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%MEMBRANE Generate MathWorks's logos.

% L = MEMBRANE(k), for k <= 12, is the k-th eigenfunction of

% the L-shaped membrane. The first three eigenfunctions have
% been shown on the covers of various MathWorks publications.

% MEMBRANE(k), with no output parameters, plots the k-th eigenfunction. 2
% Out2
% MEMBRANE, with no input or output parameters, plots MEMBRANE(1).

% L = MEMBRANE(k,m,n,np) also sets some mesh and accuracy parameters:
% k = index of eigenfunction, default k = 1.
% m = number of points on 1/3 of boundary. The size of
% the output is 2*m+1-by-2*m+1. The default m = 15.
% n = number of terms in sum, default n = min(m,9).
% np = number of terms in partial sum, default np = min(n,2).
% With np = n, the eigenfunction is nearly zero on the boundary.
With np < n, like np = 2, the boundary is not tied down.

% Out-of-date reference:
% Fox, Henrici & Moler, SIAM J. Numer. Anal. 4, 1967, pp. 89-102.
% Cleve Moler 4-21-85, 7-21-87, 6-30-91, 6-17-92;
% Copyright (c) 1984-94 by The MathWorks, Inc.

Smart Industry System Design with MATLAB and Simulink
if nargin < 1, k = 1; end
if nargin < 2, m = 15; end
if nargin < 2 & isstudent, m = 10; end
if nargin < 3, n = min(m,9); end
if nargin < 4, np = min(n,2); end

Answers to the Top 3 Engineering Questions if

k > 12
error(ÔOnly the first 12 membrane eigenfunctions are available.Õ)

lambda = [9.6397238445, 15.19725192, 2*pi^2, 29.5214811, 31.9126360, ...

41.4745099, 44.948488, 5*pi^2, 5*pi^2, 56.709610, 65.376535, 71.057755];
lambda = lambda(k);
sym = [1 2 3 2 1 1 2 3 3 1 2 1];
sym = sym(k);

% Part of the boundary in polar coordinates

theta = (1:3*m)Õ/m * pi/4;
r = [ones(m,1)./cos(theta(1:m)); ones(2*m,1)./sin(theta(m+1:3*m))];

% if sym = 1, alfa = [1 5 7 11 13 17 19 ... ] * 2/3, (odd, not divisible by 3)

% if sym = 2, alfa = [2 4 8 10 14 16 20 ... ] * 2/3, (even, not divisible by
% if sym = 3, alfa = [3 6 9 12 15 18 21 ... ] * 2/3, (multiples of 3)
alfa = sym;
del = sym + 3*(sym == 1);
for j = 2:n,
alfa(j) = alfa(j-1) + del;
del = 6-del;
alfa = alfa * 2/3;
if sym ~= 3
alf1 = (alfa(1):1:max(alfa));
alf2 = (alfa(2):1:max(alfa));
k1 = 1:4:length(alf1);
k2 = 1:4:length(alf2);
alf1 = (alfa(1):1:max(alfa));
alf2 = [];
k1 = 1:2:length(alf1);
k2 = [];

% Build up the matrix of fundamental solutions evaluated on the boundary.

t = sqrt(lambda)*r;
b1 = besselj(alf1,t);
b2 = besselj(alf2,t);
A = [b1(:,k1) b2(:,k2)];
[ignore,k] = sort([k1 k2]);
A = A(:,k);
A = A.*sin(theta*alfa);

% The desired coefficients are the null vector.

% (lambda was chosen so that the matrix is rank deficient).
[Q,R,E] = qr(A);
j = 1:n-1;
c = -R(j,j)\R(j,n);
c(n) = 1;
c = E*c(:);
if c(1) < 0, c = -c; end
% The residual should be small.
% res = norm(A*c,inf)/norm(abs(A)*abs(c),inf)

% Now evaluate the eigenfunction on a rectangular mesh in the interior.

mm = 2*m+1;
x = ones(m+1,1)*(-m:m)/m;
y = (m:-1:0)Õ/m*ones(1,mm);
r = sqrt(x.*x + y.*y);
theta = atan2(y,x);
theta(m+1,m+1) = 0;
S = zeros(m+1,mm);
r = sqrt(lambda)*r;
for j = 1:np
S = S + c(j) * besselj(alfa(j),r) .* sin(alfa(j)*theta);

L = zeros(mm,mm);
L(1:m+1,:) = triu(S);
if sym == 1, L = L + LÕ - diag(diag(L)); end
if sym == 2, L = L - LÕ; end
if sym == 3, L = L + LÕ - diag(diag(L)); end
L = rot90(L/max(max(abs(L))),-1);

if nargout == 0
x = -1:1/m:1;
Lout = L;
%MEMBRANE Generate MathWorks's logos.
% L = MEMBRANE(k), for k <= 12, is the k-th eigenfunction of

% the L-shaped membrane. The first three eigenfunctions have
% been shown on the covers of various MathWorks publications.

% MEMBRANE(k), with no output parameters, plots the k-th eigenfunction. 2
% Out2
% MEMBRANE, with no input or output parameters, plots MEMBRANE(1).

% L = MEMBRANE(k,m,n,np) also sets some mesh and accuracy parameters:
% k = index of eigenfunction, default k = 1.
% m = number of points on 1/3 of boundary. The size of
% the output is 2*m+1-by-2*m+1. The default m = 15.
% n = number of terms in sum, default n = min(m,9).
% np = number of terms in partial sum, default np = min(n,2).
% With np = n, the eigenfunction is nearly zero on the boundary.
With np < n, like np = 2, the boundary is not tied down.

How Smart Industry Is Putting Data Front and Center % Out-of-date reference:
% Fox, Henrici & Moler, SIAM J. Numer. Anal. 4, 1967, pp. 89-102.
% Cleve Moler 4-21-85, 7-21-87, 6-30-91, 6-17-92;
% Copyright (c) 1984-94 by The MathWorks, Inc.

Philipp H. F. Wallner, Industry Manager, MathWorks if
nargin < 1, k = 1; end
nargin < 2, m = 15; end
nargin < 2 & isstudent, m = 10; end

Seth DeLand, Product Manager, MathWorks

if nargin < 3, n = min(m,9); end
if nargin < 4, np = min(n,2); end
if k > 12
error(ÔOnly the first 12 membrane eigenfunctions are available.Õ)
The industrial world is changing with the emergence of smart industry. Today’s
lambda = [9.6397238445, 15.19725192, 2*pi^2, 29.5214811, 31.9126360, ...

production machines and handling equipment have become highly lambda

41.4745099, 44.948488, 5*pi^2, 5*pi^2, 56.709610, 65.376535, 71.057755];
= lambda(k);
sym = [1 2 3 2 1 1 2 3 3 1 2 1];
mechatronic systems with a significant portion of embedded software.
sym =This

requires several domains – software engineering, IT, mechanical engineering, and

% Part of the boundary in polar coordinates
theta = (1:3*m)Õ/m * pi/4;
r = [ones(m,1)./cos(theta(1:m)); ones(2*m,1)./sin(theta(m+1:3*m))];
electrical engineering – to work together and evolve the way they design, test, and
% if sym = 1, alfa = [1 5 7 11 13 17 19 ... ] * 2/3, (odd, not divisible by 3)

verify machine software. Only then can they reach the expected level of function-
% if sym = 2, alfa = [2 4 8 10 14 16 20 ... ] * 2/3, (even, not divisible by
% if sym = 3, alfa = [3 6 9 12 15 18 21 ... ] * 2/3, (multiples of 3)
ality and quality. alfa = sym;
del = sym + 3*(sym == 1);
for j = 2:n,
alfa(j) = alfa(j-1) + del;
Data Proliferation – Extracting Valuable Insight end;
del = 6-del;

alfa = alfa * 2/3;

if sym ~= 3

A major driver of smart industry is the growing amount of data. Vision sensors, alf1 = (alfa(1):1:max(alfa));
alf2 = (alfa(2):1:max(alfa));
k1 = 1:4:length(alf1);
electric and hydraulic drives, even production machines and power plants all col- else
k2 = 1:4:length(alf2);

lect measured data during operation. This data contains information that can be alf1 = (alfa(1):1:max(alfa));
alf2 = [];
k1 = 1:2:length(alf1);
transformed into business value using predictive models and algorithms. For exam- end
k2 = [];

ple, machine learning techniques may be used to train a model to historical

% Build up the sensor
matrix of fundamental solutions evaluated on the boundary.
t = sqrt(lambda)*r;
data, so that the model can be used to predict future equipment failures and pre-
b1 = besselj(alf1,t);
b2 = besselj(alf2,t);

vent production downtimes. A = [b1(:,k1) b2(:,k2)];

[ignore,k] = sort([k1 k2]);
A = A(:,k);
A = A.*sin(theta*alfa);

Deploying Analytics to Embedded Systems % The desired coefficients are the null vector.
% (lambda was chosen so that the matrix is rank deficient).
[Q,R,E] = qr(A);
j = 1:n-1;
As smart industry evolves, software components provide a significant part of the added value of machines and production
c = -R(j,j)\R(j,n);
c(n) = 1;

plants. Embedded software running on PLCs, industrial PCs, or FPGAs use closed-loop control functionality that ensures product
c = E*c(:);
if c(1) < 0, c = -c; end
% The residual should be small.
quality, and predictive maintenance algorithms for increased uptime without service intervention. Furthermore, embedded soft-
% res = norm(A*c,inf)/norm(abs(A)*abs(c),inf)

ware is used for supervisory logic for state machines handling and automatic generation of optimized movement trajectories –
% Now evaluate the eigenfunction on a rectangular mesh in the interior.
mm = 2*m+1;
x = ones(m+1,1)*(-m:m)/m;
even for safety-critical systems. y = (m:-1:0)Õ/m*ones(1,mm);
r = sqrt(x.*x + y.*y);
theta = atan2(y,x);
theta(m+1,m+1) = 0;
The Use of Model-Based Design S = zeros(m+1,mm);
r = sqrt(lambda)*r;
for j = 1:np
S = S + c(j) * besselj(alfa(j),r) .* sin(alfa(j)*theta);
To become market leaders, equipment manufacturers need to develop skills and expertise in new software design approaches

L = zeros(mm,mm);
and technologies – to realize the efficiency, cost, and, therefore, competitive advantages that smart industry promises. Software
L(1:m+1,:) = triu(S);
if sym == 1, L = L + LÕ - diag(diag(L)); end
design productivity and system reliability increase with Model-Basedifif Design
sym == 3, L tools
= L + LÕ like
sym == 2, L = L - LÕ; end
- diag(diag(L)); end and Simulink®. These tools
L = rot90(L/max(max(abs(L))),-1);
facilitate modular software development of automation components,ifhardware-independent
nargout == 0
testing, and automatic code genera-
tion that can implement algorithms on embedded hardware platformsxsurf(x,xÕ,L)
at the touch of a button.
= -1:1/m:1;


The Race to Smart Industry Realization end

Lout = L;

Smart industry depends on the growing complexity of software and an ever-increasing amount of machine data. In the long
term, the evolving trend will challenge engineers to become proficient in using new software design methods and data analytics
tools in order to embrace this complexity.

Read full article in Embedded Computing Design 

%MEMBRANE Generate MathWorks's logos.
% L = MEMBRANE(k), for k <= 12, is the k-th eigenfunction of

% the L-shaped membrane. The first three eigenfunctions have
% been shown on the covers of various MathWorks publications.

% MEMBRANE(k), with no output parameters, plots the k-th eigenfunction. 2
% Out2
% MEMBRANE, with no input or output parameters, plots MEMBRANE(1).

% L = MEMBRANE(k,m,n,np) also sets some mesh and accuracy parameters:
% k = index of eigenfunction, default k = 1.
% m = number of points on 1/3 of boundary. The size of
% the output is 2*m+1-by-2*m+1. The default m = 15.
% n = number of terms in sum, default n = min(m,9).
% np = number of terms in partial sum, default np = min(n,2).
% With np = n, the eigenfunction is nearly zero on the boundary.
With np < n, like np = 2, the boundary is not tied down.

Top 3 Questions from Engineers % Out-of-date reference:

% Fox, Henrici & Moler, SIAM J. Numer. Anal. 4, 1967, pp. 89-102.
% Cleve Moler 4-21-85, 7-21-87, 6-30-91, 6-17-92;
% Copyright (c) 1984-94 by The MathWorks, Inc.

1. How can you use machine data to improve production performance or predict failure?
if nargin < 1, k = 1; end
if nargin < 2, m = 15; end
if nargin < 2 & isstudent, m = 10; end
if nargin < 3, n = min(m,9); end
if nargin < 4, np = min(n,2); end

MATLAB allows you to analyze machine and production data, identify patterns, and optimize machine parameters
if k > 12
error(ÔOnly the first 12 membrane eigenfunctions are available.Õ)

and service intervals. lambda = [9.6397238445, 15.19725192, 2*pi^2, 29.5214811, 31.9126360, ...
41.4745099, 44.948488, 5*pi^2, 5*pi^2, 56.709610, 65.376535, 71.057755];
lambda = lambda(k);

Workflows sym = [1 2 3 2 1 1 2 3 3 1 2 1];

sym = sym(k);

Offline Data Analysis is used on recorded data Key Products

% Part of the boundary in polar coordinates
theta = (1:3*m)Õ/m * pi/4;

stored in files, databases, or in the cloud. r = [ones(m,1)./cos(theta(1:m)); ones(2*m,1)./sin(theta(m+1:3*m))];

% if sym = 1, alfa = [1 5 7 11 13 17 19 ... ] * 2/3, (odd, not divisible by 3)
% if sym = 2, alfa = [2 4 8 10 14 16 20 ... ] * 2/3, (even, not divisible by
Workflows: • OPC
% if sym = 3, alfa = [3 6 9 12 15 18 21 ... ] * 2/3, (multiples of 3)

• Data Acquisition
+ 3*(sym == 1); Toolbox™
alfa = sym;
• Import data into MATLAB del = sym
for j = 2:n,
alfa(j) = alfa(j-1) + del;
• Analyze data end;
del = 6-del;

User Story: Newport Corporation Reduces Data Acquisition and

alfa = alfa * 2/3;
• Use results to optimize machine throughput if sym ~= 3
Analysis Time by Hundreds of Hours
alf1 = (alfa(1):1:max(alfa));
or service intervals alf2 = (alfa(2):1:max(alfa));
k1 = 1:4:length(alf1);

Technical Article: 5 Types of Data and How to Analyze Them with

k2 = 1:4:length(alf2);
Online Data Analysis is used to continuously analyze alf1 = (alfa(1):1:max(alfa));
MATLAB alf2 = [];
machine behavior k1 = 1:2:length(alf1);
k2 = [];

Workflows: % Build up the matrix of fundamental solutions evaluated on the boundary.

t = sqrt(lambda)*r;
b1 = besselj(alf1,t);
• Read data via OPC UA and other standards b2 = besselj(alf2,t);
A = [b1(:,k1) b2(:,k2)];
[ignore,k] = sort([k1 k2]);
• Deploy real-time code (C/C++, IEC 61131-3) A = A(:,k);
A = A.*sin(theta*alfa);
on PLC or embedded controller % The desired coefficients are the null vector.
% (lambda was chosen so that the matrix is rank deficient).
[Q,R,E] = qr(A);
MATLAB helps you analyze measured signals Key Products
j = 1:n-1;
c = -R(j,j)\R(j,n);
(e.g., vibration data) by: c(n) = 1;
c = E*c(:);
if c(1) < 0, c = -c; end
• Transferring into frequency domain • Signal Processing Toolbox™
% The residual should be small.
% res = norm(A*c,inf)/norm(abs(A)*abs(c),inf)

• Applying filters % Now evaluate the eigenfunction on a rectangular mesh in the interior.
mm = 2*m+1;
x = ones(m+1,1)*(-m:m)/m;
User Story: BuildingIQ Develops Proactive Algorithms for HVAC
y = (m:-1:0)Õ/m*ones(1,mm);
Did You Know? Ready-made functions save time r = sqrt(x.*x + y.*y);

compared to manual programming (such as in Energy Optimization in Large-Scale Buildings

theta = atan2(y,x);
theta(m+1,m+1) = 0;
S = zeros(m+1,mm);
Visual Studio). Webinar: Signal Processing and Machine Learning Techniques
r = sqrt(lambda)*r;
for j = 1:np
S = S + c(j) * besselj(alfa(j),r) .* sin(alfa(j)*theta);
for Sensor Data Analytics

L = zeros(mm,mm);
L(1:m+1,:) = triu(S);
if sym == 1, L = L + LÕ - diag(diag(L)); end
Engineers working with large amounts of business Key Products
if sym == 2, L = L - LÕ; end
if sym == 3, L = L + LÕ - diag(diag(L)); end
and engineering data use machine learning to find L = rot90(L/max(max(abs(L))),-1);

patterns and build models to predict future outcomes • MATLAB

if nargout == 0
x = -1:1/m:1;

based on historical data (such as for • Statistics and Machine Learning Toolbox™

predictive maintenance). • Neural

Lout = L; Toolbox™

User Story: Mondi Implements Statistics-Based Health Monitoring

and Predictive Maintenance for Manufacturing Processes with
Machine Learning
Webinar: Machine Learning Made Easy
Technical Article: Data-Driven Insights with MATLAB Analytics:
An Energy Load Forecasting Case Study
Mondi Implements Statistics-Based Health Monitoring and Predictive Overview: Predictive Maintenance
Maintenance for Manufacturing Processes with Machine Learning

%MEMBRANE Generate MathWorks's logos.
% L = MEMBRANE(k), for k <= 12, is the k-th eigenfunction of

% the L-shaped membrane. The first three eigenfunctions have
% been shown on the covers of various MathWorks publications.

% MEMBRANE(k), with no output parameters, plots the k-th eigenfunction. 2
% Out2
% MEMBRANE, with no input or output parameters, plots MEMBRANE(1).

% L = MEMBRANE(k,m,n,np) also sets some mesh and accuracy parameters:
% k = index of eigenfunction, default k = 1.
% m = number of points on 1/3 of boundary. The size of
% the output is 2*m+1-by-2*m+1. The default m = 15.
% n = number of terms in sum, default n = min(m,9).
% np = number of terms in partial sum, default np = min(n,2).
% With np = n, the eigenfunction is nearly zero on the boundary.
With np < n, like np = 2, the boundary is not tied down.

2. How can you develop optimized closed-loop controllers for increasingly % Out-of-date reference:
% Fox, Henrici & Moler, SIAM J. Numer. Anal. 4, 1967, pp. 89-102.

complex systems?
% Cleve Moler 4-21-85, 7-21-87, 6-30-91, 6-17-92;
% Copyright (c) 1984-94 by The MathWorks, Inc.

10 if nargin < 1, k = 1; end

if nargin < 2, m = 15; end

Virtual commissioning based on Model-Based Design helps optimize controls structures and parameters during simulation.
if nargin < 2 & isstudent, m = 10; end
if nargin < 3, n = min(m,9); end
if nargin < 4, np = min(n,2); end

During simulation it is faster, safer and less expensive to design and test your controller and optimize parameters.
if k > 12
error(ÔOnly the first 12 membrane eigenfunctions are available.Õ)

lambda = [9.6397238445, 15.19725192, 2*pi^2, 29.5214811, 31.9126360, ...

41.4745099, 44.948488, 5*pi^2, 5*pi^2, 56.709610, 65.376535, 71.057755];
lambda = lambda(k);

Workflows sym = [1 2 3 2 1 1 2 3 3 1 2 1];

sym = sym(k);

MATLAB and Simulink products for control system Key Products

% Part of the boundary in polar coordinates
theta = (1:3*m)Õ/m * pi/4;

design support: r = [ones(m,1)./cos(theta(1:m)); ones(2*m,1)./sin(theta(m+1:3*m))];

• Simulink
% if sym = 1, alfa = [1 5 7 11 13 17 19 ... ] * 2/3, (odd, not divisible by 3)

• Plant modeling •
% if sym = 2, alfa = [2 4 8 10 14 16 20 ... ] * 2/3, (even, not divisible by
% if sym = 3, alfa = [3 6 9 12 15 18 21 ... ] * 2/3, (multiples of 3)

• Parameter optimization • Simulink

alfa = sym;
del = sym + 3*(sym == 1);Design™
for j = 2:n,

• Automated testing and reporting • Control System Toolbox™

alfa(j) = alfa(j-1) + del;
del = 6-del;

• Model Predictive Control Toolbox™


• Automatic code generation alfa = alfa

if sym ~= 3
* 2/3;

(C/C++, IEC 61131-3, HDL) User Story:

alf1 = (alfa(1):1:max(alfa));
alf2Metso Develops Controller for Energy-Saving Digital
= (alfa(2):1:max(alfa));
k1 = 1:4:length(alf1);

Did You Know? Automatic code generation generates Hydraulic

else System for Papermaking Equipment Using
k2 = 1:4:length(alf2);

highly efficient code for your controller and helps

alf1 = (alfa(1):1:max(alfa));
alf2 = Design

avoid coding errors.

k1 = 1:2:length(alf1);
k2 = [];

Control Design Software
% Build up the matrix of fundamental solutions evaluated on the boundary.
t = sqrt(lambda)*r;

Control system design starts with a plant model for Key Products
b1 = besselj(alf1,t);
b2 = besselj(alf2,t);

system simulation. MATLAB and Simulink products

A = [b1(:,k1) b2(:,k2)];

• Simscape™ products for physical modeling

[ignore,k] = sort([k1 k2]);
A = A(:,k);
support a variety of plant modeling approaches: A = A.*sin(theta*alfa);
• System Identification
coefficients are Toolbox™
• Physical modeling using blocks that represent
% The desired the null vector.
% (lambda was chosen so that the matrix is rank deficient).
[Q,R,E] = qr(A);
mechanical, electrical, magnetic, hydraulic, pneu- j = 1:n-1;

matic, and thermal components User Story: manroland Develops High-Precision Commercial Printing
c = -R(j,j)\R(j,n);
c(n) = 1;
c = E*c(:);
Press Controller
if c(1) < 0, c = -c; end
• System identification based on measured data % The residual should be small.
% res = norm(A*c,inf)/norm(abs(A)*abs(c),inf)
% Now Creating AccurateonPlant
evaluate the eigenfunction Models
a rectangular mesh in the interior.
Did You Know? You can design your system without mm = 2*m+1;

y = Article: Modeling Complex Mechanical Structures
x = ones(m+1,1)*(-m:m)/m;
the need to wait for hardware. (m:-1:0)Õ/m*ones(1,mm);
r = sqrt(x.*x + y.*y);
with SimMechanics
theta = atan2(y,x);
theta(m+1,m+1) = 0;
S = zeros(m+1,mm);
r = sqrt(lambda)*r;
for j = 1:np
S = S + c(j) * besselj(alfa(j),r) .* sin(alfa(j)*theta);

Perform early verification and testing on your system Key Products

L = zeros(mm,mm);
L(1:m+1,:) = triu(S);
model through: if sym == 1, L = L + LÕ - diag(diag(L)); end

• Simulink
if sym == 3, Design
L = L + LÕ Verifier™
if sym == 2, L = L - LÕ; end
- diag(diag(L)); end
• Desktop simulation •
L = rot90(L/max(max(abs(L))),-1);
Simulink Verification and Validation™
if nargout == 0
• Real-time testing • Simulink Test™
x = -1:1/m:1;
• Automated test scenarios • Polyspace
Lout = L;
Bug Finder™ and Polyspace Code Prover™
• Formal verification • Simulink

Did You Know? Find design errors before building User Story: Baker Hughes Improves Precision of Oil and
hardware and creating production software.
Gas Drilling Equipment
Overview: Verification, Validation, and Test

Baker Hughes Improves Precision of Oil and Gas Drilling Equipment

%MEMBRANE Generate MathWorks's logos.
% L = MEMBRANE(k), for k <= 12, is the k-th eigenfunction of

% the L-shaped membrane. The first three eigenfunctions have
% been shown on the covers of various MathWorks publications.

% MEMBRANE(k), with no output parameters, plots the k-th eigenfunction. 2
% Out2
% MEMBRANE, with no input or output parameters, plots MEMBRANE(1).

% L = MEMBRANE(k,m,n,np) also sets some mesh and accuracy parameters:
% k = index of eigenfunction, default k = 1.
% m = number of points on 1/3 of boundary. The size of
% the output is 2*m+1-by-2*m+1. The default m = 15.
% n = number of terms in sum, default n = min(m,9).
% np = number of terms in partial sum, default np = min(n,2).
% With np = n, the eigenfunction is nearly zero on the boundary.
With np < n, like np = 2, the boundary is not tied down.

3. How can you implement controls algorithms and state machines on a % Out-of-date reference:
% Fox, Henrici & Moler, SIAM J. Numer. Anal. 4, 1967, pp. 89-102.

PLC or industrial PC?

% Cleve Moler 4-21-85, 7-21-87, 6-30-91, 6-17-92;
% Copyright (c) 1984-94 by The MathWorks, Inc.

10 if nargin < 1, k = 1; end

if nargin < 2, m = 15; end

Automatic code generation allows you to deploy algorithms that have been tested in simulation on common PLC or industrial PC
if nargin < 2 & isstudent, m = 10; end
if nargin < 3, n = min(m,9); end
if nargin < 4, np = min(n,2); end

platforms – using either IEC 61131-3 (structured text or ladder diagram) or C/C++.
if k > 12
error(ÔOnly the first 12 membrane eigenfunctions are available.Õ)

lambda = [9.6397238445, 15.19725192, 2*pi^2, 29.5214811, 31.9126360, ...

41.4745099, 44.948488, 5*pi^2, 5*pi^2, 56.709610, 65.376535, 71.057755];
lambda = lambda(k);

Workflows sym = [1 2 3 2 1 1 2 3 3 1 2 1];

sym = sym(k);

Automatic code generation converts tested models and Key Products

% Part of the boundary in polar coordinates
theta = (1:3*m)Õ/m * pi/4;

algorithms into highly efficient embedded real-time r = [ones(m,1)./cos(theta(1:m)); ones(2*m,1)./sin(theta(m+1:3*m))];

code (C/C++ and IEC 61131-3). • Simulink

% if sym = 1,PLC Coder™
alfa = [1 5 7 11 13 17 19 ... ] * 2/3, (odd, not divisible by 3)
% if sym = 2, alfa = [2 4 8 10 14 16 20 ... ] * 2/3, (even, not divisible by
% if sym = 3, alfa = [3 6 9 12 15 18 21 ... ] * 2/3, (multiples of 3)

• Simulink Coder™
alfa = sym;
del = sym + 3*(sym == 1);

Did You Know? This workflow is much faster than hand •

for j = 2:n,
Embedded Coder™
alfa(j) = alfa(j-1) + del;

coding – enabling developers of industrial controls to

del = 6-del;

User Story:
if sym ENGEL Speeds Development of Injection Molding
alfa = alfa * 2/3;
increase productivity 200-300%. It’s also less error ~= 3
alf1 = (alfa(1):1:max(alfa));
prone. Machine k1Controllers
alf2 = (alfa(2):1:max(alfa));
= 1:4:length(alf1);
k2 = 1:4:length(alf2);

alf1 Design for Automation Systems
= (alfa(1):1:max(alfa));
alf2 = [];
k1 = 1:2:length(alf1);
k2 = [];
IEC 61508 is the primary safety standard for industrial Key Products
% Build up the matrix of fundamental solutions evaluated on the boundary.

controls. TÜV SÜD has certified the following products:

t = sqrt(lambda)*r;

• IEC Certification Kit™

b1 = besselj(alf1,t);
b2 = besselj(alf2,t);

• Embedded Coder •
A = [b1(:,k1) b2(:,k2)];
Polyspace Bug Finder™ and Polyspace Code Prover™
[ignore,k] = sort([k1 k2]);
A = A(:,k);

• Polyspace code verifiers • Embedded Coder

A = A.*sin(theta*alfa);

% The desired coefficients are the null vector.

• Simulink PLC Coder • Simulink

% (lambda wasPLC Coder
[Q,R,E] = qr(A);
so that the matrix is rank deficient).

j = 1:n-1;
c = -R(j,j)\R(j,n);
Did You Know? TÜV SÜD certifications are based on Technical
c = Article:
c(n) = 1;
E*c(:); Improving Software Quality with
application-specific verification and validation work- if c(1) < 0, c = -c; end
Static Code Analysis
% The residual should be small.

flows that are provided in the IEC Certification Kit. % res = norm(A*c,inf)/norm(abs(A)*abs(c),inf)

Link: Supported Standards and Products

% Now evaluate the eigenfunction on a rectangular mesh in the interior.
mm = 2*m+1;
x = ones(m+1,1)*(-m:m)/m;
y = (m:-1:0)Õ/m*ones(1,mm);
r = sqrt(x.*x + y.*y);

Automatic code generation is available for most Supported PLC Platforms

theta = atan2(y,x);
theta(m+1,m+1) = 0;

common PLC and industrial PC platforms. MathWorks

S = zeros(m+1,mm);

• Support for Third-Party IDEs in Simulink PLC Coder

r = sqrt(lambda)*r;
for j = 1:np
works with hardware partners to ensure compatibility S = S + c(j) * besselj(alfa(j),r) .* sin(alfa(j)*theta);

with their integrated development environments (IDEs). • Hardware Support for PLC Code Generation

L = zeros(mm,mm);
L(1:m+1,:) =and IEC 61131-3)

PLC partners:
if sym == 1, L = L + LÕ - diag(diag(L)); end
if sym == 2, L = L - LÕ; end
if sym == 3, L = L + LÕ - diag(diag(L)); end

• 3S CODESYS User Story: AVL Develops Dynamic Controller for Engine

L = rot90(L/max(max(abs(L))),-1);

Conditioning System Using Embedded Code Generation for PLCs

if nargout == 0

• B&R Automation Studio™

x = -1:1/m:1;

• Bachmann M-Target
Lout = L;

• Beckhoff® TwinCAT™
• Mitsubishi CW Workbench
• Omron Sysmac Studio
• Phoenix Contact® PC WORX™
• Rexroth IndraWorks
• Rockwell Automation® RSLogix™
and Studio 5000
• Siemens STEP 7, WinAC and TIA Portal AVL Develops Dynamic Controller for Engine Conditioning System
Using Embedded Code Generation for PLCs

%MEMBRANE Generate MathWorks's logos.
% L = MEMBRANE(k), for k <= 12, is the k-th eigenfunction of

% the L-shaped membrane. The first three eigenfunctions have
% been shown on the covers of various MathWorks publications.

% MEMBRANE(k), with no output parameters, plots the k-th eigenfunction. 2
% Out2
% MEMBRANE, with no input or output parameters, plots MEMBRANE(1).

% L = MEMBRANE(k,m,n,np) also sets some mesh and accuracy parameters:
% k = index of eigenfunction, default k = 1.
% m = number of points on 1/3 of boundary. The size of
% the output is 2*m+1-by-2*m+1. The default m = 15.
% n = number of terms in sum, default n = min(m,9).
% np = number of terms in partial sum, default np = min(n,2).
% With np = n, the eigenfunction is nearly zero on the boundary.
With np < n, like np = 2, the boundary is not tied down.

Voice of the User % Out-of-date reference:

% Fox, Henrici & Moler, SIAM J. Numer. Anal. 4, 1967, pp. 89-102.
% Cleve Moler 4-21-85, 7-21-87, 6-30-91, 6-17-92;
% Copyright (c) 1984-94 by The MathWorks, Inc.

if nargin < 1, k = 1; end 10

if nargin < 2, m = 15; end
if nargin < 2 & isstudent, m = 10; end
“On previous projects, we have written structured text by
“With Model-Based Design, we see development time reduc- if
nargin < 3, n = min(m,9); end
nargin < 4, np = min(n,2); end
if hand for the feedforward control, but it would be too compli-
k > 12
tion, cost savings, and improved time-to-market. Automatic code error(ÔOnly the first 12 membrane eigenfunctions are available.Õ)
cated to implement feedback control of the Bionic Handling
generation saves a great deal of time. In addition, we can lambda = [9.6397238445, 15.19725192, 2*pi^2, 29.5214811, 31.9126360, ...
Assistant on a PLC using this manual approach—we simply
41.4745099, 44.948488, 5*pi^2, 5*pi^2, 56.709610, 65.376535, 71.057755];
simply change the model to update our design, and we know it lambda = lambda(k);
sym = [1 2 3 2 1 1 2 3 3 1 2 1];
would not have done it. Simulink PLC Coder enabled us to
will be implemented as required. Our design iterations, from sym = sym(k);

generate the structured text automatically in minutes.”

% Part of the boundary in polar coordinates
making changes to hardware testing, are completed in theta = (1:3*m)Õ/m * pi/4;
r = [ones(m,1)./cos(theta(1:m)); ones(2*m,1)./sin(theta(m+1:3*m))];
five minutes.” –D.R
% if sym = 1, ralfa üdiger N
= [1 5 7 11eumann ,F
13 17 19 ...esto
] * 2/3, (odd, not divisible by 3)
% if sym = 2, alfa = [2 4 8 10 14 16 20 ... ] * 2/3, (even, not divisible by
– Arend -Jan Beltman, Centre for Concepts in Mechatronics % if sym = 3, alfa = [3 6 9 12 15 18 21 ... ] * 2/3, (multiples of 3)
alfa = sym;
del = sym + 3*(sym == 1);
for j = 2:n,
alfa(j) = alfa(j-1) + del;
del = 6-del;
alfa = alfa * 2/3;
“As a manufacturing company we don’t have data scientists with machine
if sym ~= 3
alf1 = (alfa(1):1:max(alfa));

learning expertise, but MathWorks provided the tools and technical know-
alf2 = (alfa(2):1:max(alfa));
k1 = 1:4:length(alf1);
k2 = 1:4:length(alf2);
how that enabled us to develop a production preventative maintenance
alf1 = (alfa(1):1:max(alfa));

system in a matter of months.”

alf2 = [];
k1 = 1:2:length(alf1);
k2 = [];
– Dr. Michael Kohlert, Mondi
% Build up the matrix of fundamental solutions evaluated on the boundary.
t = sqrt(lambda)*r;
b1 = besselj(alf1,t);
b2 = besselj(alf2,t);
A = [b1(:,k1) b2(:,k2)];
[ignore,k] = sort([k1 k2]);
A = A(:,k);
“As a process engineer I had no experience with neural A = A.*sin(theta*alfa);

networks or machine learning. I worked through the MATLAB % The desired coefficients are the null vector.
% (lambda was chosen so that the matrix is rank deficient).

“Our shopfloor management system AMS ZPoint-CI collects a

[Q,R,E] = qr(A);
examples to find the best machine learning functions for gen- j = 1:n-1;
c = -R(j,j)\R(j,n);
erating virtual metrology. I couldn’t have done this in C or c(n) = 1;
c = E*c(:);
huge amount of machine, process, and product data 24 hours
a day. By analyzing this data immediately in MATLAB and
if c(1) < 0, c = -c; end
Python—it would’ve taken too long to find, validate, and inte- % The residual should be small.
% res = norm(A*c,inf)/norm(abs(A)*abs(c),inf)
grate the right packages.” AMS Analysis-CI we have achieved a tenfold increase in pre-
% Now evaluate the eigenfunction on a rectangular mesh in the interior.

cision, a 30% reduction in total cycle time, and a significant

mm = 2*m+1;

– Emil Schmitt-Weaver, ASML

x = ones(m+1,1)*(-m:m)/m;
y = (m:-1:0)Õ/m*ones(1,mm);
increase in production output.”
r = sqrt(x.*x + y.*y);
theta = atan2(y,x);
theta(m+1,m+1) = 0;
S = zeros(m+1,mm);
r = sqrt(lambda)*r; M eisinger ,S tiwa
for j = 1:np
S = S + c(j) * besselj(alfa(j),r) .* sin(alfa(j)*theta);

L = zeros(mm,mm);
L(1:m+1,:) = triu(S);
if sym == 1, L = L + LÕ - diag(diag(L)); end
if sym == 2, L = L - LÕ; end
if sym == 3, L = L + LÕ - diag(diag(L)); end
L = rot90(L/max(max(abs(L))),-1);

Additional Resources if nargout == 0

x = -1:1/m:1;

With MATLAB and Simulink, engineers don’t need to be programming experts to build and implement high-quality software.
Lout = L;
They can focus on their technical engineering expertise for designing the functionality of technical systems. MATLAB and
Simulink are easy to:

• Learn – with free tutorials and professional training

• Apply – with thousands of code examples and applications from MATLAB engineers and the user community

• Master – by getting answers to your toughest questions from the user community, in the comprehensive documentation, or
via technical support

© 2016 The MathWorks, Inc. MATLAB and Simulink are registered trademarks of The MathWorks, Inc. See for a list of additional trademarks.
Other product or brand names may be trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders.

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