3·39

Design Step 6 - Determine Elastic Seismic Forces Design Example No. II
and Displaceltlents Nine·Span, Two Unit Bridge

Design Step the foundation level will only be applied to the pile group to determine
6.2.1 design loads to the piles. Flexibility of the pile cap is neglected.
lfit is desirable to include any stiffness contribution of the pile cap, a
number of methods may be used to calculate equivalent springs for the pile
cap and its soil interaction. One way to compute linear springs is to use an
elastic subgrade (or half-space) approach as described in the Seismic Design
and Retrofit Manual {or Highway Bridges, FHWA (1987). Additionally, if
pile cap stiffnesses are included in the total foundation stiffness, the
resulting forces at the foundation level should be properly apportioned
between the pile group and the pile cap, which may result in
unconservatively low levels of force for design of the pile group if there is
any soil settlement or failure.

In order to investigate the effects of varying the foundation stiffnesses for

the model, two SAP90 runs were made. The first run used foundation
springs computed from the pile group only (lower stiffness). The second
run included the pile group stiffness plus the full elastic half-space
contribution of the pile cap acting as a spread footing (higher stiffness) in
order to provide an upper bound for the foundation spring stiffnesses.
Since the relative stiffness of the foundation to the stiffness of the pier
column is very large, whether the pile group is considered alone or the
contribution of the pile cap is included, the resulting forces for design of the
piers and foundations did not vary significantly, generally less thWl
5 percent. 'rhe designer should keep in mind that trends for the sensitivity
for resulting levels of force in the structure under seismic loading, with
variation of the foundation spring stiffnesses, are dependent upon the
relative stiffnesses within the individual structure and are unique to that
structure. Generally, any reasonable d"veloprnent of spring stiffnesses will
produce acceptable results. The sensitivity of varying bridge foundation
stiffnesses has been studied hy Cook, ct. aI., (1995).

The pier foundation used In the model for producing finai deSign
forces are the stiffnesses of the pile grouP only without any stiffness
contribution from t.he soil below the pile cap or contribution of flexibility of the
cap itself. A rigid cap was assumed.

aj Determine Single Pile Axial Stiffness

The piles ur.ed for the foundation are all 40 feet long, HP 12 x 84. It is
assumed that the piles are end bearing and sk'n fric~;on is neglected in
calculation of the axial stiffness.

FHWA Seismic ~Bign Course 3-40

Design Step 8 -Determine Elastic seismic l"OI'CleS DelIlgn EKample No. 15
and Displacements Nine-5pan, Two Uni$ Bridge

Design Step For HP 12 x84

(continued) A:= 24,6'il Cro55-5ectional ar.ea of pile

I p5 := 650' In Moment of inert;;; a"out the 6trong axi6
I pw := 213'ln Moment of Inuri" about the weaK axis

E := 29000' k6i Young'6 Modulus for Gteel

Calculate th.e aXial 5tlffne55 t>y a55uming liln lilxial di5placement of 1 inch and
computing the axlai IOl'l&l a550clate&l with ',hat, &li5placement.

o := 1'ln
!J. 'A'E From "t'he rellil"t'lon"hlpA ~ PL/AE

P = 1.4B6-10 'klp

Therefore. the vertical 6tiffne55

4 kip
k pv = 1.783·10 • ft. For a 5ingle pile

b) Determine Single Pile Lateral Sliffnesses

There are different methods available tl> "valuate lateral pile load-
deformation behaviar, which is a complex relationship of pile deformation
and the reaction ofthe surrounding soil, which may be nonlinear. Compute,
programs such as COM624 and LPILE are commonly used to obtain load
displacement curves, This re(Juires input of soil material properties. such a,
modulus of subgrade reaction and soil shear strength. along with the
properties of the pile. For this example. Ii linear IlPproximation will be

'IE.,........., ... ""~,~_,_ .... _--=~ ro_ •. _

3 ....'
Design Step 8 - Determine Elastic Seismic Forces Design Example No.5
and Displacements Nine-Span, Two Unit Bridge

Design Step used such as described in NAVFAC (1986), Foundations and Earth
6.2.1 Structures, Design Manual 7.02.
Group action should be considered when pile spacing in the direction of
loading is less than six- to eight-pile diameters (D). Because typically
spacing may be 4D to 5D. the subgrade reaction modulus should be
reduced to account for the increased deflection of a pile in a group versus a
pHe acting alone. From NAVFAC (1986). Foundations and Earth
Structures, Design Manual 7.02, Table 1 gives values for reduction factors
if specific values have not been supplied in the geotechnical report.

Table 1
Group Effect Reduction Factors

Pile Spacing in Subgrade Reaction

Direction of Loading Reduction }<'actor
D = Pile Diameter R

8D 1.00
6D 0.70
4D 0.40
3D 0.25

From: NAVFAC DM7.02119861

For very dense sand. assume a coefficient of variation of lateralsuvgrade

reaction with depth. f from Figure 12. ta~en from NAVFAC (1986) Design
Manual 7.02. For group effect, use a reduction (efficiency) Factor R to re"'uce
the effective subgrade reaction,

f:= 5 0 ' - From Figure 12

R:= 0.65 From Table 1

........ roo" ....... _~ __ ,_ .-.. __ , _ ..... _

DesifPl Step 8 - Determine Elalltic seismic FOllles Design E_mple No. IS
IUld Displacements Nine·Span, Two Unit Bridge

Design SteP
I STiFf W;:1n STln
10 ,
C I ~
, Ie

f lC etlir'MIENf OF \,'ARII1"DII ~ l..I.'TtIUL. ~ fIlE.ICt'Dji , .'.'

WITH DEPnt.USED IN.-......ctSIS OIF LATEJIW.1.'Il' LOU)£) .us. 10

," "
. 10

.' "
liRAiNW 5Cl1~/. . ,"
'0 III

.., "


. I

00 00 100

Figure 12 - Coefficient of Variati~n of Subgrade Reaction

Note: Thit> reduction fac.or reflectB an easy deBign iteration of the pile group
layout anclls higher than what woulcl ~e ol>taineol from Tauie 1 for pile ;paclngs
of 4D to 5D as shown in Figure 14. Due to an over6ight. thi6 factor wa6 Gorret
for the "amputation of 5pring5 pre5ented here. Sul7sequent recalculation of t
spring values using a lower reduction factor indicates there would l7e Mgligil7le
change to the 6trUCture"6 resulting design forces. The sensitivity of va""ing
foundation 5.iffnes5 lVas discus5ed previously in thi6 de6ign 6tep.

f e := f'R
f e = 0.038,- Effective coeffcle nt of
In variation of later,,1
6uograde reaction
Ir, kip/irf

3 ...3
Design Step 6 - Determine EllUlUc Seismic Forces Design EJUlmple No. IS
and Displacements Nine.Span, Two Unit Bridge

Design Step Compute the relative £>tlffne£>£> factor (T) for each direction from Figure 12
6.2.1 taken from NAVFAC (1986) D/l£>lqn Manual 7.02,

R/lilltil'e £>tiffne5£> fllctor for th/l 5trong

T p5 = 55·ln
direction ofthe pile

T pw = 44·ln Relative 5tlffness fllctor for the wellk

direction of the pile

Compute the ratios LIT for each direction and use Figure 13 (Ilssuming a
pinned pile head condition) to determine the deflection coefficient Fll for a
depth Z equal to zero.

Strong:= - - Stront:! = 8.7
T ps

Weak:= - - Weak = 10,9
T plY

From Figure 13. the curves for LIT ratios for 5 to 10 are the same for a value
of Z = 0, at the top of the pile. Therefore. the deflection coefficient wili ve
assumed the £>ame for voth strong and weak axes of the pile.

Fli:=2,25 Deflection coefficient

___ T"'O"' .. "'_-' __ ~-'_ ~ __, _ ", _

Design Step 9 - Deterrnine Ela.tic Fo..,.,. n""irn Eumple No.ll
and Di.placements Nine·Span. Two Unit Brldee

Design SteP
6.2.1 o llEfLECTIllH CCEFFICIENT(F~I..l ~J!;'
(continued) FOR APPLIED LAlEJlAL RR:£IPY~<.f-'''_+::~
I ~,...... ~.-•• ,
.. 1.4" '
~ •.-.- pr-

~- 2"f-.l....
T z
.. " II
~ I
!: 3,'
.. 3 "---"I--+-jH---"I--+~

~ ~-t-.-.._4--'it--ir---+--1
"l PT5

51lllC ~ 8p :ia(if I
-I 0 I Z 5
DfFLECTlOI'4 cce'f1Qf/tT, Fa

Figure 13 - Deflection Coefficient. F/i

C",lcul",t;e 1>he 1"1>e r" I load P for" deflection op ,,1; 1;he top of tne pi Ie in each
dlrect;iOn from t;he following rel"t.lont>hlp,

For a deflect/a" of 1 inch in the stmng direction

PG ~ 50· kip

Therefore. the translational 6tiffness in the strong (x) direct;ion

kip For a single pile

k ~ 606'-
ps ft

FHWA Seismic D-esign Coune 3-46

De8ign Step 8 - Determine Elastic Seiflmic Foree. De8ign Esample No. 5
and Displacements Nine.Span, Two Unit Bridge

Design Step For II deflection of 1 inch in the wellk direction


PIN=: 32'kip

Therefore, the trlln51ational 5tiffne55 in the weak (z) direction

k ::- For a 5ingle pile
pw 0

0) Determine Pile Group Stity'nesses

In order to obtain springs for the pile group. some arrangement of piles
must be assumed. From a preliminary design step, vertical and lateral
loads on the pier foundation would give the designer an estimate of the
number of piles required. For this example, all of the intermediate pit>r
foundation springs in the model will be the same. (For a bridge with
significantly varying spans and pier loads, different springs should be
computed as required.) The assumed pile arrangement has 44 piles and is
shown in Figure 14.

Figure 15 shows the six spring directions (three translational and three
rotational) that will be calculated for the group. The cross coupling
stiffnesses between lateral translation and rocking rotation have been
neglected for this example.

N - 44
p- Numl>er of pileB in the group

Step 1. Cllicullitc ':'rtiClll Stiffne&5 (y trllnBllltion) of Pile Group.

5 kip
K22 =: 7.847'10 . -

FHWA Sei.mi-e Design Course

DeRlgn Step 6 - Determine ElaRdc SeiRmle Fol'Ces DeSign bample No. IS
IlI1d Displacement& Nine· Span, Two llnit Bridge

Design Step

..----7- H
H H H H H H'I'--"-
_ IH H H HI 'j

5' 9 I I
';t; "\.:: I H H Y (Vert:) H H 1
.. +-''--------t-'--'------=------,.-......... x (Long)
~ cr=PH H H H I
~ N I I

,- ----
.L----l-'H H H ! H H

-1~",",.J - - - - I

6 SF'A at 5',0"


Figure 14-PlleLayout

FHWA Seismic Design Course

DeRign Step 6 - Determine ElaRtio Seismio Foroetl Desip Example No. 5
and DisplaoementR Nine·Span, Two Unit Bridge

Design Step
(continued) p

. . . .L.. .

Vertical Lateral Rocking

S1:iffn"5& ("22) Stiffness ("11833 ) Rotation (K44. 1\(;6)

R01:a1:ion (K55)


Figure 15 - Foundation Springs

FHWASeismie Design Co~ 348

Design Step6-Determine Elastic Seismic Forces n""ign E...ampl.. No.5
and Displacements NlIle·Span. 1Wo Unit Bridge

Design Step Step. 2. Calculate Lateral Stiffne55 (>< tral'16l11l'ion) of Pile Group.

4 kip
k 11 ~ 2.67'10 . -

Step 3, Calculate Lat"ral Stiffness (2 tr"'"GI:atio") of File Group,

4 kip
k 33 ~ 1.71·10 . -

The rotational springs require calculation that is dependent upon the pile
layout. Torsional resistance from the pile group is computed from the
lateral resistances of the sum of the piles in the group much like forces
resisting a torque on a bolt group. (The torsi()nal resistance of a single pill
is considered equal to zero.)

Stell 4. CalGUlaj;e Torsional Stiffn~ss (y rotation) of file Group.

For a Gingle pile

k ~ 606-- Tr'at1slation in the l< ,direction
pG ft

k ~ 388-- Translation in 'the y direction
pw ft

To ol7tain the group stiffness. 'take the summation of the translationall

stiffne""es for each "irBctlon times th6 square of the ..istance component t
the pile from the center of the pile group.

k ps ·z i + L
i ~ 1

vnWA R ...iRmiC"; neail:tn Courtte

Design Step 6- Determine Elastic seismic Forces Design &ample No.lS
and Displacements Nine-Span, Two Unlt Bridge

Design Step Two pile5 eac~ have the following di5t;ance5 from the pile group center,
(continued) ~1 ,= 0.0' ft. z 1 := 10·ft
~2 '= O.O·ft z2 := 14·ft.

Four piie5 each have the followin!'l di5t8nce5 from the pile !'lroup center.

X3 '~ 5·ft z3 := 10'n

x4 := 5·ft z4 := 14·ft

"5 = 10·ft z5 := 2·ft

x6 := 10'n z6 := 6·ft

x7 := 10·ft z7 := 10·ft

"8 := 10·ft z8 := 14·ft

)(9 := 15·ft z9 := 2·ft

xlO = 15·ft z10 '= 6·ft

xl1 := 15'n z 11 := 10·ft

)(12 := 15·ft z12 := 14' ft

Summing the 1Oorsion81 pile re5is'tance by rows for poth we8k and 5tron!'l axe5
of the piles.

k lw := 2'k pw '(x/ +
X2 )

2 2
k 1s '= 2'k p5 '(Z1 T Z2 )

2 2
k 2w := 4'k plV '(X3 + )(4 )

2 2
k2s:= 4'k ps '(Z3 + Z4 )

~rw.l.. A""l ...... l .. n_..;.,..... r'.n .......-

Design Step 6 - Determine Elastic seismic FOnle8 Design E:QlJllple No. 5
and Displacements Nine-Span, Two Unit Bridge

Design Step

Summing up for the entire pile group.

G ft
K5<' ~ 4.798-10 '1<ip'-
~ rad

'l'he rocking r()tati()nal resistance in each direction ()f the pile group is
computed from the sum of the moment resistance of the piles as a function
of their vertical stiffness and distance squared from the axis of rotational
stiffness, which for a symmetrical pile group is the center of the pile group.
Resisting moments at the connection of the individual piles and the pile
cap are disregarded. This method also assures elastic pile behavior and no
soil resistance.

Step 5. Calculate Rocking Rotation,,1 Stiffness (x axis) of Pile Group.

For a single pile

4 kip
1< pv ~ 1.783-10 • ft

Al70ut the x axis, the dist&lnce from the rotatiOn Genter and the number of
plies is

z\:=2·ft 8 piles
Zz := 6·ft 8 piles
Design Step 8 - Determine Elastic seismic Forces Design Ezample No.5
and Displacements Nine.Span, Two Unit Bridge

Design Step z3 := 10·ft 14 piles

(continued) z4 ,= 14·ft 14 piles

7 ft.
k 44 = 7.962'10 'kip'-

sup 6. Calculate Rocklnf) Rotational Stiffness (z axis) of Pile Group.

About the z axis. the distance from the rotation center and the num"er of
piles Is as follows. (Note that four pile!> have x = 0 and don't contril7ute.)

Xl := 5·ft 8 piles
x2:= 10·ft 16 piles
)(3 := 15' ft 16 piles

7 ft
k G6 = 9.631'10 'kip'-

Step 7. Summary of Pile Group Sprinf) Stiffness.

4 kip
Ie 11 = 2.67'10 . - franslation. )( axis

5 kip
k 22 = 7.85'10 . - f ranslation. y (vertical) axis

4. kip
k 33 = 1.71'10 ft f ranslation. z axis

7 ft.
k 44 = 7.96010 'kip'- Rotation, x axis (rocking)

_..... "". . .... '-

Design Step I; - Determine Elastic Seismic Forces Design Example No. Ii
and Displacements Nine-Span, Two Unit Bridge

Design Step
6.2.1 Rotation, y axi5 (torsion)

7 ft
k 66 = 9,63-10 ·kip·~ Rotation, z axi", (rocking)

Use these pile !'lro~p to model the foundation stiffnes5e5 in the
Multimode Spectral Method. Th,%e are input into the SAP90 Moc:lel in the
local pier support node coordinate systems as shown in Figure 11.

FIIWA Seismic Design Course 3-53

Design Step 6 - Determine Elastic Seismic Forces Design Example No.5
and Displacements Nine-Span, Two Unit Bridge

Design Step Abutments

The abutments were modeled with a combination of full restraints (vertical
translation and superstructure torsional rotation) and an equivalent spring
stiffness (transverse triilnslation) as shown in Figure 16. The transverse
translational spring stiffness is based upon the stiffnesses of the inaividual
pile stiffnesses used for the Intermeaiate piers. The spring value for the
abutments is a ratio of the number of abutment piles (assumea to be 12. see
Figure 17) to the number of intermediate pier piles times the value of the
transverse translational spring (K33 ) used at the intermeaiate piers. Other
aegrees of freeaom at the abutment support noaes are ,·eleasea. Since
SAf90 allows for springs ana releases relative to the local coordinate
geometry. the longitudinal direction at the abutment. nodes is oriented along
the axis of the superstructure element connected at. that node. The
transverse direction is perpendicular t.o the longitudinal direction In the global
x-z plane.

The model allows longitudinal response that is unrestrained at the

abutment. A gap between the end of the superstructure and the abutment
backwall that is larger than the expected seismic displacement must be
included if no longitudinal force is to be developed. see Figure 18.
Depending on the site acceleration coefficient. soil conditions. and bridge
configuration. this gap may be a reasonable size to accommodate available
expansion joint configurations. or it could be too small.

In such a case, the longitudinal movement would be unrestrained until the

superstructure came into contact with the abutment backwall. Then a
longitudinal force would develop. This effect can be modeled and is
described in the Seismic Design and Retrofit Manual for Highway Bridges.
FHWA (1987).

The ends of the superstructure are restrained against translation in the

transverse direction at the abutments by girder stops. The forces resulting
from this restraint are passed through the girder stops into the abutment
to be resisted by the pile group.

Torsi,onal response of the superstructure is fully restrained in the model by

the abutme!lts.

FHWA Seismic Desim Course 3·54

Design Step 6 - Determine Elastic Seismic Forces Design Example No. II
and Displacements Nine·Span. Two Unit Bridge

Design Step The support node locations at the abutments are at the intersection of the
6.2.2 superstructure work line (at the centroid of the superstructure) and the
(continued) centerline of the bearings. The abutment restraints and transverse spring
act at these nodes that are oriented in the local superstructure element
coordinate geometry.

Brg. G
AbutmtntB ~


(;, e>r~.
~ ''':!'utment;. A I
.0:~-t-- 5upporl> Ho.~

~ 9< Abut",.nt A
•t Full Rotational R.e&'t-ralnt-

~ Tnllnsltltionlll 6prlrtg

Figure 16 - Details of Abutment Supports

Design Step 6 - Determine Elastic 8elamic Forces Design E:umple No. 5
and Displacements Nine·Span, Two Unit Bridge

Design Step

Figure 17 - Abllt.ment Plan

Design Step 6 _ DetermJne Elastic Seismic Forees Design Eumple No.5
Blld Displacements Nine-Spu. Two Unit Brida'e

Design Step

~'_Q. I '--9~ ..--' '-3"

- .::>ptl~,l,,~··

~ s.....e

:------------l 2
I •
f I
r-- - - - - - - - - _ _ -:- _,.J

Z'_6 N
;"-0" ,2'-0"
7 '-6'

Figure 18 - Section at Abutment

Design Step 6- Determine Elastic Seismic Fon:es Design Example No. 5
and Displacements Nine-Span, Two Unit Bridge

Design Step Multimode Spectral Analysis - General


Design Step Mode Shapes and Periods

6.3.1 [Division I-A, Article 4.5.3]

The ,t.ruct.ure ha, been di,cret.'~ed u,ing four elements per ,pan and element.s
at each pier dimension t.ransition a, discu,sed previou,ly. Thirty-six vi brat;on
mode, were iMcluded in t.he multimodal spectral analysis, which involves the
superpOSition of individual modal respon,e, to e,timat.e the overall st.ruct.ural
seismic response.

The SAP90 llrogram (or most any other dynamic spectral analysis
program) lumps the tributary mass of each element to the adjacent nodes.
Spring elements that provide fOUIl.dation flexibility are massless. SAP90
determines the vibration periods and shapes for each of the vibration
modes of the structure. The number of modes is dependent on the number
of masses, the number of constrained degrees offreedom, and the number
offoundation restraints for the system. Enough modes have to he specified
so that the modal superposition to determine forces and displacements is
accurate. Typically the modes are numbered sequentially from the longest
period to the shortest.

The natural perio<:\, of vibrat.ion for t.he bridge are shown it1 Table 2 for the
first. 36 modes. Figures 19. 20, ,md 21 ,how t.hree selected modes for the
structure. Figures 19 and 20 show the modes lilSsocl;>ted with the
fundamental periods In the longitUdinal direction for Ul1it 2 and Unit 1,
respectively. The longitudinal p~rlods for these mod~s (first; ;>nd second) <lre
1.52 ,econds for Unit. 2 and 1.21 seconds for Unit 1. Figure 21 shows the third
mode that is the first signlfiCiOlnt mode in the transverse direction. i.e.. hiOlS
tra'1Slat;iot1 of the majority of the piers in the same cUrectlon. The period for
the third mod~ is 0,80 second.

Hand Check ./ Check Fundamental Period in the Longitudi"ul Direction

As a check, compare the longitudinal periods from the multimode analysis

with those calculated in Design Step 1, Preliminary Design.

From Preliminary Design (Step 1.3), the calculated longitudinal period was
1.55 seconds for Unit 2 and 1.26 second, for Unit 1, In the preliminary design,
the foundiOlt'ons were fixed at the l:1ase of the pile cap. nle values of t;he
longitudinal periods are quite close (1.55 versus 1.52 seconds for Unit. 2 and
1.26 versus 1.21 ,econds for Unit 1), This suggests that aGsuming the
DHjgn Step 8 _ Determine ElaKtic SelKmlc Fomes Design Eltllmple No.5
and Dlaplacemenb Nine-Span, Two Unit Bridge

Design Step foundations are fixed at the base of the pile cap. the longitudn"i stiffnes"i
6.3.1 cloMly approximated tile longitudinal touod"'tion 5pring stiffneGGe5 used j"
(continued) the mo<:t.., .. " ..lysiE>.

Table 2
Modal Periods iU1d Frequencies






1 1. 517657 0.658911 01 . .140057 17.140073

2 1.206921 0.828553 5.205950 27.101917
3 0.a02~25 1.246222 7.830247 61.312764
4 0.748225 1.336496 8.397452 70.517201
5 0.748225 1. 336'96 8.397452 70.51"11.92
6 0.74645' 1. 339668 8. U7381 70.852297
7 0,741797 1. 342647 8.4361.00 ':11.167789
R 0680350 1. 469B31 9.235219 85.289270
9 0.654901 1. n6949 9.594104 92.046835
10 0.597015 l. 675001 10.524340 110.761722
11 U.~b844U 1..759202 11.053391 122.177449
12 0.504153 ~. 963523 :12.<162843 155.322457
13 0.489787 2.041705 l2.828412 164.568157
14 0.462418 2.1625<16 13.587677 184.621971
15 0.445179 2.246286 14 .113830 199.200187
16 0.445174 2.216313 14.113998 199.201946
17 0.391640 2.553366 16.043274 ~57,3lJ6632
18 0.340560 2.936~69 16.44B492 340.346865
19 0.323410 3.092050 19.427922 377. HU5$
20 0.322856 3.097357 19.4612'10 378.741.040
21 0.306128 3.266602 20.524667 421. 261940
22 0.2565112 3.897389 24.438020 599.663123
23 0.2339-19 4.274430 26.857035 72~.30031"
24 0.233057 4.2908(13 26.959907 7 26.836609
25 0.231134 4.3264$9 27.184132 738.977032
26 0.231034 4.328370 27.195953 739.619857
27 0.230329 4.341609 27.279133 744.151116
28 0.228761 4.371318 27.165803 754. 370344
~9 0.2~504) 4.443523 27.919478 779.497267
30 0.21.6:l46 4.622222 29.0427.75 80.153712
31 0.216346 4.622220 29. 042~65 80.453163
32 0.211280 4.733052 29.738643 884.38691U
33 0.206355 4.846029 30.0148497 927.110987
34 0.204352 4.893525 30.7.16922 945 373221
35 0.194483 5.141843 32.307149 1043.752
36 0,191911 5.210HO 32. 74Q014 1071.910

Design Step 6 - Determine Elastic Seismic Forces Design Eumple No. 5
and Displacements Nine·Span, Two Unit Bridge

Design Step
6.3.1 ct
(continued) -_.~
I.l"i~ 1- - - - I
ct .


Figure 19 - Deformed Shape for Mode 1


Figure 20 - Deformed Shape for Mode 2

De81p Step 6 - Determ.ble Elastic Seiamic Forces De8ip Esample No. IS
aad Displacements Nble-Sp.... Two Unit Bridg£

6.3.1 <t.. Pier No.4

.. ~--


Figure 21 - Deformed Shape for Mode 3

Ii'HWA. 8eiamJc n-illtD Coune 8-81

Design Step 6 - Determine Elastic Seismic Forces Design Example No. II
and Displacements Nine·Span, Two Unit Bridge

Design Step Spectral Loading

6.3.2 [Division I·A, Article 3.6.2J

The input response spectra for this t:>ridge is shown in Figure 22. The curve
shown in the figure is given I7y the equation for Csm.the elastic seismic
response coefficient t:>elow.

'0 0.3 :"'" .1I
j--- :.--- l---..--1
I I ,

~0 I
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ .. ..I -lI 1I I.....
uE 0,2

" '"
~u I I I , I

" ,
. . . - -- } - -1- ~~:-..::-.~-~- -~-~:- ---i --.-.-.;;-.;.-J.

.,.."- 0.1

o '--.__-'-'-_--', I I
o 0.5 1.5 2 2.5 3

Figure 22 - Relationship Between Elastic Seismic

Response Coefficient and Period

Division I·A
Eqn (3·2)


A is the acceleration coefficient

S is t.he site coefficient
Tm is the period of the mth mode of vibration

A design response spectrum must be input to provide loading for the

model. This spectrum is specified in Article 3.6.2 of the Specification, and
it applies in both the transverse and longitudinal directions.
Design Step 6 - Determine Elastic Seismic Forces D....ign EEample No.5
and Displllt;:.ementa Nine-Span, Two Unit Bridge

Design Step For this ex..mple. the longitudin..1direction (EQlong) is along a str"ight line.
6.3.2 which connects the node ..t At:>utment A with the node lit A~ut.ment B.
(continued) Because of the structure's pilln CUry..ture, tohis directoion is in t:>etween the
tan0:3ent direction of Unit; I iiind the chord direction of the curve of Unit 2. The
triiinsver5e directIon (EQtrans) i5 applied at 90 degrees to the longitudin,,1
direction. See. Figure 23 for plan directio"s of the applied eart;hquake loading.

The spectrum is defined as a function of period T by Equation 3-2 of

Division I-A with the upl'cr limit of two-and-a-half time, A, which Gsm
need not exceed. Most programs will require periDd-spectrurn data pairs to
be input. Thus, the user must calculate the C sm values that will defme a
smooth p.mction within the analysis softW8J."e. (Csm is the modal analysis
veTSion of Cs .) The range must cover the entire range of expected periDds
for the structure.

Figure 22 and Equation 3-2 are br,sed on 5 percent damping.


Figure 23 - Earthquake Loading Directions

FHWA Seismic Denim CoUJ'tle

Design Step 6 - Determine Elastic Seismic Forces Design Eltample No.5
and Displacements Nine-Span, Two Unit Bridge

Design Step Minimum Number of Modes

6.3.3 [Division I-A. Article 4.51

Thirty-!jix modes have been :ncluded t.o provide a~ acCurat.e cstimate of thO'
respon!je a~d internal forces. Not.e that. 36 modes is more t;han j;'IrU times
the number of spans Or maximum of 25 as given in Article 4.5.4 0' .he
Specification in or'der to obtain at least 90 percent mass participation for
each of "the princip<3t directions of applied loading.

As discussed previously, enough modes have to be specified so that the

modal superposition to det..rmine forces and displacements is sufficiently

One way of assessing how many modes are sufficient to characteri"e

response is to ensure that the percentage of mass that participates in each
mode in each direction is at least 90 percent of the total for each of the
directions of the applied loading. In this example. there is no loading
applied in the vertical (y) direction, and having 90 percent minimum mass
participation in that direct.ion is not critical. However, the designer should
not rely only on mass participation. Mode shapes ShOllld be inspected to
determine that important masees, such as all of the substructure elements,
are excited by the selected modes.

Result.s from 'Che multimode analysis are give~ in Table 3. The t.hree colJmns
under IndividuallAode (percent.) show the participating mass in eac~ direct;ion
for each mod~. The ',ext '~hree colum~s under CUMulative Sum (percent.) show
the cumulative participati~g mass ir. each direction. lhe "esult is t-nat-
31 mode,; are n::quired to Ol>tCli~ more t;han 90 percent of t.he mass in eacr of
t.he two pi"H1 directions (x and z). which are the directions of the applied
laural loading.

Design Step 6 - Determine Elastic Seismic Forces Design Example No.5
and Displacements Nine-Span. 'IWo Unit Bridge

Design Step In Table 3

!continued I UX Longitudinal Direction
UY = Vertical Direction
UZ Transverse Direction

Table 3
Modal Participating Mass

PROGHAH SAP'JO. V~~R~lON HET.&.f;, 00 ~'IU EXAM', 0111


M I; A , P A P T I C I P A 1 I G H A S S

HO[)F PERIO() INDIVIDUAl MODE C[lEkcnn 1 CUMllIAl !Vf ~:lIM (PD<('"F~l; ,

IIX uy tli' IIX fir II;"

1 51765'" 2'; J.jfj S- o 0001 OnD 336~ (. C(.'V1 \' ~ 2 \I

2 1 2('1.>924
c' o 024 ~ 5
30 4139 0 0005 0 onoo '"
~)9 170.'1
60 I·V';
0 r el1':',

C 7 liJ
1 1,;,1

0 7.10225
0 OO(J6
U 0000
0625 (,- f. qO~,
I <'('11
C ')" 1 : bi ~::W~

0 HU22:l
{ 7 ·\(,4 54
1 02.16
1 035(1
0 .0000
0 0")47 ,
0-400 .,""
., -\ 'J.';
[, 01.'11
Ij \

;, ~
...::·Il j
0 7H7')7 0 0805 0 6Y90 0 056 1 (,') In04 : el.I 'j. l) :'1 iHH
H 0 680150 1 6075- 0 0-000 14 ,2497 71 4J7q 0 .... 't-\ '.i 511H5

0 0 (·5-4901
0 002:2
2 9385 "01 7409
• 6694
0205 '1 44 01
74 3 7B6
G "'}.\<j
G 7[,-\'.' 1.11 27114
I~ ("JO

II "
0 5(iU440 0 0113
0 .0000 7' 3BY':.l
2 ~) i ~!i 1Ii ti-1
:; 7
1;.: 0 501151 0 00] {l
•0 0003 •4 712S
.3)71 OOCO
39.1 , ~"J~ ~LJ J7,q
0 489787
0 H:.!41U
C 1215
0 0007 0 .0030 0 0000
74 5152
7, 5159 ,.,
4 H-;' l<l
II"" ',·1
fl l ,
IS 0 .$ 4':, 1 7~' 1 :\4 5 0 .0000 1 .1579 77 850·1 !l7';'4 B.' I-WI!
1'. 0 ·145174 0 1508 0 0002 0 4261 'u 001';; ., 11":'(,>, lib ",74!!
P 0 3916<10 a OUt! 0 0013 0 GO]] 70 01 ~)(J ., ij~7.,
llll 'PIl(,
ll, 0 34051JO 0 on:.! 0 0000 0 58 J~ 70 O:H, ~ !1?7'1 H') 1 r,7·1
1 'j ]23-110 0171 0 0024 0 .CO]O 71, 0~d'1 .,4 11'7 1701,
0 0001
O. 0054
16 6257
7 ')300
0 COOl
'0 .05:15
70 05U9
:.::J ~,O{,(!
2'. -Lifj0
l!'} 1 70~!
U'j 1 70~,
0 aDDU
O. 0010
0 0000
0 .0000 ,
711 0509
70 0599
29 -HoI
29 41·61 "'
21 y~,
qO 4(.14
24 0 2))057 0 0700 0 0000 ,POI) '8 1370 29 061 % f.114
2S O. 231l), 0 0420 0 0269 ~ 0000 78 1799 29 .\(,29 ,6 fd14
;G 0 231034 0 04U4 0.0003 0 .0037 '0 .2282 2' Hd2 % 6351
27 0 .230]29 2 B20~' 0.0005 0 . :,042 01 0484 2" ·F~ _P % 93<))
:.:tl 0 22 [n6·1 '. 7128 0_0002 0.0000 8& ,7fJ12 ~ ;J ,1 (·4" '-H. '.1.\9\
29 O. J25017 O. 0619 0.0001 o .1B9& 06 .0;231 12B'l
0 21(.)46
O. 216346
89. U370
92. 7120
:./',< ·16·1 U
2 CJ. 4l)·10
2'.J 464 C'
:12 o. 2Il2eO 0_0808 0 oaDO 0_1340 9' _9220 2'I <\(,41 97 _ 3156
3J 0 206J55 2.8910 0 74B4 0.0000 95 .71-15 30. 212,5 97. 315(,
H O. 2001352 2.2508 0.0008 0_ 4787 97 .965-3 30 .2133 97 7134 ]
15 0 1944133 0.0001 0 0000 0 11491 q7 .9$5.4 30 .2tB 40134
36 0 .191911 0.44101 J 9573 0.0000 90 .40&0 H .1706 ""
91l 4434

FHWA Seismic Design Course 3-61

Design Step 6- Determine Elastic Seismic Forces Design E",ample No.6
and Displacements Nine-Span, Two Unit Bl'idge

Design Step Combination of Modal Forces and Displacements

6.3.4 IDivision I-A. Article 4.51

The response of the model in each of the calculated modes must be

superimposed to estimate the overall response. Since all the modal
maximum .esponses do not occur simultaneously. a simple summation of
the modal a;: solute values is not appropriate. Most programs use either
the Square Root of the Sum of the Squares (SRSS) Method or the Complete
Quadratic Combination (CQCI Method. The simplest is t.he SRSS method,
and it is adequate when the modal periods are well spaced. When the
periods are quite close. coupling between modal response can occur, and
the CQC method should be used. This method accounts for coupling
between modes, preserves the signs oftlH' cross-modal terms, and is based
on random vibrational fundamentals. Most programs now have the CQC
method as an option. The method requires very little additional run time
for most models and should 00 used exclusively to eliminate the judgment
.:>fwhat constitutes closely spaced periods. The default combination
methed for SAP90 is CQC.
Design Step 6 - Determine Elastic Seismic Forces Design Example No. 5
and Displacements Nine-Span, Two Unit Bridge

Design Step Combination of Modal Forces and Displacements

6.3.4 [Division I-A, Article 4.51

The response of the model in each oft-he calculated modes must be

superimposed to estimate the overall response. Since all the modal
maximum responses do not occur simultaneously, a simple summation of
the modal absolute values is not appropriate. Most programs use either
the Square Root of the Sum of the Squares (SRSS) Method or the Complete
Quadratic Combination (CQC) Method. The simplest is the SRSS method,
and it is adequate when the modal periods are well spaced. When the
periods are quite close, coupling between modal response can occur, and
the CQC method should be used. This method accounts for coupling
between modes, preserves the signs of the cross-modal terms, and is based
on random vibrational fundamentals. Most programs now have the CQC
method as an option. The method requires very little additional run time
for most models and should be used exclusively to eliminate thejudgment
of what constitutes closely spaced periods. The default combination
method for SAP90 is CQC.

FHWA HeiRtni~ nesisnt Course

Design Step 6 - DetermL,e Ehutic Seismic Forces Design E:o:ample No.5
and Displacements Nine.Span, Two Unit Bridge

Design Step Determine Forces and Displacements in Transverse Direction

6.4 [Division I-A. Article 4.5J

Using the Multimooe Spectral Method. perfcmn a transverse analysis.

Transverse analysis means that the input response spectrum was assigned
to the transverse direction, and in this case no longitudinal or vertical
spectra were used. The longitudinal and transverse directions for the
application of loading for the structure are d"scribed in Design Step 6.3.2
and are ,lwwn in Figure 23. The longitudinal direction is along a straight
line that connects the node at Abutment A. with the node at Abutment B.
The transverse direction is appli"d at 90 degr"es to the longitudinal

The analysis program hand]"s all the calculations, including the modal
combinations. In this case, 36 modes were used to characterize the
response. This number was kept constant for all the analyses.

The results are gil'en in Table 4. The SAP9D input file for this anaiy,;i!' I!'
EXAM5. Shown in tile table are forces and momertt& for the intermediate
pier£" whiCh are the fOCU5 of the de!jigrl process for thi5 exaY1ple. DirectiOrl0
for forceG and momen"';s are shown in Fi~ure 24 artd are oriented along the
local coordil'1~te GyGtem for the column elel11ei'1t6_

Displa(;rmen~~ cere giY~rl in r~blc 5 for' bo"th tr-a;ttBVCrtiG an~ longitudit1tll

analysis. Figure 25 Shows directions for t1e dl"piil0emen'5 "hat Cjre in the
global coordinate system.

Hand Check ,/ Check Transverse Column Shear Forces

As a check, compare the preliminary value!> computed in Design Step 1.4.

Figure 6 with the average values of the column top transverse shears
shown in Table 4,

For example, from Figure 6 in De&ign Step 1. the tran!'verse column shear for
Pier No.7 is 6B9 kips. The transverse column top shear for Pier No.7 from
Table 4 is 391 kips.

Other shea rs may ~e similarly compared. All of the preliminary transverse

column shears are higher than tho~e from the modal analysb.

FHWA Sfloismic Defiltlm. ('..ourse S.fl7

Design Step 6 - Determine Elastic Seismic Forces Design Example No. 5
and Displacements Nine-Span, Two Unit Bridge

Design Step
i continued) Table 4
Response tor Transverse Direction (EQtrans)

force& JIM Moment.'" • EQtnlnl'>

L"'~ItLUlln.1 Tranel/tree-

PIl,!rNo.l Column Top

(" .. )

l.o1o...... ~nt
(, .../1;)

(kiDe 1





Columl'\ PIiI",e 140 f>~72 W4 19.908 9

Fl:>unaatlOP'i 147 7.B92 445 22.123 10

Pw" No.2 C"lum" Top 40 0 315 2.04il 6

CoIl.lmn e>iIIee f>4 4.279 509 35.925 7

FoundatlQfl ".. 4,707 580 2>9.446 7

f'ter No.3 Column lop 40 0 406 2,6:>4 3

COIUMI1 ~aet' 65 4.282 632 4-4.8-70 3

Founaatlon 1'3 4,709 l1Z 49,2;95 4

Plel' No. 4 Column Tot' f> 0 472 ~.O% 7

Column O.~e 50 2.""-"" 753 52-.2>73- 7

fOU'laation 70 ~:i'.71 &4f> se-,7530 7

Ple=r No.5 Col-umnTov 0 0 458 2,941 6

Columl1 (:'a"e '5 917 702 50.052 6

Founoat.lon 22 1,0\7 7Be> 54.9~5 6

rlcr No.6 Column Top 37 0 337 2.167 6

Column DIl~(" 52 3.493 543 3&.3!>5 6

Found~tlon 58 3.e:37 613 42,217 6

Prer NQ. 7 Cobmn Top lOll 0 391 2,524 5

Column e."'!lC 125 6.13<> 539 28.593 5

FQun~lItion 1:3>~ 6.936 602 32.492 5

Pier No, E> Colllmn Top 0 0 289 0 6

Colum/l 6aee 109 4.455 44B 23.128 6

FoundAtion 130 !,j,:302 516 26.474 6

Design Step 6 - Determine Elastic Seismic Forces D....ign Enmple No.5
and Displacement" Nine.Span. Two Unit Bridge

Design Step
Ci Pil'r

Lon~it;u"inal She"r

~--- lr/iln&ver",. Sh."r


Figure 24 - Key to Force and Moment Direetion,;

Design Step 6 - Determine Elastic Seismic Forces Design Example No.5
and Displacements Nine-Span, Two Unit Bridge

Design Step
(continued) Table 5


EOtral1!:o EQIOI1t]

Support./LOC~lQn Glop.1 X Glotlci!ll i GlotJal X GIo;<t:laIZ

(It) (It , (It 1 1ft'

AplIItm"nt-A 5upc:nlt;ru~ure OO;?>94 00327 0.2022 00059

PlcrNo.l 6upentructure 0.0394 0.0563 0.2019 O.ot14

FQ"'~Atl011 0.0058 0.0280 0.0297 ODQS6

Prer No.2 SuperetruGture 0-0397 0.1095 02036 00243

FOU1·,,:lat,ol'l 0.0036 00363- 00187 0.0080

Pe1"Nc>.3 Superetructul"e 0_0399 OPJ65 0.2047 0.0284

F('>I,I"~atlo" 0.0036 0.0441 OD1B5 0.0092

5u~re-tn)et.llre· Urll't 1 0.0400 0.16:36 0.2054 0.0263
Pler-NQ.4 SUl-'Crllotruct-ure' Ul1l"t 2 0.048-6 0.1636 0.267Y 0.026:3
F<:>Urldllt,ol'l 0.( 032 o.051B 0.0163 ODOe>7

PerNo. 6- SU!loerl\t-ruetlire 0.0400 0.'4813 0.2654 0.0314

F('>U"~"tl(>" ODnlO 0.048, 00166 0.0058

Pier No. 6 Su~rt>tructurc O.D43?J 0.1139 0.2565 00030

foU!ndatlOl1 0.0024 0.0:379 0.0211 0.0061

Pier No.7 5uoer~tructure 0.0375 0.On2 0.2413 0.1023

FOllndatlon 0.0053 00:369 0.0364 0.0097

Pier No. e. 'Guptre>t-ructure OD3B3 0.065 0.2254 0.2383

foundatIon 0.0052 0.0320 0.0148 O.oI2b

Abut.m~nt B Su~retructurr. O.o40B 0.0354 0.2645 0.0161

DesillJl Step 41 -.- Determine Elastic S<:i.....i" For<-_ Delli... E"ampl.. No. Ii
and Displacement.. Nine-Span, Two Vait Bridge

Design Step

Ai'N1.rt1~l'\t A

'i it. Pi~f" ~ Pi~1'" ~Pkr

I No.3 I No.' INo.6
I I i
r-r-r y
r X(Glo••I)
7. (Gloval)

Plan j
' - - - - - - - -
Figure 25 _ Key to nisplilcement Directions
Design Step 6 - Determine Elastic Seismic Forees Design E::o:ample No. 5
and Displacem"nts Nine.Span, Two Unit BridJe

Design Step Determine Forces and Displacements in Longitudinal Direction

6.5 (Division I·A. Article 4.5]

Perform the analysis for loading il.' . 'l.e longitudinal direction.

fhe re,ulting force, and moment, aT. the intermediate pier, for the spectral
analysis in the longitudinal direction are given in fable 6. (Refer to Figure 24
for force and moment directions.) The SAP90 Input file for thi5 analysi, I,

Displacements for both transverse and longitudinal analyse, are given in

Table 5. Figure 25 ,hows the global displacement directions.

Hand Check ./ Check Longitudinal Column Shear Forces

As a check, compare the preliminary values computed in Design Step 1.3.

Figure 4 with the column top longitudinal shears shown in Table 6.

For example. from Figure 4 in De,ign Step 1. the longitudinal column shear for
Pier No.7 i, 922 kip,. fhe longitudinal column top shearfor Pier No.7 from
fable 6 is 827 kipS.

Other shears may be similarly compared. All of the preliminary longitudinal

column shears are higher than those from the modal analysis.

FHWA Seismic Desilll1 Course 3.72

Design Step 6 - Determine Elastic Seismic Forces Design Enmple No. 5
and Displacement~ Nine-Span, Two Unit Bridge

Design Step
I continued) Table 6
Response for Longitudinal Direction (EQlong)

Fof'C<'~ "'nd Momel'lt.b • EQlOn(.j

LQn~ltl.l~,nlll Trlllnl!il.·!"r!ot'

5upport/Loe.ttlOl'I Shear Mo~nt 5trt;.. r Moment AK,.i

(k"tp&1 r"Mt1 (rlp&1 /rlp-nl n,pe~

l'.erNo_1 u.lumn Top 612 0 54 353

Coil"mn f5aN' 716 35,767 78 4.078


FOL/r'\r;t,tlOl1 756 40.484 89 4,645 49

PltrNo.2 Column Top 2D5 0 69 450 33

Column B.~ 331 21.950 113 7,955 35

foun~t.lQn 43' 24.l4~ 121> 8.,44 36

Pie'r No. :3 Column To., 203 0 B2 530 15

CQh,IM ... BII~ 3,1 21,96.'3 131 9284 17

Found,t,o" 428 24.157 149 100213 1/

r",~r No 4 Colum" fop C 0 7'3 4<57 10

Column ~a&l'! 254 15,171 122 P,524 10

Found.tlOn 359 16.012 140 9.398 '0

Pier No. 5 Column. Top 0 0 54 ;;44 17

Column BlI!>t' ?-5b 15,429 B3 5.065 17

Foundation 365 17,'00 95 0..1.70 17

Pier No.6 Column Tor:> 311 0 56 370 35

Column f}ttOC 413 28,124 8B 5,230 2<3

f"oun,:lIlt.lon 502 30,%2 99 6.857 36

Plcr No. 7 Column Top e.2,";' 0 93 604 18

ColuMl'I e-llIfot! 912 A6.0~ 137 7.172 18

FoundatIon 943 ::>2.02>4 lb6 D.1Db '9

PI~" N<>. 8 Column fop 0 0 113 734 30
Co!untl'1 Baec 30~ 12.606 178 9.17B 30

Founol,atlO1l 368 14.999 2D6 10.517 30

Design Step 7 - Determine Design FOl'(les Design Example No.5
Nine.Spftn. Two Unit Bridge


INTRODUCTION Under seismic loading. the bridge behaves much differently in the
longitudinal direction than it does in the transverse direction. In the
longitudinal direction. the bridge is free to slide at the abutments and Pier
Nos. 4, 5, and 8. All the longitudinal seismic load is, therefore, taken by
the pinned intermediate pier columns.

In the transverse direction, all of the intermediate piers and the

abutments participate in resbting the load. The pier columns are very
strong in the transverse direction relative to the longitudinal direction.

For this example, only one of the piers and its pile foundation will be
designed. Pier No.7 has been selected because it has the highest full
elastic seismic longitudinal shears and moments, which is the weak axis
direction for the column.

According to the Specification. design for plastic hinging forces need not be
performed for SPC B. Division I·A, Article 6.2.2, presently allows the
designer to use a value ofRJ2 for foundation design where R is the
Response Modification Factor for the substructure (column or pier) to
which the foundation is attached. At the same time, the Commentary of
Division I-A, Article C6.2, warns the designer that forces larger than the
RJ2 design forces may be transferred to the foundation. This depends on
the strength of the columns and piers, which should be investigated by the
designer. A rational approach would be to compare magnitudes ofthe
plastic hinging forces in the column or pier with the full elastic seismic
forces to determine the fmal forces for design of the foundation. This
would reduce the possibility of inelastic behavior from occurring in the
foundation for the design seismic event. Gajer and Wagh (1994 and 1995)
ofTer further discussion on this topic.

This example provides an opportunity to examine the forces used for

design of foundations in SPC B.

Design Step Determine Nonseismic Forces


Design Step Determine Dead Load Forces

The dead load force5 are 5ummarized in Table 7 for all of the intermediate

DesilPJ Step 7 - Determine Design Forees Design Eqmple l'io. Ii
Nine-Spa", Two Unit Bridge

Design Step
(continued) Table 7
Dead Loud Forces

Force& anti Ml'Inent!'l ~ Delle:!

I,..Q....qrl.ulAlnllll l·r.. n:....,,~

fjuPf'Or1:JLm~atI(lPl Sl1e.. r Mommt 5heu
",_, """""n< ""'''
("""I "'.-ft) """tl nl~)

Pll!l'rt-il).1 Column lop 12 0 0 0 1540

G::llumn [}a!'Jol!' 12 603 0 0 2751>

F(lui'1dat.lOr-I 12 679 0 0 336/3

f':er NQ. 2 Column lop 19 0 0 0 1567

Coluilln 6a'!l'e 19 1360 0 0 3100

fOlIlldat:ol'1 19 141:>4 0 0 3770

Pier Nc>. 3 Columl1"""p 7 0 , 9 \666

Column l>s!)C 7 523 I 101 3200

fou na.H.l()rl 7 570 , tO~ U'OO

Pier No. 4 CQlumn Tov 0 0 3 750 12.'38

Column P\l~ 0 0 S
fOlJnd.atlOli 0 0 ~ 541 :">442

PltrNo.5 Column rop 0 0 :> 502 11'25

Column e~~(: 0 0 3 269 3419

r-ou,,~,,~~cm 0 0 3 248 4028

PIt:r-No.6 Column TOl) 9 0 0 :;47 '554
Columl\ Ba~ 9 659 0 353 3128'

Foundatrol1 9 719 0 354 3737

Pier No.7 Column Top 9 0 1 356 1536

(..olLJomn B.i~e 9 475 I 405 2705

f.:O\lI1(:\Ilt'-tO" 9 6:35 I -- 6364

P~r "co. f:> C"lumn lOp U 0 2
Colllmn B;t.,e 0 0 2 3043

F",unast.I"/\ 0 0 2 426 3652

Design Step 7 - Determine Design Forces Design E;",ample No.5
Nine.Span. Two Unit Bridge

Design Step Determine Seismic Forces


Design Step . _.mmary of Elastic Seismic Forces

As was discussed previol..sly, the Multimode Spectral Method results are,
used to determine the modified design forces.

A surrHni3r)' of the fuJi elastic &eiGmic fOl"'ces for 3r'! e3rthOl.!?lKt" (:-ri. Pier NO.7
alo>1g each of the principal directions (!lOW transverse and iongitudina:; is
"howl" i" Tilbie 8. whiCh cO"ta;~s reSults- tram Table!'> 4 a~d 5.

Table 8
Fun Elastic Seismic Forces

rLlIII:M~tl= Sel!lnHC for~~ and Mom~"t9

Lon~lt.udtna: 1 r,atlfoVcr!)C

5'.1 pport; I.e-cat-IO" $h.e~r Morn~r1t Sh~<H Moment J\xlal

(l'lpel (hp·fti (hpel ( , ...It) (hV')

Fle'r No 7 Column rop 82.7 0 93 G04 ,eo

EQlo"9 Column Ba!lot' 912 46,054 137 7.172 leo

found"tlon 943 52,030", 156 8.",5 \9

Pier No, 7 Column Top '08 0 39' "'524 5

EGtraM (Olumn Da!le 125 6,13D 039 m,59~ 5

h,undatlOI1 '32 6,936 602 32:.492 5

Desil,fJ1 Step Combination of Orthogonal Seismic Forces

7.2.2 rDivision I-A, Article 3.91
Before t-h~ %it>mic force::> are conll7ined with the dead load to create the
modified design forces, the seismic forces along the two principal axes must be
combinecl in load combinations LC1 and LC2 (without dead load). See Table 9
for a summary of these forces .

.. .........
~ ~ n' , . n . _, £1 _
De., ilftt Step 7 - Dt termine Design Forces lJeslgn J'.immple ,.00. i)
Nine.:"pan, Two Unit Bridge

Design Step The defi"itio" ')f lCl Glnd lC2 follows.

(continued) lCl = 100 percent of the Longitudinal AnGllYsi" Re~ults + 30 percent or the
Transverse Analysis Results

LC2 = 30 percent of the Longl~udlnal Analysis Results + 100 percent of -che

Transverse AMlysis Results

Note that all the forces In LCl and LC2 are the full elastic seismic forces.

These forces are cJrnbinations using the full elastic seismic results and
have not heen modified by the R Factor yet. At this stage, the designer
could elect to design for these forces combined with dead load if other load
cases, such as stream flow, control the si~e ofthe substructure.

A sample calculation of the longitudinal column base momen,; for LCl ilt Pier
No.7 iB derived as follows.

M = ( 1.0 • MEQlong ] + ( D.6 • MEQ1:;ran" ;

M = ( 1.0 ' 46.051 ) + ( 0.3 • 6138) = 47.B95 k-ft

!\1I other for~es j" Table 9 are similarly calcullJted.

Table 9
Orthogonal Selt;mie Force Combinations
J.. Cl andLC2


LC2 ::: O.3~[Qlorlg + l.o-i:Gr..rane;. rlCI· No.7 r'orvao and MQmer\t.e-

Longltua.1n.:;l1 Tranevel"l!>t'

LO<l~ Sl1tar Mcmc~t. Shear MomCllt Ax'al

Ca~e I""" ) (tv-It) r~t~) (,,.-ftl r',,,,,)
Cclurnn Top LC1 859 0 210 1.361 21
lC2 '-'*' 0 419 2.705 11

Colum~ BS~t i..-Cl 95~ 47,895 299 15.750 3

LC2 399 19,954 580 30.745 1,

FO~I1~t.1Qn le, 91>3 54.115 337 17,9~"J" ;

LG2 415 22,546 648 ~,948

Design Step 7 -Determine Design Forces Design Example No.5
Nine·Span, Two Unit Bridge

Design Step Determine Design Forces

For design of members and foundations, the design forces in Table 9
replace the Group VII load combination found in Table 3.22.1A of Division
1. These forces are used in the seismic design of the various components of
the bridge. (Note that Table 9 values may require the inclusion of earth
pressure, stream flow, and buoyancy forces as applicable.)

The seismic design forces use the R Factor in modifying the elastic seismic
forces. Looking at the entire bridge as a system, the intent of the
Specification is to prevent inelastic action from occurring in the

There a distinction between design forces for a) structural members and
connections and b) foundations.

Design Step Design Forces for Structural Members and Connectil'ns

7.3.1 [Division 1·A, Article 6.2.1]

The Specification makes a distinction between the seismic design forces for
members and connections versus the seismic design forces for foundations
calculated in Design Step 7.3.2. Use Equation (6-1) in Division I-A to
calculate the maximum forces in each member.

Group Load ~ 1.0 (D + B + SF + E + EGlM) Division I-A

Eqn (6-1)

For this e:l<llmple:, force:s B. SF, Iln'" E are assume:d zero. only D and EQM
force:s Ilre combined. (Buoyaney forces, B, will be: include:d during de$igl1 of the
foundation and added in Design Step 11.) The equation reduces to

Group Load ~ 1.0 ( D + EQM )

Whe:re EQM ~ (LC1 or LC2 force$) divided by R

a) Response Modification Reduction Factor, R

[Division I-A, Article 3.7, Table 3]

The R Factor is lIsed to modify EQM and applies to specific forces for
specifIc members. The decision of which R value to apply to each member
is a critical one.

Design Step 7 - Determine De8ign Fo...,.," Design Example No. Ii
Nine-Span, Two Unit Bridge

Design Step In this example. R reduce" the full elastic seismic cohnl1n forceG, but doeG net
7.3.1 reduce the full elastic seismic lateral shear for'ce 001 the com,cctio01 of the
(continued) superstructure to the intermediate piers. '<:ec6111 that R wa" determined in
Design Step 2.6, and a summary of the R values used to modify EQM if>
presented below,

R~ 3.0 For force. in singll'l-column pler5

R = 1.0 For connertion of column to superstructure

b) Calculate the Design Forces with EQM

Once the R values h.ave been established. tlle value of EQM can be

lable 10 summarize,; the desilJn fot"Ces. The R. value lJ5ed for each force is
given in the table,

For example, at Pier No.7, the longitudinal column base moment using LCi
(Group LC1) is dc:rivecl!lf> follows.

M ~ (D ... EQ/R)
M = (475 ... 47.89'5 j 3) = 16.440 k-ft

1\11 othe" fOI"C"'; in Table 10 tire Gimil.. r1y calcul"ted,

The R Factors have been applied to all of the forces, inc!uding shear and
axial forces, in accordance with the provisions of Division I-A, Article 6.2.1
for SPC B. This application of R Factors is unique to SPC B. In SPC C
and D, the probable shear forces and axl91 forcns corresponding to full
plastic hinging (development of plastic me~hanismsin the substructure)
are used.

However, for SPC B, the designer should consider the implications of usin
the reduced design forces for shear and axial loads as presently allowed b,
the code. If full plastic hinging forces are not uscd for the shear design of
the columns, then the possibility exists that the column is weaker in shea
than in flexure and a brittle shear failure could occur. To avoid the
possibility of this undesirable mode of failure. these options are available
1) apply the method outlined for SPC C an.d D bridges in Division I-A.
Article 7.2. or 2) use the full elastic seismic shear forces for design.

FlIWA Seismic Dcsign C-ourse 3-'j

Design Step 7 - Determine Design Forces Design Example No.5
Nine.Span, Two Unit Bridge

Design Step N ate that using the full elastic seismic forces does not prevent the column
7.3.1 from being shear critical, it simply means that the calculated design-level
(continued) elastic shear could be sustained without a shear failure. For an
earthquake larger than the design earthquake occurred. a brittle shear
failure could conceivably still occur.

Table 10
Design Forces - Members and Connections

Group LCI ~ l.o'D..", Loa'" + l.o'LClIR: R =1_-"l.D::...._lcOlumn Top (Connectiorl)

Group LC2 "" 1.0a Deaa Load + l.o-LC2JR R 0:-0 .3.0 , CQlumn

Pitr 140_ 7 De619tt FQran~ arlO. Mom~l1tl'!>

lon:jltudll1al Trane>ver&e

Loetttion Loa(;( Shear Mornent 6hc:-ar Moment Axl.t

C."" ("••J (''"·ftl I" ••) Ib.-ftl Ik;•• J

Column T()p GroUt) Lel BGB a 211 1.717 '.556

R - 1.0 G",u. LC2 365 a 420 3,061 1.546
ColJmn Ba.~e Group Le1 326 16.Ma 10. 5.655 2,762

R-3.o G",•• LC2 142 7,126 ,94 10.653 2,75B

Design Step Design Forces for Foundations

7.3.2 [Di"i.,ion I-A, Article 6.2.2]

Use Equation (6-2) in Division I-A to calculate the maximum forces in the
bent column foundations.

Group Load = 1.0 (D + B +- SF +- E +- EQF) Divh;ion I-A

Eqn (6-2)

For tilb e"ample, forces B, SF, and E are assvmed zero; oniy C> and EQF forces
are combined. The equation reduces to

Grocp Load = 1.0 ( D +- EQF )

FHWA Seismic DeloliQ'n Com ..e.

Design Step 7 - Det·armlne Design Forces Design Example No.5
Nlne-8pun, Two Volt Bridge

Design Step Where. for founclatlon e;tructuree; in SPC 13. EQF ; (LC1 or LC2 forces) di,'lded
7.3.2 by Rl2.. where Ie is the Re5pom,e Modlfic"olon F"coor for ohe <>u ~<>tru01>ure
(continued) (column or pier) to which the foundation 15 attached. In thie; example for ..he
de&ign :Jf Pier No, 7, R ~ 3.

oj Effective ResPOrlM Mcdifirotion Ftutor

[Division I-A, Article 6.2,2]

Effectively. for tohe d",sign of the foundation. R ~ 3/2 ; 1.5. U5e 1>hi" for
calculating the d"'Gi~n forces In the foundation.

1» Calculate the Foundo.tion Dt$ign F~ !Lith EQF

ForeKllrnple. llt Fier No.7. th", longitudinal foundation moment u"ing LC1 Ii>
derived as follows.

M = (0 + EQ/R)
M = (535 + 54.115/1.5); 36,612 k-ft:

Table II
Design Forces Cor FoundaUo•• with R = 1.Ii

Group loC1 "" to'Pella Load + 1,O·lC'JR.

Group LC2 '" to'Deae:t Lo,,~ + 1.o·lC2l~

l"'i~ I'lc. ~ F:;lIuneatlQ>11 Dui4l11 Forct'& _rid MC'M"r1t.~

lorll;ltu~.n...1 Trlllh~vcr~c:

loca'tlDl1 LO'.~ Shelor t-.'omit11t- Shear M"m.ent- AxI",1

c.... (kipol (, ,,,.flo) ("",,) r';"-") (~I~)

FOlJl'ldatt"l'I GrrJuP'l.Cl 664 26,612 225 12,36& 3-,~7f>

GtroUIJ lCZ 200 1&,5&3 434 23,709 3,:,371

Table 12 shows the design example founclatioo forces calculated using

R = 1.0 for compariscn with the values of Table 11.

FBWA Seismic Design Courl!l8 3-8'

Design Step 7-Determine Design Forces Design Esample No.5
Nine-Span. Two Unit B~idge

Design Step Table 12 summarizes the values of EQf deBlgn forceB UBing R:= 1.0.
(continued) For example. at Pier No.7. the longitudinal foundation moment using LC1 is
derived as follows.

M := (D + EQ/R)
M := (535 + 54.115) := 54,650 k-ft

All other forces in Table 12 are similarly calculated.

Table 12
Design Forces for Foundations with R = 1.0

Group Let "" 1.O~O(':a~ load + 1.0'lClIR

Group LC2 = 1.0-Dead L-oad + 1.0-lC2fR

Pier Nc. 7 FQi,.lnddlQrl V~Qn 'ForGCl"t' illIilta Moment~

LC.!10Ituc:tj~al Tran~ve~

locatIon Load Shl"oIlr Momeen'!; Slwar Moment Axl"'ll

C•." (ki""j (k,"-ft) (k''''') (ki"-ft) (k'",,)

Founaat;icn Group l.el 992 54.<350 3:311 1e..:344 :'>.5£15

Group LC2 +24 2:'>.Olll 650 :'>5.:'>09 :'>.:'>75

PAWA Sei sroil:! Desilfn Course 3--82

Design Step 8 - SummlUY of Design Forces Design E"ample No.5
Nine-Span, Two Unit Bridge


The purpose of this section i& to synthesize the various design forces
applicable for SPC C and D designs as outlined in Section 7 of the
Specification. For those two performance categories, the design forces are
controlled by either the elastic forces modified by the appropriate R Factor
or the plastic hinging forces. In addition, design force levels for hold·down
deYices and other miscellaneous items arc specified in Section 7. Thus this
design step is intended to condense the various forces into controlling
forces necessary for design of the bridge components.

BeClilU5e SPC B de5ign5 pre.ently do noc cOn5ider pla5t;c hinging force!?, Che
force combination5 given in De5ign Step 7 <lre u5ed di,· De5ign Step 8 i5
skipped for thi, eKample.

As discussed in the Introduction to Design Step 7, the forces used for

design of the foundation will be examined. Consideration of the capacity of
the pier column to transfer forces to the foundation is presented in Design
Step Ill.l,lCc) and foundation design with R = 1.0 forces is presented in
Design Step 11.1.1.

FlIWA Seismic DesiJlll Course 3·83

Design Step 9- Determine Design Displacements Design EJlllmple No.6
Nine·Span. Two Unit Bridge


Design Step Minimum Support Length

9.1 [Division I-A, Article 6.3.1J

'he bearing seat" supporting the expansion ends of the bridge at the
abutment!'> and Pier No.4 must provide a minimum !'>upport kmgth at least N
inches wide. See Figure 26 for condition a. Pier No.4-and Figure 27 for
condition at the abutment!'>.

Pier No.4 will have to accommotlate !'>upport lengths for both Units 1 and 2.

L.ength of Unit 1

H1 := 70·ft Average height of columns

between expane-ion joint!:> for Unit 1

L.ength of Unit 2

H 2 := 60·ft Average height: of columns

between expansion joints for Unit 2

S:= 0 Skew

From Divi!'>ion I-A, Equation (6-3A)

in in) (
N 1 := ( 8·in-t-0.OZ'L.l'ft+0.08·H(ft· 1+0.000125'5 2)

N 1 ~ 2.17·ft Support lengt-h required for Unit 1

NZ := 8'in+ O.oZ·L.Z·ft Z
in) . ( 1 -t- 0.000125'5
in + O.o8·H ·ft 2)

NZ = Z.51·ft Support length required for Unit 2

Design Step 9 - Determine Design Displacements Desip Esample No.5
Nine-Span, Two Unit Bridge

Design Step lIS can pe seen from Figure 26, with 6 inches provided between the end of
9.1 superstructure 9nd the centerline of the pier. the pier width of 6 feet 3 inches
(continued) b sufficient 1'0 accommodate the support length requlrementG at Pier No.4.

Abutment B will have to 9ccommod9te support lengCh for Unit 2. The

calculation for N is the same as performed above for N2'

N = 2.51 . ft,

!he support length provided at the aputments of 2 feet 11 inches IG sufficient.

!he support length for Abutment A is the same as calculated for N and is
less than for Abutment B.

Design Step Design Displa()ements

The superstructure displacements from Design Step 6. Table 5 for the glopal X
(longitudinal tlirection) are given as

= =
II" Abutmenr. A, longitucUnal dio;placemenr. 0.202 ft; ( 2.4 inches)
lit Fier No.4. Unit 1 longltudinlll dispilicement = 0.205 ft ( =2.5 inch"", )
lit Pier No.4, Unit 2 longitudinal displacement = O.26B ft, (= 3.2 Inches)
lit Abutment B. longitudinal displ9cement =0.265 ft; ( =3.2 inche,)

fhese dlGplac~mentG are compatible with the gaps provided for longitudinal
motion as shown in Figures 26 lind 27.

FHWA Seismic Desim CoW'8e 3-85

Design Step 9- Determine Deslga Displacements Design Esample No.5
Nine-Span, Two Unit Bridge

IX:sign Step et Pi~,No. 4



Unit1 ~ Unit2
5uperat-ructurc ~pcrstructurc

:: ~
II .:=
6'-3" Picr
-+-- •

Figure 26 ~ Minimum Support Lengths at Pier No.4


4" / Super

- ;:

• Abut-mon• Seat


Figure 27 - Minimum Support Lengths at Abutments

Design Step lO-Design Structu.-al Components Design E'l:Qmple No.5
Nine-Span, Two UnI: Rrldge


This ~ection concentrates on the critical comptments that resist the seismic
forces. As discussed in Design Step 7, only structural components for
Pier No, 7 will be designed for this example,

Design Step Pier Design

Because this example fe9tures single-column piers, the design of the
columns will bc addressed in this section.

}<'or essential bridges in SPC B, the designer may wish to consider the
column design requirements for SPC C and D in Division I-A, Section 7 to
enhance the column ductility capacity.

Ba5ic column dat". 5ee Figure 28 for del'ails.

Concn~t-e strengt.h

Yield Gtrength of hoop

rei nforCing

Colurrn ?aSoedimen&ion in
the lOl1gitudinal direcr..iot1

17 tran5 := 240' in 'Colurnn ;:1a5e dimen&ion in

the t.ral1!:wer6e direction

A g := b long' 17 trans

Gross area of column base

DimenGions of concrete core at the column ba&e, meaGured to the outGide of

the transverse tie reinforcement, Assume a 3·inch clear co,er to #7 ties.

Longitudinal core dimension

FHWA SEismic Desilln Ca-u..t'Be

Design Step 10-Design StructlU'a1 Components Design EIample No. 5
Nine·Span, Two Unit Bridge

Design Step
Tran6v8r"e cOre dimen610n

A c -- 16146'il Area. of concret~ core

Design Step Determine I.ongltudinal Reinfnrcenumt

aJ Summary ofControlling Cotumn Desi:;;.Ti. Forces from Design Step 7.3,
Table 10 [Division I·A, Article 6.2.1]

Fran", LC1 at Pier No.7 column pa6e (with R = 3.0)

P u1= 276Z'klp

M u110ng ,= 16440' kip ft V u1Iong:= 326'klp

M u1trans '0 5655·kip·ft V u1trans ;~ 101· kip

From LC2 at Pier No.7 column ba6e (with R = 3.0)

P u2 := 2758'kip

M u210ng:= 7126' kip' ft. V u2IQng:= 142' kip

M u2tran6:= 10653·klp·ft V u2tran6 :~ 194'kip

b) Minimum Column Reinforcing

Check the column with minimum longitudinal reinforcing of 1percent: of the

gross concrete area per Division I, Article Use #11 pars for the
longitudinal reinforcement. A%ume the reinforcement 15 6paced nearly equally
around the perimeter a6 Bhown in Figure 28. The two IDOl'" case, apove are
plotted 011 the Interaction diagrams a6 shown in Figures 29 and 30. A <jl
factor of 0.715 used for a tletl column per Divi5ion 1, Article
Interaction <liagram5 5hown are <leveloped frOM PCACOL program, PCA (1993).

Design Step 10 - Design Structural Components Design Example No. 5
Nln".Span. Two Unit Bridge

Design Step

. • n' • 1"1 "! 1"1

· ..J
:- C"l ~
'-" til
.... :;-.
w .,
...., .... ..
> ~. .....
- w
, ~
..... ... :::;;w
o >
'" -0:

[ ··• -0
o C
-- .......
..... -w
.0 ~ - <>:

~ -.
~ ..... a.
a:: a::
U w ·· 0
0 .- ..... ....
·.- .....·
. .I.' . • • 1.1 • • • /.1 • • ·

Figure 28 - Column Cross Section at Base

Fl£WA Beisml" Desl"" Coune

Desigd Step 10 - Design Structural Components Design E1t&lIIple No.5
Nine·Span, Two Unit Bridge

Design Step
10.1.1 50000 .,...,.~.:- ...-,
(continued) ". '.
'. ~

'. ' .
40000 .j.---------.......:'~




-10000 """''--- -1

ell Mn (Kip ft)


Pc;4.0 k&i
fY;60.o kei
(114)-#11 Bar.
Clear Covcr;3"
ell =0.7

Figure 29 - Interaction Diagram for LeI

Design Step III _ Design Structlll"lli Components Desien Example No.5
Nine·Span, Two Unit Bridge

Design Step
10.1.1 1"':~,.-------------­
(conlin,' ed)
-'. - --.
-- '.

40000 +-- ~



~ 20000


.10000 .lo::::::...__2_0_0_0_0 6_0_~

oj> Mn (Kip ft)

4;/ r'


(114) • #11 B.or.

Clear Cover=3t '

Figure SO - Interaction Dia~am for LC2

FHWA SeisnUc Design Course 3·91

Design Otep 10 - Design Structunol Components Design E][smple No.5
Nine-Span, Two Unit Bridge

Design Step Becau~e the force~ for voth load Gase~ plot inside the capacity curve for the
10.1.1 column with 1 percl':r.t 5tel':l. this rl':inforceml':r.t is sufficient,

Use 114 #11 bars (I\;t = 177.84 iri')

Arran~e the reinforcl':merlt with 15 #11 along I':ach longitudinal face and 42 #11
along each tran..verse face as shown in Figurl': 28. Check the clear spacing
between bars on voth faGe~.

d 1711 := 1.55' in Outside diaml':ter for 1/11 t:>ar

d b7 := O.96'in Outside dia:"1eter for #7 var

Clear ..pacing between

bars> 1.5·dbll •

S clear := - d loll

S clear = 3.81' in Clear spacing vetween

vars > 1.5'dbl1

c} Deiennine Column Overstrengtk Plastic Moment Capacities

As discussed in the Introduction to Design Step 7, presently design for

plastic hinging forces need not be performed for SPC B. However. in order
to pro·perly evaluate the magnitude of the forces used for design of

Design Step 10 _ Design Structural Components Design Example No.5
Nine-Span, Two Unit Bridge

Design Step the foundations in Design Step 11 to avoid the possibility of foundation
10.1.1 understrength, the column's overstrength plastic moment capacites need to
<continued) be (Omput~d.

Using the longlt:udin,,1 reinforcement pat,ern from DeGign Step 10.1.1(b). ~

column interaction diagram was develop~d with <!> ;::; 1. The diagram as £>hOWt1 in
Figure 31 is pioned for biaxial nominal moment capacities oft' .> column base
for an axial load frOM LC1. of Pu1 ~ 2762 kip5. From the plot, the maximum
column nominal capac-itie5 are determined for each of the prinCipal direction".

M nlong := ;')7200- kip' ft Nominal longitudinal moment


Nominal tran5verse moment


/ He.eOO Koft.

Nominal lcn9;tudinal

Moment Capacity \
(i> =1.0) \ / . 37.200 j(..f.

\ '
-200000 ·100000 o 100000 200000


F'=2762 Kip +--- Nomil181 Tr.aneveree

Mom:mt. Capc:lcit-y
(i> =1.0)

Figure 31 - Nominal Moment Capacities

FlIWA Seismic Design CoUl'S& 3-93

Design Step 10 - Design Structural Components Design Example No.5
Nine-Span, Two Unit Bridge

Design Step Compute the pla~tic olter5tength moment capacity from the nominal
10.1.1 capacities using Ql =1.3 for reinforced concretr, per Division I-A,
(continued) Artide 7.2.2(A).

cjl := 1.3 Strength reduction factor for plastic


Longitudinal moment

M plong:= c!l'M nlong

M plong = 48360' kip·ft Longitudinal olterstrength plastic

moment capacity

Transve-se moment

M ptrans := <IJ' M ntrans

M ptrans = 154440 ·kip·ft Transver::;e ov~r:>trength plastic

moment capacity

Compute the full-elastic seh>mic moments for Pier No.7 column b,se using the
dead load moments from Table 7 and the LC1 orthogonal seismic force
combination moments from Table 9 with R = to.

M = 475·kip·ft + 47895·kip·ft

M slong = 48370·kip·ft Full elastic seismic longitudinal

moment for LC1

M stran5 := 405' kip' ft + 15750' kip·ft

M str~ms = 16155·kip'ft Full elastic Beismic trClnBverse

moment for LC1

~A a ...I .. _ I .. n .....;~ r ...... __ 3-94

Design Step 10 - Design St!'Uctu~al Com.ponents D ....ign ElUImple No.5
Nlne·Span. Two Unit Bridge

Design Step Compart: tht: ma!jnitutle5 of the fulh:laBtic 5ei5mic momentB with the
10.1.1 overBtren<jth plastic moment capacitieB for the column baBe. In the
(continued) longitudinal direction. Ch/l over5tren!jth capacity ie> nearly equal to the full
elastic ~"I~mic moment. For the tran~ver6e direction. the overstrength
GapaGlty 15 more than 9.5 times the magnitude of the full-elastic seismic
moment. Thi5 5how5 that full-ela5tic 5cie;miG forces ca" be carried 'r7:J the
colum" elastically without hin01ng of the colu"'". fherefore, full-eia5tic 5ei5mic
forces C:;ln be tr""smitted to the fou"d."t;iOn. ThiB is dlscus~bed further in
De5;!'!n Step 11.

FHWA SeiflullC DetlilOl'D Cuur.e 3·91

Design Step 10 - Design Structural Components Design EKample No.5
Nine-Span, Two Unit Bridge

Design Step Detennine Typical Transverse Reinforcement

10.1.2 [Division I, Article 8.16.61

From the previous step, it was shown that the column can carry the full
elastic seismic forces without hinging, particularly in the transverse
direction. As discussed in Design Step 'I .a.l(b), if plastic hinging forces are
not used for the design of the column, then the possihility that the column
is weaker in shear than in flexure exists and a brittle shear failure could
occur, This possibility can be avoided by using the full elastic seismic
shear forces for design. TherefoI'e, recompute the column shear forces used
for design with R ~ 1.0 (versus R .. 3.0 as used in Table !O),

R:" 3.0 Response MoclifiC3tion Reduction ractor

DeBign shear v~lues from Table 10 with R = 3.0

V utlong = 326- kip From le1

'f u2tranf? = 194 -kip From lC2

Recompute oiJsign ~hear values with R = 1.0,

V ulong := V u1Ion(J' R

DeSign shear for longitudinal direction

V utrans '= V u2trans' R

Design shear for transverse direction

The required 5hearstrength of the Section Vn must be the following in each


$ := 0.85 Strength reductio'; factor for Bhear deBign

[Division I, Article

FIIWA Sei amie Delllittn Course 3-96

DesilPl Step 10- Design StI'\lctW'81 Components Design Example No. I)
Nine.Span, Two Unit Bridge

Design Step lon{Jltutlinal direction

(continued) V ulong DiviBiOrl I
V nlong:~ ~ Eqn (8-46)

V nlong = 1151' kip

V utrans Division I
V ntrlilns := --~-- Eqn (8-46)

Compute the effective (,lcpth (,l in each direction a55umlng3-inch cover to #7

trllnsverse reinforcing.

d 1711
d c :. 3' in + tl b7 t- - 2

d c = 5'In
a 'ong := I1 lon6 - d G d long = 70- in
d trllns := /J trans - d c tl trans = 235, in

Shelilr strenllth prOVided l>:Y concrete for elilch direction,

Division I
Eqn (8-51)

V c1ong:= 2125'kip

FHWA Seismic neelgo Ceune

Design Step to-Design Structural Components nesilfD Example No. Ii
Nine-Span, Two Unit Bridge

Design Step
Division I
(continued) Eqn (B-51)

V ctr "1S :; 2229 kip

Since for batn directionG. Vc > Vn' provide minimum shear reinforcement per
Division I. Article B.19.1.

G := 12' in Minimum spacing of ties

Avlang ~

Provide 12 #4 in lorgitudinal direction

50' b long'"
Avtrans :=
f yh

PrOvide 4 #4 in tran"ven,e direction

The above detennination of transverse shear reinforcing is for the typical

section. not in the end regions that have special confinement requirements
examined in the next Design Step. F'or this example, the above provisions
for minimum shear reinforcing are not strictly applicable because Vu does
not exceed one-half of the shear strength provided by the concrete, "'Vc' for
the transverse direction. Article provisions for ties will also need
to be satisfied,

Because the longitudinal reinforcement is #11 bars (not bundled). #4 ties are
accept-able. The spacing of ties shall not exccce!12 inches. With the
requirement that no longltui\inal bar "nail t:>e more tnan 2 fMt from a
restrainee! bar on either side. check the minimum number of ties.

NO tong :; ---Z-·h: < than 12 #4 ties computed

at:>ove. use 12 ties

FHWA Seismi-e Desi«n Cou.ree 3.98

Design Step 10 - Dellign Struciwal Components Design Example No. Ii
Nine-Span, Two Unit Bridge

NOtr.. n~ = 3 < than 4- #4 tie~ computet!

..bove. u!>e 4 tie!'>

Design Step Detennine Transverse Reinforcement for Confinement

10.1.3 [Division I-A. Article 6.6.21
The core of the column must be confined by ties in the expected plastic
hiIlge regions. For this example having wide single·column piers with
pinned, sliding, or expansion bearings at the top, the column base is the
only end region where plastic hinging is expected. Therefore, the column
end region transverse confinement requirements will only apply to the
bottom ofthe columns.

The total gross sectional area (Ash) of rectangular hoop (stirrup)

reinforcement for a rectangular column is th~ greater of that required by
Equations (G-6) or (6·7) in Division I-A where

A c ::: 16146'in Area of concrete core

A <3 ::: 1BOOO • in Groe;e; <!lre., of column
fc = 4000 or;;; Concrete 6trel1!Jth

f yh = 60· kGi Yield ;;trength of hoop reinforcing

a := 6'ln M.,xlmum vertlc..1"'pBclng of hoop",

Longitudin.,1 core dlmen"lon

Tran"ven;e core dimene;ion

For tiee; in the longitudinal direction

Equation (6-6)

A f>h = 3.22'1"

FHWA S~iami~ D&flian CGUJ"H

Deeirn Step lO-Design Structural Components Design El<omple No.5
Nine-Span. Two Unit Bridge

Design Step
10.1.3 Equation (6-7)

-;==== Controb, provide 19 #7 bars

t\;h ~ 11.40 in2

for ties in the transverse direct:ion

EqU<:ltion (6-6)

Equation (6-7)

<==== Controls. provide 6 #7 bilrs

i\;h = 3.60 in"

Following the recommended tie d'ltalls shown in "ChI' Commentary of Division

I·A. if alternat:e l7ars of the main #11 relnforce:men"C ;:lre: tletl, then the tie bar
pattern would be aD Dhown In Figure 28. This provides longitudinal tie
reinforcement of22 #7 barD and tranDvcwse tie reinforcement of 8 #71?<:lrs.

For this example, plastic hinging confinement reinforcing was computed

for both longitudinal and transverse directions (as shown in Figure 28)
although the column will likely remain elastic in the transverse direction.
The designer may. therefore, wish to use the tie requirements from Design
Step 10.1.2 for the transverse ties throughout the column height.

Extent of column "End Region" ..t the bottom of the column is the maximum of
the following three criterl" per Division I-A. Article 6.6.2(B).

a. Maximum cross-sectional column dimension (at base) = 20 feet

b. Ho1 /6 '" ::>0 feet/6 = 8.33 feet 116 x clear he:igl1t. of column
c. 18 inches (minimum)
Design Step IO-Design Structural Components De@ign E"ample No.5
Nine-Span, Two Unit Bridge

Design Step Bec~use the column's strength in the transverse direction is many times in
10.1.3 excess of the demand, it ieo unlikely thllt the column will hinge in this direction.
(continuecl) Therefore, the extent of the 'Cram'vcr"o roinforcomont for confinement prOVided
will be controlled I>ycriteria b vecause this is greater than the minimum crOSB-
sectional column vase dimension of6 feet 3 inches.

Therefore, extend the transverse confinement reinforcing region 8 feet

4 Inchcos up from the top of the pile c,"p, Extend the ',r"n$ver$e confinement
reinforcement one-half of this dimension (4 fecot 2 inchco,,) into the 17ott0rt1
connection (pile cap) per Division i·A. Article 6.6.2(B). See Figure 32.

The conrtl'ction of the column to the pile cap is shown in Design Step 10.3.4.

114 #11

Pile Cap


Figure 32 - Column Reinforcement Details

~A Q....t .. _~ft n...... inon t"t..,..IW'CA 3·101

Design Step 10- Design Structural Components Design Example No.5
Nine·Sp.m, Two Unit Bridge

Design Step Pier Cross Frame Design

Lateral forces from the acceleration of the mass of the superstructure are
transferred to the substructure through steel cross frames to the bearings
at the top of the pier. The lateral forces from the deck slab are transferred
to the steel girders through shear studs along the top flanges of the girders
and from the girders to the cross frames at the piers. For this structure,
the cross frames at the piers consist of AASHTO M 270. Grade 50W steel
k-bracing as shown in Figure 33.

Design forces are the column top connection shear forces from Design
Step 7, Table 10. The transverse moments from Table 10 are not included
in the design forces. These moments are not significant and have little
effect on the anchor bolt forces. Additionally, the dead load forces are not
included for determination of the most critical anchor bolt forces.

This example features the force transfer from the deck to the cross frame
a t Pier No.7. Members and connections in the cross frame will not be
designed in detail. Seismic forces transferred to the bearings will be
computed and the anchor bolts will be checked in Design Step 10.3.:{.

De"ign "hear force, from Step 7, Tabie 10 for the top of Pier No.7 (R = 1).

For LS1

V u110ng ~ 868' kip

Fo~ LC2

V u2long = 365' kip

V u2trans= 420 kip

Because the I:>earings at Pier NO.7 are pinned. the longitUdinal force will be
transferred di~ectly through the pin to the I:>earing anchor bolts. The
t~an"verse force will be distrfbuted by the deck slab to the girders and k-brace
cross frames to the bearing anchor bolts. The <-brace aiagonals are at 45
degrees to the horizontal. Disuil:>ute the appli"d tran5verse shear from LC2.
as the critical case for transverse loading, to the I:>racing as shown in
Figure 34(13).

Design lStep 10 - Delilgn Stnlctural Components Desllrl' El<ample No. 5
Nine·Span. Two Unit Bridge

Design Step
1 L--.- ! \
'" J
! '"


- I'"


., 0 -
" "'~

~I "''"
u"------- --.-.-



Figure S3 - Cross Frame at Pier

Design Step 10 - Design Structural Components Design Esample No.5
Nine-Span. Two Unit Bridge


F = 480 k 11'-0"



Figure 34 - Cross Frame

FHWA SeiliinUc Design Course

Design Step 10- D""igI. Jtructural Components Design Example No.5
Nine.Span, Two Unit Bridge

Design Step F := Y u2trans

F = 420'kip Ira nsver5e force applied
to entire c1V66fr3me

ASGu m il1g the force applied "co the frame ;5 resisted equally t>y each of three k-
I7rac~6, the diagonal member forces are computed a~ld shown in Figure 34(17).
Axial tension and wmpr,,""ion forces, P, arc calculated "5

P = 99·kip Axial tension or compressiol1 force in

diagc'1almembe.- of k brace from LC2
(memt>e" not designed in thi" example)

Design Step Connection Design


Design Step Longitudinal Linkage

Not required fa" SPC B. Re6trainers are not required because It ha" t:>een
determinetl in De5ign Step 9.1 [Divi5lon I-A, Article 6.3.1] that there iG
adequate seat witlth.

Design Step Hold Downs

Not required for SFC B.

Design StelJ 10 - Design Structural Components Design Example No.5
Nine-Span, Two Unit Bridge

Design Step Connection ofSuperstructure to Substructure

The connection of the superstructure to the substructure is provided by
anchor bolts at the bearing locations. For this bridge, there are several
different connection conditions to be designed because there are several
different types of bearings.

• Conne:tions at the pinned piers (Pier Nos. 1, 2,3,6, and 7)

• Connections at the sliding piers (Pier Nos. 5 and 8)
• Connection at the expansion locations (Pier No.4 and abutments)

In this example, the connection of the superstructure via the pinned

bearing anchor bolts at Pier No.7 is designed. As discussed in Design
Step 10.2, lateral forces from the acceleration of the mass of the
superstructure are transferred to the substructure through bearing an<:hor
bolts at the top of the pier. Design forces to the bearing anchor bolts are
determined from the forces acting at the top of Pier No.7.

From Design Step 10.2, in the longitudinal direction, the f>hear force is
transferred directly through the bearing pin. Longitutlinal shear forces at the
top of the pier are

V u110ng = 868' kip From LC1

V u2long= 365' kip From LC2

The transverse shear forces at the top of the pier are

V u1trans = 211- kip From LC1

V u2trans = 420- kip From LC2

Desi~n transverse shears at the pin level of the bearings are F/3 for interior
girders and F/6 for exterior girders as shown in Figure 34(a). Check an
interior girder for the forces to the anchor bolt". Include the longitudinal
shear for LC2 that is assumed to be distril1uted equally to all bearing
locations. The bearing pin i5 taken as 1foot above the level of the anchor bolts
as shown in the bearing details of Figure 35.

d := to·ft Moment- arm fo' "hear,;; applied to

bearing anchor l10lts

FHWA Seismic DesiJnl Cou.rae 3-100

Design Step to-Design Structural Components Design El<smp:e No. I)
Nine·Span. Two Unit Bridife

Design Step Six A449 anchor bol"Cs are shown in Figure 35(17). 'he r"'sultant forces for "Che
bOlt group for LC2 may De calcula"Ced '"'' shown. This is conservative since "Che
effect of any vertical dead load acting to reduce the Dolt tension is neglected.

Dtrans := 28';n Transver.e dimension Detween

outermos"C bolts of grou~

Longitudinal dimension I:>etween

bol"Cs of group

N I>r{3 := 4 tiuml:>er of I:>earings

a) Compute the Anchor Bolt Forces for LC2

Moment applied to I:>olt group from I..C2 transven,e shear.

F ;= V u2"Crans

M2trans := -'d

f>olt "Cension from MZtrans Nllolts:= 2

M ztrans) 1
p 2trans :=
( b'trans N Dolts

p 2trans = 30· kip

Moment applied to I:>olt (lroup from LC2 lon(litudin,,1 she"r.

M210ng -
._(V uZIOn g'). d
N brg

FHWA Seismie DesiJ{n CoUJ1l8 3·107

Design Step 10 - Design Structural Componentlo Design E:mmple No. Ii
Nme-Span, Two Unit Bridge

Design Step Bolt tension from MZlang

M Zian g) 1
PZlong:; - - - .
( 17 long NbalM

P 210ng oc. 24.3·kip

MaKlmum bolt t~n"ian far LC2

P 2tot := p 2tranG t- P 210ng

P 2tot oc. 54.3·kip Bolt tension at extreme corner

Check she~r per bolt for LC2 Nbalts:oc. 6

I(v U210ng\ (F)2 t-

V 2bolt :;
J N urg ) 3

V2bolt ; 27.9·kip Shear per bolt neglecting friction

from ve''tical dead load

oj Compute the Anchor Bolt Forces for LeI

Mom~t1t applied to bolt group from LC1 transverse sheilr.

F := V ultrans

M 1trat1<' :; 3' d

FHWA Seismic De8iJlJl. Co1lrfi& 3-108

Design Step 10 - Design Structure! Components DEflip Example No. Ii
Nlne.Span. Two Unit Bridge

Design Step Bolt te~,;io~ from MItrano Nl>olto := 2

M ltran,; \ 'j
F 1trans : = . .
( I> trans ) N I>olts

F l1;ra~s = 15.1 • kip

Moment applied to I>olt group from LC110ngitudinai ,;hear.

M Ilo~g = 2604',ip';"

Bolt tension from Mlo~g N bolts:= :3

F Ilo~g = 57.9' kip

Maximum bah; tension for LCI

P 1tot := f ltra~s + f 1lo~g

f ltot = 72.9· kip Bolt- tension at eX'treme corMr

FHWA Seismic DesiRJl Course 3·109

Design Step 10 - Design Structural Components Deaign Exampie No. 5
Nine-Span, Two Unit Bridge

Design Step
10.3.3 Check shear per I>olt for LC1 Nbolts;= 6

v 11>0lt " 38· kip SheaI'" pl!OI'" I>olt negll!Octing friction

from vel'"tlclli clead load

c) Summary ofAnchor Bolt Forces

Bolt t"!n'ijon Bolt shear

For LC2, p 2;;0;; := 54.3· kip V 21>01t:= 27.9·kip

For LC1, P 1tot := 72.9· kip V 1170lt := 38· kip

dj Design. Anrhor Bolts

For high-strength bolts (A325 or A449). a55umlng they are adequatllly

ilnchol'"ed fol'" full sheilr ilnd ten,lon yield strength in the 170lt itself, the design
strength <1>F fo" shear and ilpplied Static tension is taken from DiVision I. Tal7le

q,F v ;= 36'k5i Shear 5trength

q,F t '= 67' ksi Tension strength
AI> := 1.485·ln Area of I>olt com~6ponding to
nominall·3/8·inch dlamllter

Shear "trength

Greater than maximum shear from

LC1. (:= 38.0 kip) say okay with
1·3/8·lnoh 1>0lt5

FHWA Seillmie ~8ign C"..ourtle 3·110

Design Step 10 - Design Stl'UCtul'al Component. Detlip E2:ample No. 5
Nlne,SJNll!, Two Unit Bridge

Design Step
Reduce Division I, Tavie 10,56A .ensile
s.reng.n for "Iameters greater than
llnoh (multiply l7f 0.875)

Great"r thlln mll><lmum tension from

Let (= 7Z9 kip) "'lIy OkllY with
1-3/8-inch Pelts

Anchor bolts should be anchored into th~ pier concrete to sufficiently

develop the full yield strength of the bolt in tension. To accurately place
the anchor bolts for the bearing assembly, the bolts are commonly grouted
in standard pipe sections capped with a plate at the bolt head as shown in
Figure 35(cl. Altemately. the anchor bolts may be threaded at both ends
and have a plate with a welded nut tack in lieu of a headed bolt.

FHWA Seismic Design Course

Design Step 10- Design StJ:'llctural Components Design EnmplOl No. 5
Nine.Span. Two Unit Briclge

Design Step

(a) FrOM!'

Bolt HQIe
(p) Plan (Typio.l)

~Br~. 'I


" , - Flat<>
'-- Anchor Bolt

(e) Si<le

Figure 35 - Bearing Details

FHWA Seismic Design CoUJ'1l<l 3·112

Design Step 11) - DesllP' Stl"Ueturel ComJ'O"""ta DeailP' Esampl" No. I>
Nine-Spen, Two Unit Bridg"

Design Step Connection of Column to Pile Cap

S8" Figure 32 for detail at the bage of the column. Check the development
I"ngth for the #11 mllin reinforcement wit-h 90 degree hooks as shown per
Division I, IVt-lcl" 8,29.

Basic dat-a to check development

f c:~ 4000
A 1>11 :~ 1.56' in ArfOa of #1I1>3r

Diameter of 111 'par

Yield strength of reinforcing

Basic development for 9tandaril hook!>

L hI> :0 1200'-

This basic length (above) could be modified (multiplled by a factor uf 0,7)
per Division 1, Article 8.29,3.2 for bar cover greater than 2.5 inches.
however. the requirements ofDivisi~n I-A. Article 6.6.2(B) to extend the
transverse confinement reinforcing. as shown in Figure 32. will control the
length of the #11 hook embedment.

To ensure proper fo~e transfer ability and to simplify the construction. the
#11 hooks should be extended to the bottom mat of reinforcing, just above
the level of pile embedment,

FHWA Seismic Design lJ<rnne 3.118

Design Step 11 - Design Foundations Design E][ample No. 4)
Nlne.Span, Two Unit Bridg~


[Division I·A, Article 6.4.2}

In this design example. only the foundation at Pier No.7 willl?e designetl.

Design Step Design Pile Group

The pile foundation ~onsists of driven plumb steel H-piles (fiP 12 x 84)
AASHTO M 210, Grade 36, with a cast-in-place concrete pile cap. The
following ultimate pile capacities are assumed to apply to this bridge site.
Actual soil properties and pile capacities would be specified in the
geotec:hnical report. :'he pile ultimate compression capacity under seismic
conditions may be determined by a number of different methods and is
usually a combination offrictional and tip resistance. The magnitude of
the ultimate compression capacity often exceeds the pile capacity value
based upon allowable stresses from Division I, Article

If buoyancy effects shl)uld be included, a design water surface elevation

would be assumed. This would likely come from a hydrological report or
ftom the geotechnical report, For this example, geotechnical infonnation ie
provided in Appendix A.

Pile ultc= 370' kip Ultimate pile capacity In

compreS$ion (per pile)

Pileultt= -100' kip Ultimate pile c81pacity In ten5ion

(per pile)

DosignSwp Determine Axial Forc$s in Piles

The forces for design of the pile group are taken from Design Step 7,3,2,
Table 11. Initially, the pile layout will be assumed the same as used for
development of the foundation spring stiffness in Design Step 6.2. This
pile layout was based upon preliminary pile axial capacities, although the
steps are not presented here. The layout is shown on Figure 86.

'I .. , ...
Design Step 11- Design Foundations DesillJl Example No. I>
Nine.Span. Two Unit Bridge

Design Step Foundation design is controlled \;>y The fcllowing forces are applied at the
11.1.1 bottom of the pile Gllp "nd do not include earth pre5sur". 51:ream flow
(continued) pre"sure. and bUOy&lncy effects. (R ~ 1.5 )

p U := 3378' kip

M ulong:= 36612·kip·ft V ulong := 664'kip

Y utrans := 225' kip

For consideration of overturning on the pile group, the minimum axial load
will control. Because the effects of buoyancy reduce the axial load,
buoyancy should be included. To indude the buoyancy. subtract the
weight ofwater displaced by the pile cap, pier column, and overlying soil
for the appropriate depth ofwater. In this example. the design water
surface elevntion at Pier No.7 does not p"oduce huoyancy effects for design
of the foundationo

The method used here for computing the axial loads to the pile group from
the applied moments is similar to the method used in Design Step 6.Z to
determine the rocking rotational resistance of the pile group. This method
i~ a ~imple static anolysis deseribedin a numMr of foundation engineering
references such l:I.S Peck., Hanson, and Thornhurn (19701). Each pile is
assumed to take an equal share of th" lOjJplied vertical load (PIA) "nd the
vertical load in the pile caused by the applied moment is proportional to
the distance from the center ofthe resisting group (MclI) liS shown in
Figure 37. This is the same basic fonnula for pressure beneath Ii soil
.,upported footing subjected simultaneously to direct load and moment. A
basic assumption for this approam is that the pile cap is considered rigid.

a) Compute Pile Axial Loods

The assumed pile layout from Design Step 6.2 is show~ i~ Figure 36.
Calculate1:he axial forces in the plle~ for ~he axial load and momentf> in each
direction &lnd then 5uperimpOf>" for final pile loads.

FHWA Sei.mic lHlsign Course a 111

Design Step 11 - Design Foundations Design Ezample No. Ii
Nine.Span. Two Unit Bridge

Design Step
ll.1.l x·


)( (Long)


Figure 36 - Pile Layout Plan

FIIW A. Reiamie D4Wi1iltn. CoU2"8e 3·116

Des;p Step 11 - Detlip Foundations Design Example No. 5
Nine-Span, Two Ullit Bridge

Design Step
(continued) C.e. of Pil~ Group


-n- t t
I '[
F:3 I Irp4

~ (c)
1 ! dZ I dz, i i
. "1 I ',". d4 '

--" b==Y Pmin

Ca) 1: +~
A - I

Figure 87 - Computation of Pile Loads

FHWA Sei.mie De8ign CoW"'H 3~11 '7

Design Step 11 - Design Foundations Design Esample No.5
Nine-Span, Two Unit Bridge

Design Step Assume that all of the piles in the group are loaded equally from the axial
11.1.1 force. (The pile cap is assumed rigid.)
p u = 3378 kp 0

Number of piles in group


P v-
- 77 kip 0
Axial load contribution. per pile

Consider the forces in the longitudinal direction first. Compute the pile loads
from the appred axial load and longitudinal moment.

M ulong = 36612 o kip·ft

Distance to r,)W Number of piles

from group center per row

~ := 15·ft N x1 := B
'2 := 10·ft N x2 := 8

~= 5·ft N x 3 := 4

x := Q·ft N x4 := 4
~:= -5·ft N x5 := 4

x := -lO·ft N := 8
6 X6
"'7 := -15·ft N
:= 8

x sum - L h)2 x sum = 700·ft



De5ign Step 11- Design Foundations Design Example No. I)
Nine-Span. Two Unit Bridge

Design Step Load per pile without transverse, moment (neqative loads are ten&ion)

P"1 = 175-ldp Row 1

PX2:~ (MUIOrtfl'"Z) + P V P x2 ~ 142-kip Row?

"sum'N x2

p x3 (M UIO~~X3) +, Pv
:= P"3 ~ 142-kip Row 3
X !'mr! x3

P"4 := P x...
A = 77' kip Row 4

Px5 = 11 'kip Row 5

P"6 = 11'kip Row 6

Px7 = -21 • kip Row 7

Now compute the pile loads from the applied tran£>verse moment, and add
these to the preViously calculaud loads.

M utrans = 12366- kip·ft

Dls"tance "to row N umber of pi les

from ",roup center per row

Zl := 14'ft N z1 := 7

Zz := 10·ft N z 2 := 7

Ii'HWA S.eiemic Deflj~ Course

Design Step 11 - Design Foundations Design ElUImple No.5
Nine-Span, Two Unit Bridge

Design Step Z3 := 6'ft N := 4

(continued) z4 := 2·ft N Z4 := 4

z'":J ,= -2·ft N z5 := 4

z6 := ·-6·ft N z6 := 4
z..; := -10·ft N z 7 := 7
z8 := -14,ft N z8 := 7

z 5um:= L (z;/ z 5um = 672·ft


i = 1

Pz1 = 31· kip Row 1

_ (M utrans'zz)
P 22'- P z2 = 26·kip Row 2
Z5Um' N ZZ

F Z.3 = 28'kio' Row 3

P z4 .-
,_ (M utrans'Z4) P z4 = 9'kip Row 4
zsum'N z4
Design Step 11- Design Foundations Design Example No. I;
Nine-Span, Two Unit Bridge

Design Step
n.l.l P z5 := p z5 = -9-klp Row 5

P z6 := (M utrans' Z6) P z6 = -28 • kip Row 6

zsum'M z6

r z7 = -26-kip Row 7

Pz8 = -37' kip Row 8

Chec;k t-he OU1;ermo~t- Gorner piles fo" m"ximum comrres~ion and tenGion

P mM " 212- kip Less than Fil/{,Itc (= 370 klpo)


P min := P ><7 + p z8

P min = -58·kip Le"s than Piie~ Itt (= - 100 kipG)


Resulting axialload~ for all other piles in the group may I:>e ~imil"rly
calculate,;!. The number of piles sul:>Ject~d to a net tension (uplift) iG limited t,
one-half of the pile group per Division I-A, i\rc.icle 6.4.2(B), CalGulat-ion of all of
the pile load" resultG in 10 piles of the 44-pile group having tension for thiG
load caGe is "'hown in Fiflure 31:>. (Me~ative load" are tension,) The design
foundation forCe6 aSGociated with these 111e loads were computed with ar
effective R Factor of 1.5.

The computed pile axial forces in Figure 38 show that there is significant
reserve capacity fl>r the ultimate compression limit and some uplift reserv,
capacity for the pile arrangement shown. Also, the number of tension pile

FHWA Seililmic Deap Course 3-121

Design Step 11 - Design Foundations Design Example No.5
Nine-Span, Two Unit Bridge

Design Step

116- 48- 179 -179 -2121

I 5
I 7 39 170 203
I -12 20 151 184\
I'"' I

-w-49 -17
~ 1~ 1~6 I
114 147 I
• )( (long)

\ -47 -15 -15 1 116 116 149 I
I'"' H H 7 H H HI
I -~B -~6 -1;6 W 1~5 t~5 t~ \

L- - - - - - -\-Z -n~)-
,~ _
- - :illl LOlld in KIPS


Figure 38 - Pile Axial Loads for R =1.5

is less than allowed. Thus, it is possible to rearrange the piles of the group
to take advantage of these limits. Rearrangement could allow the pile grid
to become smaller and reduce the size of the pile cap, andlor reduce the
number of piles. However, ifpile spacings are reduced, the pile group
effect will become more significant eince the efficiency factor will be

If the pile group (arrangement andlor number of pile~' ;s changed

significantly from the group used to determine the spring stiffnesses for
the analysis, the designer may wish to iterate the spring stiffness
calculation with the new pile group, reanalyze the structure, and compare
design forces.

Design Step 11- O....ign Foundations Design Example No. 5
Nine·Span, Two Unit Bridge

Design Step For this example. the foundation design fones will be re·evaluated before
11.1.1 consideration of any pile rearrangement. The pile forces shown SO far f<>r
(continued) Design Step 11.1 use an effective R Factor of 1.5. A~ discussed in the
Introduction to Design Step 7, the forces for design of the foundation shouk
be determined to prevent indastic behav'.or from occurring in the
foundation. In Design Step 10.1.1Cc), it was shown that the column is
capable of behaving elastically for the full elastic seismic force
combinations and so could carry full elaslic seismic forces to the foundation

Therefore, for this example. the designer should consider using an R Factol
of 1.0 for the foundation design forces instead of an ."fTectlv" R Factor
equal to balf of the R Factor of the column (312 = 1.6) as currently
permitted by Division I-A.

It should be noted that for multiple column bents where R '" 5. the
difference between the foundation design for(es calculated using R/2, and
those obtained by comparing the full elastic seismic forces with the plastic
hinging forces. could be more significant,

Th~ effect of incr~a"ing the foun<ll'tion design forces (too R ; 1.0) for the pile
group if> checked for t-hio example.

b) RtWlmpute Pile AJ:iul Loads for R = 1.0

The pile IIxialloadG for t-he !J"0up a0 Ghowr in FiglJre 36 were recomputed u"in,
t-he foundl'1;ion de,.,igr forces from De"ign Step 7,32. Table ,2.
which uGe an R
Fanor of 1.0, The resulting pile axial loads are "hown in Figure 39. (Negative
loadG ;are tenSion.)

The number of piles with I' com.out-etl tension load is 15. still less th,m one-hal
of 1;he pile group.1;hough three pile, have tension loads in excess of the iOO-
kip CI'p?'Oity. If these piles slip (fail in "\".e""ion). tke center of gravity of the
group will shift and the compression force on the plies in the corner opposite
the failed "tension piles ",ill increa5e. Sinc~ there is 5tlli "ignificllnt
compression capacity re5erve in tho~e pilB", the increa5ed compression caul"
'"e tolerllteel without exceeeling the compression capacity (thiS calculation is
not shown here), Therefore, the founelation i", ",,,Ie to re"iGt the higher levels
of force associat-ecl with R 1.0 without fallur'c in the pile group.

LJ"e the pil~ group as show~ and continue t-he foundat-ion design using the
elesign forces from T",,,Ie 12 with R; to.

FHWA Seismic Design CClune

Design Step 11 - Design Foundations Design Example No.5
Nine.Span. Two Unit Bridge

Design Step
I -=14- "34- 34
230 -230 - 27[;1
-3D 1B lB 11~ 214 214 266 1
-28 20 216 264 'I
-55 -7 189 2371
-$3 -35 y+ 161 209) • • (Long)
H H H H 1
-~p -~ 'r~4 1~ I
-lOB -60 -60 313 136 136 184 I
1-124 -76 -76 22 120 120 16B I
R H H H H H H_

-l-z (Tr~-n~)-

L- - - - - - - xii'll Load In KIPS

~ ~ (Typical)


Figure 39 - Pile Axial Loads wlR = 1.0

FHWA Seililm.ic DtMiip Course a·124

Design St<:>p 11 - Design Foundlltions Design Example No. II
Nine·Span. 'J'wo Unit Bridge

Design Step Determine Transverse Pile Fottes

The transverse loading on the pile group produces shears and momcmts in
the piles. A check can be made to see if the piles are likely to yield under
this loading. In this example, influenc" charts from NAVFAC Design
Manual 7.02 (1986) are used to obtain pile shears and moments from
lateral loading. A pinned pile head is assumed, consistent with the
conditions used for development of the pile lateral spring stiflnesses.

In Caltrans' Bridge Design Sp<!cificatinns (995). for piles embedded;n

material having a Standard Penetration test resistance value (N) equal to
10 or greater, ~h" piles and footing are assumed to be capable of resisting
all sustained lateral forces.

oj Determine Maximum Pile Shears and Moments

Look a. nan"ver",e loading on the pile group. All of the pile" are a%llmed to
equally re,;i,;t the to.1.I1 ~ase shear. The re5ultant tot,,1 "he"r I" c"lcui"ted
from the shears in eac;h dlrec.lon. As preViously di%llSsed. the design forces
are from Table 12 using R", 1.0.

V ulong:= 992'kip

Total number of pile:;

S~ear applied per pile in the strong direction

V ulong
p lat.0 .-

Sheilr applied per pile In the weak direction

V utr-i:ln~
f latw ;c p latw '" 7.7·kip

Determine the pile de6ign shears i1nd momems using the relative "tiffness
factor (T), whid was calculated in De51gn Step 6.2 for determination of the

FHWA Seismic Design Collrfle 3·125

Design Step 11 - Design FO\Uldatlons Design E1uampie No.5
Nlne·SplUI, Two Unit Brlcltre

Design Step In~ivlt:lual pile: iaterlil tran!lIational ",pring e.tlffne:e;e;e:e.. U~e Fleuree; 40 an'" 41
11.1.2 (from NAYFAC [)~e;if1n Manual 7.02) to t:lete:rmine th~ e;hear coefficient Fyand
t;he moment coefficient FM' From Dee;ign Step 6.2. the LIT ratior; for tooth
axee. of the pile!> are between 5 an,;l10.

T pe; := 55'ln Relative 6tlffne€>e. factor for the e;tron'3

t:llrection of the pile (from Step 6.2)

T pw := 44'ln Relative &tiffnee;6 factor for the weak

t:lirection of the pile (from Step 6.2)

From Fieu~ 40

F y := 1.0 Maximum e.hear Coefflci/lr1t (at Z = 0)

From Figure 41

FM :~ -0.77 Maximum moment coefficient (at

approximately Z 1.25 LIT)

Compute maximum r;hew6 In the pile.

V pe. := F V· P lat6

V pe. = 22.5' kip Shearfor the e;trong axle;

Vpw:~ Fy'Platw

y pw '" 7.7·kip

VR =23.8·kip Ree;ultant pile e;hear

»""!IU Slep 11 - De,li... Found8tlon. De8lgD Ea.lIlple Nu. G
Nlne.span, Two Ullit Bridge

Design Step
...... .' ..,
(continued) 0 SI4UR CDEFf1Cl£llT (f\ll '


........... ~
~ i""
I ........ ,....
... -:;. "
..' , ~;..

, .r~
• '"c'''
t· z p \lp

4;:.. ~ .. 1
1\ -1-)/"-

~~ -
-0.8 -0.4 0 .0." U8
SliEAR COEf1'IOElIT, f\l

Figure 40 - Shear Coefficient, Fv

,-,... I .
r-.... ~
lilOfIIENT CX£fmEHT(fMI .....

rED LA~.~!~ /)
-~ ... --
.... ;.,.~
3z i--~
V p IIIp

3..... "
V ~
% i

".... ~

" KIff--, '5

14' . l
o 0.2 0.'1 06 08
JlDIoIENT cct:FFlClf1jT. F",

Figure 41 - Moment Coefficient, FM

FHWA Seililmic Deeign Course 3·12

Design Step 11 - Design FOWldatioDs Design E",ample No.5
Nine-Span, Two Unit Bridge

Design Step Compute maximum moments in the pile.

M ps := F M' P lau,-T ps

M ps '" -955 . kip' in Maximim moment for the strong axis

M pw:= F M'Platw' T pw

M pw '" -260'kip'in Maximum moment for the weak axis

b) Determine Pile Shear and Moment Capacities

For the HP 12 x 84 section. check the pile capacities using t;he follOWing
propertie& an,l the provi&;ons of Division I, Articles 10,42 to 10.60 for LOl'd
Factor Design.

F y '= 36'ksi Minimum yield strength of pile

,l := 12.28' in Depth of web

t W
:= 0.685·ln Thickness of web

b f := 12.295' in Width of flange

t f := 0.685- in Thickness of flange

A := 24.6·in Pile cross-sectional area

Check shear capacity per Division I, Article 10.48.8.

0:= d - 2-1;f

o '" 10.91-in Clear, unsupported distance between flanges

k := 5 Buckling coefficient for unstiffened mem bers

FHWA Seismic Design Course 3-128

Design Step 11 - Design Foundations Design Esample No. Ii
Nine.Span, Two Unit Bridee

Design Step Determine the const,mt C.

De.ermine the const,,,,t C
D 6000·j;:
Ratio:= - Less thiln Limit:= for C = 1.0

Ratio = 15.9 Less than Limit := 70.7

Therefore, C: = 1,0

Plilstic sheilr force from Division 1.

Equatioh (10-114)

V := C·y Division " Equiltion (10-112)


v u = 156'kip Shear capacity of pile. This is

much greater thiln the resultan.
pile shear, YR = 23.8 kip, computecl

Check fl.::xural cilpacity rer Division I, Article 10.48.1.

For the rile strong clirection

Plastic section modulus for the s.rong


Division I, Equ ation (10-91)

M us -- 4320'kir'in Maximum fiexur,,1 strength for the strong

direction. This is much grcilter thiln
Mps = 955 kir';n

For the rile weilk direction

Plastic section modulus for the we<lk


FHWA Seismic De8ign Coune 3·1llll

Design Step n ~ Design Foundations Design ElIBmple No.5
Nine-Span. Two Unit Bridge

Design Step Divh;ion I. Eo,uation (10-91)

M uw = 1915' kip' in Maximum flexural strength for the weak
direction (This is much g"eater than
Mpw~ 260 kip'in)

There is significant reserve shear and flexural capacity in the pile section,
and yielding of the pile is not likely to occur for the computed levels of force = 1.0.

FHWA Sek'BJDiC Design Course 3·130

Design Step ll-Design Foundations ilesien Example No.6
Nine·Span, Two Unit Bridge

Design Step Lateral Displacement of Pile Group

An importent check for the base shear on the ,ile group is the amount of
lateral displacement expected from the applied shear and whether this
displacement can be tolerated. Displacements from the multimode
analysis are repl>rted in Design Step 6.3. Table 6. The values for the
foundation level of Pier No.7 are shown below. The R Factor for
displacements is effectively 1.0 in any case.

Ch~CK the di!7pliOlCemcnt5 for the founclation I"vel at Pie" No, 7, (GIO~:l1 X and:
directionf> are f>hown ,n Design Step 7. figur~ 25,)

For the longitudinal "arthquake. E'\tong

x long :0 0,0364' 't

z long ~ O.OO';H It

For the transverse earthquake, E'ltran"

X tran,; := O.0053'ft

z t",n" :~ 0.0369' ft

For LC1, perform the comtJlnation ofortho(!jonOlI e>ele>mlc diepl"cem"nto>

x ~ O.o3B·ft x = OA56·in

Z := 1.0·z long + O.3'zuam,

z = o.020B·ft z = 0.249' in

The net lat"r,,1 displacement "'t the foundation level for LCl if>

Displacement Is smiOlll and CiOln be

tolerated wthout difficulty

FHWA Seillmic Design Co1ll'8e

Design Step 11 - Design Foundations Design E:emple No.5
Nine·Span. Two Unit Bridge

Design Step For LC2, perform the com vi nation of orthogonal seismic displacemen,;s.

" ~ 0.0162·ft; " = 0.19-in

z = O.o39.B·ft 7 = 0.478' In

ThlO I1lOt latl'ral displaclOment at the foundation level for LC2 is

d net '= ~x~ +- z-

d net = 0.52- in Displacement is small ana can ve

toleratea without t1ifficulty

Criteria for tolerable lateral displacement for seismic design is not

specifically quantified in AASHTO. Division I, Article 4.5.12 says that the
structural engineer shall develop criteria that are "consistent with the
function and type of structure, fIXity of bearings, anticipated service life.
and consequences of unacceptable displacements on the structural
perfonnance. n

Division I. Article states that ·where combined horizontal and

vertical movements are possible, horizontal movements should be limited
to 1 inch or less."

However, these provisions do not directly address the seismic design

purpose and philosophy as put forward in Division I-A. Tolerable structure
displacements at the foundation level for seismic design should be an
important item of discussion between the structural and geotechnical

Design Step Design Pile Cap

The design of the pile cap would be the same as for any conventional
reinforced concrete pile cap and is not performed for this example.

FHWA Seismi c DeSigtl Courae 3·132

Design Step 11- Design Foundations Design Example No.5
Nlne~<lpBn. Two Unit Bridge

Design Step Design Pile Anchorage

11.3 [Division I-A, Article 6.4.2<C)]

All piles are to be adequately anchored to the pile cap. For steel piles,
anchoring devices shall be provided to develop aP 'Jplift forces but n()t less
than 10 percent of the allowable pile load. For ,-••smic design, ultimate
capacities of the piles should be used.

Ta~e the de5i<3n uplift force to be equal to the maximum pile tension load
compU1:ed for R = 1.0 forces from Figure 39. For pile anchorage. use
reinforcing pare; inclined at 60 degrees 1:hrough holes In 1:he pile flan<3es as
,;flOwn in Figure 42.

p u := 124'klp Design uplift force

f y'.= 60'ke;i Yield strength of reinforcing

"':= 0.85 S1:rength reduc1:ion factor

Calculate the arell of reinforcing steel required per pile.

A :=-- Steel arell for direct tension
e; f'<II

Provide 4 # 6 pars (two legs each)

inclined at 60" (A, = 3.05 in'),

Check the developmen1: length of the reinforcing per Divi,;ion I, Article 8.25.

f c := 4000' psi Concrete compre,;e;ive strength

A b := 0.44·ln Area of 116 bar

db := 0.75·in Diameter of fl6 bar

FHWA Seismic Design Course 3·133

Design Step n- Design Foundations Design Example No.5
Nine-Span. Two Unit Bridge

Design Step

• 4-~6



-;:; ,
- ~ ...-
= -=- -- ==--:::...,--=:,=-


HP 12)(84



+-H£'~~4~---1~.~_~i-~: :~::::



Figure 42 - Pile Anchorage Detail

FHWA Seismic DesiJtr1 Co\lM@ 3·134

Design Step 11- Design Foundations Design Example No.5
Nine-Span, Two Unit Bricl2e

Design Step Basic development length equation

L db :~ 16.7'in

But not Ie"" than

L db := O,0004'd b'f Y L til? := 18'in Conuols

fhe pile anchorage_ a" detailed in Figure 42. is sufficient to develop the full-
uplift capacity of the pile,

There are a number of ways to successfully anchor steel J)iles into a

concrete pile cap. The use of reinforcing bars as anchorage devices is
recommended because the defomled bars provide excellent bond with
concrete. Attachment of the reinforcing bars to the pile may be
accomplished by mechanical means or by welding. From s constructability
view. anchorage devices should provide no interference with handling or
driving of the pile and should be easy to install. The use of reinforcing bars
through holes burned in the pile section is a relatively easy and
inel<p,msive way to provide gooi! anehorage. The diameter of the hole
should be limited to ~wo tim.... th~ }Jar diameter. ani! th" c"nter of the hole
should be located at sufficient dis~anc" from ~h" end of the pile. Care
should be taken to tie or wedge the reinforcing bars tightly against the ~op
of the hole to reduce the possibility ofslip between the rebar anchor and
the pile. Holes may be located in either the flanges or the web for an H-
pile section.

FHWA Seismic ().em£l\ Course

Design Step 12 - Design Abutments Design Example No.5
Nine-Span, T.o,-o Unit Bridge


For this t:xampie, the abutments art: not designed.


Not applicable.


Not required.

FHWA SEll smic De-si2Jl Course 3-136

Design Step 15 - Seismic Detail,. Design Example No.5
Nine-Span, Two Unit Ihidgc


DETAILS Special details ior resistance tAl sei&mk forces showu in this example are
SUMMARY limited primarily to com,ections per requi:'ements of DIvision I-A for
8PC B, As longitudinal linkage. and hold down connections am not
required f('!" SPC B. the important cOtlll<lction detail" for seismic <lesign ure
the following. Details discussed in previous sections are repeated here "s a

Connection of Superstructure to Pi.el'

Connection of the supe!'Structure to an inwrmediate pier through bearing

anchor bolts is shown in Figure 43.

Connection of Column to Pile Cap (including Confinement)

Figures 44 and 45 show special transver"e reinforcing requirements and

extent for confinement at the tolumn base and connection of t.he column to
the pile cap.

Connection of Pile to PUe Cap (Plle Anchorage)

One method of steel pile anchorage is shown in Figure 46. An alternate

method of anchorage is detailed in Figure 47. Figure 4"' also uses
reinforcing bars as the anchoring devices, but provides the connection of
the reinforcing to the pile by welding. This may he a preferred connection
if there is concern about slippage between. the reintbrcing and the pile at
holes under a seismic tension load, The designer should keep in mind that
the welded connections of Figure 47 will be performed in the field and will
require preheating for standard AASHTO M31. Grade 60 reinforcing steel.

FHWA R~illmi~ Desi~ Course 3-137

Design Step 15 -- Seismic Details n-l1Pl EQmple No. l5
Nme-SpBD, Two Unit Bridge


(II) From

(u) Plan (TypiGal)


(e) Side

Figure 43 - Bearing Details

Design Step 15 - Seismic Det.uJa Deslp Example No. G
NIJIe-Span, Two Unit Bridge

(continued) (b1ong)

1'1 )'1 n

~ .....
~ c.;
r ~ .....
....- ~
a: 1--'.
....> ~ ..... ....
~ ·· zz
.o ~
....c: ~ .., ~ti


- [ Iv -<
··· .. -
....I !z
- 0::
' ~ .....
,·. I
l I>-
· -....

0- n-
--' IX
'"· o
0 w •
, >
0 .... ....
n U I>-
.U . 1.1 • • • 1I •

Figure 44 - Column CrcSll Section at Base

Design Step 16 - Seismic Details Design EIample No.5
Nine·SplUl, Two Unit Bridge


114 #11

Pil. Cap

Figure 45 - Column Reinforcement Details

DeIIlp Slep III - Selamic DetaiJa DelIillD EUlDPle No. I>
Nine-Span. Two Unit Bridge



, ~

-~ ~


HP 12.114



y-H£'~~4~----1~~_-oa-=E : :~::: ::~::


Figure 46 - Pile Anchorage Detail

Design Step 15 - Seisllue Details Design Esample No. 5
Nine-Span, Two Unit Bridge


4 #6

;:. ,- V '"


o z
I -


- - ~
~ ~




Figure 47 - Alternate Pile Anchorage

FHWA SeisDdc Desittn. Co\1n18 3-142

Section IV'
Closing Statements
Design Example No.5
Nine·Span, Two Unit Bridge


SEISMIC In preliminary seismic design, fundamental periods were calculated for

DESIGN comparison with multimode results, and column shear forces were
computed. Although not discussed for this example, the preliminary
seismic forces were used t{) determine foundation sizes for modeling and
dynamic analysis.

Modeling of the structure for multi mode analysis required some special
attention to connection details between the superstructure and the piers
owing to the multiple unit behavior and use of different bearing conditions.
Because of the massive pier elements and stiffness of the foundations, the
number of modes required to obtain sufficient participating mass for the
multi mode spectral analysis was more than specified in Division I-A.

The determination of "seismic design forces specified for bridges classified

as SPC B (is) intended to be relatively simple but consistent with the
overall design concepts and methodology," according to the Commentary of
AASHTO Division I·A. However, it was shown in this example that there
is the potential for calculating seismic design forces that are consistent
with the provisions of Division I-A but result in potential foundation
understrength and column shear understrength. Pruvisions of Division I-A
for SPC B allow the designer to determme final seismic design forces
without evaluating whether the structure will remain elastic or will form
plastic hinges during the design shaking. The application of the Hesponse
Modification Factor (RI becomes an important consideration because any
reduction in design forces must be consistent with the structure's ability to
develop plastic mechanisms. This is not clearly defined in Division I-A for
SPC 13.

Pier or column strength capacities should be investigated to determine the

forces that are capable of being transferred to the foundation. In this
example, it was shown that the pier columns likely to transmit full
elastic seismic forces to the f()Undation. Therefore, an R Factor of 1.0 was
used for the fmal foundation design forces, versus an R of 1.5 permitted by
Division I-A. This avoids the possihility of inelastic behavior occurring in
the foundation where it may be impossible to detect. Due to their large
size and shear capacity, the pier columns were not critical for design shear
forces even when they were computed with an R FactO!' of 1.0. versus R
equal to 3.0 as allowed for SPC B.

FHWA Seismic Design Course 4-1

Design Example No.5
Nine-Span, Two Unit Bridge

SEISMIC ln this example. design of more than one pier foundation and design of the
DESIGN abutments were not addressed. The level of seismic design forces are
(continued) different for each of the piers, especially for Pier Nos. 5 and 8 with sliding
bearings and Pier No.4 with expansion bearings. Foundations for these
piers would be significantly smaller than for Pier No.7 as designed in the
example. It would be prudent to adjust foundation spring stitfnesses fOT
the final multimode analysis to account for the actual differences in the
expected sizes of the foundations based upon forces from either preliminary
design or a first round multimode analysis.

:FI{)\I'A Seismic Desi,gn Co'll.r1le

Section V
Design Example No. 5
Nine-Span, Two Unit Bridge


AASHTO (19931. Standard SpecifU;atio"s for Highway Bridges, As

Amended by the Interim Specifications, Division I-A, Commentary,
American Association of State Higr.way and Transportation Offidal
Washington, DC.

AASHTO (LA,). 8tandard Specifications for Highway Bridges, Division I

A: Seismic Design, American Association of State Highway and
Transportation Officials, Inc., 15th Edition, as amended hy the
Interim Specification - Bridges, Washington, DC.

Caltrans (19891. Bridge Design Aids Manual, "Seclion 14 - Seismic,

Dynamic Model Assumptions and Adjustments. October 1989," State
of California, Department of Transportation, Sacramento, CA.

Caltrans 09951. Bridge Design Specifications, ·Section 3 Commentary -

Loads, October 1989," State of CaL forni a, Department of
Transportati[m, Sacramento, CA

CIUL1~ll, R.W. and Penzien, J. 11993 \, Dynamics of Structures, McGraw-

Hlll, Inc., Second E<li\,ion, New York, NY.

Cook, T.L., Burdette, E.G., Graves, R.L., Goodpasture. D.W., and

Deatherage, J.H. (1995). "Elfect of Varying Foundation Stiffness on
Seismically lnduced Loads in Bridge Bents: A Sensitivity Study,"
Transportation Research Record No. 1476, Steel, Concrete and Wood
Briclges. Transportation Research Board, National Academy Press.
Washington, DC.

CSI (19941. SAP90 Ver.,ion 6. () BellI Release, Computers and Structures.

Inc.• Berkeley, CA.

FHWA (19811. Seismic Design of Highway Bridges - Workshop Manual,

Report No. FHWA-IP-81-2, Federal Highway Administration.
National Technical Information Seryice, Springfield, VA.

FHWA (1987). Seismic Design and Retrofit Manual (or Highwa.y Bridges
Report No. FHWA-IP·87-6, Federal Highway Administration.
National Technical Information Service, Springfield, VA.

FHWA Seismic Design Course

Design Example No.5
Nine·Span, Two Unit Bridge

REFERENCES GlO\ier, R.B. and Wagh, V.P. (1994). "Bridge Design for Seismic
(continued) Performance Category B: The Problem with Foundation Design,"
Proceedings oftke 11th Annual Internatwnal Bridge Conference,
Pittsburgh, PA.

Gajer, R.B. and Wagh, V.P, (1995). "The Problem with Foundation Design
for AASHTO Seismic Performance Category B," Proceedings oftke
ASCE Structures Congress XIII, Boston, MA.

NAVFAC (1986). Foundatwns and Earth Structures, Design Manual 7.02,

Naval Facilities Engineering Command, Alexandria, VA.

Peck, R.B., Hanson, W.A., and Thornburn, T.H. (1974). Foundatwn

Engineering, John Wiley and Sons, Inc" Second Edition, New York,

peA (1993). PCACOL, Strength Design ofReinforced Concrete Column

Sections, Microcomputer Editior Version 2.30, Portland Cement
Association, Skokie, IL.

Reese, L.C. and Wang, S. (1993). Documentation of Computer Program

LPILEplus, distributed by Ensoft, Inc., Austin, TX.

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (991). Design of Pile Foundations,

Engineering Manual 1110·2·2906.

FHWA Seismic DeSlgD: Course

Appendix A
Geotechnical Data
Appendix A - Geotechnical Data Design Example No.5
Nine-Span, Two Unit Bridge


SUBSURFACE Subsurface conditions were derived from seven borings drilled along the
CONDITIONS bridge alignment. As shown in Figure AI. the subsurface conditions
consist of coarse alluvial flood deposits overlying volcaniclastic sediments
(tum. The tuff increases in strengt.h with depth. The table, which is
controlled by the river, is located at or near the ground surface.

SOIL Soil propelties for the subsurface metorials are shown on Fi.5Ure A1. These
PROPERTIES pl'Operties were estimated from empirical correlations to tile standard
penetration test resistance values in the borings. Laboratory tests may
provide more detailed de.ign values.

SOIL PROFII,E Type I -- Stahle deposits of sands and gravels where the soil depth is less
TYPE than 200 feet.

SITE 0.15g - Taken from AASHTO seismicity map.


FOUNDATION HP 12 x 84 - Pile foundations chosen for design.

Axial capacity based on U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (1991).


Critical depth = ::10 feet (assumed for very dense sand and gravel)


ultimate tension capacity of single pile (kips)

coefficient of lateral eaIth pressure

(assumed as 0.65 for tension)

°vavg average effective vertical stress over the length of the pile;
effective stress increases linearly to the critical depth of 30 feet
and is constant below this depth (ksf)

5 average of the angle of friction between soil Hnd steel pile

<0. 7 54') and soil (q,) = 0.875<\>

(!~}IWASciBmic Design Course A·I

Appendb: A - Geotechnical Data Design EJ<8mple No.5
Nine-Span, Two Unit Bridge

FOUNDATION p perimeter block around pile (4.1 feet)

(continued) L length of embedment of pile below ground surface (feet)

QT ult = 0.65 (30' J< 0.0676kcfx 1/2) (tan 0.875 x 42) (4.1')(30')
+ 0.65 (30' J< O.0676kcD(tan 0.875 x 42)(4.1')(10')
= 100 kips


Qc ult = Atq + Kcav avg (tan 0) pL


Qc ult ultimate compression capacity of single pile (kips)

Kc coefficient oflateral earth pressure

(assumed as 1.0 for compression)

q tip resistance (ksfJ

'" Uv Nq, where N q '" 105 for li> '" 42°

At; area of tip of pile; for H-piles use block area of 1 ft2

Qc ult = (1 ft 2)(30' x 0.0676kcfJ<l05)

+ (1.0)(30' x 0.0676kcfx V2)(tan 0.875 x 42)(4.1')(30')
+ (1.0) (30' x 0.676kcf)(tan 0.875 x 42)(4.1')(10')
'" 370 kips

Lateral Resistance

Pile stiffness values may be computed from simplified procedures

(NAVFACDesign Manual 7.02, 1986) as indicated in Design Step 6, or
from computer programs, such as COM624 or LPILEplus (Reese and Wang,
1993), that are widely used by various Departments of Transponation and
design consultants.

The base friction acting on the pi "I' and any lateral spring derived from the
base contact area should be neglected because of the possibility of loss of
intimate contact between the base of the pile cap and the underlying soils
due to settlement or scour.

FHWA Seismic Design Couxlie A·Z

Appendix A - Geotechnical Data Desigtl Esample No. 5
Nine-Span, Two Unit Bl'idge

OTHER A detailed scour analysis should be completed to detennine the depth of the
CONCERNS pile cap and the need for protection.

Liquefaction is not likely to occur at this site because of the presence of

very dense soil deposits. Similarly, the abutment slopes should be stable
during earthquake shaking because of the presence of these deposits.

l'HWA Seismlc J)e:lign Course A-3

Appendb: A - Geoteohalcal Data Detlign ElIlmple No. 5
Nine-Span. Two Unit B"ldge

<! .... 1 N! tf): ~~ 1f)~ \0: 1'-: CCi: ~:

~I ~i 01 01 0\ ~! 01 01
:z, 01 ~I
~i ~i ~i ~i ~i ~i
%. u·

~i ! l>:j ~i ;;:j
..., l>:i ... I
1 1 I 1 I I I I 1 I
iii iii i
1J:.""--lI... II II II II I ,.J
, \ ' -.,
...... - , _
, ,I
.... _ , ... _,
I "luVI'um
I _ .......
_ ..
~ 'I.
, _ ... 1
.... _
#'" ,-\.
.. ,
.. ' \ .
......... ,
~ t
....... -......
, , " ....
/ /...

~, ~ 1"'./ \::..: \ -... ::-' , " Voh:.tnicLlstic:::5uht1eI1U \ -" :: ..

- .........

\ ..., -
.. ...
I ....
_' ..:

.... - \ ........

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'" ... ... \ "...
/ \ , -
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\ ". "
- ~ \ I -
.. ... ...
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\ ' ...... ~ ...... - I , , ' , .. :::. ...... - I ' ..... :::. ..... - I \"" ... :: ..... - I '\. "-
,t,', ,\/~fi 1\ '.1 ~\/":.." 1\ '.I/\J~j""1 1 1/ ":,,',1\



Depth Soil N y q. c nb
Stratum (ft) Description (bpO (pcD (dog) (pcD (teD

Alluvium Oto50 Very dense, sand, 75 130 42 0 50

gravel. and cobbles
Volcaniclastic > 50 Very denselhard silt
_ _ OM

50 110 30 500
sediments (very soft tuff)
N standard penetration resistance (blows per foot)
'Y total unit weight (pounds per cubic foot)
q. internal angle offrietion (degrees)
c cohesion (pounds per square foot)
nh constant of horizontal subgrarle reaction (tons per cubic fo()t)

Figure Al - Subsurface Conditions

FHWA &lemlc De4lgn Co~

SAP90 V6.0 Beta Input
Appendb: B - SAP1lO VG.O Beta Input Design Example No. 5
Nine-SpaJI, Two Unit Bridge



NAME-ABUTA x-o y~O z~o

x=o y=o Z=l

X-l Y=O Z=l
NA.ME.=PIERl x=o Y=o z-o
X~o y=o Z~1
X~l Y=O Z=l
NM!':=PIER2 x=o Y=o Z-o
x=o y=o z.=~
x=l Y-O Z-l
NM!':=PIER3 x=o y=o z=o
x=o r=o Z=l
X=1 y=o z=l
NAME=PIER4 :<=620.000 Y=O 2-0
x=620.000 y=o Z=1300
X=6 21. 000 Y=o 2=1300
NAM~=PIER5 x=na.430 y"'o Z-1l.494
X~6:ao.aoo "=0 2=1300
1(=621.000 y=o Z=1300
NAME=PIER6 X=% 1. 929 Y=O Z=45.773 y=o Z-1300
X=621..000 "=0 2-1300
NAME=PIER7 X=lI25.323 y=o Z-102.232
X= 620.000 Y~O Z~1300
X= 621.000 y~o Z-J.300
NAME=PIEH8 ;<=1279.780 Y=O Z=179.010
X= 620.000 'i=0 Z=1300
X= 621.000 '1=0 Z=1300
NAME=ABUTB X=1422.570 y=o Z=277.317
)!= 620.000 '1-0 Z=1300
X= 621.000 y=o Z=1300
NAME=EQK x-o y=O 2=0
X=H22.570 y=o Z=217.317
X=l Y=O Z=-1
701 X= 0.000 y= 0.0 Z= O.O(}O L 105
7(}2 X= 26.250 y= 0.0 Z= O.O()O
703 X= 52.500 y= 0.0 Z= 0.0(}0
70" X= 78.750 y= 0.0 Z= O.O()O
711 X= 105.000 Y= 0.0 z,- 0,000 L = 185
712 X= 151,250 y= 0.0 7,= o.O()O
AppendJ,. B - SAP90 V6.0 Bela Input Deeip Example No. Ii
Nine-Span, Two UDit Bridlle

713 X= 197.500 1'= 0.0 z= 0.000

714 x= 243.750 y~ 0.0 Z= 0.000
721 X= 290.000 y- 0.0 Z- 0.000 L 160
722 x- 330.000 y= 0.0 z- 0.000
723 x- 370.000 y- 0.0 Z- 0.000
724 X= 410.000 y= 0.0 Z= 0.000
L 170 ALFA = 0.133077 Radians
733 x= 535.000 y= 0.0 z= 0.000
734 x= 577.500 y= 0.0 z= 0.000
741A X= 620. 000 y- 0.0 Z= 0.000
741 X= 620.000 y= 0.0 z- 0.000 ; ALFA = 0.00000 Radians X a 620+1300*sin(ALFAl
741B X= 620.000 y= 0.0 z= 0.000
ALFA - 0.03327 Radians ya 1300-1300*cOS(ALFA)
ALFA = 0.06654 Radians
744 X= 749.535 y= 0.0 Z= 6.470 ALFA 0.09981 Radians
751 X= 792.490 y- 0.0 z- 11.494 ; ALFA 0.13308 Radians
752 X= 835.254 y= 0.0 z- 17.945 ALFA 0.16635 Radians
753 X- 877.780 y- 0.0 z= 25. B14 ALFA 0.19962 Radia.ns
754 X~ 920.021 y- 0.0 z- .,5. 094 ALFA 0.23288 Radians
761 X- 961. 929 y- 0.0 z- 45.773 ALFA 0.26615 Radians

762 X= 1003.460 y= 0.0 z= 57.B41 ALFA 0.29942 Radians
763 X= 1044.566 y- 0.0 Z= 71.284 ALFA 0.33269 R~diQns
764 X= 1085.202 y- 0.0 z- 86. 086 ALFA 0.36596 Radians
771 X= 1125.323 y- 0.0 z= 102.232 ALFA 0.39923 Radians
772 X= 1164.884 y= 0.0 z- 119. '/03 ALF!'. 0.43250 R~dio.ns
773 X= 1203.843 y= 0.0 z= 138.481 ALF!'. = 0.46577 Radians
774 X= 1242.156 y~ 0.0 z- 158.544 ALF!'. 0.49904 Ra.dians
781 X= 1279.780 y- 0.0 Z= 179.670 ALF!'. 0.53231 Ra.dians
782 X= 1316.674 y- 0.0 z- 202.07 ALF/\ = 0.56556 Ra.dians
783 x= 1352.797 y= 0.0 Z= 226.217 ALF!'. 0.59665 Radians
784 X- 1386.109 y= 0.0 Z= 251.187 ALF!'. 0.63212 Rlldians
791 X= 1422.570 y- 0.0 z- 277.317 ALP!'. - 0.66538 Radians
611 X= 105.000 y= -6.5 Z= 0.000
511 X= 105.000 y- -15.0 Z= 0.000
411 X= 105.000 y= -25.0 Z= 0.000
311 X= 105.000 y- -58.0 Z= 0.000
211 X= 105.000 y= -64.5 Z= 0.000
621 X~ 290.000 y= -6.5 Z= O.OO~
521 X= 290.000 y= -15.0 Z= 0.000
421 X= 290.000 y- -25.0 Z= 0.000
321 X~ 290.000 y= -78.0 Z= 0.000
221 X~ 290.000 y= - 84.5 Z= 0,000
631 X~ 450.000 y= -6.5 Z~ 0.000
531 X~ 450.000 y= -15.0 Z= 0.000
431 X= 450.000 y= -25.0 z- O. 000
331 X= 450.000 y= '78.0 Z= 0.000
231 X= 450.000 y- -84.5 Z= 0.000
611 X= 620.000 y= -6.5 7.= 0.000
541 X= 620.000 y- -15.0 Z= 0.000
441 X= 620.000 y= -25.0 Z= 0.000
341 X= 620.000 y= '78.0 Z= 0.000
241 X= 620.0CO y- '84.5 Z= 0.000

~....... .... I . . . , . _ .. , -__ , , _

Appen<U.. B - SAPOO V6.() Beh,lnput Desip Eumple No. 5
Nln""Span. Two Unit Bridge

6 51 x~ 792.490 y- - 6.5 Z= 11 .494

551 X= 792 ~ dClO y= -15.0 Z= 11.494
451 X~ 792.490 y~ -25.0 z~ 11.494
351 x~ 792.490 y= ~78.0 Z~ 11-494
251 X- 792.490 y~ -84.5 z~ 11.494

661 X- 961. 929 y= - 6.5 Z= 45.773

561 X~ 961.929 y~ -15.0 Z= 45.773
161 X= 961. 929 y= - 25.0 z= 45.773
361 X~ 961. 929 y- -78.0 Z= 4.5 _77 3
201 X= 961.929 Y= - 84.5 z= 45.773
671 x- 1125.323 Y= -65 Z= 1D2.232
571 X= 1125.323 y~ -15.0 z- 102.232
171 X- 1125.323 ¥= -25~0 z= 102.232
371 X= 1125~323 y= -58.0 Z= 102.232
271 X~ 1125.323 Y~ . 64.5 Z= 102.232

681 X= 1279.780 ¥= -6.5 Z- 179.870

581 x~ 1279.780 y= '15.0 z= 179.870
481 X= 1279.780 ¥- '25.0 Z- 179.870
381 X- 1279. no ¥= - 58 ~ 0 Z= l79.870
281 X= 12~/Y. 780 Y= -6/1.5 z~ 179.670

ADD=221 C5r~~PIER2
.nn=2dl CSYS~PIER1

; Abutment is restrained in Vertical a.nd for Rot.;lti.o:lal Stiffness around the

longitudinal axis of the bridge.

~DD=701 DOF=U2,R1
~DD=791 DOF=U2,Rl

Abutment is released for longitudinal movement (UJ) I rotation around vez·tiaal axis
~R2:, and rot.ation i:u;"u~lld transverse axia (R3). Stiffness in the transverse
direction iOl U3 = 1.663 k/ft

JitlWA ~iL'l111iclle!ili2'JlCour-5e
AppendJx B - 3AP9O V6.0 Beta Input Detiign E><ample No. 5
Nine·SpBD, Two Unit Bridge

ADD=701 Ul=O U3=4.66E3 R2=0 R3=0
ADO=211 U1=2.67E4 U2~7 .85E5 U3=1.71E4 Rl=7.96E7 R2=4.80E6 R3=9.63E7
ADO=221 Ul=2.67M U2=7 .85E5 U3=1.71E4 Rl=7.96B7 R2=4.80E6 R3=9.63E7
ADD=231 Ul=2.67E4 U2~7.85E5 U3=1.71E4 Rl=7.96E7 R2=4.80E6 R3~9.63E7
ADD=241 Ul~2.67E4 U2=7.85E5 U3=1 .71E4 R1=7.96~7 R2=4.80E6 R3=9.63E7
ADO=251 U1=2.67E4 U2~7.85E5 U3=1.71E4 R1=7.96E7 R2=4.80E6 R3=9.63E7
ADD=261 01=2.67E4 U2~7.85E5 U3-1.71E4 RI-7.96E7 R2=4.80E6 R3=9.63E7
ADD=271 U1=2.67E4 U2=7.85E5 U3=1.71E4 R1-7.96E7 R2-4.80E6 R3-9.63E7
ADD=281 U1=2.6·/E4 U2~7 .85E5 U3-1.71E4 Rl=7.96E7 R2-4.80E6 R3=9.63E7
ADD=791 Ul=O U3=4 .66E3 R2=0 R3=0



E=519000 U=0.18 1\=6.0E-06
NI\ME~SUB TYPE-ISO M=0.150/32.2 W~0.150 IDES=C
E=519000 U=0.18 A=6.0E-06
E=519000 U=0.18 A=6.0E-06

NAME=SUPER MAT=SUPER A=60.39 1=518,9003 J=5.8

NAME=M6 MAT=RIGID SH=R T=625.,4000.
NAME=M5 MAT=SUB SH=R T=6.25,40.0
NAME=M3 M. ··SUB SH=R T=6. 25,20.0
NAME=M2 MA 'SUB SH=R T=25.0,25.0

701 J=701,702 SEC=SUPER PLANE13=+Z
702 J=702,703 SEC=SUPER PLANE13=+Z
703 J=703,704 SEC=SUPER PLANE13=+Z
704 J=704,711 SEC=SUPER PLANE13=+Z
711 J=711,712 SEC=sUPER PLANE13=+Z
712 J=712,713 SEC=SUPER PLANE13=+Z
713 J=713,714 SEC=SUPER PLANE13=+Z
714 J=714,721 SEC=SUPER PLANE13=+Z
721 J=?21,722 SEC-SUPER PLANE13=+Z
722 J=722,723 SEC=SUPER PLANEI3=+Z
723 J=723,72~ SEC=SUPER PLANE13=+Z
724 J=724.731 SEC~SUPER PL~NE13=+Z
731 J~731,732 SEC=SUPER PLANE13=+Z
732 J=7 32, 733 SEC~SUPER PLAllE13=+Z
733 J=733,734 SEC=SUPER PLANE13=+Z

........... . . . . . _.....
~ __ '0_. _
Appendix B - SAPOO VG.O Bota Input Design Eumple No.5
NilIe·Span. Two Unit Bridge

730 J=?34.741A SEC=SUPER PLANE13=+Z

HI J=7418.742 S~C=SUP~R PLANS13=+Z
, ' ....~ J=742.743 SEC=SUPER PLAN~13~+Z
743 J=743~744 SEc=supeR PLANE13=+Z
744 J~741J751 S~C=SUPER PLAN£13=+Z
751 J=7,1, 7 52 S~C-SUP~R PI,Ai'lE:13=+>:
752 J=752,753 SEC=SUPER PLANE13=+Z
'753 J=753,754 S~C=SUPER PLA~S13=+Z
754 J=754.761 S~C=SUPSR PLANS13=+~
761 J=761.762 SEC-SUPER P"kNE13=+Z
762 3=762,763 SEC=SUPER PLAN~13=~Z
763 J=763,?64 SEC-sUPER PLhN813=~Z
761 J~764,771 SEC=SUPBR PLA~E13=+Z
771 J=771,772 S~C~SUPER PLANEIJ-rZ
772 J=772,773 SEC=SUPER PL~NE13~+Z
773 J="I7).774 SSC=SUPSR PLAN~13=i-Z
774 J=774.781 SEC=SUP~R PLAN~13=+Z
781 J=781.782 SEC=SUPER PLANS13=+Z
762 J=782,783 SEC=SUPER ?LA~P.~3=~Z
783 J=/83,78~ SEC~sUPER PLANE13=+Z
784 J-784,791 SEC=SUPSR PLANE13=i-Z

211 0=211, 311 SEC=M2 P1.ANE13-+Z

311 J=311,U1 SEC-M) Pl1\.N"El) ... +Z
411 J=411, 511 SEC=M3.M5 EIV~R~1/3 PLANE13=+Z
511 J=51L611 SEC=H:5 PlANE13=+Z
G~N=211,~41.10 1INC=10 JINC~10
GEN=)11,341,10 rINC~10 JINC=lO
GEN=<11,441.1G IINc=10 JINC~lO
G~N=51l,541110 IINC=lO JINC=10

611 J=611.711 S~C=M6 IREL-R3 PLANE13=+Z

621 J=621,721 SEC=M6 IREL=R3 PLAN!:13=+ 1',
631 J=531,731 SEC=M6 I~BLc~3 PLA~E13=+Z
641 J=511.141 S~c=M6 PLMtE13=+Z

251 J~?51,351 SEC=M2 PLANE1.3!::+Z
351 J=351,451 SEC=M3 PI..A.NE:13=+Z
451 J=4~1,551 SEC=H3,M5 EIV~R=1,3 PLA.NE13=+Z
551. J=55L 651 SEC=lj5 PLhNE13:;,.+Z
651 J=6S1.751 SEC=M6 IREL~U2,R3 PLl\NE13=+Z
261 J=261,361 SEC=M2 PLlINS13=+Z
361 J=361.461 SEC=H3 PLANE:IJ""".Z
461 J=161,561 SEC=M3,MS EIVAR=1,3 PLANB13=+Z
~61 J=561.661 SEC:M5 PLAN~13""'+2
661 J=661,761 SEC=M6 IREL=R3 PLANE13=+Z
271 J=271,371 Sr.C'·M2 PLANEU=+Z
371 J=171.471 SEC=M) PLhNE13=+Z
471 J~471,571 S&C=H3,M5 EIVAR=l r 3 VLhNE13=+Z
5/1 J=S11,671 SEC=M5 PLA.NE13=-t-Z
671 J=671,771 5EC=M6 IREL-~3 PLki'lE13=+Z

u u.s. GOV~R~MENT PRINfLNG OYt'!C':; 1996 0 - 422-0904 (QL z)

Appendix B - SAPOO V6.0 Beta Input Design E.ample No. 5
Nine-Span, Two Unit Bridge

281 J=:Jtll, ..H :U Sr.;C;:<M2 PLANE13-TZ
301 J~361,401 sEC""'M3 PLANE13=+Z
481 J~181. 581 SEC=M3,MS EIVAR=1.3 PLANE13=+Z
581 J~581. 681 S~C~M5 PLANE13~+Z
681 J~681.751 S~C~M6 IREL-U2,R3 J?LANEIJ=+Z

A.DD>e'W CY=-l

~DD=701,704,1,781,10 T=10




NAJ.~r~=S:i. NPJ.~l
0.0 2.50
0.333 2,50
0.4 7 ):
O .C'.. 1.90
0.6 1. 69
0.7 i.=:2
0.8 1. 3 ~1
0.9 1.29
1.0 1. 20
1.2 1. 06
:1.4 0.96
1.6 0.88
1.U 0.81
2.C 0.76
2.5 0.65
3.e 0.58
3.5 0.52
4.0 0.48
10.(1 0.26
100.0 0.06

ACC=Z FUNC=Sl SF=32.2'0.lS·1.0
ACC=X FUNC=Sl SP=32.2~O.15.1_0

FHWA Seillmic DtltiiMn CourlKi 'k U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1996 0 ~. 422-094 (Q'... 2)

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