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Unit 1 Are You Here on Vacation?

Page 4

Pronouns ‫الضمائر‬

I ‫انا‬

He ‫هو‬

She ‫هي‬

It ‫هي و هو للحيوان و الطعام و االشياء‬

They ‫هم‬

We ‫نحن‬

You ‫انت‬

Q: Write pronouns for these nouns. ‫اكتب الضمائر لهذه االسماء‬

1. Ali ……….

2. Nawal …………

3. a book ………….

4. Faisal and I …………..

5. Omar and Abduallah…………..

6. books

Unit 1 Are You Here on Vacation? Page 4

‫ افعال الكينونه‬Be

am is are


I am


She is



We are


Unit 1 Are You Here on Vacation? Page 4

‫ الجملة في اللغة االنجليزية دائما تبدء بفاعل و من ثم فعل و بعدها تكملة الجملة‬: ‫مالحظة‬

.‫و الفاعل يكون اسم او ضمير‬

)‫ (فاعل‬Subject + )‫ (فعل‬verb + ‫تكملة‬

‫او ضمير‬ ‫ اسم‬+ ‫ فعل كينونة‬+ ‫تكملة‬

I am Abdualrahman.

He is Ali.

She is Arwa.

It is water. (‫)ماء‬

They are 12 years old.

We are Abdualrahman and Faisal.

You are 11 years old.

Ali is ‫ في‬in the school.‫المدرسة‬

Arwa is ‫ في‬in the car.‫السيارة‬

‫الكلب‬The dog is here. ‫هنا‬

Ali and Ahmed are in the school.

‫االوالد‬The boys are 18.

‫الكتاب‬The book is in the desk.‫في الطاولة‬

Tuesday 12_10_2021

Unit 1 Are You Here on Vacation? Page 9

Prepositions of place ‫حرف جر المكان‬

across from ‫مقابل‬

between ‫بين‬

next to ‫بجانب‬

on the corner ‫في الركن‬

near ‫قريب‬

far from ‫بعيد‬

Tuesday 12_10_2021

Unit 1 Are You Here on Vacation? Page 9

‫الكلمات و التعبيرات الجديدة في الدرس‬

the park ‫الحديقة‬

the city ‫المدينة‬

the post office ‫مكتب البريد‬

the university ‫الجامعة‬

the restaurant ‫المطعم‬

the pharmacy ‫الصيدلية‬

the bookstore ‫المكتبة‬

the bus stop ‫موقف الباصات‬

the museum ‫المتحف‬

the airport ‫المطار‬

the hotel ‫الفندق‬

the town ‫المدينة‬

the directions ‫االتجاهات‬

Is this the right way to…… ‫هل هذا الطريق الصحيح الى‬

How can I get to ……… ‫كيف استطيع ان اصل الى‬

turn right

turn left

Go straight a head

Go east/west/north/south

‫ تعبيرات للسؤال عن االتجاه‬Asking for directions

Excuse me, where is the…………?

Can you tell me where the………… is?

Is this the right way to…… ‫هل هذا الطريق الصحيح الى‬

How can I get to ……… ‫كيف استطيع ان اصل الى‬

‫ تعبيرات العطاء االتجاهات‬Giving directions

turn right

turn left

Go straight a head

Go east/west/north/south

Unit 2 What Are They Making? Page 12

‫ المضارع المستمر‬Present progressive Tense

)1( ‫االستخدم‬
‫للتحدث عن احداث تحدث االن‬

)2( ‫*الكلمات الدالة‬

now ‫االن‬

look! ‫انظر‬

Listen! ‫اسمع‬

)3( Affirmative Sentences ‫الجمل المثبتة‬

‫فاعل‬+ ‫ فعل كينونة‬+ ‫ الفعل‬ing+ …….. )‫(الفاعل يكون اسم او ضمير‬

‫ انا‬I am studying English.

‫ هو‬He is playing football.

‫ هي‬She is reading the book.

‫هي‬/‫هو‬It is drinking water.

‫ هم‬They are cooking fish.

‫نحن‬We are listening to music.

‫انتم‬/‫انت‬You are studying English.

My father is working now.

My mother is cooking dinner.

‫الممثل‬The actors are making a film.

‫المخرج‬The director is talking to the actors.

Q:Choose the correct verb:-
1. They are ………….(eat-eating-eats) pizza now.

2. Nawaf is ……………..( studying-study-studied) now.

3. I am ………………….( drinks-drank-drinking) some water now.

Q:Write the verbs in present progressive :-

1. They (play)………….video games now.

2. Nawaf ( go) …………… school now.

3. I (read) …………………. now.

4. Negative Sentences ‫الجمل المنفية‬

‫فاعل‬+ ‫ فعل كينونة‬+ not+ ‫ الفعل‬ing+ …….. )‫(الفاعل يكون اسم او ضمير‬

‫ انا‬I am not studying English.

‫ هو‬He is not playing football.

‫ هي‬She is not reading the book.

‫هي‬/‫هو‬It is not drinking water.

‫ هم‬They are not cooking fish.

‫نحن‬We are not listening to music.

‫انتم‬/‫انت‬You are not studying English.

My father is not working now.

My mother is not cooking dinner.

‫الممثل‬The actors are not making a film.

‫المخرج‬The director is not talking to the actors.

Q:Do as shown into brackets:-
1. They are watching TV now. (Change into negative)

2. Nawaf is talking now. (Change into negative)

3. now/ I / drinking/ water/ not. (order the words)

4. Look! The actors are swimming. (Change into negative)

5. Yes/ No questions ‫اسئلة النعم و الال‬

) ‫ فعل كينونة( هل‬+ ‫ فاعل‬+ ‫ الفعل‬ing+ ……..?

Am I studying English? Yes, you are.

No, you are not.

Is he playing football? Yes, he is.

No, he is not.

Is she reading the book? Yes, she is.

No, she is not.

Is it drinking water ? Yes, it is.

No, it is not.

Are they cooking fish? Yes, they are.

No, they are not.

Are we listening to music? Yes, you are.

No, you are not.

Are you studying English? Yes, I am.

No, I am not.

1. Is your father working now?

2. is my mother cooking dinner?

3. Are the actors making a film?

4. Is the director talking to the actors?

‫ الماضي البسيط‬Past Simple Page 49

‫فعل الكينونة بالماضي‬


‫ كان‬was ‫ كان‬were

I he she it they we you


‫ فاعل‬+ was/were + ‫تكملة‬

I was in the supermarket

He was in the museum of history.

She was fat

It was hungry.

They were good.

We were at home. ‫في البيت‬

You were guide.

The museum was amazing.

Nawaf was busy.

My sisters were in the museum of art.

1. They (was-were) in the class.

2. She (was-were) angry.

3. We (was-were) in the museum of science.

4. I (was-were) amazing.

1. My mother (was-were) in the kitchen.

‫الماضي البسيط‬Past Simple Page 49

‫ النفي‬Negative

‫ فاعل‬+ was/were+ not + ‫تكملة‬

I was not in the museum of Islamic heritage .

He was not a guide.

She was not fat.

It was not hungry.

They were not in the museum of science.

We were not at home.

You were not in the museum of technology.

‫الماضي البسيط‬Past Simple Page 49
‫ سؤال النعم و الال‬Yes/No questions

‫ معناهم ( هل ) ببداية السؤال‬was/were

‫ هل‬Was/Were + ‫فاعل‬+ ‫تكملة‬

Was I in the supermarket? Yes, you were.

No, you were not.

Was he at home? Yes, he was.

No, he was not

Was she fat? Yes, she was.

No, she was not.

Was it a dinosaur? Yes, it was.

No, it was not.

Were they in the museum of history ? Yes, they were.

No, they were not .

Were we angry? Yes, you were.

No, you were not.

Were you a guide? Yes, I was.

No, I was not.

Was Nawaf amazing? Yes, he was.

No, he was not

Was your sister in the school? Yes, she was.

No, she was not

Were the dinosaurs in the museum of history? Yes, they were.

No, they were not.

Q:Do as shown into brackets:- ‫اعمل كما مطلوب منك بين االقواس‬
1. Were they great? (Answer)


2. He was at home.. (Ask wh_question)


3. Nawaf was in the museum. (Make negative)


4. not / I / angry/ was/. (order the words)


5. Ali was in the school.. (Ask yes/no question)


6.My brothers were in the museum of art. (Make negative)


7. The museum was amazing. (Ask yes/no question)

‫الماضي البسيط‬Past Simple Page 49
Wh- questions

Wh- words ‫تبداء ب‬

What ‫ماذا‬

Where ‫اين‬

When ‫متى‬

Why ‫لماذا‬

Who ‫من‬

How ‫كيف‬

Wh- words + was/Were + ‫فاعل‬+ ‫تكملة‬

I was in the supermarket.

was I in the supermarket?
Where was I in the supermarket?
You were in the supermarket

He was at home.
was he at home?
Where was he at home?
He was at home.

She was fat.

was she fat?
How was she fat? .

She was fat.

It was a dinosaur.
was it a dinosaur?
What was it a dinosaur?
It was a dinosaur.
They were in the museum of history .
were they in the museum of history ?
Where were they in the museum of history ?
They were in the museum of history.

we were angry.
were we angry?
How were we angry?
we were angry.

you were a guide.

were you a guide?
Who were you a guide?

I was a guide.

The museum was amazing.

was the museum amazing?
How was the museum amazing?

The museum was amazing.

Your sister was in the school.
was your sister in the school?
Where was your sister in the school?
My sister was in the school.

1. What was the food like? ‫كيف كان الطعام‬

It was good.

2. What was the museum like? ‫كيف كان المتحف‬

It was amazing.

3. What was the school like? ‫كيف كانت المدرسة‬

It was great.

3. What was the exhibit like? ‫كيف كانت المدرسة‬

It was great.

‫الفعل بالمضارع‬ ‫الفعل بالماضي‬
‫يشتري‬ buy bought
‫ياتي‬ come came
‫يعمل‬ do did
‫يشرب‬ drink drank
‫يقود‬ drive drove
‫ياكل‬ eat ate
‫يشعر‬ feel felt
‫يطير‬ fly flew
‫ يحصل على‬get got
‫يعطي‬ give gave
‫يذهب‬ go went
‫يقابل‬ meet met
‫يمتلك‬ have had
‫يعلم‬ know knew
‫يغادر‬ leave left
‫يصنع‬ make made
‫يركب‬ ride rode
‫يرى‬ see saw
‫ينام‬ sleep slept
‫يقضي‬ spend spent
‫يسبح‬ swim swam
‫ياخذ‬ take took
‫يربح‬ win won
‫يكتب‬ write wrote

‫الماضي البسيط‬Past Simple Page 49

‫ فاعل‬+ ‫ فعل بالماضي‬+ ‫تكملة‬

Yesterday, I bought a car.

Yesterday, he came to the museum of history.

Last week, she did her homework.

Last week, it drank pepsi.

Last week, they ate pizza.

Last week, we drove the bus.

Last month, you went to the museum of art.

Last Friday, Nawaf went to the museum of science.

Last Friday, my sisters bought new shoes.

Negative ‫النفي‬
(( ‫’ قبل الفعل و نحول الفعل الى المضارع‬didn’t’ ‫)) للنفي نقوم باضافة‬

Yesterday, I didn’t bought buy a car.

Yesterday, he didn’t came come to the museum of history.

Last week, she didn’t did do her homework.

Last week, it didn’t drank drink pepsi.

Last week, they didn’t ate eat pizza.

Last week, we didn’t drove drive the bus.

Last month, you didn’t went go to the museum of art.

Last Friday, Nawaf didn’t went go to the museum of science.

Last Friday, my sisters didn’t buy bought new shoes.

Q:Do as shown into brackets:- ‫اعمل كما مطلوب منك بين االقواس‬
1. They came home at 10:00? (Make negative)


2. Nawaf did his homework yesterday. (Make negative)


3. Ali went to school.. (Make negative)


4.My brothers drove the car to the museum of art. (Make negative)

Yes/No questions ‫اسئلة النعم و الال‬
(( ‫’ قبل الفاعل و نحول الفعل الى المضارع‬did’ ‫)) لتحويل الجملة الى سؤال نقوم بتحويل‬


Did I go to the museum last week? Yes, you did.

No, you didn’t.


Did he feel happy yesterday? Yes, he did.

No, he didn’t.


Did she buy a car yesterday? Yes, she did.

No, she didn’t


Did it eat a fish last week? Yes, it did.

No, it didn’t.


Did they write a book yesterday? Yes, they did.

No, they didn’t.


Did we do the homework last month? Yes, we did.

No, we didn’t


Did you drink Pepsi last week? Yes, I did.

No, I didn’

Imperative ‫ االمر‬Page 17

‫ في االثبات‬Affirmative ‫ في النفي‬Negative

‫ فعل‬+ ........! Don’t + ‫ فعل‬+ ........ !

Read the book! ‫اقراء الكتاب‬ Don’t read the book! ‫ال تقراء الكتاب‬

Sit down! ‫اجلس‬ Don’t sit down! ‫ال تجلس‬

Try the pizza! ‫جرب البتزا‬ Don’t try Pizza! ‫ال تجرب البتزا‬

Stand Up! ‫قف‬ Don’t stand up! ‫ال تقف‬

Come here! ‫تعال هنا‬ Don’t come here! ‫ال تاتي الى هنا‬

Do your homework! ‫اكتب الواجب‬ Don’t do your homework! ‫ال تكتب الواجب‬

Q:Do as shown into brackets:-

1. They are watching TV now. (Change into imperative )

2. Open the book! (Change into negative)

3. story/ Don’t / the/ read . (order the words)

4. The actors are swimming. (Change into imperative)

Prepoitions ‫ حروف الجر‬Page 17

inside ‫داخل‬

outside ‫خارج‬

in front of ‫امام‬

behind ‫خلف‬

run away ‫يجري بعيدا‬

over ‫فوق‬

under ‫تحت‬


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