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Data Analysis

A. univariate analysis
This research was conducted in hospitals that have COVID-19 treatment
rooms and COVID-19 tourist hotels through Nasopharyngeal and Oropharynx
Swab examinations, accompanied or not accompanied by Thorax CT Scan
examinations, both confirmed asymptomatic and confirmed symptomatic COVID-
19 patients. domiciled in South Sulawesi. The number of samples in this study
was 40 people, consisting of 20 patients who were confirmed to be asymptomatic
and 20 patients were confirmed to be symptomatic by looking at the results of the
patient's zinc level examination.

Table 1. Demographics and characteristics of the study population

Mean or Frequency
Gender :
Male 25 (62.5)
Female 15 (37.5)
Usia : 39.78
<20 years 3 (15.0)
21-30 years 9 (22.5)
31-40 years 7 (17.5)
41-50 years 11 (27.5)
>50 years 10 (25.0)
Pendidikan :
Elementary School 1 (2.5)
Junior High school 1 (2.5)
Senior High School 16 (40)
Diploma 4 (10.0)
Bachelor 18 (45.0)
Kadar Zink :
Deficiency (< 60 µg/dL) 4 (10.0)
Normal (60-130 µg/dL) 36 (90.0)

Based on table 1 above, the sex of COVID-19 patients was dominated by

25 men (62.5%), compared to 15 women (37.5%). The average age of patients
exposed to COVID-19 was 39.78 years, with the lowest age being 18 years and
the highest being 60 years, which was dominated by the 41-50 year age group
with 11 people (27.5%) and the least group under 20 years old. 3 people (15%),
The last education of COVID-19 patients who were most exposed to covid 19
was 16 Senior high school students (40%) compared to 1 elementary school
(2.5%) and 1 junior high school (2.5%). The average zinc level of Covid 19
patients in this study was 72,525 g/dL. Covid 19 patients with normal zinc levels
(90%) were found in this study sample more than zinc deficiency (10%).

Covid-19 Patient Gender

40.00% 37.50%

Laki-laki Perempuan

Graphic 1. Distribution of COVID-19 Patients by gender

Covid -19 Patient Age

30% 27.5%
25% 22.5%
20% 17.5%

<20 tahun 21-30 tahun 31-40 tahun 41-50 tahun >50 tahun

Graphic 2. Distribution of COVID-19 Patients by age

Covid-19 Patient Education Level

50.0% 45.0%
2.5% 2.5%
SD SMP SMA Diploma Sarjana

Graphic 3. Distribution Of COVID-19 patient by Education level

Table 2. Demographics of Asymptomatic and Symptomatic COVID-19 Patients

Mean or Mean or
Frequency (%) Frequency (%)
Asymptomatic Symptomatic
(n=20) (n=20)
Male 17 (85.0) 8 (40)
Female 3 (15.0) 12 (60)
Age (years) 41.90 57.65
<20 year 3 (15.0) 0 (0)
21-30 year 1 (5.0) 8 (40.0)
31-40 year 4 (20.0) 3 (15.0)
41-50 year 6 (30.0) 5 (25.0)
>50 year 6 (30.0) 4 (20.0)
Elementary School 1 (5.0) 0 (0)
Junior High School 0 (0) 1 (5.0)
Senior High School 10 (50) 6 (30.0)
Diploma 1 (5.0) 3 (15.0)
Bachelor 8 (40.0) 10 (50.0)

Based on table 2 above, the sex of asymptomatic COVID-19 patients is

dominated by men with a percentage of 17 people (85%), compared to 3 women
(15%). Meanwhile, symptomatic COVID-19 patients are dominated by women
with a percentage of 60%, namely 12 people, compared to 8 people (40%).

The average age of COVID-19 asymptomatic patients is 41.90 years, with

the lowest age being 18 years and the highest being 60 years, dominated by the
41-50 year age group with 6 people (30%) and the age group above 50 years
with 6 people (30%), followed sequentially by the age group 31-40 years as
many as 4 people (20%), then the age group under 20 years as many as 3
people (15%), and finally the age group 21-30 years as many as 1 person (5 %).
Meanwhile, the average age of COVID-19 symptomatic patients is 57.65 years,
with the lowest age being 20 years and the highest being 60 years, dominated by
the 21-30 year age group with 8 people (40%), followed sequentially by the age
group 5 people in the 41-50 years age group (25%), 4 people over 50 years old
(20%), and 3 people in the 31-40 year age group (15%).

The most recent education of COVID-19 asymptomatic patients was

Senior High School with 10 people (50%), followed by Bachelor with 8 people
(40%), Diploma with 1 person (5%) and Elementary school with 1 person (5%).
Meanwhile, the latest education for COVID-19 symptomatic patients who
dominate is Bachelor's degree as many as 10 people (50%), followed by high
school as many as 6 people (30%), Diploma as many as 3 people (15%) and
junior high school amounting to 1 person (5% ).
Table 3. Zinc Levels of Confirmed Asymptomatic and Symptomatic Covid-19


Mean or Mean atau

Frequency (%) Frekuensi (%)
Asymptomatic Symptomatic
(n=20) (n=20)
Zinc Level 60-105 µg/dL   53-86 µg/dL
Normal 20 (100.0) 16 (80.0)
Deficiency 0 (0.0) 4 (20,0)

Based on table 3 above, all asymptomatic patients with COVID-19 had

normal zinc levels (100%) with an average of 76.9 g/dL, with the lowest zinc
being 60 g/dL and the highest 105 g/dL. Meanwhile, the average zinc for
symptomatic COVID-19 patients was 68.15 g/dL, with the lowest zinc being 53
g/dL and the highest 86 g/d. Zinc levels of patients with symptomatic COVID-19
were dominated by patients with normal zinc levels. As many as 16 people
(80%), while those with zinc deficiency levels were 4 people (20%).

Zinc Level of Covid -19 Patient

Asimtomatis Simtomatis

Normal Defisiensi

Graphic 4. Distribution of Zinc Levels in COVID-19 Patients

Table 4. Clinical Characteristics of Symptomatic Patients Based on clinical


Frequency (%) Frekuensi (%)

Asymptomatic Symptomatic
Fever 9 (45.0) 11 (55.0)
Cough 7 (35.0) 13 (65.0)
cold 11 (55.0) 9 (45.0)
Headache 14 (70.0) 6 (30.0)
Muscle ache 13 (65.0) 7 (35.0)
Sore Throat 14 (70.0) 6 (30.0)
Nasal congestion 14 (70.0) 6 (30.0)
Shortness of breathe 14 (70.0) 6 (30.0)
Smell Disorder 11 (55.0) 9 (45.0)
Taste Disorder 13 (65.0) 7 (35.0)
comorbid 19 (95.0) 1 (5.0)

Clinical Symptomps Of Covid Patient

k k a t ok t s u n
am tu Pi
le al to or ba pa id pa
m Ba ep iO g um N a gh ca
De t K er en
g rs k Pe
ki Ny e sa
Sa iT T
Se n Pe
er ng ua n
Ny du gg ua
Hi G an gg
G an

Graphic 5. Variations in Clinical Symptoms of Covid-19 Patients

Based on table 4 and graph 5 above, from the results of the examination of

20 symptomatic patients studied, the most common clinical symptoms were cough,

which was 13 people with a percentage of 65.0%, followed by fever in 11 people

(55.0%). . There were two examination results with the same number, as many as 9

people (45.0%) among others with symptoms of colds and smell problems. Of the 9

people who experienced smell disorders, 3 of them experienced symptoms of

anosmia and 6 people experienced symptoms of hyposmia. In addition, there were

two examination results with the same number of 7 people (35.0%), among others,

with symptoms of muscle pain and taste disturbances. Then there were four

examination results with the same number of as many as 6 people (30.0%) among

others with symptoms of headache, sore throat, stuffy nose and shortness of breath.

In these symptomatic patients, 1 person (5%) had comorbid hypertension.

Table 5. ENT Symptoms Of Covid 19 Patients Based on Gender

Frekuensi Frekuensi Frekuensi

Defisiensi Normal Total
Cough 4 (20%) 9 (45%) 13 (65%)
Cold 1 (5%) 8 (40%) 9 (45%)
Shore Throat 2 (10%) 4 (20%) 6 (30%)
Nasal Congestion 0 (0%) 6 (30%) 6 (30%)
Shortness Of Breath 1 (5%) 5 (25%) 6 (30%)
Smell Disorder :
-Anosmia 2 (10%) 1 (5%) 3 (5%)
-Hiposmia 1 (5%) 5 (25%) 6 (30%)
Taste Disorder 3 (15%) 4 (20%) 7 (35%)

ENT Symptom Of Covid 19 patient based on zink Level

Batuk Pilek Nyeri Hidung Sesak Napas Anosmia Hiposmia Gangguan
Tenggorok Tersumbat Pengecapan

Defisiensi Normal

Graphic 7. Variation ENT Symptoms of Covid-19 Patients Based on Zinc Levels

Based on table 6 and graph 7 above, from the results of the examination of

the covid 19 patients studied, the most common ENT symptoms found were cough

symptoms, as many as 4 people (20%) had zinc deficiency and 9 people (45%) with

normal zinc levels. Symptoms of colds were 1 person (5%) who had zinc deficiency

and 8 people (40%) had normal zinc levels. Symptoms of sore throat were 2 people

(10%) who had zinc deficiency and 4 people with normal zinc levels. Symptoms of

nasal congestion as many as 6 people (30%) with normal zinc levels. Symptoms of

shortness of breath were 1 person (5%) who had zinc deficiency and 5 people

(25%) had normal zinc levels. Of the 9 people (45%) who had smell problems, 3

people (15%) of them experienced symptoms of anosmia with 2 people (10%)

having zinc deficiency and 1 person (5%) having normal zinc levels, while 6 people

(30%) experienced symptoms of hyposmia with 1 person (5%) having zinc

deficiency and 5 people (30%) with normal zinc levels. In addition, there were 7

people (35%) experiencing symptoms of taste disorders with 3 people (15%) zinc

deficiency and 4 people (20%) with normal zinc levels.

B. Bivariate Analysis

Based on the results of the study, in COVID-19 patients who experienced

zinc deficiency, it was more commonly found in the 41-50 year age group (2

people), while in patients with normal zinc, it was more commonly found in the 21-30

year age group (9 people and the age group). over 50 years (9 people). In the

female sex, it was found that more zinc deficiency (3 people) were found than the

male sex who had normal zinc (24 people). In the undergraduate education group,
more zinc deficiency was found (3 people) compared to high school education which

has normal zinc levels, the details of which can be seen in table 7 below:

Table 7. Correlation between Characteristics and Zinc Levels of COVID Patients

Zinc Level Total *P

Deficiency Normal
Gender *0.102
Male 1 (4.0%) 24 (96.0%) 25 (100%)
Female 3 (20.0%) 12 (80.0%) 15 (100%)
Age *0.692
<20 year 0 (0%) 3 (100.0%) 9 (100%)
21-30 year 0 (0%) 9 (100.0%) 7 (100%)
31-40 year 1 (14.3%) 6 (85.7%) 11 (100%)
41-50 year 2 (18.2%) 9 (81.8%) 3 (100%)
>50 year 1 (10.0%) 9 (90.0%) 10 (100%)
Education Level *0.771

School 0 (0%) 1 (100.0%) 1 (100%)
Junior High
School 0 (0%) 1 (100.0%) 1 (100%)
Senior High
School 1 (6.2%) 15 (93.8%) 16 (100%)
Diploma 0 (0%) 4 (100/0%) 4 (100%)
Bachelor 3 (16.7%) 15 (83.3%) 18 (100%)
*Chi-square test

Based on the results of the Pearson Chi square test in table 7 above, it

can be seen that there is no significant relationship between gender, age and

education with zinc levels of confirmed asymptomatic and symptomatic COVID-

19 patients, with p-values of each being 0.102, 0.692 and 0.771 (p>0.05).

Based on the results of the study, there were 20 patients (100%) with

normal zinc levels and no patients with zinc deficiency (0%); On the other hand,

in symptomatic COVID-19 patients, 4 patients (20%) had zinc deficiency and 16

patients (80%) had normal zinc levels (Table 8).

Table 8. Relationship between clinical manifestations of COVID-19 patients with
zinc levels

COVID-19 Clinical Zink Level

Total *p
Manifestation Deficiency Normal
n 0 20 20
% 0.0% 100.00% 100.0%
n 4 16 20
% 20.0% 80.00% 100.0%
n 4 36 40
% 20.00% 90.00% 100.00%
*Chi-square test

Based on table 8 above, it can be seen that there is no significant

relationship between the clinical manifestations of COVID-19 patients and the

patient's zinc levels where the p-value with the Chi-square test is 0.106 (p>0.05).

Tabel 9. Comparison of Zinc Levels Based on Gender of COVID-19


Laki-laki Perempuan
(n=25) (n=15)

Kadar Zink 76.92 ± 11.72 65.20 ± 7.49 *


*Mann-Whitney test

Comparison of Zinc levels Based on Gender of

COVID-19 Patients
Laki-laki Perempuan

Graphic 8. Comparison of Zinc Levels Based on Gender of COVID-19


Table 9 and graph 8 above show a comparison of zinc levels based on the

sex of COVID-19 patients in all subjects. The zinc levels of Covid-19 patients

experienced a significant difference where male patients had higher zinc levels

than female patients with a p value of 0.001 (p <0.05).

Table 10. Comparison of Zinc Levels Based on Clinical Manifestations of

COVID-19 Patient

Asimtomatis Simtomatis
(n=20) (n=20)

Kadar Zink 76.90 ± 12.50 68.15 ± 9.27 *


*Mann-Whitney test

Comparison Of Zink Levels Based on Clinical

Manifestations of COVID -19 Patient
Asimtomatis Simtomatis

Grafik 9. Comparison of Zinc Levels Based on Clinical Manifestations of

COVID-19 Patient
Table 10 and graph 9 above show a comparison of zinc levels based
on clinical manifestations of COVID-19 patients in all subjects. The zinc
levels of Covid-19 patients showed a significant difference where
asymptomatic patients had higher zinc levels than symptomatic patients with
a p value of 0.027 (p<0.05).

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