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Cases PCR Blood culture Wida!

II +
25 0 0 9 (44%)
Positive Widal test is a titer of 1:160 or above for Salmonella typhi 0

TA BLE 2. Comparative study of PCR, blood culture and Wida! test f or

early diagnosis of typh oid.
Cases PCR Blood culture Wida!
12 + + +
15 + +
13 + +
19 +
01 + +
04 +
82 59 (7 1.9%) 28 (34.1) 30 (36.5%)
Positive Wida! test is a titer of 1:160 or above for Salmonella typhi 0

TA BLE 3. Comparison of PCR, blood culture and Wida! rest fo r

dif- fer ent groups of study.
PCR (%) Blood culture (%) Wida!(%)
Control group I (healthy 0 0 44.0
person s)
Typhoid patients 71.9 34.1 36.5

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