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Firmeza Bon Ivan A.



1. What is the setting of the story?

The setting was kn the Promised Land of Uz
2. Who is the main character in the story?


Job was describe as a wealthy man living in a land called Uz with his large family and extensive

3. What is the habitual action of Job mentioned in the first chapter of the book? What does this

Jacob have a many lands also Job has many camels where he love to care he has also servants
where he also help in caring his animals. It only showed that jacob is a kind of man who love
caring people and animals where he help her/his servants in caring hid animals.

4. What is the Lord’s reaction towards this action of Job? What made you say so?
Job appears faithful without direct knowledge of God and without demands for special attention
from God, even for a cause that all others would declare to be just. And the text gives an
allusion to Job 28:28: "And unto man he said, Behold, the fear of the Lord, that is wisdom; and
to depart from evil is understanding".

5. What was the response of Satan to the Lord’s reaction?

God tells Satan about his servant Job and how good he is. Satan says that the only reason why
he is like that is because God was good to him and gave him sons and daughters and many
animals. Satan asks if he can test Job and God lets him. God tells Satan not to kill Job.

6. What is the response of the Lord to this challenge?

God explains to Job that to us mere mortals sometimes there are no words—no rationalizations
—that can make sense of the unhappiness we endure. God finds such easy answers abhorrent.
God's response serves as a message that Job (like every other human being) cannot begin to
understand the mystery of life and death.

7. Enumerate in chronological order the first set of trials of Job.

a. Satan’s challengeSatan sneers at the good example. Job doesn’t love you, Satan implies. Take away
Job’s many blessings and you’ll find that he’s no friend of yours. Satan tries to make a bet with God.
“Stretch out your hand and strike everything he has,” Satan dares God, “and he will surely curse you to
your face.”

b. The second dare Time elapses. One day, another angelic report takes place in heaven. God reaffirms
to Satan his contention that Job truly loves God and his ways (Job 2:1-7). Satan again scoffs at Job’s faith
in God. “A man will give all he has for his own life,” jibes Satan. “But stretch out your hand and strike his
flesh and bones, and he will surely curse you to your face.

8. What does the line “Naked I came from my mother’s womb, and naked shall I go back again.
The Lord gave and the Lord has taken away. Blessed be the name of the Lord!” mean?

This line from the book Job means that everything he have was from god and if god take it away
then it is his right. When we born in this world we have nothing even our life we didn't own it but
God provides us everything that what we need, from the food we it, the air we inhale, the clothes
we wear and everything even the person arounds us it is from God. and if the came that gods will
take this away from us we don't have a choice but to return what we have borrowed. "naked I shall
go back" here means that when we die we cannot take all of what we have in our grave. And to
some up everything, we must accept with humility and faith whatever happens to us in life both
good and bad because life itself is a gift from God. He gives to us and he takes from us according to
his own plan.

9. What does the above line show about Job?

10. What was the Lord’s reaction to this action of Job? What made you say so?

11. What was the response of Satan to the Lord’s reaction?

12. What is the response of the Lord to this challenge?

13. What is the second trial of Job? Cite the line to support your answer.

In the second trial what satan do is satan went forth from the presence of the Lord and struck
Job with severe boils from the soles of his feet to the crown of his head

14. What was the reaction of Job’s wife?

His wife encourages him to curse God and to give up and die, but Job refuses, struggling to
accept his circumstances.

15. Who are the three friends of Job?

Eliphaz from Teman,Bildad from Shuh, and Zophar from Naamath.

CO 1. Analyze literary pieces from various countries relating to their historical, social, cultural, and
political processes;

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