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“Ruthless” Questions: Characterization & Theme:

Direct characterization​: The author tells the audience what personality the character has.
Ex: The man was shy.
Indirect characterization​: The audience is left to infer the personality of the character through actions and dialogue. Ex: When it
was the man’s turn to speak in the meeting, he turned red and began to scramble his words.

1. In the second paragraph of the story, what can we learn about the character of Judson Webb?

2. What kind of characterization is this? Why?

3. “She had learned to dread that tone of his voice; it was the tone he used when he was planning to “put
something over” in business” (De Mille 1). What does this quote provide the reader about the characters?

4. “Whoever broke into my closet last winter and stole my liquor will probably try it again once we are out of
here,” he went on, “only this time he’ll wish he hadn’t” (De Mille 2). What kind of characterization is this? What
does this tell the reader about Judson?

5. Find & cite an example of direct characterization in the text.

6. One of our themes is “The outcomes of revenge.” How does the character of Judson develop this theme in the

7. On the back of this page, choose a character trait, and describe this trait through a character of your choice
using ​indirect​ characterization. Do not let anyone in your group see the trait you chose.

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