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Paper 1: Medicine in Britain

Read the five facts.

Answer the questions.

Tick the facts to show you have used them.

Hippocrates and Galen
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What are the most important facts for today?
in an answer?
Hippocrates was alive in Ancient Greece when most ideas were linked to
Hippocrates said that doctors should not guess what was wrong with people,
they should ask questions and write things down.
3 Galen was alive in Ancient Rome when most ideas were linked to gods.
Galen wanted to prove the brain controlled the body, not the heart. He got a
4 live pig and cut through its nerves and the pig stopped moving but was still
alive. Galen was proved right!
Galen and Hippocrates both believed in the 4 Humours. This was the idea that
5 the 4 Humours (or liquids) needed to be equal if you wanted to be healthy and

Question 1 – Describe what Hippocrates believed in.


Question 2 – Describe the work of Galen, including his experiment with the pig.

Challenge: Why do you think Hippocrates and Galen were important?


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in an answer?
He was alive and working during the Renaissance period. His main book was
printed in 1543.
He was interested in what the human body looked like. This is called
He was not allowed to just cut open bodies so he had to steal them from
When he cut open the bodies he would write down what he saw and he got an
artist to draw really good pictures.
His work helped others to get better at surgery and being doctors. He also
helped to show the mistakes that Galen had made.

Question 1 – What did Vesalius do?


Question 2 – How did Vesalius help other people?


Challenge: Why do you think Vesalius was important?


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in an answer?
1 He was alive during the Renaissance. His main book was printed in 1628.
He was interested in the blood and heart inside the human body. He wanted to
know more about what they both did.
Harvey proved that the heart worked as a pump. He showed that the heart was
pumping blood around the body.
Harvey proved that our body had the same blood all the time. Other people
thought we made new blood every day.
Harvey showed what the blood and heart did in our body but this did not lead
5 to big changes at the time. People could learn about his work but could not
use it make people better from illnesses.

Question 1 – What did Harvey prove about the heart?


Question 2 – What did Harvey prove about the blood?


Challenge: Why can Harvey be seen as important and also less important?

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in an answer?
Sydenham was alive during the Renaissance. His main work was written in
He was known as the “English Hippocrates” because he liked Hippocrates’s
ideas about finding out what was wrong with patients.
He wanted to work out what diseases were and how they were different to one
He wanted to find the way a disease looked in different people. These are
called the symptoms of a disease.
He was part of a group called the Royal Society. It would meet and talk about
5 science and medicine. Then they would write about it so others could learn
from them.

Question 1 – What did Sydenham do?


Question 2 – What did Sydenham and Royal Society do?


Challenge: Why do you think Sydenham was important?


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in an answer?
He was alive during the 18th and 19th Century. His main discovery was made
in 1796.
He was interested in a disease called smallpox which killed thousands of
people every year.
He noticed that milk maids who worked with cows and caught cowpox, did
not then catch smallpox.
He got some cow pox, gave it to a boy and then gave the boy smallpox. His
idea was right! The boy did not get smallpox.
His idea was not accepted by everyone because they did not understand how it
worked. This meant not everyone used this new idea straight away.

Question 1 – What did Jenner do?


Question 2 – How did Jenner prove that his idea worked?


Challenge: Why can Jenner be seen as important and less important?


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in an answer?
He was alive during the 18th and 19th Century. His main work was done in
He was interested in surgery and the pain that people had to put up with when
they were being cut open.
He tried lots of different gases to see if they would knock him out so that he
did not feel pain. He found chloroform was the best.
Chloroform took away all pain during surgery. It was called an anaesthetic.
This meant surgeons could take their time and make fewer mistakes.
To begin with he did not know how much chloroform to use. This meant that
some people died as they were given too much.
Question 1 – What did he do?

Question 2 – How did his discovery make surgery better?


Challenge: Why do you think he was important?


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in an answer?
He was alive during the 18th and 19th Century. His main work was done in
He was interested in finding out more about a disease called cholera. It was a
disease that killed lots of people each year.
He had an idea that cholera got into humans because they were drinking dirty
water. Other people though it was because of “bad air”.
He got a map of an area and marked on where anyone died of cholera. He
noticed lots of death near to one water pump.
He broke the water pump, so people had to go to another one, and the number
of deaths went down.

Question 1 – What did he do?


Question 2 – How did he prove that his idea was right?


Challenge: Why do you think he is important?


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in an answer?
She was alive during the 18th and 19th Century. Her most important work was
done in 1847.
When she became a nurse she wanted to improve the training of other nurses.
2 She wanted to make sure nurses were helping and looking after patients
properly, not just sit by their bed.
She also wanted to improve the hospitals to make them cleaner and better
She went to a war with a group of nurses. When she was there she cleaned
4 and organised the hospital. This reduced the number of people who died in
that hospital.
When she came back from the war she wrote two books – one about nursing
5 and one about hospitals. These books helped to spread her ideas around the

Question 1 – Who was she?


Question 2 – What changes did she make to hospitals and nursing?


Challenge: Why do you think she was important?


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in an answer?
He was alive during the 18th and 19th Century. His main work was done in
He was interested in the reasons why people got ill. This is known as the
2 cause of a disease. Most people thought it was “bad air” (or miasma) that
made you ill.
He had an idea that it was actually tiny things (now known as germs) that
carried disease around. He did an experiment to prove his idea
He took two jars and filled them with liquid. He left one of them open and
4 one of them closed. He noticed the open one went bad but the closed one did
He had proved that germs were in the air and it was germs that made things go
5 bad. His work now meant other people could look for the cause and cures of

Question 1 – Who was he?

Question 2 – What was Pasteur’s idea and how did he prove it was right?

Challenge: Why do you think he was so important?


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in an answer?
He was alive during the 18 th and 19th Century. His main work was done in
He was interested in how people who got surgery often died from infections,
when germs got into their cuts and wounds.
He thought that the germs could be killed by using an acid spray. He used
3 carbolic acid which was sprayed on everything during surgery. This was
called antiseptic.
By doing this he managed to bring down the number of deaths in his hospital.
He had proved that carbolic acid had worked.
His work led to more improvements when people then worked out that if you
5 make sure everything is clear before you start, you don’t need to spray
everything during surgery. This is called aseptic.

Question 1 – What did he do?


Question 2 – Why was his discovery a good thing for patients?


Challenge: Why do you think he was so important?


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in an answer?
He was alive during the 18th and 19th Century. His main work was done in
He was interested in developing the work of Pasteur. He wanted to find out
which germs caused which disease.
He found a way to stain the germs he was studying. This helped him to see
exactly what the germs did and what disease they caused.
In 1882 he discovered the germ that caused TB and in 1883 he discovered the
germ that caused cholera.
His work helped other scientists to find out more. They copied his methods
and made more discoveries.

Question 1 – Describe the work of Koch.


Question 2 – What did he discover?


Challenge: Why do you think he was important?


Fleming, Florey and Chain

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in an answer?
Fleming, Florey and Chain were scientists from the modern era. They all had
something to do with penicillin, an antibiotic.
In 1928 Fleming noticed that something had fallen into a dish in his science
lab. It was a bacteria and he saw that it had killed the other germs in the dish.
In 1929 Fleming wrote about what he had found out. He had found the first
3 thing that could kill off diseases. In this book he said he did not think his
discovery would work on people.
Years later Florey and Chain found Fleming’s book and started working on it
again. They found a way to make it into a drug you could give to people.
Florey and Chain got money from the government to help them make
5 penicillin. At the same time the Second World War was happening and this
meant soldiers needed lots of penicillin.

Question 1 – What did Fleming do to help discover and develop penicillin?


Question 2 – What did Florey and Chain do to help discover and develop penicillin?
Challenge: Why do you think Fleming, Florey and Chain were so important?

Franklin, Watson and Crick

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in an answer?
Franklin. Watson and Crick were alive in the modern era. They worked on the
discovery of DNA and its use in medicine.
Watson and Crick worked together trying to work out what DNA was and how
it fitted together.
3 DNA was made up of codes that controlled the genes in each person.
Franklin used an x-ray to photograph DNA. This helped Watson and Crick to
4 work out what DNA looked like and then they started to work out how it
In 1990 Watson started a worldwide project to identify all the different parts
5 of DNA. Once this was done it helped doctors to predict if people might catch
a certain disease.

Question 1 – What part did Watson and Crick play in the discovery and development of DNA?

Question 2 – What part did Franklin play in the discovery and development of DNA?

Challenge: Why do you think Franklin, Watson and Crick were so important?

The Middle Ages – Causes, treatments, prevention

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in an answer?
During the Middle Ages most people thought that disease was caused by God.
They thought the God was punishing them for things they had done wrong.
People also thought that disease was caused by miasma (bad, smelly air) and
2 the fact their 4 humours were not balanced. They thought if you had too much
blood you got ill.
Treatments during the Middle Ages were linked to God and the church. The
3 church did have hospitals but the treatment people got was to do with praying
to God.
There were some people who made medicines from herbs and plants. Some of
these treatments worked but lots did not.
People tried to prevent themselves from getting ill. If they thought God was
5 the cause they would pray to God. If they thought miasma was the cause they
tried to make the air smell better.

Question 1 – What did medieval people think was the cause of illness?

Question 2 – What did medieval people think could treat illnesses?


Question 3: What did medieval people think prevented them from catching diseases?

Challenge: How good was medical understanding during the Middle Ages?
Renaissance – Causes, treatments, prevention
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in an answer?
People in the Renaissance still believed that disease was caused by God,
miasma and the Four Humours not being balanced.
People in the Renaissance still tried to treat their illnesses by using God and
some medicines made from herbs.
The printing press was invented and this made perfect copies of books about
3 science and medicine. This spread new ideas around more quickly but the
new ideas were not really linked to causes, treatment or prevention.
There were more organised plans to prevent disease from spreading around.
The government forced people to stay in one place if they got ill.
During this time there were some new chemicals being used to treat illness.
5 Some people pour wine into a metal cup. The wine would react with the metal
and the person would drink it, thinking it would make them better.

Question 1 – What did people during the Renaissance think was the cause of illness?

Question 2 – What did people during the Renaissance think could treat illnesses?

Question 3: What did people during the Renaissance think prevented them from catching diseases?

Challenge: Had there been any changes between the Middle Ages and Renaissance?

18th and 19th Century – Causes, treatments, prevention

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in an answer?
In 1861 Pasteur found out that is was germs that caused people to get ill. In
1871 Koch started to find out which germs caused which illnesses.
Nightingale improved the hospitals and nurses in 1854 and this made
treatments better.
In 1875 the government in Britain introduced a new law called the Public
3 Health Act. This rules were that streets had to be clean and sewers had to be
built. This helped to prevent illnesses.
Jenner invented something that could be given to a person that would stop
4 them from getting smallpox. This was called a vaccination and helped to
prevent diseases.
Snow found out that cholera was in the water supply and this made people ill.
5 He stopped people drinking the dirty water and this stopped them from getting
ill. He had found a cause and a way to prevent illness.

Question 1 – What did people during the 18th and 19th Century think was the cause of illness?
Question 2 – What did people during the 18th and 19th Century think could treat illnesses?
Question 3: What did people during the 18th and 19th Century think prevented them from catching diseases?

Challenge: How much had changed between the Renaissance and the 18th and 19th Century?

Modern era – Causes, treatments, prevention

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in an answer?
During this time DNA was discovered and researched. DNA told doctors lots
1 of information about a person. This could be used to work out if someone
might get ill and why.
The NHS was started during this time. This gave people access to hospitals
2 for free, when they needed them. This meant they could be treated more
The government introduced new ideas about how to stay healthy. They told
3 people to eat more healthy foods and stop smoking. This helped to prevent
people getting ill from these things.
4 Penicillin was discovered during this time. It is a medicine you can take that
will treat an illness. It was the first time a medicine like this was available for
New machines were invented to make it easier to find the cause of disease and
treat illnesses. X-rays could take pictures inside the body to see what was
causing illness. Robots were used to do surgery more carefully and treat
people better.

Question 1 – What do people in the modern era know about the cause of illness?

Question 2 – What do people in the modern era do to treat illnesses?


Question 3: What can people in the modern era do to prevent illnesses?

Challenge: How much had changed between the Middle Ages and the modern era?

The trenches – What did they look like? Where were they?
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in an answer?
1 A trench is dug down into the ground so soldiers can be protected.
The trenches were dug into ground that was usually quite wet and muddy.
Also the land was used for farming so it was quite dirty and spread diseases.
Trenches were very dangerous places. Soldiers were under attack from the
other side and often got shot or blown up.
It was hard to move around in the trenches. They were very narrow and also
the mud made it difficult to walk around.
Trenches were dug in a zig-zag. This stopped any explosions spreading too
far in the trench because explosions cannot go around corners.

Question 1 – What was a trench?


Question 2 – Why were trenches dangerous and dirty places to be?


Question 3: Describe one feature (part) of a trench.

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in an answer?
Soldiers could be shot by a gun. This would make them bleed. It also broke
their bones when the bullet hit them. It would also kill them.
Soldiers could get ill by being in the trenches. The trenches were dirty so they
could get infections and also lice on their bodies.
Soldiers could be attacked by gas. The gas would make them cough, make
them go blind and would often kill them.
Soldiers got head injuries in the trenches. Head injuries could be caused by
bullets or things falling on their heads after an explosion.
Soldiers could get something called trench foot. If a soldier stood in dirty
5 water for a long time the dirty water would get into their skin. The dirty water
would start to attack the foot causing pain.

Question 1 – Describe one injury a soldier suffered whilst in a trench.


Question 2 – What happened if gas was used as a weapon against soldiers?


Challenge: Why were the trenches so dangerous for soldiers?

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in an answer?
Injured soldiers could get help from different parts of a system called the
1 chain of evacuation. Each part could give a little bit more help to injured
soldiers. At the end was a hospital.
Injured soldiers using the chain of evacuation were treated by the RAMC (a
group of doctors and surgeons) and the FANY (a group of nurses).
X-rays were used to find out what injuries a soldier had. It could take a
picture to see where a bullet had gone and how to get it out of the body.
Blood banks were started during WW1. Soldiers could then get new blood if
they had been shot. This helped them to survive if they had been badly shot.
The Thomas Split helped soldiers with broken legs. It was a machine that
5 helped to put broken bones back together and then protect the leg until the
soldier got to hospital.

Question 1 – Describe the chain of evacuation.


Question 2 – How did the use of x-rays help soldiers during WW1?

Challenge: Compare “blood banks” and the “Thomas Splint” – Which one do you think was a more
important invention during WW1? Explain your answer.
Key events and battles
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in an answer?
1914 – WW1 started. The battle for the really important town of Ypres
1915 – Germany started using gas as a weapon. Later that year Britain gave
2 all their soldiers gas masks. Soldiers were also given helmets to protect their
heads. Thomas Split was used for the first time.
1916 – The Battle of the Somme was a very bloody battle which lasted 5
3 months. On the first day 27,000 British soldiers were killed. By the end of
the battle 400,000 British soldiers had been killed or injured.
1917 – The first successful use of a blood bank during a battle. Since 1915,
people had been trying to work out how to make sure the blood could be
stored correctly and also get into the body of a soldier. At last they knew
1918 – WW1 ended. By the end of the war over 1 million British soldiers had
5 been killed. Also around 240,000 soldiers returned from the war missing arms
or legs.

Question 1 – Describe what happened in 1915.


Question 2 – What happened at the Battle of the Somme?


Challenge: Which year do you think was the most important of WW1?

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