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Module 12

I have a proposal for my school and to make it simple, the school

should have the right implements that a school should have to make it
functional or esthetical, this has been a problem since a long time ago
because they have been constructing the school since 2018 and they
are not even done yet having a lot of time.
One example of this problem is that on the corner there are no goals
so the kids can play, not even a basketball board and it’s sad because
you see all the kids trying to play and have fun but it’s not easy for
them, they have to place two trash cans so they can have a “goal” and
it’s inaccurate.
I think that all these issues are not well seen in all the communities
around Esquipulas and other schools and I’m sure that at least one
time someone has reported that the school needs a change and
support for the other things because there are a lot of undone areas
that they’ve been building for a long time
Another problem on the corner is that there are no places to be while
eating or talking, there are just two tables that are in front of the store
(which by the way they sell food extremely expensive). On top of the
store there’s an area with a lot of chairs that was supposed to be a
cafeteria that they never end and keep everyone waiting for it.
In conclusion the school’s infrastructure is really really bad and needs
urgent changes and support because it’s not well seen in every
community and the principal doesn’t seems worried about making an
important change in her school that affects every student in Liceo
Esquipulteco and my proposal goes to all the parents to make the
change and ask the principal to support the requests.

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