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The draft Reserve Army Component Bill is currently being

discussed. In that draft, almost every citizen is obliged to

become a component of the reserve army. Articles 8 and 9
mention civil servants and citizens who are 18 years old.
Apart from them, former TNI soldiers are also required to be a
component of the military reserves

This military reserve component includes a form of state

defense based on the concept of conscription. The subject of
defending the country is the army or other defense devices,
either as a chosen job or as a result of unconscious design or

The constitutional basis for defending the country is contained

in Article 30 of the Constitution. Article 30 of the 1945
Constitution itself consists of several paragraphs and what is
important to pay close attention to regarding the issue of
conscription is in paragraphs (1) and (2), where it is stated:

Article 30:

(1) Every citizen has the right and obligation to participate in

the defense and security of the state.
(2) State defense and security efforts are carried out through a
defense and security system for the people as a whole by the
Indonesian National Army and the Indonesian National
Police, as the main force and the people, as the supporting

It can be seen from the contents of the two paragraphs there

that national defense is not only a burden on the TNI, but can
also shift to become a burden on the people which is said in
paragraph (2) as a supporting force.
Furthermore, the state defense and security efforts are
included in Law no. 20 of 1982 which was amended by Law
no. 1 of 1988, which in Articles 6 and 7 are interpreted as
indications that the people can also be utilized for security and
clearly in Article 7 of the law it is stated that the efforts to
defend the people are embodied in the Defense of the
Universal People whose concrete nature and form are
contained in the Articles 8, 9 and 10 of the law. Based on this
law, it is clear that the people can also be used as a component
of state defense and security in the form that has been
concretized through the law.

The question now is whether this country really needs the role
of these reserve components? What's the urgency? Is there no
other way so that the use of reserve components in the form of
conscription is not carried out? This is the main point of
discussion in the LK2 routine discussion this time.

Reviewing the provisions of Article 30 of the 1945

Constitution, it can be seen that conscription is an obligation
for all Indonesian people, and it should not be forgotten that it
is written that this is also a right, in other words, the people
are given freedom or choice as well as responsibility for the
defense and security of the state.

The urgency itself, according to the speakers and also the

participants in the routine discussions, is not very visible
today. Where, if you look closely, countries that implement
military conscription are countries that are or are prone to
being in conflict with other countries but their military
strength is considered inadequate if they only use the main
military component. Not to mention several countries, let's say
Norway, for example, which has abolished it or super power
countries that are vulnerable to attacks or attacks, such as the
United States, which is now making this compulsory military
policy something that is optional.

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