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1. United we stand, divided Bersatu kita teguh, bercerai If we unite then we can get
we fall kita runtuh things done more
quickly/efficiently than solving
them alone.
2. Many hands make light Ringan sama dijinjing, berat Many hands make light work.
work sama dipikul Work will be lighter if
completed together
3. No pain, no gain Berakit-rakit kehulu, We must try first before getting
berenang-renang ke tepian. results.
4. A good marksman may Sepandai-pandai tupai Even smart people can
miss meloncat, akhirnya jatuh sometimes make mistakes.
5. Killing two birds with one Sekali berenang, dua tiga Once doing the work, we get
stone pulau terlampaui several results (or benefits) at
6. Look before you leap Pikir dahulu pendapatan, We must think before making a
sesal kemudian tidak decision, so that later we will
berguna not regret because of the
consequences of the decisions
we take.
7. There’s no smoke without Tiada asap tanpa api If you find an event, then the
fire event must have a reason.
8. A bird in the hand id worth Harapkan guruh dilangit, air Be grateful with something you
two in the bush di tempayam ditumpahkan have.
9. The farther the sight, the Cewang dilangit pertanda If you can see far off over the
nearer the rain panas, gabak di hulu tanda sea its going to rain.
akan hujan
10 After a storm comes a calm Badai pasti berlalu There is always happiness after
. every sorrow, also show total.

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