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Characteristic Overall Have you heard about Tuberculosis (TB)?

Yes No p
1- Gender, n (%) 0.912
Male 367 (31.8%) 269 (31.7%) 98 (32%)
Female 788 (68.2%) 580 (68.3%) 208 (68%)

2- Age, n (%) 0.001

18-20 458 (39.7%) 311 (36.6%) 147 (48%)
21-24 626 (54.2%) 489 (57.6%) 137 (44.8%)
≥ 25 71 (6.1%) 49 (5.8%) 22 (7.2%)

3- Nationality, n (%) 0.345

Saudi 1119 (96.9%) 825 (97.2%) 294 (96.1%)
Non-Saudi 36 (3.1%) 24 (2.8%) 12 (3.9%)

4- Faculty, n (%) 0.000

Medical Colleges 486 (42.1%) 429 (50.5%) 57 (18.6%)
(Medicine, Dentistry,
Pharmacy, and Ap-
plied Medical Sci-

Science and Engi- 320 (27.7%) 213 (25.1%) 107 (35%)

neering Colleges
(Science, Engineer-
ing, Computer Sci-
ence and Information
Technology, Design
and Applied Arts)

Humanities, Educa-
tion, Sharia, and Ad- 349 (30.2%) 207 (24.4%) 142 (46.4%)
ministrative colleges
(Sharia and regula-
tions, Business Ad-
ministration, Litera-
ture, Education, and
Applied college)
5- Educational level, 0.000
n (%)
First year 199 (17.2%) 122 (14.4%) 77 (25.2%)
Second year 245 (21.2%) 173 (20.4%) 72 (23.5%)
Third year 216 (18.7%) 170 (20%) 46 (15%)
Fourth year 261 (22.6%) 198 (23.3%) 63 (20.6%)
Fifth year 107 (9.3%) 91 (10.7%) 16 (5.2%)
Sixth year 47 (4.1%) 30 (3.5%) 30 (3.5%)
Internship year 80 (6.9%) 65 (7.7%) 65 (7.7%)

6- Social status, n 0.319

(%) 804 (94.7%) 287 (93.8%)
Single 1091 (94.5%) 41 (4.8%) 19 (6.2%)
Married 60 (5.2%) 4 (0.5%) 0 (0%)
Divorced/Widow 4 (0.3%)

7- Smoking, n (%) 0.319

Yes 110 (9.5%) 75 (8.8%) 35 (11.4%)
No 1011 (87.5%) 747 88%) 264 (86.3%)
Ex-smoker 34 (2.9%) 27 (3.2%) 7 (2.3%)
8- Do you know peo- 0.000
ple who have/had Tu-
berculosis (TB)?, n
Yes 60 (5.2%) 59 (6.9%) 1 (0.3%)
No 1095 (94.8%) 790 (93.1%) 305 (99.7%)
Table 2. Sociodemographic characteristics of the participants.

A total of 1155 patients responded to the survey. Table 2 shows the patients’ sociodemographic
characteristics. More than half were female (68.2%), and most participants (54.2%) were aged 21–
24. The participants who heard about TB represented more than half of the participants, with 849,
while those who had not heard about TB were 306. Most of the participants (96.9%) were Saudi.
Four hundred and eighty six of the participants (42.1%) belonged to medical colleges, while 349
participants (30.2%) belonged to humanities, education, Sharia, and administrative colleges. Only
320 participants (27.7%) were from science and engineering colleges. Approximately 216 of the
participants (18.7%) were at fourth year, 245 participants (21.2%) were at their second year, while
199 participants (17.2%) at their first year.Most of the students 1091 (94.5%) were not married,
while 60 of them were married (5.2%), and a low number 4 (0.3%) were divorced or widow. Most
of the participants 1011 (87.5%) were non-smokers, while 110 (9.5%) were smokers. Only 34
(2.9%) of them were ex-smokers. A high percentage of students 1095 (94.8%) didn’t know people
had TB.

Students who either heard about TB or not were similar in all characteristics except for age (p =
0.001), faculty, educational level, and knowing people had TB or not (p = 0.000) (Table 2). Accord-
ing to Table 2, most of the participants aged 21–24 years (57.6%) heard about TB, compared to
other age groups who heard less. Participants from the first academic year were less likely to have
heard about TB. The highest percentage of the participants (50.5%) who heard about TB were from
medical colleges. Students who did not know people had TB were more likely to hear about it.

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