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The purpose of this report is to talk about the activities that we have after school and the

improvement that they need.

The sports teams that the school have is a good but the problem are the facilities that they
need to use for practice, sometimes the balls they aren´t inflated and that is a big problem
because the practices needs to move on other day or looking for some another ball or in the
case the student bring they air pump for can play football or basketball, the volleyball team
need a real red because the one they have is just a piece of yellow tape on the floor and with
that they mark the points but is no efficient in the game because have a lot of problems with
the high that they throw the ball.

Another activity that needs urgent attention is cooking. The cookware that we have is too old
to use. Some of the casseroles don’t have handles and it is too difficult to cook since we can
burn it when we take it without it and I consider that is too dangerous for use.

In conclusion the materials that we have in these two activities are in bad conditions and it is
necessary to make some improvements on these. I hope my recommendations can be carried
out because I considered that the safety of the students is paramount.

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