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Gavin Deol E&M 9/10

Feb. 16, 2023 Block A

Online Pull Marketing Assignment

1) Companies use paid advertisements on social media to attract customers. When a

company pays a big social media outlet, they are paying for targeted advertising to
specific customers that are tracked through their content and viewing activity on the
social media. An instance of paid advertising is advertisements on TikTok. Depending on
the content you like, view, and share, TikTok will choose an ad that best fits your
interests and make the company’s ad appear on your feed while you are scrolling
through videos.

2) Companies use influencers on social media to their advantage. They do this by

contacting a popular influencer with a big following and asking them to promote their
product. Companies typically pay the influencers give the influencers a free product to
review in exchange for the influencer to persuade their following by producing content
in certain styles that resonate with their viewers. This influences the viewers to browse
or even purchase the company’s product. An example of companies paying influencers
is the company Honey using popular YouTube influencers to promote Honey’s online

3) Companies use their own profile or hashtag on social media to promote their product or
service in a fun and whimsical way to attract a following. This method usually costs the
company no money since their promotional strategy is using free tools on social media.
By doing this, a company can be known for having funny promotions which can incline
people to buy their product. An example of a company using their own profile on social
media is Duolingo on TikTok. Duolingo has a signature bird mascot which they use on
Gavin Deol E&M 9/10
Feb. 16, 2023 Block A

their profile to attract customers by interacting with them in unique ways like making
the bird doing trending dances, replying to comments, or other activities.

4) Search engine optimization is a set of practices used to improve the appearance and
positioning of a website in an organic search result. Having a good SEO strategy is
optimal for improving the quality and quantity of traffic coming onto your website. A
SEO strategy that companies use is keyword research. They do this by researching what
keyword google browsers for example type in and implement that into their own
website so that its higher up on the organic search website list. Google is one of the
main organizations that have SEO incorporated in their systems. This makes it easier for
websites and businesses to use the pull marketing method on consumers because they
are pulling the customers to their website with specific keywords.
Gavin Deol E&M 9/10
Feb. 16, 2023 Block A

Gavin Deol E&M 9/10
Feb. 16, 2023 Block A

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