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ACSVAW MARBLES Re Association Concerning Sexual Violence Against Women aS 2375 5322 Raially Hotine “satechat EXIM ra maeatechat 11/2020 aos raintiy org hklsatechat AE AGRA: ABORT ORME, > RRER ae AMAT AMA) ORwZRE RAM RRRS SR eee poenonnet ACSVAW Submission on Security Bureau Consultation Paper SORRENTO AR RZRERALAR AR Proposed nraducton of fences of Vayeuriem, Inmate Prying, ‘Study on Child Sexual Abuse Uncovers | _Linited Preventive Measures "Non-consensval Photography of Inmate Pars, and Related Offences ‘Survivors Traumate Experiences in ang Inadequate Supports for | Tmamee Nhs den Disclosure and Helpseeking ‘Sexual Valence in MTR GARR RASH DARAROS ESA ACSVAW: Most impact Smalland Mediunsizes Non-sbvented NGOs Award —e | = TRAM] AERRT—HARMRS RADM2000F E2018F MPM ORM RRS Sy HE BHALL AALS TNGMA DM MPR MM om mM Dee Y SERN1325768 (ASM) RW) CERIVSORRENE REESE v BREAME ARR: (AM) RR—ATR TA RPCRCEATRRH Ql # (Disclosure) BHSbRBH (Help-seeking) AV RARIS AP Arie A HM BIR © iil TP 16AL SED AE eH AE AR LTR A RT» COLL NAO EA + BE SFAELDTORRSARM QUEER ELE SUE RMTOBROAK MOA AR AH HF ED + mac RPSARESTA OEM ERMEESE HHEA-ORMHRRACHAOE ABE BIG Ot IS PL I SE 9 ARETMGREMRD RESWRE WOR *SSRAMERG HBTRHR AMET PHAROS OFA BRACHERER BRAS DUAR A AH RR AT AL ROARS AM SABPORVASRAS DEGAELEIR PATOWR RR SAHA ANRATRASH BEAMRAOREH Hew SORTER DERRS - ROLMAMARAM ROT MA REAR - MT RESRE TSO AREER ROVRAR AAA ARARTRAOABRACHESEE BnRBES MOE: BERADA+ THROAT OREM AMS HM TORR + SRM MAR BE SLO a ES AGREE Mk MS OR AO RHR OS ASEH SERRE ENTER APLSATR PAIN AR HA BRACRO SMES Sf MASHRPAE RKO TAMARA Cia BABE WAS KEST ERMAN 85 Ta AHDRARS- Gln BHHAERVSM SMT MACWBA BRIGKABBANTASS WEES BARKS | AHRVARLRRRORARROPAME ATR MTT ACME eR HARRIE SRLEMA : HERDSCUMEEARCOR : RRR EMASM AR AMMAR BEE HTROCABRALHRDERER B—MEM RS Re AOE RE = AEA A AIR Sa BE Oe a ff Ec © EAR Ae UH ROMA ROMA MMM ER aN Ee ROC CS ROMS MRS ries aw mS B-R= ARAMA: QHRRRATESRES LAR WRELMERRATIME WERE - AeRAL Re RTOS BH MRACHERER THERES FORA MBO A ERY «MOB [AERA RAG ODA D SEHR SMOMEMSALMMRERTS He AALS + Sp RE RANA OAL A a = oO — BRGRARMAZARS- Ai weS—KORYS HR SO ETM IR TR RINKS AE-RREPAHTR CRSVARAZH BRA OS 9 MEY A = ERB RAL RAY MM A Rw NNR» AOR OE BH BOROH- RKTRASAESRKAL RAMA HFSEBSRORLARE TO TSARORRH BEPRBTRRASHTES SOA le wT SAR OME E LARA QAR BRS OKRA S UARAM MTR OAS RM ane MRRRARERARA TRAM HMB RA” SEMA SE MRO AF RO ee AO = HER RB FRFSHNTER RNAS NRSRTLA MY ARMED ARRBLAT STARR SA RBI FS BISLATRS ACANMD + AR SURE RLU RD UR + RSMO + MDA BA IE BAR CRITTAMMER - SOTO FPSOKESEE THMMBIK MS - NERS BARTS AMAA MR VAT RRS RARERRACHAHAM Mh VENRARLERA DAVE » BARAT RBG A A OO TRB RE AERGHATHLRRBSS - FRM SLOT EME ROARED TEENA AORTA MSH ARE ROA « Ouxwnex https://bit.ty/20206SAreport In 2019, RainLily has published a report that revealed the severity of child sexual abuse (CSA) problem in the local community, Based on its service records from 2000 to 2018, the: Centre finds an average of 13.2 years delay in presentation if the survivor was under the age of 16 years when being assaulted. The average presentation delay of these CSA survivors was ten times longer than their adult counterparts, Which overtly points to the greater vulnerabilty of children and teenage in handling sexual abuse incident. Given these results, ‘our research team has thereby conducted an exploratory study, with the aims to uncover the difficulties of CSA survivors in disclosing their experience and seeking professional help. victimization This study adopts a qualitative research approach to elicit and analyse survivors’ retrospective narratives of their disclosure and help-seeking experience. With the support from RainLiy's councillors and service users, 16 adult survivors of CSA were recruited from RainLily service clientele and were invited for a semi-structured interview during the summer of 2019, 86% Fn mee SUE pee b S/o create eed eee ee ee a CEL eae Ree S37) In examining survivors’ disclosure decision during childhood, this present study found that around one-third of total informants never talked about their abuse to any person until adulthood. A range of inhibitors were identified, such as difficulties in naming the problem and fear of the consequences of disclosure. More importantly, more than two-thitds of total informants did attempt to disclose their CSA incident during childhood, either directly or subtly Yet, effective follow-ups of their cases were rarely achieved, inflicting further trauma on survivors. Based on informants’ narratives, multiple patterns of confidants’ response were identified, including neglecting survivors, doubting and blaming survivors, and not knowing how to help the survivors. In the face of negative and / or unsupportive responses, many of the respondents refrained from revealing further details of the cease until adulthood, This present study thereby raises the Issue of mishandling of survivor disclosures by recipients. In order to facilitate a survivor's recovery, appropriate measures ‘must be made to improve a potential confidant s handling of disclosure. ccc e Multiple Disclosure Experiences in Adulthood Apart from their disclosure experiences in childhood, this present study also finds that all 16 informants did disclose their traumatic experiences in adulthood, furthermore, nearly all of them reported multiple experiences of disclosing the abuse. Yet, the incentives of each disclosure actions varied fram case to case, ranging from a wish to merely tell a person about the Incident to a wish to seek more formal validation and suppor, from an attempt to share their secret with loved ones to an attempt to confront the abuser face to face, and from an aspiration to speak up for themselves to an aspiration to stand up for other survivors in effecting social change. With respect to their disclosure experiences, this present study reaffirms the notion that survivors’ disclosures must be understood as a complex and life-long process instead of a ‘one-off or single event. Meanwhile, survivors’ multiple disclosure experiences also denote a transformation underlying their handling of the trauma over time, Although there is no standard disclosure trajectory for survivors, this present study put forward that each of these disclosure experiences is, nevertheless, crucial to survivors’ recovery from their CSA trauma. Experiences of Seeking Professional Help Coupled with a survivor's disclosure action is often their decision to seek professional help. Besides thelr contacts with RainLily, results from the research interviews found that most informants did ever obtain other support services from various entities per their different needs. Three major professional service providers were identified from their help-seeking experiences: social workers and counsellors, medical professionals and law enforcement agencies. Yet, the findings ‘of this present study indicate that these professional help-seeking experiences are not often helpful or useful in accommodating survivors’ needs, whilst the issue of secondary trauma has even come to light in some cases. ‘Akin to their disclosure experiences, this present study found that survivors’ help-seeking experiences are also full of ups. ‘and downs. Despite this present study recognizes the vital role ‘of professional service providers in facilitating survivors! recovery from trauma, one should not overlook the negative Impact of unhelpful experiences to survivors in working with these professionals, and therefore the existing support services: ‘should be carefully examined for potential improvement. Conclusion and Recommendations In shor, this present study puts forward that CSA survivors decision making in disclosure and help-seeking is never easy. It's a complex lfelong process instead. Regardless of their age at the time of disclosure / seeking help, a wide range of Inhibitors to their disclosure and help-seeking decisions often exist, including various persona, interpersonal, institutional and cultural factors. Most importantly, even if survivors dare to disclose their abuse and / or to seek external help, most of these results do not appear promising. With the potential for secondary victimisation, these unpleasant encounters are hardly beneficial to facilitating survivors’ recovery from trauma. In order to improve the current situation, this present study puts forward several recommendations for practices and policy ‘measures, which include the promotion of sexuality education {for children and adolescents, the provision of CSA prevention trainings to parents and other caregivers, and improvement ‘measures to existing support services. For more details, please refer to the full report (Our heartfelt gratitude is extended to these 16 informants who bravely shared with us their deeply personal account of the experiences of abuse and coping. © Fut report please reters to hitpsubit /20206SAreport Belated Listening Delayed Healing a MRE BRR) CNM) OEM SARABA STAR BMOMAO RRB ERM WR AUR TS HARAM WH2020F9A26R BhMeHS - MERA (200) RRKAAMM AMR AR 9 PRE (19610) RMS MHA te AM He MIRE FROM D © AM RA (1%) AMET DA ORT (ABMMABD) -HERASRMAB He DRDO RAT (MERRIE TAL B [ATSMMAMAL + RAreth (3.6%) BAM HAIRS) ARAHEVK PRES MOMMA] - HT 16010 Oe MAMA | HERR STB A) RIMBMABMEATA) (Gott) « TEPAWRMOAAS 93.6. ARMERERTR SARL M DMI NM MIES) MAM RE ARAERERER UHR) BRB RAT REMATCH BOCRED aM R[SRERASSORHRAL - (MBL RDM ES! RAMARAABHI RBM! « ‘ACSVAW mn enee STL LGR» NA EAS HD a AMRO MHRA MTR Mobile Appét #1 SM ek HE 9 it aR J 2 ASR Fh GE ht. 2EM) RAARAR OA SASROCRRARMAMIET A - ERR TER DE: ASHER CERDSTSBREHODARY KEOFRAADISRERRARM RETA AID FE RAMSAY (SRHNF AH) ESTES « sam SM AA HE PRAM MATA RAMRADA RAT DB HME A HORTA TORT ERAMERA NSS + RMON AM RARER ROM MS MIR 7 Ae A HH AOR IS S| A A548 2 A tS A CREE R OM HORM RD LRM RRA Limited Preventive Measures and Inadequate Supports for Sexual Violence in MTR ‘The Gender-friendly Environment Group (The Group) under the Association has conducted an online survey on public ‘experience of encountering or witnessing sexual violence in MTR in the past three years, and collected 419 valid responses. ‘The Association has launched its latest report “Survey Report ‘on Sexual Violence Experience in MTR" at a press conference ‘on 26th September, 2020. ‘Summary of the Survey Report: ‘According to the survey report, more than 70% of interviewees (300 interviewees) have experienced sexual violence in MTR districts, and around 40% of interviewees (166 interviewees) have witnessed sexual violence in MTR districts. Nevertheless, only 1% of interviewees who have experienced sexual violence mentioned “there were MTR staff provided assistance"; as for the remaining (297) interviewees, more than 40% believed that ‘staff could not provide any offective assistance’ (131 interviewees) and “did not see any staff nearby” (127 interviewees). Among the interviewees who have witnessed sexual violence, only 3.6% of them chose to “notify MTR staff” after the incident, There are 160 responses on the reasons of not reporting to MTR staff, and more than 40% of them (60 interviewees) chose the options of “did not see any staff nearby’ and “felt that the staff could not provide effective assistance” ‘The survey report shows that 93.6% of interviewees think the policies and instructions of MTR are inadequate for preventing the passengers from experiencing sexual violence, and more than 70% of interviewees think MTR is highly responsible for protecting passengers against sexual violence, From the public ‘opinions of recommendations towards MTR in the survey, most interviewees chose “provide more accessible help-seeking information’, “Enhance the promotion on the prevention of ‘sexual violence” and “provide guidelines and trainings for staff” fr ERG we Z ners Guevey on Sexual violence Experience in MTR Anti480 4 Based on the findings, the Association would like to make the {following recommendations for improvement: Enhance the Feasibility of Help-seeking Channels and Related Measurements ‘The artificial inteligence system of MTR Mobile App is not able to detect words related to sexual violence, such as ‘indecent assault, ‘sexual harassment’ and ‘upskiring’. Therefore, MTR should upgrade the system to identify keywords related to sexual violence. When the app system receives related keywords, it should direct to the hotline services, or ask the users to provide thelr exact location in order to arrange a staff ‘member to intervene. Strengthen the Promo! ‘Sexual Violence Related Information and Encourage Bystanders’ Actions AAs the society is reserved and feel shameful towards sex, itis ‘often difficult for victims to speak up, The role of bystanders is therefore important in sexual violence incidents. An increase of active bystanders would effectively increase the cost of committing sexual crimes, and therefore helpful in combating sexual violence in MTR. MTR could increase the number of posters and advertisements on anti-sexual violence and encouraging bystanders’ actions, for example, ‘sop the crime if you witness sexual harassment instead of ‘don't be silent More accurate wordings are helpful for victims to increase thelr wilingness to seok help. Increase Staff Training and Publicise Related Guidelines The Association recommended the MTR should equip all staff withthe ability of handing sexual violence incidents, including ‘the handing skils and methods, ability of considering victims feelings and presicament, and providing options other than reporting to police (such as organizations or institutions ‘supporting sexual violence victims). The Association would also like to have MTR publicized the staff guidelines on handing related crimes, allowing the public to understand and review on the effectiveness of its contingency measurements. The Group has been approaching and providing recommendations related to gender-friendly facilitates to MTR for the past two years, however MTR has never directly responded to our demands. The group hopes MTR would take up the social responsibilities on protecting its passengers by considering to adopt the above recommendations. rune Latest RARARI ARE ABRR AMSAT HAAS RMT TOR TEN RECT AEE RACARTORALBAG TD HHRER LRERAORMERDTA- LPAGMARHERR 2ERER- FROME RBA RERTRHHAE AMERHRTHERTA BABAR NT BSH Es CRTOMRLAMRRABANCAERR SM ESL RALKHTAM MMA MRM - sm BRANRT UPRSRMRORTARSAT EA WE AKER AMS MME (eT St RETHRATRRERRA NAAM 7 MR ROR BPEMRE- 8H TH SAR] RABE SR REAR AOKAM ROH (MER) HER ERBUSERTONCHAHLA ORARR BE DRAALA DM RE RASA ROMA Kae FRMABEAARAR SAM PARE MATH ERAGLERR) TEE RT RT SOMOS AOR Ree HLe PR) MTU CHORES KORATSOSOT AS DRM: BMRA ES RRS WRR ORB HB CLARA (RARER! WTR Reet 7] L@- 4M B (Abusive Behaviour and Sexual Harm (Scotland) Act 2016) #28: =» SHB Rem MALE RTD — MRT RMR LO SO ae {Criminal Code Act 1983) 9208ACH « Fa I] Se ee eal DE ame 3 ai Eee e SHREERC ERMA TR ARLRERDHMESARS RARLER ROAM AARNE GM ARE RE RAL BRR + Hb i PRERGVTASS OS LEARERAAT SOR HERRERA RM HARM AA Em PY A +e A A ACA RH HLRALSAOER BSRR—IMRBE- MER SEARRSHRE ARRARRERNAAMAMA BERG RLRTRASH (MESS) » RAM DLE RTM (Harmful Digital Communications Act 2015) B18 19(F « AMARA T LANG MARMARA « Oxnacim aomw http:/ Fae RGRKRLER HTS ERQRHCRAARE SS Oe AE UO EM In the response paper regarding the consultation on Security Bureau's Consultation Paper ‘Proposed Introduction of Offences of Voyeurism, Intimate Prying, Non-consensual Photography of Intimate Parts, and Related Offences’ (the Consultation Paper), we argue that the proof of sexual purpose shall not be the element for the constitution of the proposed offences put forward by Security Bureau, for the following rationales. First, the motive or purpose of perpetrator is irrelevant; the issue is aways, and should always be, whether the complainant's sexual autonomy has been violated. Second, to create two disparate classes of offences, merely by the distinction of sexual gratification, will ead to a foreseeable moot point in trial - is the defendant's conduct for satisfying his / her / their own subjective sexual desire or something else - which is meaningless, Third, proof of sexual

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