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Salvador, Jessa Van Caira A.


Attendance to Tatak Tamaraw

Tatak Tamaraw is an annual week-long event that welcomes freshmen students in the Feu

Community. It also orients them on policies, support services, and the vibrant campus life.

It was probably the most exciting and wonderful day of my life, or should I say “tatak

tamaraw”. To reflect on general orientation, you get to participate in events and other

things, but most importantly, you get to get to know your potential classmates and friends

better. I remember being quite anxious at first because, as usual, walking inside one of

Manila’s largest schools and seeing the number of pupils made me feel queasy. But as

time goes on, that sensation seems to vanish. I’m not sure why or if it's because I was so

eager to attend the event’s activities and especially meet new people. But as the event

went on, I saw that I was becoming less shy. I enjoyed viewing and getting acquainted

with the school’s facilities. I took pictures with my possible classmates, but frankly

speaking, I don’t have photos that show my face because I was literally at the back, every

time. The concert was the most thrilling and memorable part. Students can be heard

singing passionately, as though they have known one another for years. The music seems

to flow as the students followed the singers on stage. Everyone in the area is having a

good time, and their smiles appear to sparkle. Just by glancing at them, one could see the

enthusiasm on their faces. The most memorable part for me was the concert. I believe it’s

because I adore music so well. I truly liked the atmosphere at that time. Additionally, the

fireworks display at the concert’s conclusion added to its allure. I believe FEU did a

fantastic job at that time of welcoming and greeting the students. Furthermore, it was

really a remarkable event.

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