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Comparison of Four Four Two and The Wire magazine

In comparison of the four four two magazine and my magazine, there are a lot of similarities that
makes mine look as professional as possible. The masthead of both magazines are pretty much
the same size and the head of the model is above the masthead. The cover lines are around the
model and are in a nice font that is easy to read. We have both added barcodes at the front
because at the back it is full of advertisements and businesses pay a lot of money to advertise their
stuff, so they don’t want a barcode to interfere with their advert. The main cover line of the
magazine is also pretty much the same in regards of going across the main image and they are
both doing direct address to get the audience’s attention. Also, the same for both as that they have
got the sponsorship in so they can advertise the main sponsorship of the club or team. We have
also got the same idea in terms of a background because we have kept just one bright colour
background to make the main image the focus of the front cover.

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