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C H A P T E R 4 : FA C T I O N S NPC

Chapter 4: Factions Now let’s determine which cartel(s) hold the

most power in your city. Roll 1d4 from the table
below, and apply it to the 1d4 guilds that you
Let’s spice up your city with some political
factions who will give your government a run
for their money! Once you have all the factions
you want, roll a goal and a gossip for each one 1d4 Cartel Power (Influence) Levels
of your city’s factions (found at the end of this 1-2 Descending in power
chapter). 3 All even/equal
4 One strong, the others weaker but
A) Merchant Cartel even with each other

Perhaps your city has a Merchant Cartels (or For example, if my city’s guilds are “Baker”,
guilds) which help organize (and at times “Explorer”, “Miner”, and “Hunter” in that order,
control) the means of production! and I roll a 4 on the power level table, then the
BAKER guild runs the city, and the remaining
Roll from the table below 1d4 times to determine three guilds hold significantly less power in
how many Merchant Cartels have a hold on your the city than the bakers, but are even with each
city, then write them down in descending order other, and perhaps secretly hate the baker’s guild
on your fillable template. behind their backs.

(1d4)d20 Merchant Cartel (or Guild) B) Thieves Guild

1 Alchemist
2 Archer Maybe your city has a thieves guild! Gang
activity is always a fun way to make your fantasy
3 Baker
world feel more real. For an in-depth guide on
4 Bartender building crime syndicates for your RPG worlds,
5 Blacksmith check out my complete compendium called “Roll
6 Butcher Me A Crime Syndicate,” on my website or on my
7 Explorer Patreon.
8 Fisherman
9 Goldsmith C) Cabal of Mages
10 Hunter Perhaps you have secret societies of mages who
11 Jeweler pull the strings in your city behind closed doors!
12 Lumberjack
13 Miller A great way to think of your city is like an onion.
At first, your players only see the first layer of
14 Miner
the onion which are the buildings, streets, the
15 Performer citizens, and everything out in the open. But
16 Sailor after awhile, they see the under layer where the
17 Silversmith thieves guild resides, and the crime happens. But
18 Tattooist several layers deeper into the onion of your city
lies the secret societies, the cabal of mages, the
19 Trapper
ones who’ve paid the price for power in exchange
20 Whittler for their minds, will, and conscience.
C H A P T E R 4 : FA C T I O N S NPC

But you don’t give this information away to your F) Gossip

players freely! Like an onion, the deeper your
players cut, the more they should "cry". This To pour more oil on the fire of your city's
information should cost your players something political scene, let’s throw some juicy rumors
to acquire. about your factions that might flutter amongst
your city's citizens!
D) Defense Force
1d12 Faction Gossip
Think of this as the group that spends their 1 [Faction Leader] is trying to escape
whole lives training for defense and combat in the city
order to be hired out to the richest bidder (like
2 [Faction Leader] is weak and has no
Sparta, but on a smaller scale, and way less cool).
If the government is the wealthiest, this defense 3 [Faction Leader] is dying of an
force will serve the mayor. If a merchant cartel infectious disease
is the wealthiest, they will serve the cartel. If the 4 [Faction Leader] is broke from
thieves guild, then the thieves guild, if the mage overspending
guild, then the mages, and so on. This defense 5 [Faction Leader] is actively breaking
force gotta put food on the table. the law
6 [Faction Leader] is having an affair
E) Conflict (Goal) with the mayor’s wife
7 [Faction] is cutting corners to cut
What happens when the factions in your city costs
have goals that don’t align? Spicy encounters
8 [Faction] is stealing tax money for
for your players to get mucked up in! Below is a
their pleasures
list of goals you can roll for each of your factions.
This will help you create storylines in your city 9 [Faction] is cursed by an ancient
where you can force your players to choose a power
side and dive headfirst into the conflict. 10 [Faction] is abducting citizens
11 [Faction] is receiving a really big
Roll one goal for each of your city’s factions, and government grant
add these faction goals to your fillable template. 12 [Faction] is trying to poison the city
1d10 Faction Goal
1 Overthrow the religious order
2 Preserve the religious order
Pro Tip: To involve your players in the stories
3 Overthrow the government
of your factions, you may have them overhear
4 Preserve the government citizens discussing this gossip on the streets or in
5 Tax the people the taverns of your city.
6 Abolish taxes
7 Control the judicial system Perhaps you have your players encounter a
faction member who may be asking questions to
8 Remove all laws
random citizens, or a member who wants your
9 Do things in secret players' help in exchange for compensation. The
10 Know what everyone else is doing possible sidequests are endless!

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