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International Journal of Research e-ISSN: 2348-6848

p-ISSN: 2348-795X
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Volume 05 Issue 15
May 2018

How Classical Conditioning Theory Can Damage or Improve University

Students' Attitude towards Inferential Statistics
Silas Memory Madondo
Silas Memory Madondo is a Mixed Methods Research Specialist
Abstract observed that attitudes of university students
towards inferential statistics are not inherent
A quasi experiment study embedded with
but can be changed by the classical
phenomenology design was conducted with
conditioning process. A Cohen's d of 0.559
a sample of 52 master students and 42
(medium effect) was observed between
university teachers. Among the objectives of
pretest and posttest attitude scores.
the study was to examine the applicability
University professors were recommended to
and link between classical conditioning and
administer SATS-36 or its equivalent before
university students' attitudes towards
sessions of statistics training and encouraged
inferential statistics. A modified Students'
to teach statistics via computer at university
Attitudes Towards Statistics -36 (SATS-36)
level rather than manual.
was used to collect data as pretest and
posttest together with a teacher made test Keywords: Classical conditioning,
and an interview guide. SPSS and Nvivo Attitudes towards inferential statistics,
were used to analyze quantitative and SATS-36, quasi experiment, perceptions
qualitative data respectively. The study and attitudes.

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International Journal of Research e-ISSN: 2348-6848
p-ISSN: 2348-795X
Available at
Volume 05 Issue 15
May 2018

Classical Conditioning Theory conditioning's stimulus-response should not

be underrated.
The behavior or attitude of humans is not
inherent, but can change overtime depending Proponents of the Theory
with the nature and magnitude of classical
There is no doubt that Ivan P. Pavlov and
conditioning. There are circumstances when
John B Watson were the founding fathers of
human beings normalize the abnormal, it is
classical conditioning theory. Pavlov
incredible to observe that quite a number of
survived between 1849-1936 and was the
youths worldwide have been recruited to
Nobel Prize winner in 1904 because of his
become suicide bombers. The process of
great and exceptional work in academic
changing one's attitude to appreciate and
arena. Watson was inspired by Pavlov and is
practice an act of suicide bombing is
credited for giving the theory of classical
enhanced by classical conditioning. The
conditioning its fuller picture. He survived
performance of university students in
between 1878-1958, worked as a professor
statistics has been steady worldwide, with
at Hopking university and was later
quite a number of university students hating
terminated following his sexual love
statistics. Therefore, there is need for
encounter with his student Rosalie Rayner
scholars to examine the relationship between
(Cherry 2018). Pavlov and Watson
classical conditioning and the attitudes of
scientifically demonstrated their theory
university students towards inferential
using non-humans and humans. Their theory
statistics. The stimuli found in the
later became a serious critique to the
environment can be damaging to the
hereditary theory, that subscribe to the
attitudes of university students towards
opinion that behavior/attitude is an intrinsic
statistics and the classical condition process
creation adopted from the genes of the
has a great potential of shaping the attitudes
parents. Pavlov and Watson saw it
of university students towards inferential
differently, they believed that,
statistics. It is true that inheritance or
behavior/attitude is a product of the
hereditary shapes the behaviors and attitudes
environmental stimuli and can be changed
of individuals but the role of classical
due to the dynamism of the environment.

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International Journal of Research e-ISSN: 2348-6848
p-ISSN: 2348-795X
Available at
Volume 05 Issue 15
May 2018

Tenets of Classical Conditioning Theory Pavlov demonstrated his theory

scientifically using his dogs. The
According to Watson (1913), classical
demonstration can be divided into three
conditioning is the changing of an
stages according to McLeod (2013) that is;
individual's behavior/attitude because
pre-conditioning stage (before conditioning),
conscious or unconscious processes of
conditioning stage (during conditioning) and
stimulus-response. Stimuli is anything that is
post conditioning stage (after conditioning).
in the environment that is able to change
Pavlov demonstrated by showing food
behavior or attract response. For example,
powder to a dog before conditioning and the
the use of computers in teaching inferential
dog salivated. The next step was for Pavlov
statistics can be a stimulus that can improve
to 'conditioning' the dog by ringing a bell
the attitudes of university students' attitudes
followed by presentation of food powder to
towards inferential statistics. Lack of
a dog and it salivated again. The bell was
qualified statistics professors at university
used to condition the dog, when that
level can be a 'damaging stimulus' to the
conditioned dog heard a bell ringing, it used
attitude of university students towards
to salivate even when Pavlov had no food
inferential statistics. Therefore, stimuli can
powder. After conditioning, Pavlov used to
be damaging or good for the attitudes of
ring the bell (even without food powder) and
university students towards statistics. In the
the conditioned dogs used to salivate. This is
context of statistics attitudes of university
why my feeling is that, classical
students, classical condition can be defined
conditioning is the normalization of the
as the impact of the learning environmental
abnormal. In the context of the university
stimuli towards the attitudes of university
students towards statistics, discouraging
students towards statistics. Pavlov and
comment from the professor may condition
Watson used both non-humans and humans
students to dislike/hate statistics.
to demonstrate the impact of classical
conditioning in behavior/attitude change. Watson's Experiment

Pavlovian Conditioning According to McLeod (2013), there is no

doubt that Watson was provoked by Pavlov.
He gave the theory of classical conditioning

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International Journal of Research e-ISSN: 2348-6848
p-ISSN: 2348-795X
Available at
Volume 05 Issue 15
May 2018

its fuller picture. In 1926 while addressing in this section observed that, the attitudes of
parents in United States of America, Watson university students towards inferential
challenged them to provide him their healthy statistics is largely negative and that the
children so that he could train them to be poor performance in statistics was mainly
any kind of a specialist like chiefs, thieves, because of the students' negative attitude.
lawyers, beggars etc (Watson 1926). The Therefore, the attitudes of university
request shocked the parents, Watson was students may be dangerous to their
trying to demonstrate that, the performance if they are not controlled for
behavior/attitudes of humans can be shaped the better.
by the stimuli in the environment, a position
According to a study on attitude towards
that was demonstrated by his experiment
statistics that was done by Winquist and
with a child called Albert. According to
Carlos (2014) in United States of America
Watson and Rayner (1920), Albert was a
with undergraduate students of psychology,
friend to a white rat before the experiment.
statistics phobia has a negative effect on
During the conditioning stage, they paired a
students' attitudes. The study concluded that
rat with a loud sound and Albert stated to
the negative attitudes of university students
fear the rat. Sometimes incompetent
was linked to statistics phobia. The same
professors of statistics intimidate their
was also observed by Gundlack, Richards,
students consciously/unconsciously and that
Nelson and Bristol (2015). The purpose of
could be the reason why statistics is hated by
the study was to examine the factors
quite a number of university students.
influencing the attitudes of university
Literature Review on University Students students towards statistics in USA and
Towards Statistics statistics phobia was observed to be among
the key factors of attitude towards statistics.
The attitudes of university students vary
However, the studies did not explore on the
according to disciplines of study, students
major causes of statistics phobia and the its
from Science Technology Engineering and
link to classical conditioning process.
Mathematics (STEM) have a better
perception of statistics compared to those In a study done via literature search by
from arts and humanities. Studies discussed White and Gorard (2017), shortage of

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International Journal of Research e-ISSN: 2348-6848
p-ISSN: 2348-795X
Available at
Volume 05 Issue 15
May 2018

experts in inferential statistics was observed students towards statistics. Another study
globally. They also observed that, United the relationship between attitudes and
States of America and United Kingdom had performance in statistics was done by Rosli
a shortage of statisticians in psychology and and Maat (2017) and a moderate correlation
economics. White and Gorard (2017) went between attitudes and performance was
further to raise questions on the credibility observed. Stanisavljevic, Trajkovic,
of p-values. According to a study done by Marinkovic, Bukumiric, and Cirkovic
Madondo (2017) in Tanzania, some journals (2014) observed the same in their study
are no longer encouraging their authors to done in Serbia with 417 medical student.
use inferential statistics in data analysis They observed a weak correlation of 0.025
because of the questions raised against them. between attitudes and performance in
The p-values are said to be based on statistics. Their conclusion basing on the
probability and filing to pass a test during correlation coefficient is that, attitude can
the replication of experiments and the affect performance in statistics positively
relevance of the levels of significance have but the relationship was very weak.
also been questioned. All these questions
The study pointed out that the performance
raised are likely to have an impact on the
of university students in statistics is average
attitudes of university students towards
across disciplines. A lot of questions can be
inferential statistics and the credibility of p-
raised on the poor performance in statistics.
Is the poor performance in statistics a
In South Africa, Coetzee and Merwe did a product of Intelligence Quotient or classical
study on the attitudes of 235 industrial conditioning?
psychology students towards statistics. The
study concluded that, students perceived
statistics to be hard/difficult, technical and a A study on the attitudes of the Master of
complicated discipline that was unfriendly. Community Development students was
There is therefore need to check on the conducted at a university in Arusha City,
relationship between classical conditioning Tanzania. The theoretical framework was
and these negative attitudes of university based on classical conditioning theory and

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International Journal of Research e-ISSN: 2348-6848
p-ISSN: 2348-795X
Available at
Volume 05 Issue 15
May 2018

part of the aim of the study was to explore inferential statistics because of its possible
the applicability of the theory to the attitudes connection with mathematics. The
of community development students towards researcher used several techniques to
inferential statistics. The study adopted a 'conditioning' students and made sure that
quasi experimental design embedded with they were comfortable with learning
phenomenology. A modified Students' inferential statistics before the
Attitude Towards Statistics -36 (SATS-36) commencement of the quasi experiment.
was the major data collection tool (used as
The first step taken by the researcher was to
pretest and posttest) supported by a teacher
offer guidance and counseling to the
made test and structured interviews. Ninety
students before the implementation of the
eight respondents participated on the study,
quasi experiment intervention. Counseling
52 were master of community development
was only given to 3 students who had
students while 46 were university
extreme negative attitude towards inferential
instructors. The data was analyzed via SPSS
statistics and scored 1 on a scale of 5.
(quantitative data) and Nvivo (qualitative).
During the guidance session students were
The processes of coding was done according
encouraged to study inferential statistics and
to the rules and consent agreement was
the importance of inferential statistics in life
signed by the researcher and the
was stressed. It was also explained to the
students that statistics can be studied by
Discussion anyone contrary to the notion that the
discipline is for the physical scientists. The
Classical Conditioning Process
researcher also managed to stress to the
The researcher started the quasi experiment students that statistics and mathematics are
by giving SATS-36 as a pretest and the different because the scores of the SATS-36
analysis of data for the pretest exposed that had shown that mathematics and statistics
the students had a negative attitude towards were the same according to their
inferential statistics with an average mean perspective. They hated inferential statistics
score of 2.1 on a scale of 5. It was also because of their negative perception of
observed that students were afraid of

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International Journal of Research e-ISSN: 2348-6848
p-ISSN: 2348-795X
Available at
Volume 05 Issue 15
May 2018

mathematics and were not willing to study negative at the beginning of the quasi
inferential statistics. experiment and later changed to positive by
the end of the experiment. Above all, a
The other methods used to improve the
Cohen's d of 0.559 reflected a significant
attitudes of the students during the quasi
difference between pretest and posttest
experiment was the teaching of inferential
scores. The process of classical conditioning
statistics via SPSS. The teaching was largely
put in place by the researcher produced
via a computer software. The researcher also
positive results by improving students'
used positive comments during teaching as
attitudes towards inferential statistics.
well as live examples of the application of
Classical conditioning can be used to
inferential statistics in life.
damage or improve university students'
The results of the posttest improved greatly perceptions towards inferential statistics.
to an average of 4.1 on a scale of 5 from a Therefore, statistics professors should be
pretest average of 2.1 on a scale of 5. Effect very careful before, during and after the
Sizes (Cohen's d) was used to used to trainings related to statistics.
measure the effect of the quasi experiment
intervention or the significance difference
between pretest and posttest scores. A Statistics professors should make sure that
Cohen's of 0.559 was observed which they administer SATS-36 or its equivalent to
signified a medium or moderate effect, their students before the training of
meaning that the there was a significant statistics. The outcome should then give
difference between pretest and posttest them direction on whether to offer guidance
scores. or counseling depending with the magnitude
of the problems of individual trainees. The
teaching of inferential statistics should be
It was observed that classical conditioning 100% via computer because statistics
had a great influence on shaping the computations are not done manually in
university students towards inferential industries and will help to improve the
statistics. The attitudes of participants were external efficiency of statistics programs.

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International Journal of Research e-ISSN: 2348-6848
p-ISSN: 2348-795X
Available at
Volume 05 Issue 15
May 2018

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