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This War of Mine

· Morning (faq 200)

Draw Event card

· Day Actions (faq 300)

Each character performs 3 actions if possible:
1. Actions on Shelter spaces or Fitting cards
2. Actions on Shelter cards (Rubble, Bars, Closed Door) Pick
Lock- Roll d10 (1-3)no effect, (4-10)discard lockpick, resolve door
3. Placing a new Fitting card

· Dusk (faq 400)

Water[optional]- roll d10 if character did not drink (1-5)raise hunger +1 (6-10) raise misery +1
Hunger[optional]- canned food(-2), raw food(-1), veggies(same), no food(+1)

· Evening (faq 500)

Assign each character to 1 of 4 available task:
4. Sleep in Bed (fatigue set to zero) [one character per bed]
5. Sleep on floor (fatigue -2) [any # of characters]
6. Guard Duty (fatigue +1) [Must be at least 1 guard or read 333]
7. Scavenging (fatigue +1) [Up to 3]

· Scavenging (faq 600)

8. Choose Location
9. Choose equipment from storage
10. Set noise marker to 1 (if you roll for noise, equal or lower roll, set back to 1 and draw Residents)
11. Prepare Unknown Deck and Explore
12. Choose Findings (may also add wood, components, and water for 1 weight each) Keep findings in Findings
Pile until after Night Raid

· Night Raid (faq 700)

13. Choose weapons and ammo for guards
14. Draw Night Raid and resolve (your Prowness used for re-rolls, Board-Ups subtract 1 wound or 1 damage)
15. Crime Wave (shuffle in 2 cards [night raid/residents])

· Dawn (faq 800)

16. Scavenging Party returns
17. Assign Meds and Bandages
18. Draw Fate Card (exchange location [remove from game, slide down cards, add new location to Far spot])
(Alcohol used before or after resolving Fate card [Moonshine- fatigue +2 misery -1] [100%- fatigue +1
misery -1])
19. Narrative Action Card (draw 2, keep 1, shuffle other back)
20. Death Among Us ( if any character died or abandoned group today, roll d10 for Empathy for each charcter
[result equal or lower, misery +2)
Start New Day...

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