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College & Career Prep Name ______________________________

Mrs. Coen Period _____

Visit the web site:

Select the career cluster that matches your desired job title.
Select your desired job title and research the information below.

1. Which career cluster did you choose? _________________________________________

2. Which career title did you select? _____________________________________________
3. Identify the services branches that offer this career. ______________________________
4. What military status is required for this profession? ______________________________
5. What is the average military salary? ___________________________________________
6. Describe the work environment. ______________________________________________
7. Provide an overview of this career. ____________________________________________
8. List the military training/education required. ____________________________________
9. List helpful attributes. ______________________________________________________
10. List three related civilian careers. _____________________________________________
Read the featured career story. (If your chosen career does not have one, select another one
to view.)
11. What is the person’s name? _________________________________________________
12. What branch of the military does he/she work in? _______________________________
13. What is his/her military status? ______________________________________________
14. What is his/her job title? ____________________________________________________
15. Describe his/her job responsibilities. __________________________________________
16. Identify a challenge he/she faced as part of their career in the military? ______________
17. Would you consider a career in the military? Why or why not? Provide three specific
reasons. _________________________________________________________________

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