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what is the most expensive thing for you? For me, it is time because it can not be expanded.

You have only 24 hours in a day and a limited lifetime. But the good thing is that we can
manage our time in a way that will achieve more in less time.

The term “time management” refers to divide your time between your daily activities
according to priorities. Time management consists of setting priorities, excluding
non-priorities, goal setting, creating a suitable environment & developing the right

Apart from that, in this busy era, students don’t get enough time to enjoy their
childhood but if they properly schedule their time, they can get some time for other
hobbies and entertainment. for working people, time management will help to free
their time for their family and friends.

Time Management Tips

1. Have a master schedule
2. Prioritize your work
3. Use a checklist
4. Break down big tasks into smaller ones
5. Reward yourself for accomplishments
6. Eliminate distractions

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