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Opening prayer: Father God, we lift up this time of reflection to You. We ask of You to grant us
the wisdom, knowledge and understanding of Your heavenly ways as we open our hearts and
minds to understand the works of mercy that You want us to be committed to and accomplish as
part of Your will. We make this prayer in the name of our precious Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.

What are the works of mercy? Let’s re-visit.

The Catholic stand point of works mercy is separated into two categories with a single notion;
which is to be Jesus to others – to show love and mercy to everyone no matter who they are.
The first category is the Corporal Works of Mercy.

1. Feed the hungry

2. Give drink to the thirsty
3. Clothe the naked
4. Shelter the homeless
5. Visit the imprisoned
6. Visit the sick
7. Bury the dead
The second category is called Spiritual Works of Mercy.
1. Admonish the sinner. (Give
correction to those who need it.)

2. Instruct the ignorant. (Share our

knowledge with others.)

3. Counsel the doubtful.

(Give advice to those who need it.)

4. Comfort the sorrowful.

(Comfort those who suffer.)

5. Bear wrongs patiently.

(Be patient with others.)

6. Forgive all injuries. (Forgive those

who hurt us.)

7. Pray for the living and the dead.

*Source: & Pinterest
Let’s also remember that Pope Francis instituted “care for Creation as the 8 th work of Mercy.

Questions to ponder:
 In your opinion, why do we need to do the works of mercy, both corporal and spiritual?
 In this age of “mind your own business” what are the Corporal and especially Spiritual
Works of Mercy that you can and have done in your home/community/etc.?
 How to know that we are to do the Spiritual Works of Mercy offered with love and even
when it’s difficult?
Catholic Answers:
If you are thinking, why should we do the 7 listed Spiritual Works of Mercy, in fear of getting a
backlash or questions about our own faith or being called a hypocrite…? This is what our Pope
Francis says…
“The answer, unfortunately, is in our behaviour: because we are often distracted, indifferent, and
when the Lord closely passes us by, we lose the opportunity to encounter him. The works of mercy
reawaken in us the need, and the ability, to make the faith alive and active with charity.”
From the bible we read:
Sirach 7:32-35 "And also give generously to the poor, so that your blessing may lack nothing.
Let your generosity extend to all the living, do not withhold it even from the dead. Do not turn
your back from those who weep but share the grief of the grief-stricken. Do not shrink from
visiting the sick; in this way you will make yourself loved."
1 Peter 3: 15-17 " Simply proclaim the Lord Christ holy in your hearts and always have your answer
ready for people who ask you the reason for the hope that you have . But give it with courtesy and
respect and with a clear conscience...” And if it is the will of God that you should suffer, it is better
to suffer for doing right than for doing wrong.”

Personal reflection/answer:

a) In doing the works of mercy, both corporal and spiritual, we called to be Jesus to others,
for He came to show us the way and it is our duty to fulfill each of these, not necessarily
all and/or at the same time. The corporal works are often seen as the easier call.

b) Specifically for Spiritual Works of Mercy, the first three listed (admonishing, instructing,
counseling) often require graces and knowledge that most think only the clergy and
consecrated religious possess. Right now however even as we are in the midst of
Apologetics- this itself is a work of mercy. By coming to know God better in enriching our
faith and then sharing this knowledge with those we may need to journey with, we are
practicing the Spiritual works of mercy.

c) The last four (bearing wrongs, forgiving, comforting, and praying) are expected of us, as
we are perfectly capable (with grace and virtue) to perform these.”
d) We must always start with prayer – to ask God if it is in His will for us and especially when
and how we are to do the works of mercy. In addition to that, our hearts must be
‘cleansed’ first (repentance) so that in doing the works of mercy, it brings fulfillment to
God’s plan and not ours.

e) Secondly, discernment is also important as we wait patiently for God to move us in our
Spirit to do the works of mercy as and when He plans it.

f) Thirdly, we must not cease to worship Him even if He delays in answering or doesn’t
answer us at all as to what works of mercy we should be fulfilling. God in His time, will
reveal and bless us with the necessary to carry out our mission in doing the works of

g) We are not to be stressed out if we have not done any works of mercy but to rely on His
timing through consistent praise and worship time spent with God.

h) When we are one with God in Spirit, sometimes impromptu works of mercy can take place
too, when in the spur of moment, you would be able assist someone right away. That is
God in action through you, so do it!
Activity suggestion:
1. Pray as a family or privately to seek God and ask which works of mercy would He like you
to do and how.
2. Have an action plan for the year for the works of mercies your heart desires to do that
brings joy.
3. What is the one way you have resolved to ignite your faith going forward this year?

Closing prayer:
Blessed Father, we thank you for the time we spent together to understand the works of mercy
as You have planned. May You guide us through this and show us the right way to do it so that
we please You more than anyone else as it is written in Your Word in John 8:29; "And He who
sent me is with me. He has not left me alone, for I always do the things that are pleasing to him."
We make this prayer through the blessed name of our Lord Jesus Christ. AMEN!

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