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班级: 5M 时间:11:00a.m.-11:30 a.m. 日期:07.12.

2020 星期一 (Slot 3) 科目:科学

课题 8.1 温度和热能
内容标准 试卷一和试卷二
学习标准 掌握作答技巧
学习目标 在教学活动后,学生 5H(A)能够
1. 通过观察(C),正确地(B)回答第 8 课热的试卷一和二的问题(D)。
成功标准 1.正确地回答有关热的试卷一的习题。
引起动机 1. 教师展示演示文稿,从中导入今天的课题
2. 向学生介绍或展示今天的 OP 和 KK
活动 1. 教师讲解第八课热试卷一。
2. 学生根据题目,说出读出问题并说出答案。
3. 教师讲解为何其他答案是错的。
4. 教师展示热,试卷二的习题,引导学生说出题目的重点。
5. 教师指示学生在问题中找出操作性和固定性并画线。
6. 教师引导学生说出问题的反应性变数是什么,提示学生围绕着这三项作答。
7. 教师与学生共同讨论答案。
8. 教师作总结。
总结 1. 教师灌输道德价值小心使用热水,以自己和身边的人的安全为第一。
2. 教师布置作业。 (下册作业- pg20-29)
教具 1. 课本 2.科学作业 3.演示文稿
跨课程元 语言:沟通
素: 企业家精神:有责任
思维技能:分析,推断, 结论
表现标准: -
评估: -
反思 13/21 的学生能正确地回答有关热的试卷一的习题。
13/21 的学生能正确地掌握有关热的试卷二的作答技巧。
8 位学生缺席网课。(Badrish, Wei Jian, Huo Tin, Yee Yin, Kah Pei, Jolin, Pui En, Jia
Day/Date/Class:Tuesday/8.12/2M Time:10:00 a.m.-11:00a.m. Subject:English(Reading)
C.S:3.2 Understand a variety of linear and non-linear print and digital texts by using appropriate
reading strategies
L.S:3.2.3 i) Reread a word, phrase or sentence to understand meaning
L.O:By the end of the lesson, pupils (A) can S.C: 1. Able highlight the main ideas.
answer the questions (B) based on the text (C) with 2. Able to tell the values from the lesson.
at least 4/5 (D) questions given correctly. 3. Able to transfer answers correctly.
Lesson Planning Impact / Reflection
Set induction: 1. Pupils act and follow instructions from the
2. Pupils having Q&A activity.
3. Pupils are shown with today’s objective
and success criteria.
Activities: 1. Pupils are going through the text part by
2. Pupils are guided with probing questions
as they are going through the questions
3. Pupils try completing the table of animal
and habitat questions by speaking out their
4. Pupils were chosen to present their
5. HOTS session
i) Do you find any new knowledge today?
ii) What do you think about the value
6. Pupils are chosen randomly to answer the
Closure: 1. Pupils are guided to state the values in
the stories learned.
2. Pupils are given remedial and enrichment
exercises based on their level.
EMK: moral values, Teaching aids BBM:
thinking skill textbook, A4 paper, worksheet, audio

TP 5:Understands main ideas, specific information and details of simple sentences confidently.
Reflection: 9/20 pupils able to achieve the objective of the day. 11 pupils did not join the online
class. ( Chandler, Jia Xin, Ebrel, Eunice, Kenneth, Lee Angel, Chin Shun, Mun Kiat, Mithraa, Zheng
Jie, Fo Ling)
Class: 1H
Time: 10:00a.m. – 11:00 a.m.
Subject: English
Date: 8/12/2020 (Tuesday)
Topic: Revision
Theme: World of Knowledge
Skill: Reading, Writing
Content Standard: 3.2 Understand a variety of linear and non-linear print and digital texts by using
appropriate reading strategies
4.2 Communicate basic information intelligibly for a range of purposes in print and digital
Learning Standard: 3.2.2 Understand specific information and details of very simple phrases and sentences
4.2.1 Give very basic personal information using fixed phrases
Learning Objective By the end of the lesson, pupils (A) should be able to:
(OP): (a) read and answer (B) 25 out of 30 questions correctly (D) by naming and spelling the
animals, counting and saying the numbers, saying the primary and secondary colours,
Yes/no questions as well as Yes, we have/ No, we haven’t questions (C)
Success Criteria 1. Pupils will be able to read and answer 20 out of 30 questions correctly by naming and
(KK): spell the animals, counting and saying the numbers, saying the primary and secondary
colours, Yes/no questions as well as Yes, we have/ No, we haven’t questions.
Teaching Framework
Set Induction: 1. Teacher tells pupils that they are going to watch a video about animals.
2. Pupils watch the video.
3. Teacher asks pupils what are the animals inside the song.
4. Pupils share their answer.
5. Teacher tells pupils the OP and KK of the lesson.
Main Activity: 1. Teacher tells pupils that they are going to do revision.
2. Teacher shows pupils a few pictures of animals.
3. Pupils take turns to answer the questions.
4. Teacher shows pupils a picture of stationeries.
5. Pupils count the number of stationeries and answer the questions.
6. Teacher shows pupils a table with primary colours and secondary colours.
7. Pupils say/type their answer.
8. Teacher shows pupils a picture.
9. Pupils read the sentences and say yes/no for each question.
10. Teacher shows a few pictures.
11. Pupils read the sentences and say where do the animals hide.
12. Teacher shows a picture.
13. Pupils read the questions and say answer Yes, we have/ No, we haven’t based on the

Closing Activity: 1. Teacher checks the attendance with pupils.

EMK: Language BBM: Computer, Assessment:
writing/vocabulary book, TP6 Understands main ideas, specific
YouTube information and details of simple
sentences independently.
TP6 Writes comprehensible words and
phrases with correct punctuation and
spelling independently.
Reflection: 17/ 21 pupils will be able to read and answer 20 out of 30 questions correctly by naming and spell
the animals, counting and saying the numbers, saying the primary and secondary colours, Yes/no questions as
well as Yes, we have/ No, we haven’t questions. 4 pupils absent. ( Jia Qi, Zhi Kit, Louis, Susan)
班级:2M 日期:8/12/2020 (星期二) 时间:11:30 a.m.- 12:00 p.m 科目: 数学
单元: 8 数据处理
内容标准: 8.3 解决问题
学习标准:8.3.1 解答涉及日常生活与数据处理有关的应用题
学习目标 (OP):
成功标准 (KK):
1. 在老师的引导下,绘制一个未完成的统计图。
引起动机 1. 教师与学生简单复习上堂课所学的知识。
2. 教师展示今天的 OP 与 KK。
活动 1. 学生打开数学活动本第 154 页。
2. 学生朗读资料。
3. 教师展示一个不完整的统计表。
4. 学生根据指示,绘制一个统计图。
5. 学生与教师讨论答案。
6. 学生涂上颜色。
7. 画错的学生必须进行订正。
总结 1. 学生复述今天所学的技能。
2. 教师呼吁学生专心上网课。
技能与过程 解决问题
跨课程元素: 教具: 评估:观察
创造与革新 数学课本、数学活动本 、幻灯片
TP 6 : 以创意和创新的方式,解答涉及日常生活与空间有关的非常规问题。。
8 /20 位学生能够正确地根据数学活动本里的资料,绘制一个未完成的统计图。
12 /20 位学生缺席的将观看影片重播。( Chandler, Jia Xin, Ebrel, Eunice, Kenneth, Lee Angel, Chin Shun, Mun Kiat,
Yong Lin, Mithraa, Zheng Jie, Fo Ling)
班级:5K 日期:9-12-2020(三) 时间:8: 30- 9:30a .m 科目: 华文
单元: (二十八)战争与和平
2.5 阅读与理解故事。了解故事中的角色和情节发展,领会其教育意义。
2.1 认识汉字,做到认清字形,读准字音,理解字义,并能应用所认识的汉字构成词语。
2.6.7 阅读与理解记叙文,主要注意写景的记叙文。 要求了解其描写手法的记叙文。
2.1.11 认识所规定的汉字,做到认清字形,读准字音,理解字义。
学习目标 (OP):
1. 阅读《铸剑为犁》后 (C),正确地(D)回答(B)有关这课文角色和情节发展的问题及说出所领会的教育意义。
2. 在老师的引导下(C), 正确地(D)读准生字及利用部件组成(B)不同的汉字。
成功标准 (KK):
1. 阅读《铸剑为犁》后 ,回答至少 3 题有关这课文角色和情节发展的问题。
2. 阅读《铸剑为犁》后 ,正确地说出 1 个所领会的教育意义。
2. 正确地读准生字及利用不同部件组成至少 4 个不同的汉字。
引起动机 1. 教师展示让我们“铸剑为犁”青铜雕塑的照片,并询问学生是否知道它的名字。
2. 教师提问学生“铸剑为犁”这词语的意思。
3. 教师告诉学生今日课题。
活动 1. 教师指示学生朗读课文第一至第三段。
2. 教师提问:课文第一至第三段说明了什么?
3. 教师要学生说说这青铜雕塑象征着什么。
4. 教师指示学生朗读课文第四至第六段。
5. 教师要学生说出“铸剑为犁”代表什么?
6. 教师提问:作者用剑和犁分别比喻什么?为什么作者要这样说?
7. 教师指示学生朗读课文第七至第九段。
8. 教师要学生思考为何作者说”战争“其实没有胜利者”。
9. 教师指示学生朗读课文第十至第十二段。
10. 教师要学生说说“全世界人民翘首以盼的世界和平,并没有降临”这句话是什么意思?
11. 教师指示学生朗读课文最后三段。
12. 教师要学生说说如何能避免战争的发生。
13. 教师进行识字教学。
14. 教师要学生用不同的部件组成不同的汉字。
15. 教师看哪位学生能在最短的时间内组成最多汉字为优胜者。
总结 1. 教师与学生作出总结。 (我们要珍惜和平,要避免战争。)
2. 学生在家完成 Quizizz。
跨课程元素: 教具: 评估: 随堂评估、口头回答问题
高层次思维技能 课本,PPT

优良 能充分理解文本内容,了解文中的语言应用及其表现手法,能在阅读中初步发现美、感受美。具备良好的逻辑思维,对阅读
15/ 20 位学生阅读《铸剑为犁》后 ,回答至少 3 题有关这课文角色和情节发展的问题。
15/ 20 位学生阅读《铸剑为犁》后 ,正确地说出 1 个所领会的教育意义。
15/ 20 位学生正确地读准生字及利用不同部件组成至少 4 个不同的汉字。
5 位学生缺席网课。(Lin Qing, Hui Yu, Zi Ming, Magesh, Thivyaa)
Class: 2M
Time: 11:30a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Subject: English
Date: 9/12/2020 (Wednesday)
Topic: At the beach
Theme: World of Knowledge
Skill: Listening
Content Standard: 1.3 Use appropriate listening strategies in a variety of contexts
1.2 Understand meaning in a variety of familiar contexts
Learning Standard: 1.3.1 Understand the message the teacher or classmate is communicating by using visual
clues when they are speaking
1.2.4 Understand an increased range of short basic supported classroom instructions.
Learning Objective By the end of the lesson, pupils (A) should be able to:
(OP): 1) listen to the recording (C), act out with the teacher and number the pictures (B)
correctly (D) .
2) listen to the recording (C), read and number the sentences (B) from the story correctly
Success Criteria Pupils (A) should be able to:
(KK): 1. listen to the recording , act out with the teacher and number at least the 4 out of 6
pictures correctly.
2. listen to the recording, read and number at least 4 out of 6 sentences from the story
Teaching Framework
Set Induction: 1. Teacher pre-teach trip over and ground.
2. Teacher asks pupils open textbook pg 116, look at the pictures and read the
3. Teacher tells pupils the OP and KK of the lesson.
Main Activity: 1. Teacher plays the recording.
2. Teacher acts out the story to the class.
3. Teacher plays the recording again.
4. Pupils act out the story with teacher.
5. Teacher plays the recording a third time for pupils to sequence the pictures.
6. Teacher checks answers with the class.
7. Pupils look at the sentences and try to match them with the pictures. (activity 2)
8. Teacher checks answers with pupils and asks them to read the sentences.
9. Pupils write the sentences in exercise book.
10.Pupils do the quiz. (pg 117)
11. Teacher checks answers with pupils.
Closing Activity: 1. Teacher checks the attendance with pupils.
2. Pupils complete the worksheet given.
EMK: Language BBM: Computer, exercise book, YouTube Assessment:
TP6 Recognises and reproduces target
language phonemes appropriately and
Understands simple questions,
instructions, main ideas and supporting
details of the texts promptly and
Predicts words using knowledge of a
topic confidently and independently.
15/20 pupils can listen to the recording , act out with the teacher and number at least the 4 out of 6 pictures
15/20 pupils can listen to the recording, read and number at least 4 out of 6 sentences from the story correctly., 5
pupils absent. ( Jia Qi, Zhi Kit, Xin Ying, Jun Hao, Susan, Zhi Heng)
Class: 1H Date: 9/12/2020 (Wednesday) Time: 11:30am – 12:00pm Subject: English
3.2Understand a variety of linear and non-linear print and digital texts by using appropriate reading
4.3 Communicate with appropriate language form and style for a range of purposes in print and digital
i) Use visuals on the page to help understand a word or phrase
ii) Identify and remember high frequency sound and letter patterns
4.3.3 Plan, and write words and phrases
Learning Objective (OP): Success Criteria (KK):
At the end of this class, 1. are able to read and answer with “Yes, we
1. 18 out of 20 pupils in 1M (A) are able to have.” Or “No, we haven’t” according to the
read and answer (B) with “Yes, we information given.
have.” Or “No, we haven’t” (C) according
to the information given. (D)
Rangka Pengajaran
Set Induction: 1. Teacher takes attendance.
2. Teacher show pupils a crossword puzzle and let pupils elicit how the games
can be played.
Main Activity: 1. Teacher tell the pupils that the way from left to right in the puzzle are called
as “across” while from top to bottom is called as “down”.
2. Teacher let the pupils elicit the direction of the word boxes and pupils say and
spell the name of the food.
3. Teacher guide pupils to write the words in their books.
4. Teacher shows pupils a sequence of picture depicting the sandwich making
5. Teacher guide pupils to look at the picture and read the conversation.
6. Teacher guide pupils to answer the conversation with “Yes, we have.” Or “No,
we haven’t.”
7. Teacher ask pupils to tell what kind of sandwich they made in the end.
Closing Activity: 1. Teacher ask pupils to elicit the types of sandwiches they have eaten before.
2. Teacher checks attendance.
Perfomance Reading Performance Level 6
Standard  Uses phonics to read words and identify word families independently.
 Understands main ideas, specific information and details of simple sentences
 Uses picture dictionary to categorise words independently.
Writing Performance Level 6
 Writes comprehensible words and phrases with correct punctuation and
spelling independently.
 Organises words by using ‘and’ to communicate with appropriate language
form and style independently.
 Displays exemplary model of language use to others.

EMK BBM: Assesment:

Keusahawan PPT Observation
1. 15/20 are able to read and answer with “Yes, we have.” Or “No, we haven’t” according to the
information given. (Absent: Ning Xin, Karen, Lucas, Zhi Wei, Titus)
班级:2M 日期:10/12/2020 (星期四) 时间:10:00 a.m.- 11:00 p.m 科目: 数学
单元: 8 数据处理
内容标准: 8.3 解决问题
学习标准:8.3.1 解答涉及日常生活与数据处理有关的应用题
学习目标 (OP):
课堂后,学生(A)能够正确地根据数学活动本里(D)的指示(C),答对 2/4 的问题(B)。
成功标准 (KK):
1. 根据数学活动本里的指示,答对 2/4 的问题。
引起动机 1. 教师与学生简单复习上堂课所学的知识。
2. 教师展示今天的 OP 与 KK。
活动 1. 学生打开数学活动本第 150 页。
2. 学生朗读资料。
3. 学生聆听教师讲解问题。
4. 学生回答问题。
5. 学生与教师讨论答案。
6. 学生涂上颜色。
7. 答错的学生必须进行订正。
总结 1. 学生复述今天所学的技能。
2. 教师呼吁学生专心上网课。
技能与过程 解决问题
跨课程元素: 教具: 评估:观察
创造与革新 数学课本、数学活动本 、幻灯片
TP 6 : 以创意和创新的方式,解答涉及日常生活与空间有关的非常规问题。。
11 /19 位学生能够正确地根据数学活动本里的资料,绘制一个未完成的统计图。
8 /19 位学生缺席的将观看影片重播: 常胜、宏缘、家进、沙士韦、莎苾达、东奕、思晏和依炜。

班级:5M 时间:8:30a.m.-9:30 a.m. 日期:11.12.2020 星期五 (Slot 1)科目:科学 学生人

课题 9.0 物质
内容标准 9.1 物质的形态
学习标准 掌握作答技巧
学习目标 在教学活动后,学生 5H(A)能够
1.通过观察(C),正确地(B)回答第 9 课物质的试卷一和二的问题(D)。
成功标准 1.正确地回答有关热的试卷一的习题。
引起动机 1. 教师展示演示文稿,从中导入今天的课题。
2. 向学生介绍或展示今天的 OP 和 KK
活动 9. 教师讲解第九课热试卷一。
10. 学生根据题目,说出读出问题并说出答案。
11. 教师讲解为何其他答案是错的。
12. 教师展示热,试卷二的习题,引导学生说出题目的重点。
13. 教师指示学生在问题中找出操作性和固定性并画线。
14. 教师引导学生说出问题的反应性变数是什么,提示学生围绕着这三项作答。
15. 教师与学生共同讨论答案。
16. 教师作总结。
总结 1. 教师灌输道德价值针对水的自然循环的重要性提出见解。
2. 教师布置作业。 (下册作业- pg31-36)
教具 1. 课本 2.科学作业 3.演示文稿
跨课程元 语言:沟通
素: 企业家精神:有责任
思维技能:分析,推断, 结论
表现标准: -
评估: -
反思 13/21 的学生能正确地回答有关热的试卷一的习题。
13/21 的学生能正确地掌握有关热的试卷二的作答技巧。
8 位学生缺席网课。(Badrish, Wei Jian, Huo Tin, Yee Yin, Jian How, Pui En, Jia Hui,
Zheng Li)

班级:5K 日期:11-12-2020(五) 时间:11: 00- 11:30a .m 科目: 华文

单元: (二十八)战争与和平
5.3 通过阅读,认识各类词语,辨析及理解词义,并能准确地应用词语。
5.3.11 通过阅读,认识成语、谚语和格言,并了解其含义和用法。
学习目标 (OP):
1. 在老师的引导下(C),正确地(D) 说出成语的意思及利用成语来完成练习(B)。
成功标准 (KK):
1. 说出至少 7/9 个成语的意思及至少正确地回答对 7/9 题成语练习。
引起动机 1. 教师说明这篇课文运用了很多成语。
2. 教师指示学生找出课文中的成语。
3. 教师告诉学生今日课题。
活动 1. 教师展示成语(成千上万)及其拼音。
2. 教师指示学生说出说出其成语的意思。
3. 教师指示学生说出其近义及反义。
4. 学生用成语说一句话。
5. 教师播放有关成语影片让学生观看。
6. 教师展示其他成语。(调兵遣将、劳民伤财、飞沙走石、哀鸿遍野、花红柳绿、莺歌燕舞、气
7. 教师重复教学步骤二至五。
总结 1. 教师与学生作出总结。
2. 学生在家完成 Quiziz 练习。
跨课程元素: 教具: 评估: 随堂评估、口头回答问题
高层次思维技能 课本,PPT

价值: -
TP: -

11/20 位学生能说说出至少 7/9 个成语的意思及至少正确地回答对 7/9 题成语练习。
2 位学生需辅导。(Zhi Kit, Qian Wen) , 7 位学生缺席。( Lin Qing, Cheng Yee, Hui Yu, Hai Lin, Zi Ming, Magesh,

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