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I can compare and contrast BQ3 within the context of different areas of knowledge

Starter: Blake means to say that telling the truth with the intent to mislead or manipulate is
actually worse than white lies. While I agree with the idea that misleading with the truth is
worse than innocuous lies, lying can also be used with the intent to manipulate and mislead.

Misrepresenting ourselves: I don’t often use social media to represent myself. The few posts I
do have are pictures of my backpacking trips. So, to an extent, social media does show a truth
about me, (I go backpacking a lot), but it doesn’t show anything else about me. Social media in
general, only shows a small truth of someone or false information entirely.

BQ3 to AOK: In the Arts, how information is represented completely changes how it is
interpreted. For example, an artistic commentary on immigration can paint it in any number o
ways to best reflect the artist’s intent. The interpretation of this commentary will thus be
influenced by the artist’s ideals.

RLS to AOK: A museum in Mexico sparked outrage when they exhibited a painting which
portrayed Emiliano Zapata, a Mexican revolutionary war hero, nude except for a pink sombrero
and high heels. While Zapata is a historical figure, many people have different views and
interpretations of his actions and persona. This artist’s interpretation of Zapata sparked outrage
for its bold statement. This suggest art is highly susceptible to “spin”. There is little to no
evidence suggesting that Zapata was homosexual, but that hasn’t prevented apocrypha about
his life from emerging. In this way, the artist can portray a factually inaccurate, but likely very
personal, interpretation of Zapata’s historical significance.

Deep Fake: The emerging prevalence of deep fakes leads to much less reliability of information
on the internet. Seeing isn’t believing so much anymore. If videos can be completely
manipulated, the reliability of anything can be called into question.

Exit: I think that history is most vulnerable to “spin”. While art can represent ideas in any
number of ways, the argument can be made that it’s the artist’s personal interpretation.
Meanwhile, history should be factual, but different accounts from all different sources lead to
all sorts of conflict in the information. Any events can be ignored or skipped over if it doesn’t fit
the agenda of the historian.

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