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Reaching the mansion's entrance, Nami, Usopp, and Chopper are confronted by a

frightening stitched-up maid that starts hurling plates at Usopp until a man appears and
orders her to stop, calling her Cindry. Explaining that she once tested a lover's feelings by
breaking all of his important dishes only to be kicked out, he then introduces himself to be
the world famous, Dr. Hogback. Despite the ominous setting, Chopper is left in awe of
Hogback and all three accept the invitation to dinner, where Hogback explains he is on the
island to do research on the zombie inhabitants. Later, in the shower, Nami tells Usopp and
Chopper she thinks Hogback is lying and knows more about the island than he lets on.
Suddenly, Nami is attacked by the same invisible creature who attacked Robin, who then
declares that he will take her as his bride. Getting her mouth free Nami shouts out to Usopp
and Chopper. Bursting in and seeing the window opening on its own, Usopp lets off
another Kaen Boshi which destroys the bathroom wall.
Back at the Thousand Sunny, the remaining crew has been pulled to the shore and the ship
caught in a giant web. Finding the Mini Merry II also caught but no sign of Nami, Usopp or
Chopper, they are left pondering what to do. Deciding the only thing do is to explore the
island through the nearby gate, they then disembark. Following the path inside the same
boat from before, the remaining crew encounters the Cerberus from earlier. [6] After Luffy
"tames" it, the crew wanders through the forest encountering other strange creatures, Luffy
trying to capture or convince each to join his crew. Meanwhile in the mansion Nami, Usopp,
and Chopper attempt to explore further, only to be attacked by several zombies. Escaping,
they then stumble upon a room decorated with pictures of Cindry. [7] Nami discovers she
was once a famous actress, and she was reported to have died ten years ago. Finding a
chest, they open it only to be terrified by a zombie Jack-in-the-Box. Taking off once again,
this time they are pursued by even more zombies[8] until they accidentally go through a
secret passage in a fireplace that the zombies say leads to Hogback's lab. [9]

Luffy is asked by Spoil to get his and the other victims' shadows back from Moria.
Meanwhile, Luffy and the rest of the crew stumble across several intangible ghosts, similar
to the one they encountered on the ship earlier which Luffy attempts to catch without
success. The ghost is revealed to have the ability to induce a depressed state in people by
passing through them, which Luffy, Franky, and Zoro quickly fall victim too. Luckily for
them, however, the state is only temporary. Continuing towards the graveyard, they are
attacked by the same zombie horde that chased Nami, Usopp, and Chopper, but defeats

them with ease using a team combination move called,  600,000,000 Jackpot. After
defeating the zombies, Luffy then asks if they saw anybody else pass through. Accidentally
revealing that they'd attacked his lost crew members, Luffy and the others proceed to beat
the zombies a second time. Leaving the graveyard, they encounter an old man who, like
Brook, is missing his shadow. The man then tells them a shadow thief is a man named Gecko
Moria. Hearing this name, Robin reveals that Gecko Moria is a Warlord of the Sea with

a bounty that exceeds even Luffy's (who currently has a bounty of  300,000,000),
stunning the rest of the crew.[8]
Back in the mansion Nami, Usopp, and Chopper find Hogback's lab. Peeking inside, they
watch as Hogback creates a zombie he calls Mario. Suddenly, the mysterious figure from
earlier appears and knocks them forward into the lab. Nami and Chopper exclaim it sounded
like Brook but had flesh and skin.[9] The person comes forward revealing himself to be a
zombie samurai named Ryuma, and when he sees Nami he asks to see her panties. Initially
angered by this, Nami realizes he is acting just like Brook. Ryuma responds by taking out his
sword and then he runs right past them. Confused they try to run but are quickly taken
down by his attack which they did not even realize had been done when he ran by them. [10]
Outside, the clock strikes midnight. In the graveyard, the voice of the invisible man is heard
ordering the defeated zombie soldiers to get up, which they do. The man starts to become
visible revealing a tall man with a stitched lion's face. The zombies begin calling out his
name, Absalom, then calling him "Ero-salom" until he yells for them to shut up. Elsewhere, it
shows a dozen of ghosts heading toward the tower behind Hogback's mansion. Entering
this room with a teddy bear zombie welcoming them as they enter, a girl in the back of the
room gets up telling the bear zombie to not talk because it is not cute. Meanwhile, in another
part of the tower, three zombies enter the room where Gecko Moria is asleep to wake him
up. From the top of the tower, lost in the fog, an enormous black sheet starts to come down.
Luffy and his crew then learn from the old man that Thriller Bark is actually the world's
largest pirate ship. With that, Luffy and his crew enter the mansion. [9]
Soon, the zombie soldiers surround the place and Absalom enters the place to wake up
the Zombie Generals. These are revealed to be several large zombies, armored zombies, [10] a
drunk man called John, and some other strange zombies.
As Absalom watches them leave to hunt the Straw Hats, he is confronted by a large zombie
warthog bride named Lola asking Absalom to marry her. Failing to force him to sign a
marriage contract, Absalom tells Lola he plans to make Nami his bride. He even shows her
Nami's wanted poster. Enraged, Lola vows to destroy Nami and runs off to do it. Absalom
runs after her.[11]
Down in the mansion, Luffy and his crew are attacked by "Surprise Zombies" led by the
taxidermized pig zombie Buhichuck. The battle is short, and they notice Sanji has gone

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