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How To Setup Lead Forms

Question: Enter your info below and we’ll reach out to discuss!

● Full Name
● Email Address
● Best Phone Number

Leave Privacy Policy just as it is…

Thank You: Wait! One more step!

Due to limited spots available, please call us right now so we can secure your spot!

Button: Call Now

REDIRECT ---> Add phone number

Privacy Policy:

Name: New Age Media

Link: New Age Media
Voice message:
Hey I know you get messages like this all the time so I wanted to do something a little different
and personally reach out to you and introduce myself. My name is Chris and i just created a
brand new system that I can personally connect you with patients needing a full pain treatment
plan and set them up with you personally in your office.
The best part about this system is these are super high quality patients in your area
NEEDING your service. The second best part is this is a full money back guarantee and no risk
To put my money where my mouth is I will personally give you $500 on top of the full money
back guarantee for wasting your time iif for some reason this dosent work. I have worked with
hundreds of chiropractors across the country and we just launched this new system. So if you
have 5-10 mins I’d love to show it to you and connect these patients with you. If you want to get
access to this system just shoot me a quick reply “interested” or “yes” and we will jump on a
quick call. Thanks

Follow up Tuesday:
Just reply “Interested” if your interested in this system - attach a yes GIF
Follow up wednesday:

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