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Picture this: It’s early in the morning. Panicking, heart racing because you have a very important task to
finish. You are sitting in front of the computer wishing you hadn’t waited until the last minute to
complete the task. The phrase ”if I had done this early … “ pops into your head so that you could avoid
this stress. Then finally you promise to work sincerely next time.

This syndrome is known as procrastination. Procrastination means habitual or intentional delay of

starting or finishing a task. Basically, it is I’ll do it later excuse. Procrastination makes easy things hard
and hard things even harder. The word procrastinate comes from the Latin word procrastinare, literally
meaning to put off until tomorrow. We all have procrastinated at one time or another.

One fine day, with as agenda to be more productive you sought out the help of YouTube to research
about a topic. Before you could click on those videos, you saw those new stand up comedy videos under
“recommended for you” section of YouTube and without any delay you immediately click on those
videos to have a hearty time watching some comedy videos.

Due to procrastination, people can get lots of drawbacks in their life. Mainly, it lowers their self esteem,
as they feel bad at the end of the day when haven’t done anything. It prevents individuals from reaching
their objectives and goals, it furnishes a sense of discomfort, it is symbol of laziness, and it keeps the
things accumulating. Along with them, it keeps an individual to stuck in problem and prevent from
moving ahead in life, people find difficult to focus on performing other chores till they have finished the
one in hand.

Some of the causes of procrastination can be: fearing the consequences of failing that disincline you
from taking the action, ingrained perfectionist mindset that either consciously or subconsciously worry
you about the end result not being to your liking, lower energy level and lack of focus.

However there are some advantages of procrastinations as well. It gives us an energy boost, waiting
until the last minute forces us to focus, we work faster due to lack of time, procrastinating makes other
things seems easier and makes your expectation lower.

It becomes a problem when we approach everything this way regardless of what type of quality is
required for the situation. Procrastination puts us under pressure. Pressure and quality have an inverse
relationship. When pressure goes up, quality goes down. We can only perform at your best under
pressure when you have repeated a task so many times that no amount of pressure can affect its
outcome. When quality matters, then procrastination is not a smart choice.

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